It all started that one summe...

davidvilla tarafından

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It all started that one summer for Isco and Katie. Katie was sick of her family and wanted to spend time with... Daha Fazla

Author's note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - It's like this weird kind of happiness
Chapter 5 - Wishing I could freeze this moment and keep it safe
Chapter 6 - I think I might be falling in love with her
Chapter 7 - Even on his worst he is still a gentleman, how?
Chapter 8 - Why am I afraid of losing her?
Chapter 9 - I want you, all of you.
Chapter 10 - I still can't belive how happy I am with her
Chapter 11 - I know it's real and I shouldn't listen to her
Chapter 12 - This weird feeling in my stomach
Chapter 13 - I broke his heart and he still acts like a sweetheart
Chapter 14 - I have to be the luckiest man on earth
Chapter 15 - I just want to get to know you better
Chapter 16 - Who do I put first?
Chapter 17 - I don't know how he can be better than I ever imagined
Chapter 18 - She is my person now
Chapter 19 - I don't know what I want, I just know I want him
Chapter 20 - This will be my best season ever, I can feel it
Chapter 21 - I can't believe he knows exactly what to say
Chapter 22 - Perfect happiness
Chapter 23 - If he doesn't play on Sunday, I will blame myself
Chapter 24 - I can't ask for more, I have everything I ever wanted
Chapter 25 - Just say yes
Chapter 26 - It was supposed to be a surprise
Chapter 27 - My one and only.
Chapter 28 - Seems like a movie
Chapter 29 - Dancing in the rain
Chapter 30 - I am so in love with him that I still can't believe it
Chapter 31 - Happy Birthday to you my love.
Chapter 32 - Merry Christmas.
Chapter 33 - Sweater Weather
Chapter 34 - I try to be what she needs and I hope that's enough
Chapter 35 - la Rosaleda
Chapter 36 - do you want to watch a movie?
chapter 37 - I can really imagine how things will be when i move in
Chapter 38 - You are the worst person ever.
Chapter 39 - hold me in yout arms.
Chapter 40 - I don't even know how I got this lucky.
Chapter 41 - the rest of our lives
Chapter 42 - Moments
Chapter 43 - Simple as this
Chapter 44 - Happy Birthday Isco.
Chapter 45 - Our Future
Chapter 46 - All night long

Chapter 1

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davidvilla tarafından

It all started that one summer...

Chapter 1 - I can't even wish for anything better


I was getting excited as the minutes passed. I was enthusiastic about my trip to Ibiza, and I was finally going to meet Emma and Jessica. I was still in Miami waiting for my flight to board. I had bought four magazines to read them during my flight. It was going to be three flights and one boat ride to get to my final destination. The flight to New York wasn't going to be that long really, just like two hours but I was afraid of the 7-hour flight I had coming up. Luckily, I am going to be with Emma for that whole plane ride to Madrid.

I am a very single girl, so the first thing I do is check if they are any cute boys on my flight. Luckily the boy sitting next to me is completely hot and hopefully single. It was nice to talk to him the first few minutes of the flight until I realized he was a diehard American football fan and he hated "soccer". He then proceeded to insult said "soccer" and explain to me what real football was. His conversation made the 2-hour flight seem longer than it actually was. I couldn't be happier when I arrived in New York.

I had the day to myself pretty much because I had to wait for Emma to arrive in New York, so we could head to Spain. Emma was the coolest girl ever but lived on the other side of the country. Washington in fact, but she was Hispanic just like me. My family came from Peru and she was from Colombia. I was walking through New York City with my new Canon camera in hand. I was taking pictures of pretty much everything I could see. I was going to email them to my sister as soon as I could because I had promised to keep her updated about my trip.

I was about to head back to the airport when I got a text message. I pulled out my phone and saw that it was from Emma. I immediately took the subway and headed back to the airport. I arrived and texted her that I would meet her at the gate. Just as I was arriving at the gate, I saw her sitting down with a book in her hands. She had her brown hair in a side ponytail. I felt so happy seeing her for the first time. She was better-looking than in pictures.

"Emma, Emmabeens?" I said and she looked up at me with a warm smile. It was the cutest thing ever because of her dimples.

"Katie, Kat!" She said standing up and pulling me into a hug. We were both jumping up and down like idiots really excited about spending time together for the first time ever. This was the first time we ever got to spend time together in person since we met online a couple of years back.

We instantly fell into chit chat about our flights. I told her all about the annoying boy I got to sit next to and she felt sorry for me. Our conversation flowed and it was something I had never experienced. Back home I didn't have that many friends and most of the girls I actually felt close to lived far away. I was showing her the pictures of my day in New York when the flight attendant called our flight. We both shuffled towards the door and were crushed when we realized we were not sitting together.

We arrived in Barcelona around 9 hours later. I was feeling jetlagged but that wasn't going to stop me from enjoying my few minutes in Barcelona before we leave for Ibiza. We were looking for Jessica in the docks and it was difficult to find her. I eventually found someone that resembled the pictures I have seen of Jess.

"I am pretty sure that is her," I said pointing at the person so Emma could see.

"Yeah, that is her," Emma said smiling and we both started walking towards her. "Jessica?" Emma said and Jessica saw us.

"Emms! Kat!" Jessica pulled us into a hug. "I can't believe we are going to Ibiza." She said jumping up and down all excited.

"Honestly, you guys don't know how thrilled I am for this trip. I had a huge fight with my family, and I wish this trip can clear my mind." I said and they both pulled me into a hug. Emma and Jess knew all about my problems at home.

"It will, or not we are the worst friends ever," Emma said with a laugh then messing up my hair.

"I forgot," Jess said pulling the hand of a guy that was standing next to her. "This is my boyfriend Jenson, hope you guys don't mind." She said glancing up at the tall blonde guy with brown eyes.

"Not at all," I said waving hello to him. "Pleased to meet you"

The boat ride was entertaining. I was gazing out at the Mediterranean Sea and weirdly enough I loved how it looked. The color was nothing like the one back home. I was lucky I spent the money on the camera because I was practicing a lot. I took photos of Jess with Jenson. They were adorable together. I hoped we can spend some girl time during this trip because that was what I needed. I also took pictures of Emma because I didn't want her to feel left out.

We arrived at Ibiza and it was beginning to feel real. Now that I was here and looking at all these attractive guys, I was excited to meet an attractive guy to have a summer fling with. We were standing in the hotel lobby when my jaw dropped. We all began walking towards the front desk and I was still overwhelmed. We wanted to go to the pool after we checked in because Emma and I knew that would be the perfect place to meet someone.

We went up to our room for like 10 seconds. The room was beautiful too. This was all very different from back home. This whole place was amazing. We immediately changed into our cutest bathing suits and headed down to see who our potential summer fling could be. That sounds so funny but at the same time so appealing.
"Emma, look at that guy over there," I said pointing to a guy that was getting out of the pool. He was tall, astonishingly built and had beautiful darkish hair that was sticking up even though it was wet.

"Dibs." She said giggling. "Look at the guy that just arrived." She said and I fell silent when I acknowledged him. He was not that tall and had dark hair with a full beard. He was not thin, but you could observe that he was built. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt and look remarkably hot. He was completely my type and strangely familiar.

"Emms, is that?" I couldn't say his name, it just couldn't be him. It was too good to be true. I took off my sunglasses to get a better look at him and it was him. I recognized him now. "Emma, is that Isco?" I said wanting to jump of joy because it couldn't be true. Francisco Roman Alarcon Suarez cannot be staying at the same hotel as me. It seemed practically impossible.

"No fucking way!" She said sitting up straight and taking off her sunglasses to see him better. "It is, Katie!" She said glancing at me. She liked Isco just as much as I did, well not as much but you know.

"I have to act cool," I said trying to calm myself down. I put my sunglasses back on and laid back on the chair again. It was difficult for me to act all calm when I have my favorite player that I've been following for years a few feet away from me.

"Katie, you are not acting cool," Emma said giggling. Jess and Jenson came back from their walk to find me freaking out. I was really close to start hyperventilating.

"Katie is freaking out, who is it?" Jess said looking around the pool to find the footballer that was making me act this way.

"Isco!"Emma said and started giggling. She pointed to where Isco was standing.

"No way!" Jess said and then pulled Jenson's arm so he would look. "It is him." She said giggling.

"Doesn't he play for Malaga?" I nodded now calming down. "You should go talk to him." Did he not just witness my reaction? Did he really want me to die or worse make a complete fool out of myself? Did he want Isco to laugh at me and ruin my vacation?

"I can't," I said looking up at all of them. "Don't you see how I am right now and I'm not even close to him," I said glancing at where Isco was standing and realized he had now moved closer to the pool. It seemed he was appreciating the view. I wished I had my camera to take pictures of him but then that would make me a creep.

"I know. Go to the bar. Since you have to pass him, we will tell you if he checks you out." Jess said. That was an insanely good idea. I was afraid that he wouldn't even glance at me, and that would kill me. "Come on girl, you said you wanted to have the best trip of your life. This can make it a million times better. Oh, just imagine it. Isco being your summer love. Then look back at it in the future and remember all the enjoyable times you had with Isco." She said sitting next to me and patted my head.

"Thing is, I don't want Isco to be just a summer fling, but you are so right. No one knows me here, so I am going to be a new me," I said still a bit nervous but eager to do it. "You guys want anything?" I asked and they all asked for drinks. I was a bit nervous I wouldn't be able to carry all of them.

I stood up, took a deep breath, fixed my braid and started walking towards the bar. I passed in front of Isco without tripping on my own fit, and that was a win. Also, without drooling all over the place, that was, in fact, a bigger win. I reached the bar and after a few seconds and a lot of deep breaths, I ordered our drinks. I tell the guy to take the drinks to us, and I turn around to point to where Emma, Jess, and Jenson were. The most unexpected thing was that Isco was looking my way. I tried to not blush, and I pointed to Jess, Emma, and Jenson. I turned back at the man at the bar. He smiled charmingly at me and told me he would try to take them over as fast as possible.

"Thank you," I said to him and was about to walk back. I had to calm myself down because Isco was glancing at me and it was making me self-conscious. 'Isco is staying at the same hotel as me, and he was just looking at me' I squealed in my head. I took a deep breath and decided to head back. I really wasn't watching where I was going because I was afraid of tripping or drooling over the place. My heart was beating fast and I could sense myself becoming more nervous about the whole situation. It wasn't until I collided with someone that I decided to look at where I was going.

"Sorry," I said completely embarrassed. I took off my sunglasses to see who I bumped into. I was astonished it was Isco. "I wasn't looking, my bad," I said surprisingly calm. It was like being near to him was comforting.

"It's okay." Isco said with a tender smile. I was looking into his light brown eyes and felt my whole body grow weak. "I'm Francisco, by the way." he said pulling out his hand for me to shake.

"Katie," I said casually with a friendly smile. "now I know your name just in case I bump into you again." I said shaking his hand. The moment our hands touched it made all of my nerves disappear and complete calmness come over my body.

"All hopes you do." He said with a chuckle. I stood there looking at him then joined him giggling.

"Isco!" Someone yelled behind us, and we both turned to see who it was. I think it was his mom, well I really wished it wasn't his girlfriend. If it was, I would never have a chance with him. "I just finished checking us in. We can go get something to eat." She said gesturing for him to join her.

"I'll be right there, mom." He responded and I was relieved it was his mother. I was now looking at the ground anticipating a goodbye and me not ever seeing him again. "I'll see you later?" He said and it sounds more like a question. I was so pleased.

"Um... Sure." I replied trying to not bite the inside of my cheek. "I'll be right here. Well, by right here I mean the pool not standing here." Isco began to laugh. I didn't know if he was laughing at me or he was laughing because he found me cute.

"I knew what you meant." He said grinning and then strolled away. I was standing there like a complete fool as he walked away. Even the man at the bar passed me and gave Emma, Jenson, and Jess their drinks.

I wandered back towards them and laid on the lounging chair with a huge sigh. I couldn't believe I just spoke to my favorite football player and didn't freak out or squeal. I was calm, cool and collected and he wanted to see me again. I was grinning like an idiot.

"Come on, tell us?" Emma said taking off my sunglasses to get my attention.

"He is perfect." I said sitting up straight and grabbing my sunglasses.

"You do know he wanted you to bump into him." Jenson stated taking a sip of his beer.

"I think he is interested in you." Jess said making me blush.

"I don't know about you three, but I am going to the water." Jenson said leaving us to our girl talk.

I really wasn't sure if Isco was interested or not. He just met me but if he did want me to bump into him it means something. Jess and Emma spent the entire time trying to assure me that he is interested. They said that his eyes never drifted away from me after I passed by him. Besides that, the fact that he wanted me to bump into him was another sign. The more we talked about him, the more I wanted to spend time with him, and the more I was breaking rule number 1 'Not falling in love'. Well, I am not falling in love. I was falling for a guy and not just any guy, Isco.

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