Imagines [Book Three]

Od thatpunkmaximoff

727K 16.4K 5.8K

Various 'Imagines' from various fandoms. Fandoms include: Harry Potter, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, The Walking... Viac

Harry Potter [Harry X Reader]
Supernatural [Gen Fic X Reader]
Teen Wolf [Isaac X Reader]
TWD [Gen Fic X Reader]
Teen Wolf [Peter X Reader]
TVD [Stefan X Reader]
Marvel [Steve X Reader]
Originals [Gen Fic X Reader] Pt. I
Originals [Kol X Reader] Pt. II
Teen Wolf [Theo X Reader]
Marvel [Wanda X Reader]
Harry Potter [Charlie X Reader]
True Blood [Eric X Reader]
Marvel [Brock X Reader]
Marvel [Gen Fic X Reader]
Marvel [Steve X Reader]
Stranger Things [Billy X Reader]
Marvel [Peter X Reader]
Twilight [Sam X Reader]
6 Underground [Four X Reader]
Marvel [Peter X Reader]
The Lost Boys [Gen Fic X Reader]
The Lost Boys [Gen Fic X Reader]
Marvel [Gen Fic X Reader]
Stranger Things [Billy Hargrove X Reader] pt. I
Stranger Things [Billy Hargrove X Reader] pt. II
Twilight [Paul X Reader] pt. I
Twilight [Paul X Reader] pt. II
Twilight [Paul X Reader] pt. III
Twilight [Paul X Reader] pt. IV
Stranger Things [Billy X Reader]
Lost Boys X Reader [Poly Fic] pt. I
Lost Boys X Reader [Poly Fic] pt. II
TWD [Rick X Reader] pt. 1
TWD [Rick X Reader] pt. 2
Criminal Minds/Marvel [Spencer Reid X Reader]
Vampire Diaries [Klaus X Reader]
Teen Wolf [Peter X Reader]
The Lost Boys
Harry Potter [Gen Fic X Reader]
TO [Elijah X Reader]
JatP [Luke X Reader]
JatP [Luke X Reader] pt. I
JatP [Reggie X Reader]
JatP [Gen Fic X Reader]
JatP [Luke X Reader] pt. II
JatP X Teen Wolf Gen Fic
Riverdale [Sweet Pea X Reader] pt. I
Riverdale [Sweet Pea X Reader] pt. II
TWD [Gen Fic X Reader]
Marvel [Gen Fic X Reader]
True Blood [Eric X Reader]
Twilight [Sam X Reader]
Marvel [Bucky X Reader] pt. I
Marvel [Bucky X Reader] pt. II
Stranger Things [Billy X Reader]
Marvel [Gen Fic X Reader] pt. I
Marvel [Gen Fic X Reader] pt II
Marvel [Gen Fic X Reader]
Marvel [Gen Fic X Reader]
Marvel [Peter Parker X Reader]
Marvel [Pietro X Reader] pt. I
Marvel [Pietro X Reader] pt. II
Marvel [Steve X Reader]
Marvel [Thor X Reader]
Marvel/DC [Arthur X Reader]
Marvel [Peter X Reader]
Marvel [Gen Fic X Reader]
Harry Potter [George X Reader]
Love&Monsters [Joel X Reader] pt. 1
Love&Monsters [Joel X Reader] pt. 2
TO&LostBoys [Klaus X Reader]
TW [Gen Fic X Reader]
HP [Harry Potter X Reader] pt. 1
TB/Marvel [Eric X Reader] pt. 1
TB/Marvel [Eric X Reader] pt. 2

HP [Harry X Reader] pt. 2

4.1K 180 108
Od thatpunkmaximoff

Imagine returning to Hogwarts for a repeat year after the war and getting to know Harry Potter. Then with graduation quickly coming up, where exactly do the two of you stand?

. .

. .

When New Years came around, you found yourself wallowing again. This time, however, you skipped heading down to Hogsmeade and making a fool of yourself. Instead, you visited the kitchens where a couple of elves were more than happy to whip you up some butterbeer for later that evening. Then at dinner, you got a mysterious owl to head to the Astronomy tower before midnight. So you did, but not before picking up your butterbeer from the elves. And when midnight struck, you were in awe of the firework show you were able to witness.

Weasley twins. Those fireworks, as brilliant as they were, could only be the work of those insane twins. So as you sat with your legs dangling over the side of the tower, you sipped on your butterbeer while watching dragons, phoenixes, and all sorts of creatures glide through the sky while various colors exploded all around them and twirled in intricate patterns. And afterwards, you penned a quick note thanking them and complimenting their brilliance.

You traded a few letters with the Weasley twins over the remainder of your break, and they surprised you with how open and flirtatious they could be. They talked about some good memories they had of Hogwarts and how you weren't as much of a wallflower as you thought you were, and you explained to them how different things were at Hogwarts now especially for the Eighth years. They, surprisingly, were a breath of fresh air while you waited for your friends to return.

Then when the students all returned, you barely had time to sit down with anyone that first week of school as it seemed to overwhelm everyone just being back. The Seventh and Eighth year students threw themselves back into their work to ensure they did above average on their N.E.W.T.S, and no one had time to do anything other than sleep, eat and work.

Friday evening, after dinner, you laid out on the common room floor in front of the fire with a decorative pillow shoved under your head as Hermione and Neville sat on the couches talking about the latest essay they were writing. Your eyes are closed, fingers clasped over your abdomen when suddenly there's someone pushing your hands up and settling their head atop your abdomen.

Hermione and Neville fall silent as your eyes fly open, and you glance downward to see Harry nuzzling his cheek against your stomach while reaching up to grab your hand and place it in his hair. "Do the- do the thing," he mumbles. You readily slide your fingers into his hair, nails scraping his scalp. He groans. "Remind me again why I decided to torture myself with another year of schooling instead of using my status to get me whatever job I wanted?"

"Because you're a respectable wizard who wanted to complete his education before sitting on his arse all day at home and letting his fame go to his head."

"Right. That's why."

Chuckling, you tug on his hair before laying your head back down. The quietness, however, reminds you of your other two friends. Glancing over at Hermione and Neville, your fingers still in Harry's hair. "What?"

Neville's lips twitch. "That's a new development," he says while gesturing to you and Harry.

"You think so?" You ask, scratching Harry's scalp a little hard and smirking when he groans a little louder. "Don't you think Harry's a little too comfortable for this being a new development?"

Hermione laughs. "Apparently Harry gets head scratches all the time before bed. He complained all break long about not getting a proper sleep because YN wasn't there."

"Aw," you coo. "Did you miss this, Potter?"

"Quiet or I'm going to tell everyone you hit on Sirius."

"I did not hit on Sirius!" Harry, Hermione and Neville all laugh as you pout and flick Harry's ear. "I just- I fell asleep and I thought it was Madam Rosmerta."

"How does one mistake Sirius Black for Madam Rosmerta?"

"Don't you take that tone with me, Neville Longbottom." Neville's eyes widen as Harry and Hermione snort. Your lips twitch into a grin and you shrug when you see him roll his eyes. "I was having drinks with Madam Rosmerta. I fell asleep with her next to me and woke up with Sirius in her place. I was confused."

All four of you laugh, taking comfort in each other's presence and the knowledge that you had the weekend free of work. Draco and Blaise walk in then, butterbeer and Firewhiskey in tow.

"Oi. When'd that happen?" Draco asks, gesturing between you and Harry.

You sigh as Harry barks out a quick laugh, then grinning as Luna walks in behind the Slytherins. "Oh. I made it just in time it seems. I'll have a butterbeer, please."

Luna takes a seat between Neville and Hermione as Draco and Blaise take the other couch. Lightly shoving at Harry's shoulder, you sit up and scoot closer to the low table where the drinks have been set and he's at your side in the next moment.

Blaise pours himself and Draco tumblers of Firewhiskey while you, Luna and Hermione settle for butterbeer. Harry and Neville opt for Firewhiskey as well and then all too soon everyone's sipping their drink and relaxing after a week of schoolwork.

There's a moment of silence and then Neville's asking, "So how was everyone's break?"

Blaise and Draco shrug, and you huff a laugh as no one volunteers anything. "Well I got blitzed," you admit. "Had a breakdown and called Lord Black hot all in the same night." Draco snorts and your nose wrinkles. "Then I proceeded to receive a beautiful bouquet of calla lilies from Lord Black, ran into the Weasley twins while in Honeydukes, traded letters with the twins where they attempted to hilariously flirt and watched a beautiful firework show on New Years put on by the twins when they found out I was alone here at school."

Blaise whistles slowly. "Better watch it, Potter. Seems like the other Weasley's are trying to move in on your bird now."

Harry frowns, but doesn't say anything. Instead, beneath the table, his hand finds your knee and squeezes almost possessively. You squirm in place, but don't swat his hand away.

Neville and Luna admit they spent Christmas and New Years together at Neville's place, and it was quite something to see his grandmother and Luna's father interact. Harry and Hermione admit they spent the time with Sirius and Andromeda Black so Harry could see his own godson, and Draco reluctantly admits he and his mother spent the time demolishing certain parts of the manor and rebuilding. When all eyes turn to Blaise, he merely shrugs and says he chased birds in Italy until it was time to come back to school.

The hours pass speaking of anything and everything, and it isn't until Dean and Seamus come stumbling in through the portrait hole does everyone call it a night.

You stumble into your room with Harry close behind, waving your wand and lighting the lamps around the room so you can grab a pair of pajamas to change into before bed. When you exit the bathroom in a thin camisole and the smallest shorts you ever dared to wear in front of your friend, you mentally smirk when Harry's gaze drops to your legs before he's hurrying into the bathroom himself. You walk over and flop in his bed to get comfortable, then sheepishly smile when Harry exits the bathroom and chuckles at the sight of you.

"Oh thank Merlin. If you weren't in my bed, then I was going to climb into yours." You chuckle as Harry slips into the bed, turning on your side as he lightly pushes against you so he can cuddle you from behind. "I really haven't been sleeping well without you." His arm slides around your waist, tugging you back so the two of you are as close as possible. He sighs in contentment. "I missed this. Missed you."

"Mhm," you mumble. "If you were sleep deprived over one measly break, can you imagine when we graduate? You're fucked."

"Then I guess we'll just have to stick together after graduation."

"Now that sounds like a fantastic idea, Mr. Potter." You yawn, a slight giggle escaping when Harry's fingers brush over a ticklish spot.

You feel Harry's breath at the back of your neck as he realizes what he just found, but when he brushes his fingers around again you nearly flinch when he finds your puckered scars. "What's this?" He asks before his fingers hesitantly slip under your camisole, lightly brushing against the four scars.

"They're, um, they're my souvenirs from the war." You turn again so you're laying on your back and tug up your camisole as Harry scoots down in bed. "I went up against one of Greyback's lackey's. It's actually how I was introduced to the Weasley twins. They found me during the ceasefire when I was in shock."

"I'm sorry." Harry's thumb brushes along one of the scars before he leans forward and presses a kiss there. You inhale sharply and squirm, and your friend suddenly remembers himself. He glances up at you, trying to determine whether you're angry or not. But when you don't shove him off and curse his name, he asks, "Was that- is this okay?"

You gulp as he slowly lowers his head again and nuzzles your stomach. "Y-Yes."

Taking that as permission, Harry presses another kiss to your scars and another on your hip bone. You exhale shakily, hands moving so your fingers slide into his hair as he drags his lips across your skin. Fingers clenching, you lightly tug him upward until he gets your meaning and slides back up so you're face to face.

Forearms pressed into the pillow on either side of your head, Harry's lightly panting as his gaze darts over your every feature. Your hands slide out of his hair, but one hand remains cradling the side of his face to feel his stubble beneath your palm. "Still okay?"

"More than."

He smirks as he leans down to capture your lips in a kiss and you giggle against his mouth. You shift in bed as Harry hesitantly moves atop of you and you deepen the kiss to let him know you're more than okay with the new position. Tongues lightly brush against one another, teeth nip, and you and Harry break apart to laugh at your newfound predicament.

"Tell me why we didn't attempt this sooner?"

"Because we didn't properly know each other before," you say. You lean up and press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "If we had done things too quickly, people would have questioned us and eventually planted doubt in our heads."

"I don't care what people think."

"I don't either," you tell him, "but we were still a little too fresh out of war. Taking months to talk and learn things only cemented things for me. What about you?"

He gulps. "I like you. A lot."

"Good. Because I don't think I can give up cuddling any time soon."

Harry laughs and leans down to kiss you once more. "Neither can I."

When the two of you settle back down, your back is to Harry's chest once more. His arm slides back over your waist, fingers entwined with yours. You feel him kiss the back of your shoulder and you fall asleep with a smile on your face as Harry attempts to get closer and closer to you.

The following weeks after you and Harry decided there was something more between the two of you, no one in your House batted an eye at the change to your relationship status. They had either grown accustomed to you and Harry constantly in contact with one another or they figured the two of you were inevitable and had seen the new romance coming from a mile away. Outside of the common room, however, you and Harry carried on as you normally did in public.

For months you and Harry keep your relationship quiet, only really enjoying each other's closeness behind closed doors so as to not draw too much attention or nauseate your housemates too badly. Nothing has changed really with the exception of you and Harry being able to kiss one another, and not being awkward when the two of you learn each other's bodies.

Hermione, normally a witch who has to demand everyone sit down and take their tests seriously, is ecstatic when not a single Eighth year squandered their time in order to review for the N.E.W.T.S. The lot of you try studying in the library, but Harry was constantly being distracted by Ginny and his old housemates. After that everyone agreed to just have one large study group in the common room.

Hermione, Hannah, Neville and Seamus are the only ones to truly panic when the time comes to take the final exams, and then it's like a weight is lifted off everyone's shoulders once they're out of the way.

You start to mope the day before graduation after hearing most of the Seventh years talking about their families coming in to watch the graduation ceremony. Fortunately for you, Harry understands your longing for your parents to be there. As does Hermione, Neville, Draco, Luna, Blaise and Seamus. And in order to cheer you up, Firewhiskey is passed around and everyone lets their guards down one final time in front of each other.

The following morning, after donning a dress and a black robe to hang loosely over your shoulders, Harry asks you to go for a walk around the lake. You still have about an hour until the ceremony starts, so you oblige him when you notice him fidgeting with his wand.

Side by side, you and Harry walk out towards a weeping willow next to the Black Lake. In the softness of the grass, Harry takes a seat and you're quick to copy his actions. The two of you stare out at the lake, watching the giant squid break the surface every now and then.

"Where do we go from here?" You ask, the realization of graduating and going your separate way from Harry finally settling in.

Harry sighs and reaches for your hand, tangling your fingers together as he tugs you backwards so you're laying side by side. "Wherever life takes us," he muses. "I'll be at Grimmauld with Sirius and you're welcome there whenever you want."

"I got a job lined up at this new bookshop-slash-tea shop that's going to open up in Hogsmeade mid-summer," you say. "Until then, Madam Rosmerta's offered me a room above the Three Broomsticks in exchange for helping out at the bar."

"You couldn't land that particular job while we were still in school? We could have had free drinks."

"Oi." With your free hand, you reach over and swat at his stomach.

Harry laughs, picking up your joined hands and pressing a kiss to your knuckles. "Only joking."

Calming down, you and Harry relax side by side. Your hands remain clasped and you angle your head just so, so your forehead is resting against his arm.

You don't know how long you and Harry just soak up each other's presence before your little hideaway is being interrupted. "Hey, cubs. The ceremony is about to start." Your eyes flutter open and you turn your face towards the noise. Lord Black is standing there, arm out to his side and holding aside a curtain of tree limbs. "You don't want to miss graduation, do you?"

Harry sighs and you groan as you sit up. "No. We worked too bloody hard to miss this awful ceremony." Once you're standing upright, you offer Sirius a smile. "Hello, Lord Black. Thank you for fetching us."

"Not a problem, kitten. Now get a move on." He claps his hands as if that'll hurry you up. "I've waited too long for this special day. I need to whoop and cheer."

Graduation mostly went off without a hitch. It was a good day, but a bit of tension rose when Mrs. Weasley and Ginny pushed themselves between you and Harry and tried to drag him back to the Burrow for a party. Sirius, having seen the snub when Hermione was invited but not a peep mentioned towards you, came to Harry's rescue by telling the Weasley matriarch that he already had a dinner planned for you, Hermione and Harry with a few invited guests already set to arrive.

Harry and Hermione move in with Sirius at Grimmauld, and when you're not helping Madam Rosmerta then you're there at Grimmauld to help Hermione make the Black residence less dark. It's a daunting task, but the four of you with your combined power is enough to rid the house of a lot of dark artifacts that Kreacher was hiding.

You're very grateful for Madam Rosmerta giving you a room and a job, but you're even more grateful for when Tomes and Tea Leaves opens up so you have a steady salary coming in. Working two jobs, however, leaves you with little time to visit Harry and the others.

A couple months after the new school term has started, you're exhausted. Tomes and Tea Leaves proved to be quite popular when the students were allowed on trips to the magical town, and then after your shift there you worked another short shift by still helping out at the Three Broomsticks. So when Madam Rosmerta gives you the night off after watching you stumble into the Inn with a jaw aching yawn, you head straight up to your room to shower before heading off to Grimmauld Place.

When you knock on the front door, another yawn escapes you and you have to apologize to Sirius when he opens the door and your mouth is wide open.


Your hand immediately flies to your mouth to cover it as you finish yawning. "Sorry, Sirius. Is Harry home?"

"Of course." He opens the door wider so you can step in and you briefly hug him in greeting before he shuts the door. "Long day?"

"Adulthood blows. Got any Firewhiskey?"

Sirius guffaws. "A witch after my own heart." He slings an arm around your shoulders and leads you towards the kitchen. "Come along, kitten, and let's go find that wizard of yours. He's been mopey because you haven't made time for him."

"I know," you quietly groan. "I'm such a bad girlfriend."

When the kitchen door is swung open, Harry lights up when he spots you. "YN!"

"Hey HJ." You readily walk out of Sirius' hold and into Harry's arms. "Missed you." You chastely peck his lips before glancing over his shoulder. "Hello, Hermione."

Harry leads you to a chair and you take a seat, smiling sweetly at him. "Long day?" He asks.

"Yeah. Got the night off though so I thought I'd drop by."

"Glad you did." Harry presses a kiss to your forehead before going back to help Hermione with finishing up dinner. "Want a plate?"

"Yes please." A glass tumbler is set in front of you and you glance up to catch Sirius' wink. "Thanks." You toss it back in one go, wincing at the burn and exhaling loudly.

"Adulthood can't be that bad." Sirius chuckles.

"It's not," you sleepily grin. "It's just- it's exhausting."

"Tomes and Tea Leaves still going strong?" Hermione asks.

"Yes. I got your order in, by the way. I was also able to get my discount applied to it so I saved you about ten galleons."

"Oh. Thank you!"

"No problem."

"Hold on." Sirius frowns. "I thought you worked at the Inn?"

"I do. I work at Tomes and Tea Leaves from morning to evening, then evening to midnight at the Three Broomsticks."

"Why are you working two jobs?"

"Padfoot," Harry says, shaking his head.

But you chuckle and assure Harry it's fine. "Madam Rosmerta gave me a room above the bar after graduation. And since I couldn't pay her rent, I worked behind the bar for her to pay off that debt. I get a paycheck from Tomes and Tea Leaves now, but Madam Rosmerta would rather take my help around the bar than take payment for the room."

"Surely there are better apartments out there," he goes on to say.

You shrug. "Maybe, but where else would I get free drinks and a free hot meal every night? I don't mind working both jobs, it's just tiring. And I miss Harry, but a girl's gotta work. We can't all be handsome wizards set for life."

Hermione snorts in amusement and then all too soon everyone is sitting down to eat. They made a delicious pot roast and gravy with a side of mashed potatoes and grilled vegetables, and dinner is a fairly quiet affair as everyone focuses on the food.

Afterwards, having congregated to the sitting room for some small talk, you found yourself dozing off on Harry's shoulder.

"Is she really working two jobs?" Sirius asks when he sees YN's head loll onto his godson's shoulder.

"She is," Hermione answers.

"That's why she's always tired and hardly around," Harry says.

"Why haven't you asked her to move in yet, pup? If you're serious about the witch, we have more than enough room for her here."

Harry smiles as he glances at said witch, brushing his lips across her forehead. "I thought about it, but I didn't know how to bring it up."

"I've already cleared a room for her." Hermione sinks in her seat at Harry and Sirius' amused stares before she huffs and straightens back up. "What? I knew YN was going to be around for a long time the moment the two of you pulled your heads out of your arses back at Hogwarts. YN is nothing like those fame and galleon chasing trollops. Of course she'd be sticking around."

"She's got a point there, pup." Sirius chuckles. "I will admit I was wary of her in the beginning, but she's proved me wrong. Not once have I seen or heard her ask for a sickle, nor have I heard her complain about work until tonight."

Harry grins. "She loves Tomes and Tea Leaves, but working for Madam Rosmerta in order to keep a roof over her head is what's exhausting her."

"Well if you're serious about this witch, she's more than welcome here."

"Thanks, Padfoot. I'll talk to her soon about it."

Soon ends up being a week later when Madam Rosmerta hires someone else to take YN's place when she catches on to just how exhausted she truly is.

"So what now?" Harry asks when the two of you are reclined in his bed. He's sitting against the headboard and you're between his thighs, your back to his chest as his arms wrap around you. "Are you going to look for a flat or pay the fee to continue staying above the Inn?"

You sigh. "I suppose I'll look elsewhere. I'm very grateful for Madam Rosmerta's generosity, but the weekly fee for that room is not worth it."

"Mmm," Harry hums. His fingers are distractedly tracing patterns across your abdomen which is lulling you to sleep when his next words make your eyes immediately fly back open. "Why don't you just move in with me?"


"There's more than enough space here at Grimmauld. Move in with me."

You lean forward just enough so you can turn and stare at your boyfriend. "You can't be serious, Harry Potter. This is- this is Sirius' place. You can't just ask me to move into his home. That's not polite!"

Chuckling, Harry leans forward to kiss your cheek. "I love you, you daft witch. Of course I'm serious." Your breathing ceases for a moment in surprise, this having been the first time those three little words were uttered. Harry, however, remains unfazed. "And if you're worried about Sirius' reaction, don't. He was the one who had wondered why I hadn't asked you to move in yet. He even laughed when Hermione admitted to having cleaned out a room for you. But keep in mind that if you do accept and move in, you'll be sharing my bed."

You continue to gape at him until you fully turn, scooting upward and planting your knees on either side of Harry's hips. He grins as you settle onto his lap, hands sliding into his hair until you're tilting his face upward. "First off," you muse, lips brushing against his, "I love you too, you blathering prat." The beaming smile you get in return makes you chuckle and properly kiss him before you pull back. "And secondly, I'll only invade your space if you're sure. I adore what we have too much to rush into things. I don't want to annoy you."

"I'm positive." Harry leans in and kisses you once more, grinning. "So should I get Hermione to expand our closet? She's better at those charms."

You laugh. "Go ahead. I don't have much right now, but with a permanent roof over my head I guess it's okay to start spoiling myself."

"Of course, sweetheart. And now I can spoil you as well."

You groan. "Harry, no."

"Harry, yes." There's more laughter as you kiss him again, letting him roll you over so he's holding his weight above you. "Now when can we go pack up your room?"

You haven't been living at Grimmauld for a whole month before the first test is thrown your way in the form of Molly Weasley. Fortunately for you, Sirius made it absolutely clear that you and Hermione were to think of Grimmauld as your own home and to make yourselves completely comfortable. So when Mrs. Weasley dropped by to inform Sirius that her family would be spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at Grimmauld with them, you spoke up when she tried to dictate who slept where.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Weasley, but no." Everyone freezes mid-bite, all gazes turning towards you as you sit straighter in your seat. "We are all adults here, but more importantly this is my home. I will not give up my bedroom so your son can bunk with my boyfriend. And though Hermione won't say anything because they've known you for years, I have no problem speaking my mind so I doubt she wants to room with your daughter who she hasn't even spoken to since the days she stalked the halls of Hogwarts searching for Harry."

Mrs. Weasley gapes, but Sirius merely winks at you when you glance at him in fear of overstepping. "How dare you speak to me this way! And in Sirius' home no less."

"This is my home too," you say. "Just as it's Harry's and Hermione's. Sirius told us to make ourselves completely comfortable, so I am. And I'm telling you, you will not kick me out of my own room. Harry and I will remain together, Hermione will remain in her own room, the twins can share or floo back and forth from their flat, and Ron and Ginny can share."

"Listen here, you little-"

"Molly," her husband cuts her off. "That's enough." Molly scoffs in her husband's direction, clearly not happy with the way things are going. "They are all adults and there are more than enough rooms here to go around."

"But it's improper!"

"To you, maybe," you say. "But so long as Sirius doesn't have a problem with Harry and I sharing a bedroom, then everyone else can just keep their opinions to themselves."

Ginny, red in the face, opens her mouth to retort but the twins are quick to silence her and keep her in her seat. Ron frowns, his gaze on Hermione, but she's avoiding his gaze and keeping quiet on the topic. Molly glances from her husband to Sirius as Harry takes your hand under the table, and Sirius shrugs.

"What? She's right." Molly scoffs yet again, turning her back on the table and busying herself at the stove.

Nothing else is said on the topic and everyone goes back to eating their dinner, though the tension is still rather thick in the air.

The following day, the rest of the Weasley's show up as well as Andromeda Tonks and her grandson Teddy Lupin. The twins quickly fill in Bill and Charlie all that they missed when they realize the tension is still rather thick, and the Weasley men are quick to praise you for standing up to their mum since they never could.

You ignore Mrs. Weasley and Ginny as best as you can so as to not ruin Christmas, instead keeping close to Andromeda and Teddy when the little boy reaches for you. She's never had a problem with you, and if she did then she kept it to herself, but now she's happy to see you doting on her grandson and being there for Harry in whatever capacity he needs.

Mrs. Weasley only stays long enough to pass out gifts, receive a few in return, and then make lunch. She tells her children all about dinner later that night at the Burrow and they all assure her they'll be there. The laughter and rambunctious behavior really picks up after Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are gone, but it isn't long before Ron's stomping towards the floo when Hermione receives a present via owl from a certain professional quidditch star all the way in Bulgaria.

Things seem to calm down after Christmas and it isn't long until you're surrounded by Weasley's yet again at the twins' New Years party. This time, however, it's loads easier to distance yourself from Molly and Ginny, though you don't think it's going to be a problem much longer since Ginny had showed up with a date.

Drinks and finger foods are served, as well as the edible pranks the twins had developed over the years to cause a bit of mayhem. Miniature fireworks and confetti bombs burst overhead, and music plays from every corner of the shop. Then about ten minutes from midnight, Harry tells you he wants to take you somewhere.

Heading outside into Diagon Alley, Harry grabs you around the waist and turns you so you're facing him. "Trust me?"

"Of course." You grin as your arms wrap around his neck and you lean up on the tips of your toes to quickly kiss him. "Now what next?"

"Next I introduce you to my mum and dad."

"What?" Harry turns the both of you and you gasp as it feels like you're suddenly squeezed through a tube. Then when the feeling suddenly stops and your feet are on solid ground, you stumble back and swat at his chest. "Harry James Potter! You have to warn a witch before apparating with her."

He chuckles, catching your wrist and pulling you back towards him. "I'm sorry." He pecks your lips. "I'll warn you next time."

Frowning, you let him continue with his kisses before he lets you go and gives you a chance to take in your surroundings. It's a small cemetery and when Harry takes hold of your hand and turns towards a particular headstone, you glance down and smile warmly at the names of James and Lily Potter. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Potter. I'm sorry for assaulting your son, but he was being a right git."

Harry snorts and squeezes your hand. "I was not." Then focusing on his parents' names, he says, "Happy new year, mum and dad. This is YN and I'm very much in love with her."

"Just as I'm in love with your son."

You beam at Harry before chastely kissing him once more, squeezing his hand as you lay your head on his shoulder. The two of you fall quiet, standing there with Harry's parents until a clock somewhere strikes midnight and the sounds of fireworks fill the air.

"Happy new year, Harry."

"Happy new year, love."

After a few more minutes, the two of you say goodbye to Harry's parents before he leads you out of the cemetery gates and down the street of Godric's Hollow. Your heart stutters when the next stop comes into focus and you can't help the anger that suddenly fills you. Unfortunately for you, you were one of those people who when angered and didn't properly unleash it, it came out in the form of tears.

So when you try to subtly wipe away your tears, Harry sees. "Hey. Hey, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry," you mumble. "It's just.." You gesture to the crumbling home where Harry spent the first several months of his life, scoffing. "I don't mean to undermine your mum's sacrifice, but keeping the home as is as a shrine of that night.. it's very insensitive. At least to me it is."

Harry holds you as you cry for his parents and then when you finally calm down he says, "I'm going to petition to have the cottage torn down and then rebuilt." You jerk in his hold, pulling back and looking at him in surprise. "And I'm hoping that you'll be there every step of the way with me. As the future Mrs. Potter."

"W-What?" Your eyes widen. "You're not serious."

"Of course I am." Harry reaches into his pocket and steps back to get on one knee as he raises one of the most beautiful rings you'd ever seen. You gasp, hands flying to your mouth in shock. "And I already know what you're going to say- that's it's too soon and people are going to talk, but I'm done caring about what everyone thinks. I'm done doing what everyone expects me to do and I want to do something for myself for a change."


"I'm so in love with you," he says as he reaches for one of his hands. Your tears fall faster and even Harry's eyes swim with tears as his voice wobbles. "We've come so far, YN, and I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old."

"I-" your voice cracks, causing you to pause and collect yourself really quick. "I'm so in love with you too, Harry Potter. And I'd be honored to call you my fiancé."

"Really?" His eyes widen and you can't help the laugh that escapes you.

"Yes, you git." Harry laughs as he slips the ring on your finger, standing up and quickly kissing you. You hum against his mouth, laughing a moment later before pulling back to stare at your ring. "For the love of Merlin," you breathe in awe. "We're engaged. We're actually engaged!"

"We are, love. We really are."

On the opposite side of the veil where the dead are free to roam but be unseen, James and Lily Potter beam with pride at their son. Next to them, Mr. and Mrs. YLN shed tears of joy for their baby girl.

"He picked a good one, Lils."

"A very good one," Lily agrees.

"Merlin help Padfoot when these two start popping out babies of their own."

James guffaws as Remus steps forward, slinging an arm around his best friend's shoulders. "Nah. Serves the prat right for being such a menace when we were children."

The news of your engagement is first broken to Sirius and Hermione. Sirius celebrates the entire following day only to end up in tears by nightfall while he exclaimed how proud he was of Harry. Hermione was ecstatic for you both and vowed to help plan the perfect ceremony.

You and Harry weren't exactly hiding your engagement, but you didn't outright announce it either. Your friends and those closest to you both were told within a week, and it was a few more weeks later when the entire wizarding community found out because you'd been photographed with Harry in Diagon Alley and the photographer had zoomed in on your new ring. Some were happy, some were envious, and all it took was one jinxed letter to have Molly Weasley on your side and forgetting about all previous tension. With Molly's acceptance eventually came Ginny's and you were finally relieved to not have Harry torn between you and those he considered family.

You weren't in any rush to get married, but you did have fun with the planning every chance you got. It was going to be a somewhat small gathering, those invited only being Sirius, Hermione and Viktor, Andromeda Tonks and Teddy, the Weasley's, Headmistress McGonagall, Professor Sprout, Hagrid, Lady Malfoy and Draco, Blaise, Luna, Neville and his grandmother.

Then with the guest list done, the discussion of where you were going to have the wedding came up. Molly, on one of her visits to offer up any help you should need, had kindly offered the Burrow, but you and Harry wanted it somewhere else that would mean something to the both of you. So while you and Harry were brainstorming ideas, it was Sirius who mentioned that maybe it was time Harry took his position as Head of the Potter household and reopen Potter Manor. If Potter Manor was restored, then they could have the wedding on Potter grounds. Harry seemed to really like that idea and agreed.

Potter Cottage in Godric's Hollow had recently been approved to be handed back to Harry for renovations, but that project was pushed to the backburner while Harry and Sirius focused on Potter Manor.

Hermione, Luna, Molly, and surprisingly Ginny helped you pick out flower arrangements, color schemes, and everything else a wedding entailed. Then when it came time to start looking at dresses, Hermione found you in tears because you had always dreamed your mother would be a part of the dress fittings. It took a while for you to calm down and when you did, you went ahead and asked Harry's only mother figure if she'd accompany you, Hermione and Luna into muggle London to start looking at dresses.

Needless to say, Molly cried alongside you when you had given her your reasoning for asking her and she apologized over and over for her past behavior towards you.

It took months for the restoration of Potter Manor and grounds to be complete, but still you and Harry hadn't come up with a set date for your wedding. You were content with where you and Harry were at in your lives, even encouraging Harry to join the Auror Academy when he mentioned finding a job, but only after you and he had settled into Potter Manor since that's where you were going to live after your honeymoon while Hermione remained at Grimmauld with Sirius.

Then one day, after all the plans had been finalized and the stress was gone, you and Harry came to an agreement on when to get married.

In July, invitations go out for your wedding in August.

The grounds of Potter Manor are warded to keep out any and all unwanted visitors, the grounds behind the manor being where the wedding is to take place. And in between the looming trees, there's an aisle of flower petals that lead up to a small dais where you and Harry are to be married under an arch of fairy lights. Cushioned benches sit on either side of the aisle and twinkling hovering lamps surround the portion of the woods you're to be married in once the sun sets.

Luna and Hermione are in the room with you when you're getting ready, Luna braiding strands of your hair and pinning them here and there. Hermione goes in after her, tugging on specific pieces to give it a messily styled look before Luna goes back in and tucks in sprigs of Baby Breath. Neither of them can get the make-up quite right, so Luna goes in search of someone appropriate to help. When she comes back, you're surprised to see Lady Malfoy in tow.

After a brief introduction and Lady Malfoy instructing you to slip into your dress so she could get a better grasp of the color tones to use and work her charms, you're standing before her in a sleeveless, hourglass sheath wedding gown. The fabric that covers you from your neck down to your toes is mostly sheer, patterns of silver and gold ivory covering your chest down to your upper thighs. Though the patterned vines provided just the right amount of coverage, your cleavage and from your knees down were very visible.

Once Lady Malfoy is done, she steps back and watches as Hermione attaches the train of your dress around your waist, though the ends only tie off at either side of your waist to leave the front view of your legs open for all to see.

When you slip into the heels that Lady Malfoy took the time to charm in a stability charm for you, you step back and run your hands over the stomach of your dress.

"Oh." Lady Malfoy gasps. "You look beautiful."

You beam. "Thank you!"

"Are you nervous, my dear? Nerves are perfectly normal."

"No, ma'am," you tell her. "I'm actually really excited."

There's a knock on the door and Sirius pokes his head in, no doubt a witty remark on the tip of tongue, but it dies the moment he lays eyes on you. "Oh. Oh, Kitten," he says in awe. "Harry ain't gonna know what hit him."

"Sirius Black," Hermione scolds him, "if you don't get out of here right now, I'm going to sic Molly on you."

Luna giggles as Sirius mockingly gasps, but he winks at you. "I only came to say that they're ready for you." You nod and then Sirius steps into the room. "Cousin, may I escort you to your seat?"

Lady Malfoy smiles and nods, and walks forward to take her cousin's arm. Once they're gone, Hermione and Luna turn towards you and are practically bouncing in place.

Hermione picks up your bouquet of calla lilies and you hold them tight in hand. "Ready?" She asks.

"More than."

Your friends lead the way outside and you follow them, unable to stop smiling. From the back door, you watch your friends join the rest of the wedding guests and take their seats up front. Harry is anxiously standing next to the ministry official who's officiating the wedding, laughing at whatever Sirius and the others are telling him. The most whimsical of music starts to play and everyone readily turns, only to be obscured by a wall of fog that will hide you right up until you step foot on the aisle.

You push open the door, walking towards the fog as the musical notes fill the air. You pass through the fog, your gaze immediately on Harry as his eyes widen and he gulps. There are several wolf whistles and your nose wrinkles in amusement. Then you see Harry's smile wobble as he reaches up to wipe his eyes under his glasses and your vision blurs in return. Hagrid is a blubbering mess as McGonagall and Sprout try to soothe him, and even Molly is having trouble keeping her tears at bay.

All the Weasley's are appraising you rather fondly, and even Viktor who had come with Hermione can't help but smile. Draco is seated with his mother, Andromeda and Teddy, and Blaise is right there with him having trouble keeping his mouth from being agape. Neville, Luna and Augusta Longbottom are all seated together, and the elder Longbottom nods approvingly when she sees you up close.

Harry steps forward to offer you a hand up onto the dais and it takes everything in you to not kiss him then and there. "You look beautiful."

"Speak for yourself, Mr. Potter. You are really working that tux."

You and Harry share a laugh before facing the Ministry official, your right hand in his as your left hand clutches your bouquet. The official welcomes everyone and gives a small speech about love finding each when you least expect it. Then before your gathered friends and family, you and Harry exchange vows before the official waves his wand and a strand of golden magic wraps around your and Harry's wrists before sinking into your skin.

When you're finally allowed to kiss, everyone applauds and the twins release a batch of fireworks they had specifically made for your big day.

Wisps of sparkles appear before you and Harry as you walk down the aisle, leading you towards the makeshift reception area. Potter Manor was more than big enough to host everyone, but you and Harry wanted everything done under the stars. And before you can take your seats to get the dinner started, Fred and George encourage you to perform the first dance.

Passing off your bouquet to Luna, you join Harry in the middle of the dance floor and wrap your arms around his neck as his wrap around your waist. He smiles at you. "Ready for our next adventure, Mrs. Potter?"

"With you? Always, Mr. Potter."

Your second kiss as husband and wife happens then and there, and you pull back with a laugh as everyone explodes into cheers.

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