The 'Dead' Hanagaki

By Lazy_Sloth120

30.7K 686 269

"She's my sister. She took take care from the moment I was born. She fed me, cleaned me and played with me. N... More

Introductions/Character profile
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
10K Special Chapter
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note, Please Read!
Black Ring Fighters
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 1

2.9K 47 18
By Lazy_Sloth120


(AUTHORS NOTE: I'll be starting this story with Y/N being 12)

"Please. Please let me." I pleaded to my parents for the tenth time. "We already told you Y/N. No." My dad sternly answered. I let out a disappointed sigh before heading to my room after muttering "I don't usually ask for things, so please think about". I entered my room and shut the door behind me and grabbed my headphones and phone before once again leaving my room. Lets hope a little walk will clear my mind. As I was making my way towards the door a little voice called "Nee-san". I turned around and my face immediately soften at the sight if my little brother. I slightly crouch down before softly asking "What is it Michi?". "Um I was wondering if you could take me to the park?" Shyly asked my 10 year old brother. "Sure" I replied with a warm smile. I noticed how his cute little face lit up before he started to cheer. Slightly shaking my head I softly say "Go and put your shoes on". Nodding his head in excitement he ran off to the front door to put on his shoes. I just giggled at his cute antics before following after him.

As me and Michi are making are way too the park my brother starts talking about random things, while I just stand next him listening as he continues to ramble about random things. We soon arrived at the park and Michi ran to play leaving me by myself. I let out a little sigh before I put on my headphones ,that have been left alone on my neck the whole walk. Whilst humming to the music, I made my way to the vacant Swings. I turned my gaze from the sky to where Michi is and saw him playing with a friend of his. Yakut's was his name, I think. My peace was short lived when pair if hands grabbed my shoulders. "AAAHHHHH!! WHAT THE FUC-" my scream was muffled by one of the mysterious hands. "You really shouldn't swear in a park full of kids" whispered a familiar voice in my ear. Prying the hand off my mouth I turned to face the person with a scowl on my face. "You bastard" I hissed. The black haired boy just chuckled and sat down on the swing next to me. "You seemed lonely so I decided to keep you company. Be grateful you have a thoughtful and amazing best friend like me" boasted the boy next to me. The boy next to me then started to about random things. Though I couldn't help but notice an odd nervous feeling radiating off him. Something about him seems off, as if he is hiding something. "Your hiding something from me Akihito" I bluntly commented whilst looking at the kids playing. In the corner of my eye I saw my words caused him to flinch. "Nothing goes past you does it" nervously chuckled Akihito. "No it doesn't. So you might as well spit it out" I bluntly commented now facing the nervous black haired boy.

There was a minute of silence then a deep sigh. "I -I'm g-gay" ,stuttered Akihito , "It is okay if you don't want go be friends with a weirdo like me . I am sorr-". I cut off his rambling by saying "That's it?" I asked. Akihito looked at me confused and questioned "What do you mean 'that's it'? I'm gay. I thought you would look at me differently cause if that". "You were scared to tell me your gay.", I chuckled before getting up and crouching down in front of him, "Akihito it doesn't matter if your gay or straight cause you are still you. Never be ashamed of who you are. You are you and no one can change that. So be confident. And if someone tells you other wise fuck them. They don't determine or control your life, only you do". I stood up and went over to Akihito ,whom is still in shock by what I said. I stood in front of him looking into his teary hazel eyes before embracing him in a warm and comforting hug. "Never be ashamed of who you are" I whispered comfortingly in his ear whilst stroking his hair. The black haired boy the burst into tears and clings onto my like a cat as he cries into my shoulder. After a few minutes Akihito then pulls away to wipe his teary eyes and croaks out "I'm sorry". "Why are you saying sorry?" I asked as I wipe the lose tears running down his face "There is nothing for you to be sorry for" I added. I pull him into one more hug before I joke "Who knew the handsome and awesome Takao Akihito would cry so much". "Oh shut up" said Akihito in a annoyed tone. This caused us both to start laughing but then the sound of crying was heard. Alarmed I whipped my head in the direction of the crying and what I saw made my heart break.

I saw Michi getting beat up by some older boys, some school delinquent wannabes. Without a second thought I sprinted in their direction. Just as one of the boys was about to land a punch on Michi I grabbed his fist. An irk mark appeared on the bullies forehead as he looked in my direction. Another one of the bullies was about to punch me Tch these kids have no respect for someone older. They also have no shame in hitting a girl. What kind of dumbasses raised these dogs. But I just dodged it with no effort. This seemed to have pissed them off more as all of them started to come at me. If your gonna beat someone up at least be strong or quick I clucked my tongue before I punched one in the stomach causing him to double over in pain. Whilst lifting my leg and kicking one of the side with a large of amount of force that it caused him to knock into the reminder of his friends. Wow didn't expect them to be that weak. I just started at the boys on the ground clutching there stomach or side. "Don't you think you went a little too hard on them" commented Akihito. "I didn't even hit them that hard. Those brats are just weak." I spat made my way to my crying brother. I crouched down in front of him and lifted his face so I could examine the damage. There are only a few cuts and bruises. They should heal in a week or two. I let out a sigh of relief before facing my back to Michi, Who just started at my back dumbfounded. I let out a chuckle before saying "Get on my back". Akihito walked over Michi's side and helped him on my back before giving me a thumbs up to signal that I could get up.

Carefully I re-adjusted Michi so he was comfortable before walking to the convenience store with Hito by walking beside me. "Hey Michi do you want any snacks?" I softly asked my little brother. When he heard my question his head shot up and he started to frantically nod his head in agreement. Me and Akihito just laughed at my little brothers cuteness. The three of us entered the store with Michi still on my back. As we were choosing snacks I looked at Akihito and asked "Hey Hito" I called. "Hmm" hummed the black haired male. "Why don't you get your little sister and bring her over to our house. The four of us could watch a movie" I suggested. "Sure but why don't we go to my house it is bigger and I don't have to go through the effort of going home and getting her and then going to your house. Plus my house also has a theatre room" stated Hito. "Oh yes I forgot your Mr rich boy" I sarcastically commented. "Shut up" snarled Hito. I smirked knowing I pissed him off "Oh I am so sorry young master Takao. Please forgive me for my rudeness" I said in a posh voice whilst bowing. This seemed to tick Hito even more as he growled BOY WHAT ARE YOU A DOG OR HUMAN and started chasing me around the store. After a few minutes of him chasing me I started to get tired, "You know we are in a store and could get kicked out if you continue to chase me!" I yelled in hopes to make him stop chasing me. Akihito just scoffed before walking to the cashier. Following after him, I went and also payed for mine and Michi's snacks.

I walk out the store and saw Hito leaning against the wall, I walked over to him and teasingly said "So you did wait for me". Hito just sent me a glare before sheepishly saying "Well we did agree to have a movie night at my house and Hayami misses you". "Awww. I miss Hayami too." I said touched. We both started to make our way to Akihito's house with Michi still on back Michi seems too be asleep and I still haven't cleaned his cuts. It is also getting dark. Looks like I am gonna have to cancel movie night with that Takaos. I let out a deep sigh. This caught the attention if the boy next to me. "What's wrong?" Asked Hito with a worried tone. "Oh it is just that Michi seems to have fallen asleep and it is getting late. So we can't have our movie night today. Sorry Hito" I apologized. "Oh don't worry. How about we have our movie night tomorrow you and Takamichi could also stay to have a little sleepover" suggested Hito. I just giggled and responded with a yes. Me and Hito then went our separate ways.

I soon arrived home and unlocked the door with my keys. I stepped in the house and started to take off my shoes as well as the shoes of the sleeping boy on my back. "Oh your back" stated my mum. "Yeah" I replied non-chattily. "Y/n. Me and your father want to have a talk with you." Sighed my mum.
I froze at her statement. Talk. Talk about what. "O-okay. Just first let me clean up Michi's cuts and put him in bed first" I stuttered. My mum just nodded and I hurried up the stairs. I ran my way to my brothers room and frantically shut the door behind me before letting out a big sigh. Why does mum and dad want to talk to me. I didn't do anything. Was it because I left the house without them knowing. Am I gonna get punished AGIAN. WHAT DID I DO. I gently placed my brother on his bed and started to clean his cuts and put some ointment on his bruises. After I finished putting on the final plaster on his face, I tucked him into bed and left the room.

I carefully shut the door and turned around. Only to find my mum standing ther with her arms crossed over her chest. "Took you long enough brat" is all she said before she started to walk down the hallway. Well lets just see what hell awaits me now.

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