From Oppa to Appa: A BTS Jin...

Galing kay TempestKPopLuv

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Kim Seokjin had a baby sister who was only 7 years old when he became a trainee for BTS at the beginning of 2... Higit pa

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Twenty Six

185 7 56
Galing kay TempestKPopLuv

Kookie's POV:

It was the week before the wedding and everything was starting to get nerve-wracking. Jin and Jiyong had been running around like crazy to make sure that all the vendors were on schedule. This meant that since the two of them essentially planned the wedding with a little of Ryu's input and a lot of Jisung's, they were staying on top of the caterers, the bakery, florist, designers, and everyone else who was on a tight schedule to have things they'd usually have months, to get done in weeks.

For the rest of us, it meant being nagged constantly to ensure that we were being fitted for whatever we were wearing to the wedding. The bridal and groomsmen parties got the worst of it, but we were dealing. I, however, was tasked, along with Taeyong-hyung, to also keep track of the invitations, to see who had and hadn't replied, so we could finalize the head count. Considering the number of people invited, the wedding was huge, invitations had been sent to idols from so many of entertainment companies, some of BTS's family members, idols on conscription, and even production crew that Ryu became friends with as she started producing music and doing computer graphics work for companies as well. This was on top of Taeyong-hyung and I doing everything we could for Jisung and Ryu specifically as their best man and maid of honor, respectively.

"So, we're doing all this work for the kids, Hyung, which I don't mind, but what about something fun for them?" I asked him while we were at the BTS house one day going over the invitations.

He sighed.

"I'd like to do something for Jisung with Dream, but he won't even let me bring the topic up. We have until the end of next week to get everything perfect so we can help him give Ryu a fairytale wedding that Jisung-ah wants to give her, which I'm happy to do, but he's so stressed out because Ryu won't tell him where she wants to go on their honeymoon," he replied, sounding worried.

I looked up at him.

"She hasn't said anything to him?" I asked him.

"Anything about what, Kookie?" he replied.

"The honeymoon is planned. I booked it already. It's paid for in full," I told him.

"You're paying for their honeymoon?" Taeyong-hyung asked. "I don't think Jisung will like that."

"I'm not. But the honeymoon is meant to be a surprise. I'll tell him the first chance I have to let him know that it's taken care of, I promise," I replied. "In the meantime, in between doing everything we have to do for the wedding, I think we should plan something to relax them both before they're married."

"What are you thinking?" he asked, mischief in his eyes.

Jisung's POV:

I ran into Kookie while I was out for another fitting. Before I could say anything he handed me my favorite drink.

"Calm down, Jisung. I talked to Taeyong-hyung earlier and he mentioned you're stressing about the honeymoon," he started.

"If I try to bring it up, she changes the subject, Hyung," I said, sounding defeated. "The wedding is at the end of next week. What do I do?"

"You relax, Jisung," he told me, and I looked at him like he had three heads. "The honeymoon is booked and paid in full. I can't tell you where you're going or who did this, but it's done. So, don't stress that."

"I wanted to plan the honeymoon," I said, disappointed.

"Just consider it one less thing you need to stress about before the wedding. Taeyong will pack your things for the trip so you have the appropriate clothes," Kookie said.

"I can't argue with this, can I?" I asked him, to which he shook his head.

"All I'll say is that you're gonna be happy with the surprise, Jisung."

I sighed.

"Fine. I'll stop stressing out about it so much," I gave in.

Ryu's POV:

There were only a few days before the wedding. I had finished with mine and Jisung's personal project for the wedding, ensuring not only were the emails sent out, but it was set up for the big day. Now, with only three days until the wedding, I was out shopping for Jisung's wedding and birthday gifts. It was just before eight when I finished buying the gifts, and as I was walking to my car I noticed Kookie leaning on it.

"What do you want, Kookie? I just want to go home," I told him as I got closer.

"I would usually let you, Ryu, but not tonight," he replied, making me look at him weirdly. "Give me the keys. As your maid of honor, it's my job to take you somewhere tonight."

"Kookie, what are you talking about?" I asked.

He gave me the bunny smile.

"Just trust me. You know I would never let you get hurt."

I gave him the keys and got into the passenger seat.

Half an hour later we were pulling up to a club. I was uncomfortable, but I knew Kookie wouldn't let anyone hurt me. As he gave them the keys to park the car, he put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. When we got inside, I was stunned.

I was expecting a packed club. Instead, I found the rest of my bridal party. The club was decorated for a bachelorette party, some of the decorations were making me blush and would piss Appa off. Then I noticed that in addition to my bridal party, Yoongi, Yuto, Wooseok, Hoshi, and Vernon were there.

"Surprise!" everyone shouted as I turned colors.

"You can't seriously tell me that after living with BTS, living with me, now living with hubby-to-be, that anything in this room is too adult for you, Ryu," Jiyong said.

"Well... it's not like I ran around looking!" I exclaimed, making the guys laugh.

"Of course you didn't, Ryu," Xiumin started, hugging me. "Jin tried to keep you locked away forever. But you're an innocent girl."

Even I laughed with the guys this time.

"Oppa, I wouldn't go as far as saying I'm innocent."

"Let's get this party started!" Wooseok shouted.

Jisung's POV:

Taeyong came by to pick me up around eight. I tried telling him after a long day of rehearsals, I wasn't up to going out, but he wasn't having it. So, I gave in and went with him. I had no idea where he was taking me, but I went.

When he stopped we were at some kind of hall. We went inside and the first thing I noticed was that it was decorated for a bachelor's party. Then, I realized the other 21 members of NCT, not counting Taeyong and I, were all there.

"Who would've thought our baby would be the first one to get married?" Johnny asked, feigning tears.

"Tonight, Jisung, you take your first steps towards being a man," Yuta said, joking around.

I tried to back up to get away, but Donghyuk stopped me.

"Welcome to your bachelor party, Jisung-ie!" Donghyuk exclaimed.

"You're finally gonna learn about the birds and bees, Jisung!" NaNa interjected, making me glare at him.

"Look, I appreciate all the effort you guys put into this, but I need to go home. If I'm not there when Ryu gets home..." I started.

"Ryu isn't going home, Jisung," Jaehyun started. "Kookie picked her up and took her to her surprise bachelorette party with her bridal party and a few friends."

"Come on, Jisung," Mark started. "It's time to let loose and have some fun!"

The guys had hired a DJ for the party, gotten a caterer, and other entertainment. The other entertainment made me a little uncomfortable and made me turn more shades of red than I ever thought I could turn. When the guys noticed, they started cracking jokes on me.

"We all know you're still a virgin, but you're about to get married, Jisung-ah. It's about time you see what a woman looks like," Yuta started.

"Yeah, I mean, do you really want to turn all these colors on Ryu and be too embarrassed to look at her on your wedding night?" Renjun asked.

"Do you want to be unable to perform after all this time together?" Lucas asked.

Thankfully, Chenle came to my rescue.

"Leave him alone, Guys," he said to all of them. "Have you ever thought that maybe he's uncomfortable with all this because he wants the first woman he sees like that to be his wife?"

Some of the guys started staring at their feet, realizing it would be a legitimate argument. Not to mention, they all knew how important Ryu was to me. Them bringing a stripper to the bachelor party made me feel sleazy, like I was betraying her.

NaNa and Sungchan pulled me aside from the other loudmouths. 

"We're not trying to be insensitive or mean here, Jisung-ah," Sungchan started.

"And we're not saying that what we're about to point out is either of your faults," NaNa continued. "But for reasons out of both of your control, Ryu couldn't let you be her first, Jisung-ie. Is it really wrong to look without touching?"

"We're not trying to say you should," Sungchan started again. "But are you sure you don't even want to have a visual idea of what to do your first time without actually touching another woman?"

"I can't do this to Ryu. I love her too much to do that. I'd feel guilty," I told them.

"You do realize that the general rule with these parties is that neither the bride nor the groom discuss them? They're essentially supposed to be their last night out as single people before they commit to each other at the wedding. It's an unspoken rule that no matter what one does, the couple just doesn't discuss it. It's kinda a one night only during the relationship where you both get to do anything you want with whoever you want, kinda making sure that the lifelong commitment your about to make to each other is what you truly want," NaNa replied.

"I already know that there's nobody else out there that I want more than Ryu. I've never met any other person who understands me the way she does, nobody else even close to my age has gotten me to open up the way she does. I love her with my entire being, NaNa. I don't need a bachelor to reaffirm that for me," I started. "Nearly losing her made me realize her that I need her at my side, safe, healthy, and alive. She's my best friend and only love, we've had our ups and downs, but we know that we just have to learn to grow with our relationship. I'm willing to play whatever embarrassing bachelor party games you guys want, but I really don't want the stripper. Please, have the others make her leave and I promise that I'll willing participate in whatever else you guys have planned."

NaNa hugged me before squeezing my shoulder.

"I'll take care of it," he promised me, walking over to Taeyong and Johnny.

I watched him talk to Taeyong and Johnny, watched Yuta get involved in the conversation. I watched as the four of them looked back to me and then our three hyungs look at NaNa. After a few minutes, I noticed our hyungs nod in agreement with NaNa, Johnny walking over to talk to the stripper. I was shocked that after Johnny spoke to the stripper she gathered her things and walked over to me.

"You're one of the good guys, Mr. Park," she said to me. "You're fiancée is lucky to have a guy like you, who knows what you want. I respect that you were so adamant not to have me strip for you. Most guys use these parties to get drunk, have a few of us to come strip for them and feel us up, and then act like they didn't, going on to marry these girls. It's clear how much you love your girl. I just wanted to thank you for being one of the good ones and wish you and your fiancée a bright future together."

She bowed to me and I bowed back to her in shock.

"Thank you," I sputtered out as she turned to leave.

Ryu's POV: 

The guys had already made me play some embarrassing games since the party had started. One of the most embarrassing was pin the penis on the man. It left me a bit uncomfortable considering what I had been through. The main thing that got me through that one was Vernon was my partner for the game. Considering he was the one who took my virginity when I was, unknown to both of us, intoxicated, it was fun to truly just let loose around each other and be able to play such sexual games together. It showed that any doubt Vernon still had in his mind that I secretly couldn't handle what happened with us was completely unfounded and we were fine.

"It's time for strip poker!" Jiyong called out.

"I'm sitting this one out," Kookie told him.

"So am I," Yoongi agreed and I knew why.

"Why won't you two play strip poker?" Yuto asked.

"You guys are gonna need dealers. Kookie and I will be the dealers for the two tables. We'll make the rules, enforce them, and deal," Yoongi told him.

"Without the two of you, there's an odd number of players," Jiyong complained.

"That's fine," Kookie said. "Two tables of five players each. The five players at each table will play rounds until there is one winner at each table. Then the two winners will play until there is a single winner. That winner plays the guest of honor to get the ultimate winner."

"Why does Ryu get the pass straight to the finals?" Hoshi asked.

"Trust me when I say it's just better that way," Yoongi told him. 

Kookie and Yoongi started laughing. I just smirked innocently at the other guys.

I started watching the games. It didn't take long before I started seeing my friends in various stages of undress that I never thought I would see. It took 40 minutes before the first table had a winner. It was Xiumin. 15 minutes later, the second table had it's winner: Hoshi. Now it was on to the semi-finals of this strip poker tournament. Xiumin and Hoshi got fully dressed as the others got dressed again. Unfortunately for all of the guys, Kookie and Yoongi had already gotten pictures of them in their various stages of undress they had been in as they lost their matches. 

Hoshi and Xiumin sat down to their semi-finals. I wasn't sure who to expect to win. I hadn't paid close enough attention to the first set of games to see how the players actually played their games. As I kept glancing at the semi-finals of the tournament, I noticed both of them were more or less in similar stages of undress. To me that said that neither was really besting the other. After nearly 40 minutes of this, I'd had enough.

"I'm calling a draw between Xiumin and Hoshi," I said to Kookie and Yoongi.

"But you don't know what Jiyong would plan after there's a winner from your game," Yoongi said to me.

"They're essentially at a standstill," I told him before looking to Hoshi and Xiumin. "Get dressed. Both of you are going to play me. Whoever lasts the longest will get whatever Jiyong would have given to the one person who would have played me to begin with."

Xiumin and Hoshi shrugged before dressing fully again. Then the three of us sat down to play each other, starting on equal footing, all completely dressed. It wouldn't have been fair if I had jumped in the middle of their semi-final matches.

The three of us went back and forth switching off wins for the first half an hour fairly evenly. Suddenly, Xiumin's luck turned and he started losing more hands than he was losing. Within fifteen minutes he was wearing nothing but his boxer shorts and he was out. Much to Jiyong's dismay, I didn't actually want to see any of my friends there completely naked. 

Hoshi and I swung back and forth on who had better luck for a little bit after that. However, just when Hoshi thought he figured out his strategy to beat me, I crushed him like a bug. He got up, standing in just his boxer shorts, and looked at me with a mix of awe and shock. Kookie and Yoongi started laughing at him. I smirked, trying my best not to laugh at him.

"What didn't the three of you tell the rest of us?" Hoshi demanded, realizing he was missing something.

"There's a reason nobody in BTS will play any card game with me," I started.

"She's spent more than her fair share of time in hospitals over the years because of her heart," Yoongi started to explain.

"What does that have to do with this?" Xiumin, who was also starting to put together something was off, wanted to know.

"Guys, she's a card shark!"Kookie blurted out. "She mastered every card game you can imagine in all the time she's been stuck in hospitals over the years. It's been a few years since we've found anyone who could beat her!"

The three of us started laughing and the others started looking betrayed.

"You knew she would kick all of our asses before we started!" Jiyong exclaimed. "You could have warned me!"

"Why? Tonight is about me having fun and I'm having fun!" I replied. "So, I'm guessing I'm getting a penalty for being a card shark and Hoshi is getting prize?"

"I think that sounds fair," Xiumin replied. 

"Fine. What will my penalty be?" I asked. 

"Ten minutes backstage uninterrupted with Lay," Kris spoke up first.

"What are you up to, Kris?" Kookie asked.

"Sometimes it's hard for us to deal with Lay for that long," Kris started. "Let's see if she can do it."

"I accept the challenge," I said before anyone could say anything else. "Let's go Lay."

I reached my hand in his direction and he put his in mine, leading me backstage. Suddenly, as we reached the dark backstage area, I was wishing I had taken the time to finish dressing myself, feeling vulnerable. Lay pulled his phone out of his pocket and set a timer for 10 minutes.

"We don't have to do anything," he said to me, taking his cardigan off and wrapping it around me, pulling me closer to him. 

"T-thanks for the sweater," I told him.

"You looked cold," he replied as he rubbed his hands on my arms, trying to warm me up.

I nodded at him and just let myself rest my head on his chest as he tried to warm me up. That's when I realized how built his chest and abs were under his shirt. Before I let myself really think, I pulled off his shirt, wanting to get a clear view of what he hid under his shirts. When his shirt was in my hands, he looked at me in surprise.

"I never expected this from you, Ryu," he said, taking his shirt from me, but not putting it back on. "I didn't know you wanted to see. I would've shown you anytime you wanted."

I was starting to turn colors, so I tried to back away from him. Unfortunately, my heart was beating so fast that I got a little dizzy. Like a flash of lightning, his hand was around my waist holding me steady as my hands steadied me against his upper arms, feeling the definition there like I had in his abs and chest. 

"I... um... I never would have... um... expected this under your... um... shirts, Yixing," I struggled to say.

Lay smiled at me and I remembered why so many people just fell under his spell. Even though the fans didn't see the perverted side of him much, his smile could melt the coldest heart. Not to mention he was easy on the eyes. He leaned closer to me. 

"Am I making you nervous, Ryung-gi?" he asked me and I slightly nodded. "Me having so much skin exposed while you're only partly dressed makes you nervous to be around me?"

Again I nodded.

"Is it because for the first time, you're feeling adult urges and it's completely of your free will?" Lay asked me, but I tried not to answer him. 

I'd had urges for Jisung in the past, I just never said anything to him because we both wanted to try to wait until marriage. I was intoxicated at the party when I lost my virginity to Vernon, my drink spiked which could have had a much deadlier effect when combined with my meds. And Woojin... well, I wasn't intoxicated, but I was his prisoner, with no say or options but to do what he wanted if I wanted any chance of survival. 

"You're torn... You're loyal and in love with Jisung," he started. "But right now, you have urges for me, don't you?"

I whimpered because he was right.

"It's natural to be curious about other people, Ryu," he whispered in my ear, his warm breath brushing over the skin, sending shivers down my spine, making my legs weak.

"It's wrong, Yixing. I'm getting married at the end of the week. I've never willingly cheated on Jisung. I don't want to start now," I told him, trying to keep my whining and whimpering to a minimum.

Thankfully, his alarm went off at that point and within two minutes everyone else at the party came to the backstage area we were in. By the time they got there, Lay was putting his shirt on. Kookie looked from me to Lay, looking like he was getting ready to hit someone older than him.

"Nothing happened, Kookie," I told him, and he gave me a look saying he didn't believe me. "He put his cardigan around me because I hadn't fully dressed before coming back here with him. Other than that, he flirted like he does with everyone. That's it."

Kookie nodded and looked to Hoshi.

"You won the prize since Ryu's a card shark. You get to pick the next outrageous activity of the night," he told Hoshi.

Hoshi stopped to think for a minute. Then he got an evil grin on his face.

"Well, we are supposed to be introducing Ryu to adult fun," he started, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I say that everyone born after me has to give Ryu a lap dance."

Yoongi burst out laughing realizing that meant Kookie, Vernon, Yuto, and Wooseok.

"It was your turn to pick. You four, we'll give you ten minutes to pick music," Yoongi said with his gummi smile that made it clear to Kookie there was no way out.

"Really? Given our past? Is this a good idea?" Vernon asked.

"That's why I picked this!" Hoshi started. "You need to relax more around her!"

"Then why don't you do it with us?" Wooseok challenged Hoshi, towering over him. 

Hoshi looked up at Wooseok, then to Yuto next to him. He turned back to look at Jiyong, Yoongi, Kris, Xiumin, LuHan, Lay, Chen, and Tao. They shrugged at him while encouraging him to do it with the younger ones. 

"Come on, Hoshi," Tao said, getting up and going to Hoshi. "They want you to do this with them. I'm the youngest of the other 8 here. I'll do it with you guys, too."

"Wouldn't that be weird for you?" Hoshi asked Tao.

"It's a lap dance for fun. It's not like we're stripping naked for her, dancing around so she gets a full view of everything, Hoshi. You want Vernon to relax, then lead by example. I'll help," Tao replied.

So, Hoshi went and got a comfortable chair for me to sit in that would work for these lap dances. I was sat in a position so those not giving me lap dances would be able to have a good view of them, be able to record them, and catcall at the guys giving me lap dances. After a few minutes of uncomfortably being the center of attention, Wooseok started the lap dances.

Jisung's POV:

The guys really went all out and even though I made them get rid of the stripper, we still had a lot of fun. We'd played a lot of games, and now I had been challenged to a game of Shot Roulette. Because of how many of us there were, Taeyong and whoever else planned this got three Shot Roulette games. He decided to split us up into our sub-units. Sungchan and Shotaro were going with NCT-127, Mark and Haechan were staying with NCT Dream, WayV was sticking together. Each board held at least 16 shots, so we would take turn doing shots until all of us finished the shots on our boards, only Johnny had already told us we were doing at least three rounds of this game. 

I was the youngest member and I didn't really drink much. Sometimes I drank with NCT Dream, but that was mostly it. Ryu couldn't drink and I felt like it would be wrong for me to go home and drink when drinking could kill her. So, my tolerance probably didn't measure up to most of the other members... and NCT Dream made sure the extra two shots on our board were mine all three rounds, so I was doing four shots per round, 12 shots in total just from this one game.

"Guys... I've dwunk awot awealy," I told them after the three rounds of Shot Roulette. "I tink no more."

"Mark! Haechan! How much did you just let him drink?!" Taeyong demanded from his two younger members of 127 who were also in Dream.

"We let him have the two extra shots on our board in each round," Haechan said with a smirk on his face.

"You assholes let him drink 12 shots of whiskey?!" Yuta came rushing over to yell at them. "He normally only drinks beer, wine, or some champagne on a special occasion! He's never had hard liquor like this before! Are you two fucking stupid?"

Listening to what Yuta yelled at them, NaNa and Renjun rounded on Mark and Haechan. Renjun smacked Haechan in the back of the head so hard he stumbled forward three feet, which made me laugh hysterically.

"In what world would you think letting out Maknae drink hard liquor, let alone that much?! I thought you had half a brain! You just proved that theory wrong!" Renjun yelled at Haechan.

"And what about you, Mark?" NaNa started. "You've always looked out for Jisung to make sure he never got in over his head or hurt. Are you spreading yourself so thin between Dream, 127, NCT-U, and Super M that you're just reckless with others now? Is that what you learned in Super M? How to be a moron who doesn't look after his juniors?"

Mark looked like he'd been slapped.

"Look," Taeyong said, trying to calm himself down. "They were both stupid, but it's already done. Let's get some water and food in him to try to absorb some of that liquor before he gets alcohol poisoning. We can watch the video we all made him about how we feel about him getting married. This way he isn't trying to walk around. If he sobers up, we'll try some more drinking games then."

Yuta nodded to Taeyong in agreement and then told Mark and Haechan to go warm up the food while they got the video ready. It took a bit, but we finally got the food served, everyone sat down, and the video started as we ate.

As I watched the video, it was my hyungs, sometimes alone, sometimes with a few others, ultimately all together, telling me how proud of how far I'd come. Even in the drunk stupor I was in, it made me emotional. My hyungs went on about how I'd come from an extreme introvert who didn't know how to speak to most people my age, to becoming more extroverted the more time I spent with Ryu. Not only that, they were proud of how much I'd matured as I'd learned more about her heart and how to cope with her medical condition. Seeing the other 22 members of NCT united in their pride and support of how far I'd come in my journey personally and with Ryu was amazing. It made me realize no matter where our live ultimately took us, these 22 guys would always be my family.

Ryu's POV:

It was the day before the wedding. Jisung and I were filming the second video in the project I had worked on earlier in the wedding planning process. Since our parents insisted, we wouldn't be spending the night together that night, so we needed to get it done before Jisung's parents came to take him home and Appa took me to the hotel. I would upload it an hour before the ceremony, with the countdown. Not long after we finished the video, there was a knock on the door. I opened it, and there were Jisung's parents.

"It' nice to see you again," I said to them as I hugged them. 

"I need like 10 or 15 minutes," Jisung said as he rushed to our room.

"Why isn't he ready?" his father asked me. 

"Well, we're doing something tomorrow and we needed to record the video for it today since you are taking him home with you tonight and Appa will be taking me to the hotel for the night. It needs to be uploaded to the server I set up before the wedding, which I can do from the hotel, but we needed to record the video together. We had just finished making sure it was done right when you knocked. I edited the video while we were still together to make sure there were no errors or anything that needed to be recorded again," I explained.

"I'll go help him pack," his mother said, going into our room.

"Is she okay?" I asked his father.

"Jittery about the wedding tomorrow. It all happened so fast, which we know isn't either of your faults, Mr. Lee was vindictive giving you so little to pull this all off. Still, while we're happy to have you as part of our family, just as I'm sure the two of you had a lot of stress pulling this all together in so little time, it's been stressful for us to adjust to how little time we had to accept Jisung was really getting married," he replied.

"Do you think we should've waited longer?"

"I don't think waiting would've mattered, Ryung-gi. It's probably best it be done fast, so Mr. Lee couldn't find a way to break the two of you up," Mr. Park admitted. "I know Jisung has known you a lot longer than he's dated you, so the two of you knew each other much better than my wife and I knew when he told us he was dating you, but sometimes we forget how long you've actually known each other, thinking it's only been since a few months before we found out about you, which makes us nervous about this. But we love you, Ryung-gi. You're good for our Jisung. Because of the events in your life, you have a perspective on life that people who don't have your circumstances can try to instill in their children, but they'll never fully understand it until it becomes personal. I admire how, even after two heart transplants, you live your life to your fullest, not letting anyone or anything hold you back. You'll fight to do things important to you. It's an important lesson you've taught our Jisung, and it's made him more focused, more mature than we thought he'd be for years. So, thank you."

At that point, Jisung and his mom came out of our room with his overnight bag and his tux for the wedding. He came right over to me and gave me a kiss.

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow," he said as he leaned his forehead on mine. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too," I replied. "I love you with everything in me, Jisung-ie."

"You are my everything, Ryu."

With that, knowing that it wasn't easy to get Jisung to leave me, his parents ushered him out of the apartment. When they were gone, I started getting what I would need together. Everything I would need for the wedding itself was with Jiyong. My suitcase for the honeymoon was packed and in the back of the closet. Since Taeyong was going to slip into the penthouse tonight to pack for Jisung, he agreed to bring both of our suitcases to the hotel and leave them in the honeymoon suite we'd be staying in overnight until we left for our destination the morning after the wedding. I had just finished double-checking I had everything, including my laptop, when someone else knocked on the door. When I opened it, it was Kookie, Appa, and Taeyong.

"I wasn't expecting all of you, but welcome," I said to them.

"I'm going to take your luggage for your honeymoon and bring it to the hotel tomorrow. Taeyong and I will make sure both yours and Jisung's luggage are in the honeymoon suite," Kookie said.

"Kookie is going to help me pack Jisung's luggage since he knows exactly where the two of you are flying for your honeymoon," Taeyong explained.

"And I am here to bring my ddal to the hotel so she can get some spa time with me tonight before the wedding tomorrow," Appa told me. "How does that sound, Ryu? We haven't really had much time to spend together since we had so little time to plan the wedding. Would I be asking too much of you to have a spa day with you before I give you away tomorrow?"

I looked from Kookie to Taeyong to Appa.

"Actually, everything I can do before tomorrow is already done, Appa," I told him. "Jiyong has my dress, shoes, and accessories for the wedding, so he's bringing them to the hotel. So, spending the day at the spa with you sounds like heaven right now."

"Is your overnight bag packed for tonight? Remember, you're not coming back here until after your honeymoon," Appa reminded me.

"Packed and double-checked just before the three of you knocked on the door. It's by the couch," I told him, so he went and grabbed it in one arm, holding his other out to me, which I took. "Let's go have a relaxing afternoon."

"Kookie, Taeyong, make sure you lock this place up tight. You know if anything happens in this penthouse while Jisung and Ryung-gi are gone, Jiyong will have your heads," Appa told them as we left.

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