Paradox [Boboiboy Fanfiction]

By blazingsuns

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Paradox /ˈperəˌdäks/ Noun : a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when inves... More

All About Lia
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/N 1
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Special Chapter 01
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Special Chapter 02
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author's Note and Announcement
Special Chapter 03
Special Chapter 04

Chapter 46

139 4 1
By blazingsuns

Chapter 46

Yaya used her gravity power to lift all of the aliens who were attacking them; she lets out a growl as she throws them away. Leizel got ready with her powers, "Energy Blast!" She projected a white blast that injured the aliens.

Some of them were able to get up, making Ying use her power to stop them. Gopal grinned as he walked slowly to them. "Eh? Are you really going to change them into food?" Fang asked in disbelief.

"It's to end them easily, duh!" Gopal winked at them, much to Fang sighing, "Okay, just do it." However, the timer for Ying's power ended, allowing some of them to get up and point their pistols at Gopal. Fang widened his eyes, then he used his shadow powers to create whips that got Gopal and lured him away.

Just as the pistols were being used to shoot lasers, Boboiboy immediately ran ahead and transformed into Boboiboy Cyclone. He was able to enclose everyone in a wind cocoon, that deflected the laser beams back to the shooters, attacking them.

They kept shooting while Boboiboy Cyclone kept defending them. "Boboiboy won't be able to hold this for long, we have to strike them now." Ying lightly panicked.

Yaya nodded then she used her powers again to restrain their opponents in a pink bubble then she lifted them up. At first, she slammed them down and lured them up again.

Fang and Leizel were charging their way, preparing their respective attacks. Leizel summoned her sword while Fang lets out a huge whip of shadow. Leizel lets out a yell as an energy blast was shot out from the sword. At the same time, Fang's huge whip of shadow was charged to the aliens.

"Energy Rapier!" "Shadow Pierce!"

Both power moves were able to strike down the aliens, creating an explosion. Boboiboy Cyclone stopped his wind cocoon, taken aback by the explosion. When the dust cleared off, the aliens were down defeated.

Gopal ran and did his food transformation blasts to the weapons of the aliens, changing them into food. He lets out a satisfied grin, while the others just sigh. "Just so you know, I'm not going to eat that." Ying remarked.

"I wasn't asking you to do it," Gopal replied in annoyance. Boboiboy sighed, "Enough. Let's go!" They all dashed down the corridor to head to the meeting room, and to their surprise, no one was there.

The meeting room was a mess, the monitors on the side were damaged. Boboiboy went to the main monitor to see the possible places where the admiral and commander be located.

The others were with him, looking at what he's looking out for. Yaya widened her eyes as she pointed to something, "Hey, look at this." She clicked a button to see the history of the monitor; it was able to send a call to captain Kaizo.

"So, the commander was able to contact captain... I hope he's coming." Fang let out a sigh in relief. "There's also a possibility that he called Lia, which I hope he did," Yaya added on. The moment she mentioned her name, Boboiboy immediately started contacting her using the power watch.

"I hope she's okay. What if Orangpina sent some minions out to get her?" He was already worried for her since the attack in the station could prevent them from rescuing Lia if ever the villains are bound for Earth. "Boboiboy to Lia. Li, sayang, can you hear me?"

There was no response from the other line which made Boboiboy more worried, "Aish! I can't contact her, don't tell me her watch is off. Or what if they went to her already? Crap."

Leizel shook her head, as she was using her watch. "It's not her watch being off, the signal here is down. They must have done something with it so it can prevent us from calling out for help."

"Well, I hope commander was able to call captain Kaizo before the signal went out." Ying frowned. While they were all at the computer, a red mist suddenly entered the room without their notice. The red mist struck Yaya, Gopal, and Fang without them noticing.

"Look, there are people in the storage room," Boboiboy announced as he saw the map in the station, there were occupants in the big storage room. "Okay, let's go," Leizel said, then they dashed out of the room. There was a metal barricade blocking the way to the storage room, in which Leizel used her power to blast their way in.

The storage room was bigger than before, and there were a lot of things in it. The gang spread out, looking for the missing commander and admiral. Leizel tried to track them using her power watch, but the result was invalid. "I can't find them."

"Looking for me?" A voice called them out. Aisha was there, floating in the air. Her appearance surprised them all, except for Boboiboy who got angered by her, "What do you want now?"

Aisha laughed evilly, "Simple, to end all of you. It's too bad that my sister is not here, she would miss all the fun." She gives a fake pout.

Ying scoffed, "Sheesh! You're so evil! What did Lia even do for you to this?!" Aisha rolled her eyes upon hearing her name, "You don't know my story."

"We're not planning to find out," Leizel furrowed her eyebrows, "And you won't end us because we'll do that first."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Aisha replied, crossing her arms while giving a smirk. "I do hope your other friends will help you in doing that." She pointed to the other three -Yaya, Gopal, and Fang who was standing across from them and whose eyes are glowing red.

Boboiboy, Leizel, and Ying were taken aback by them. "What did you do to them?" Ying shouted, shocked by what's going on with the other three. Aisha shrugged, "I don't know... Just some simple mind control technique, I do have mental manipulation after all." She winked.

The other three who were under Aisha's power were in their stances, all had their hands glowing because of their powers. "Get them!" Aisha roared out.

Meanwhile, the spaceship Kaizo sent to Lia has already arrived on Earth. She asked for Papa Zola's help to drive the ship since he had experience in doing so. He was about to bring Pipi but Mama Zila didn't allow her to go. The spaceship left the Earth's atmosphere and zipped its way to the TAPOPS station.

"It is an honor to drive this spaceship. I have been notable for being the former captain at TAPOPS!" Papa Zola exclaimed in delight. At the same time, Lia came out from the corner since there was a mini room that served as the changing room. She is now in a completely different outfit with different hair color.

When Papa Zola glanced at the back, he was so shocked to the point he pressed the autopilot mode. "Aiyoyo! Why is your hair now purple?!? Since when did that happen?! Your hair was just brown earlier!"

Lia smiled sheepishly then showed him the brown wig she was wearing, "I had my hair dyed after I came back to Earth. I didn't want a lot to know so I wore it." Papa Zola blinked twice, making sure he wasn't hallucinating, "Eh?! You had to wear wig to hide it?! What are you trying to achieve?"

Lia was embarrassed; he had a point, why did she even hide it? No one else except for her family knew about her dyeing her hair. "Well, I wanted it to be a surprise. Like, I'll just remove the wig when I go back to the station to-"

She stopped talking as soon as she spotted Papa Zola's dumbfounded look at her, making her sigh, "In short, my hair went from brown to purple... Aish, let's not talk about this now, TAPOPS is under attack."

Papa Zola shrugged then switched off the autopilot mode then drove the ship. Lia started to contact her friends, but she ended up not reaching them. "Putangina naman. They're out of reach. Their comms must have been damaged."

Papa Zola let out a dramatic sigh, "Aiyoyo! Who's this villain of yours and how bad do they want the power spheres?! My students of justice must be in great danger because of the villain!"

"Villains," Lia corrected him monotonously. "And they're not after the power sphere. They're after something, I mean someone else." The way she spoke up gave goosebumps to Papa Zola.

She walked to him to see their way, "Are we near yet?" Papa Zola shook his head, "I fear not my goddaughter. TAPOPS station is a bit far from here. We used to have Ochobot teleporting us there."

"Of course, because he has teleportation power. Don't we have any other way?" Papa Zola shook his head again, making Lia groan in frustration. "Okay, okay. Let's just speed up. I don't think my sound waves alone can make this ship go faster. The gravity here on space prevent my sound waves from going."

Back at the station, the gang were having a one-on-one battle with each other. Yaya used her power to pull them down straight to the ground, much to their surprise. "Urgh, I can't get up!" Leizel yelled. Boboiboy and Ying couldn't get up either, which made Fang smirk.

He fused himself with his shadow tiger, as Yaya got in position. They charged their way to them. Ying gasped, "I-I can't use my power to slow them down! I can't even move my arms!"

"I got you." Leizel replied, her eyes glowing white. She used her eye blast to send them away, disabling the gravity power. However, the two managed to recover and go to them again.

"Elemental Power! Boboiboy Leaf!" Boboiboy transformed to Boboiboy Leaf. "Stunning Leaf Shuriken!" He released leaf-like shurikens towards the other three. Yaya was able to stop them with her gravity power and throws it back to them.

Gopal changed the shurikens into iron for more damage. Leaf widened up his eyes, yet Leizel went in front and released a white energy blast that destroyed the iron, causing an explosion.

Once the dust cleared off, Fang, who was already fused with a shadow bear, struck Boboiboy Leaf by hitting him upwards. He then followed him, surprising Leizel. Yaya flew and give her a punch that delivered her straight to the wall.

Yaya then used her gravity power to gather all the heavy things in the room, then casted them to Leizel. Already regained her balance, Leizel was surprised at the things heading to her. She puts her hands together and released a strong energy blast that ended up destroying all the things. She then ran away, yet Yaya still followed her.

Boboiboy Leaf did a somersault to safely land on the ground. Fang was still heading for him with the fused bear which made him shift to Boboiboy Lightning. He devoted the lightning powers in his feet that made him move quickly around Fang that confused him. He kept on disappearing and reappearing from one place to another.

Fang lost track of him, as Boboiboy Lightning reappeared behind him successfully slashing him that caused an electrocution. Lightning took some steps back, feeling guilty that he had to do this to Fang, but he was under Aisha's control so nothing would stop him.

Once Fang collapsed on the floor as the fusion diminished. Lightning slowly walked to him, "Fang, are you okay?" He didn't get a response which made him move closer. Upon arriving, Fang looked up and already had his powers prepared.

"Shadow Pierce!" The huge whip he made struck Boboiboy Lightning upwards, causing him to yell. Then Fang followed him by doing a leap.

Meanwhile, Gopal was continuously releasing his food transformation blasts to Ying, who just runs away from it. She went on one place to another that turned the things she's been to into food. With her speed, she was able to run up to the wall and made her way to him, giving him a strong kick that plowed him away.

She rushed to Leizel who was dealing with Yaya by running away from her. "Hey, do you have any plan? She won't stop!" Leizel stressed out. Ying sighed, "Well, we could always team up to kick her butt?"

Leizel scoffed, "Oh, wow. So we're friends now?" Her response earned a rolled eyes from Ying, "Whatever, Leizel."

Yaya repeated her move again. She used her gravity power to get more heavy things and casted it to them, much to the surprise of the two. Ying held on Leizel and zipped away, avoiding the casted things.

Yaya widened her eyes, the two were nowhere to be found within the area. Then she suddenly received a strong kick from the side, thanks to Ying, that propelled her to the wall. Leizel followed by releasing another energy blast that defeated her.

Back to Boboiboy, he did a flip and transformed to Boboiboy Light. "Light Burst!" He released light that temporarily blinded Fang's vision. He then follows up with a light shot that blasted him away.

He landed down, reverting back to his old form. Ying and Leizel went to him to see how Fang, Yaya, and Gopal are now down.

A clap was heard from Aisha as she landed across of them. "Wow, impressive. Very impressive." Boboiboy clenched his fist, "What are you up now, huh?! Isn't enough that you've already hurt Lia?"

"I assume you're her boyfriend, how caring." Aisha remarked, smirking. "But you shouldn't be the one worried for me, I've brought company." Ying raised her eyebrow, "Oh really? Who?"

"You have to find out yourself." Aisha released a beam from her hands, straight at Boboiboy and Ying. Only Leizel's last split-second dive in front keeps them from getting blasted, as she blocked the attack with the energy in her hands.

With her energy, she slammed the ground emerging energy spikes from the ground that made its way to her. Aisha did some back jumps in order to avoid the big spikes. As she was doing it, she didn't notice that some place behind her, Boboiboy was already there waiting for her.

He transformed into his fire form and did a high jump. He focused on Aisha, who was getting closer to the target spot. He has fire concentrated at his hand then aims down at Aisha, "Red-hot Flaming Punch!"

He released it to her in a form of a blazing knuckle that took down Aisha, making her scream. A mini explosion occurred since fire was the element used. Boboiboy Fire landed on the ground and saw Aisha a bit burnt.

He transformed into Boboiboy Leaf again and sends forth strands of weaving leaves to seize her. "Ying! Leizel! Go!"

Ying zipped and gave countless kicks to Aisha that hurt her. She delivered one last strong kick that drive her straight to the wall. Leizel targeted Aisha and released her white energy blast that destructed her.

Leaf reverted back to his old form as he was joined by Ying and Leizel. "Surrender now, Aisha. We won't go easy on you." Leizel threatened her. "Why are you after Lia?! What do you want with her?" Boboiboy asked, anger in his voice.

"You'll see for yourself." A voice replied that took them aback. A white beam of energy suddenly hit the three of them, throwing them to where the other three members were located at. Boboiboy tried to regain his balance, but he stumbled down. He widened his eyes as someone appears in front of them.

It is the red masked guy.

"I believe I haven't introduced myself, I'm Sitan."

He then used Yaya's power to hold all of them down to the ground. The other three - Yaya, Fang, and Gopal were already awake and free from Aisha's control. They were surprised at the sudden attack.

"I-Is this... gravity?" Fang asked, trying to get up. The gravity force was so strong that it just kept them down on the ground. Yaya widened her eyes, "What?! W-Why does he have my power?!"

Sitan chuckled as he showed his power band, "This is power replication, dear. I can replicate your powers and use them against all of you." He then turned to Aisha, signaling her to attack again.

Aisha used her telekinesis to elevate some of the old junk, he casted them towards the gang. Sitan, having the copy of Gopal's powers, changed them to crystal. He used Ying's powers to increase the speed of deliver that struck all of them, giving them wounds.

Screams of pain were heard from the six, much to the delight of Sitan. He then used Boboiboy's lightning power to electrocute all of them, increasing the pain they're feeling. Most of them passed out afterward, leaving Boboiboy and Fang slightly awake but pained.

Sitan used Yaya's power to enclose all of them in a pink bubble then elevated them. He now holds light power in his hands, "I've heard that this light power is strong enough that it can kill when being concentrated."

Boboiboy groaned in pain yet faced him with his furrowed eyebrows. "Let us go!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that. You don't know how much I've been waiting for this to happen, especially to you, Boboiboy and Fang." He harshly told them. "W-What is it with us?" Fang asked in confusion.

"Well, you don't need to know. It's better if you know less since it will be the end of you right now!" He released the beam of light toward them.

At the same time, there were sound waves traveling its way to the gang. Then, out of the blue, Lia appeared in front of them with her powers warmed up.

"Shock blast!" Shock waves were released that clashed onto the beam of light, deflecting the beam. Sitan was struck by his own attack that made him yell in pain.

When he was thrown back, it allowed the rest to be freed from the gravitational hold. They all fell to the ground, with Lia doing a safe land on her feet. Aisha took some steps back, surprised by the arrival. "Impossible... I thought you were on Earth."

Lia scoffed, "Well, you thought wrong."

Even the rest of the gang were shocked, especially Boboiboy. He squinted his eyes to make sure it was Lia, "Sayang, is that you?"

Yaya stood up with a surprised look on her face, "Thank goodness you're back! Oh, and nice hair color by the way!" Leizel raised her eyebrow, "Eh?! Since when did you dye your hair?! The last time we talked, your hair was still brown!"

Lia helped Boboiboy up, who's eyes were widened because of her new appearance, "You do realize we just talked earlier and I remember your hair being brown." Lia shook her head with a sigh, "We'll talk about that later..."

Boboiboy brought himself to hug her in which she hugged back, "I missed you." He said with so much longing. Lia slightly pulled away with a warm smile, "Me too."

Then she completely pulled herself away then faced the opponents. They were speechless, especially Sitan, whom Lia gave a death glare, "So, you're Sitan, huh... Great. Don't you dare touch my friends. You have to get through me."

To be continued.

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