
By harithx

21.7K 775 218

Felix have big fat crush on the bad boy of the school, he thought that he never will have a chance with him... More

Part 18


1.2K 48 15
By harithx

Han's pov

I wake up when I can feel a slither of light shining to my face. I blink my eyes a few times so that it can focus. 'Oh no! I slept with my contacts on!' I thought to myself.

I slowly sit up from lying but I feel like someone is pulling me to lay back down.

"Lixie, I need to get up. I forgot to take my contacts out" I said with husky voice. I can hear someone mumbling something.

"What was it Lixie?" I asks as I lean closer to the body that is hugging my body.

"I'm not Felix, baby." The voice said. My eyes widen and I look around.

I can see Felix is sleeping while cuddling with Hyunjin on the couch with blanket over them, beside them on the floor, Innie with Chan hyung as Innie's head on his chest and at the far corner I can see Changbin hyung back hugging Minnie.

'Then that means...' I slowly turn and I can see fluffy brown hair at my stomach as the arms around my waist isn't letting me go.

"M..Minho hyung!" I squeak out.

"It's still early baby, we should sleep more." He said with his husky morning voice.

"Uh... you can continue to sleep hyung, I need to go to the bathroom as my eyes are killing me right now." I said to him as I keep on rubbing my eyes because it feels very dry.

"What's wrong?" he asks as he sit up and look directly in my eyes.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just accidentally slept in with my contacts on. I just want to go and take it out." I said to him and I begin to stand up.

"No..." he whine out as he tighten his hold.

"But hyung... it really hurts. Please." I whine out.

"Fine." He said before he too stands up with me and continue to back hug me.

"You can go as long as I can cling to you like this. To make sure that you'll come back to me." He huff as he snuggle his head at my neck.

"Won't it be uncomfortable? Eh wait?! What about school?!" I ask in panic.

"Hansungie, did you forget? Today is a public holiday." He mumble as he walks with me to the bathroom.

"Oh yeah." I said as we arrive in my bathroom. I take out my contacts.

"Hyung, here. Brush your teeth and wash your face. We can make breakfast first. Or would you like to go and buy it?" I asks as I give him the spare toothbrush that I have in the bathroom. Yes, it's new.

"Fine..." he sigh out before letting me go and begin to brush his teeth beside me. After that I wash my face and dry it with the hand towel that I have in the bathroom.

"I'm done!" he said as he turns to me.

I give him a new towel so that he can wipe his face. He shakes his head. I look at him confuse.

"I want you to wipe it for me." He said as he leans his face closer to me. I can't help but to blush and proceed to do it.

After that, both of us walk downstairs.

"Uh, do you feel like cooking or what? If not, we can just go and buy the breakfast." I said to him.

"Humm... let's just buy it." Minho hyung reply. I nod my head and about to walk to Felix to tell him.

"No, don't disturb them. We just put a note on the dining table, ok?" he said as he pulls me back.

"Eh, is it ok? I don't want him to panic." I said worriedly.

"Don't worry. Hyunjin is here with him." He said as he pulls me to the kitchen.

I nod and proceed to write on the whiteboard on the fridge.

"Let's go!" I said as I take my house key.

As we walk down the street, a gush of wind come. I can't help but shiver. I tighten my hold on my jacket.

"Are you cold Hansungie?" Minho hyung asks. I just smile at him.

"I'm ok hyung." I replied. He shook his head and take my hand and hold it inside his pocket.

"You're freezing cold Hansungie." He said with a frown on his face.

"It's ok hyung. We're almost there." I said to him. Not far from us we can see the diner that I always go too.

We quickly walk to it and order food for all of us before we go and sit to wait for it to be done.

"Do you want something to drink?" he asks.

"No, it's ok. I just brought money just enough for the food." I said to him. He stares at me and suddenly he got up from his seat. I look at him in confusion, I just shrug and play with my phone.

Not long after I can feel something cold on my cheek. I flinch and look at the direction of the coldness coming from.

"Here." Minho hyung said as he hands me an ice americano.

"How did you know that this is my fav?" I asks him as I sip the drink as he sits in front of me.

"Huh? Oh, I just always see you drinking it." He replied.

I just nod my head.

"So, Hansungie. I have a question for you." He said as he put his drink down and lean closer to me. Thank god, for the table. I give him a questioning look so that he can proceed with his question.

"When I ask you why we never met when we were younger because you know Channie hyung, why did you lie when there's clearly a picture of both of us in your bedroom at your bedside table?" he asks seriously.

I tense up at his question.

'Shit! I forgot about that picture!' I thought to myself.

"Huh? Is it hyung?" I asks like I didn't know.

"Hansungie, I can see right through you right now. Don't try and foreign ignorance." He said as he leans closer. I back away from him.

"No... It's nothing. I just didn't know if you would appreciate if I talked to you after so long of not talking. After all I'm a nobody right?" I said partially the truth with hurt lace in my voice.

"That's not the whole truth Hansungie." He said as he stares deep in my eyes.

"Han Jisung! Han Jisung! Your order is done!" I can hear the worker call my name.

I quickly stand up and take the food and hurriedly run out from the diner.

'Shit! I knew that this is a bad idea! Now I need to get away!' I thought to myself as I run all the way home.

When I arrive, I quickly try to open the door when a hand halt it from opening. I follow the hand and I can see Minho hyung there giving a cold stare. I can't help but shiver in fear.

"Why did you run away from me Hansungie?" he asks scarily.

"I... I... I'm sorry but I can't tell you about it. Please. I'll tell you when it's time please." I beg him.

"When is that?" he asks again as he trap me in between him and the door.

"Uh... s...soon... I promise... Soon..." I said to him as I look to the ground.

"Promise?" he asks as he lift my face to look into his eyes. I nod my head.

After that he let me open the door. I can see that everyone already awakes. I put the food in the kitchen before I look at Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin. They sense that I need to talk with them, they all nod their head and follow me to my room.

As soon as we arrive in my room, I lock the door.

"What's wrong Hannie hyung?" Innie asks.

"Minho hyung is suspecting something about me. I forgot about the picture! He saw the picture and he ask a bunch of question at me! What should I do?!" I whisper yell in frustration.

All of them look at me with pity.

"Why can't you just tell him?" Minnie asks.

"You know I can't Minnie... It's the best for him. They already arrange everything. Y...You know ... wh...what they did..." I choke out as the tears start to pour.

"Don't cry Hannie! We're here with you!" Felix said trying to cheer me up.

"I knew that talking to them is a mistake... Now we need to go away again..." I said.

"Hey, it's ok! I know our parents would gladly help. Don't worry, ok? Next all of us will have other identities and move far from here, ok? So, for now we can just spend our time with them before it ok?" Minnie said assuring us.

All of us look at one and another before nodding our heads.

"I'm sorry guys... because of me you guys also..." I cried out as I cover my face with my hand because I feel so guilty.

"Hey, it's ok! We're not mad at all. It's ok! We will always be together, ok?" Innie said and pull all of us together for a group hug.

"Thanks guys!" I said between hiccups.

"Hey, that's what family are for right?" Innie said as he pulls away from the hug and wipe away my tears. I nod my head.

"Ok, wash your face first and let's enjoy our week here, ok?" Lixie said with a cheerfulness. All of us agree.

As all of them walk out from my room to wash up and freshen up, I walk into my bathroom and freshen up too.

As I walk into the kitchen to eat breakfast, Minho hyung pull me to sit beside him.

"Did you cry Hansungie?" he asks worriedly as he lean closer to my face to see.

"Nah hyung. It's because I slept with my contacts in. That's why it's red." I said to him with a smile.

He looks sceptical but didn't push forward. The breakfast is not eventful or whatsoever but all four of us was lost in our thoughts.

Felix's pov

'Next week will be a new chapter for us. I hope it goes well.' I thought to myself.

"Why all of you guys are lost in thought after went out from Jisung's room?" I can hear Chris hyung asks.

All of us snap out of our thoughts and look at him confuse.

"What do you mean hyung?" I ask him.

"What do I mean? Ok what did we talk about while eating?" he asks as he look at the four of us.

All of us look at one and another, I can see that all of us didn't even hear what they were saying.

"Uh... we talk about how today is a holiday and how to spend it...?" Innie said with unsureness line in his voice.

I can see they look at one another before a serious look come to their face. They turn to us and look at us sternly.

"Ok, that's it! What did you guys talk about in the room? You guys better tell us before we know in other way!" Changbin hyung said sternly before he glares at all of us.

The four of us tense up in fear.

"We didn't talk about anything, h...hyung... Really... we were just surprised that you guys didn't mind spending time with us." Minnie lies smoothly.

"I said the truth, Kim Seungmin. I can see right through you. So, you better tell us the truth." He said sternly.

All of us look at one and another before all of us sigh.

"You guys will eventually know next week. So, don't worry, ok? Today was supposes to be a fun day! Not a tense day!" Hannie said with a pout.

"You guys aren't off the hook yet. Especially you Hansungie." Minho hyung said sternly. I can see Hannie tense up and look at me for help.

Before I can open my mouth Hyunjin hyung cut me off.

"Don't even think about it Felix." He said to me sternly and turn my head to look at him directly in the eyes.

I tense up as I can see that he's not playing games.

I nod my head in fear. He still stares into my eyes before nodding his head in satisfaction.

After that I can see that Hannie is being drag away from us and into the living room by Minho hyung. I try to look at them but Hyunjin hyung cover it from me.

"You have unfinish business with me Felix." He said sternly. I look at him in confusion.

Minho POV

I can feel myself feel with rage as Hansungie is hiding secrets from me and I don't like it at all. I feel like if I don't know it now, I'll regret it in the future.

"Hyung! It hurts! Can you please loosen your hold!" he said with a wince.

When we're in the living room I let his wrist go and turn to look at him sternly. I can see that he tense up and try to look away.

"Look me in the eyes Hansungie." I said to him sternly. After a while he look me on the eyes.

"What are you trying to hide right now Hansungie? I feel like you will slip away in between my fingers." I said to him as I stare at him.

"I... It's not that I don't want to tell you hyung... it's because... I ... can't" he mumbles out.

"What do you mean you can't? Who is holding you hostage that you can't tell me anything?!" I asks in frustration as I run my hand through my hair.

He look at me and I can see his eyes slightly move to the side before he focus to me again.

I want to turn around and I can see that he didn't let me too. I sigh before I take his hand and drag him outside of the house and into Chan's car. Yes, I have keys to his car. All of us have as Chan always too lazy to take his car keys.

I open the door and let him go in first before I walk to the driver side and turn on the car and put on the heater. I press a button that let the mirror to turn black to the outside but from the inside you can see perfectly fine.

"Now talk. You're safe here to talk. So, talk please." I beg to him as I look at him.

"It's not that I don't want it's because I can't! I'm sorry. But I can't tell you please... It's for everyone's safety please." He begs.

"What safety? Can you please explain it to me Hansungie? I want to know. If I can help, I will." I said to him sincerely.

"I...It's... I'm afraid hyung... no one will believe me hyung... I'm thankful that Felix, Minnie and Innie believe me hyung. But I don't think others will believe me so please, drop this please." He begs with tears pouring.

"No Hansungie. I can't let this go Hansungie. I won't let this go. So you better tell me before I hear from someone else and it won't be pretty once I found out not from you Hansungie." I said to him seriously and sternly.

He look at his hands before he harshly wipe his tears away.

"I...I don't think I can tell you hyung... please don't make me hyung please... I don't want to go through that again... please... I'm sorry! I'm SORRY! I PROMISE I DIDN'T DO IT! PLEASE! LET GO! LET ME GO! NO! NO! NO!" he suddenly have a panic attack.

"Hansungie! Listen to me! Listen to my voice! No one will hurt you! You're safe with me! I promise! No one will hurt you anymore! No one will! I won't let them! Listen to me!" I take hold both of his hand and calm him down. I can see he begin to calm down a bit.

"Listen to my voice ok Hansungie? You're ok. No one will dare to hurt you. I'm here already. Ok?" I whisper to him.

He suddenly pull me into a hug as he grasp tightly to my shirt.

"I'm sorry..." he keeps on mumbling apologies.

"Hey, it's ok. No one will hurt you ok? I won't let them. So tell me please. What's wrong..." I said to him.

"I...I...I'll tell you... please... please don't hate me after this hyung... I'm not strong anymore..." he mumble out to me.

"I'll believe you Hansungie..." I assured him.

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