Honey; Draco Malfoy

By justlikeyourstories

116K 3.2K 1.7K

โ๐‡๐จ๐ง๐ž๐ฒ; ๐€ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ž ๐ง๐š๐ฆ๐ž ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐š ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ž ๐ ๐ข๐ซ๐ฅโž โ๐“๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ ๐ฃ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฆ... More

Sweet Like Honey
The 14th Floor
No Sugar
Love In A Photograph
Underdesk Work
Pumpkin Spice
A Bone To Pick
20 Questions
Elderflower Wine
Cloudy Minds
I Dont Like Repeating Myself
Drunk At 6:30?
Delicate Kisses
My Boss Is A Massive Asshole
Penetrative Permission๏ฟผ
So Green
Home Not Alone
Over As Fast As It Begun
Im Totally Fine
And There Were Three
Pasta Fixes Everything
Pale Blue
Pretty For Me
Barbie Boutique
The More You Know
Memory Lane
Voice Your Frustration
Brake Time
Elephant In A Crystal Shop
My Star In The Sky

Shiny๏ฟผ Black Shoes

3K 91 55
By justlikeyourstories

TW: mentions of eating disorder

I have experienced this very disorder myself and so have many others, please be mindful in the comments <3

Honey Ilona

The annoyingly loud sound of my alarm woke me up from my deep slumber, making a lengthy groan escape my lips. I didn't get back until late last night and wanted nothing more then to shut off my alarm and sleep in but I had to get up. I wasn't about to get fired because I needed a few extra hours to sleep.

I sighed and shut off my alarm, throwing the covers off my body and sitting up. I let out a big silent yawn, standing up to head to the bathroom. I gave Alena, who was still asleep, a gentle pat on the head before I closed the door.

I walked over to the shower and turned it on, adjusting it to the right tempreture before walking over to the sink, splashing cold water over my eyes to fully wake myself up while the water warmed up.

I turned around and pulled open the shower curtain, feeling the water tempreture just right and starting to peel off my clothes. As I moved to take off my shirt, I couldn't help but acknowledge how my shoulders ached, the pain felt as though it was burning.

I sighed and stepped into the water, dipping my head underneath the hot streams and feeling the slight tingle on my cheeks. I closed my eyes and let my body elope in the steam, letting my muscles relax.

I turned around and poured out some body wash, starting to caress my body with the lightly scented soap. I traced the outlines of my stretch marks, giving an extra touch to each one of them—I wasn't ashamed of them, it was proof of how far I had come in my life.

When I was 13 I had developed a eating disorder called Bulimia. I don't really know how it started, in my mind, I was doing whatever it took to loose weight—to not gain weight but didn't realise the affect it really had on my body and my mental health.

I struggled for five years and fortunately I was able to get the help I needed. My stretch marks were symbols of recovery, battle scars and I couldn't be anymore proud of myself. Sometimes, I'll sit in front of the mirror and pick out everyone one of my insecurities.

Like—my gut isn't slim, my thighs aren't skinny, my shoulders are slightly broad and I wasn't the prettiest of girls but overtime, I realised that it was ok to feel like this at times—just as long as I knew that at the end of the day—This was me, I was perfect in my own way and the others who thought differently...

Well, that's their problem. Not mine.

I spread a smile across my face, today was gonna be as good as I made it to be and I always pushed myself to be as positive as possible.

I finished my duties in the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. I stepped fork the shower and in front of the steam coated mirror, swiping my hand across the glass, I cleared a little spot so I could see my face. I smiled and turned around, opening the bathroom door and feeling as the cold air of my room hit my warm and still wet, skin.

The bathroom aired itself out as I got dressed into my normal attire. I walked around my room bare foot and noticed Alena was awake.

"Hey, baby" I smiled and pat her head. She let out a small yawn, covering her whine into my sheets as she dipped her head down. I let out a little chuckled and opened my bedroom door "Come on" I tapped my leg and watched as she sprung up from the bed and ran past my feet into the living room.

My eyes followed her body until she disappeared behind the lounge, then my eyes traveled along the floor and stopped at a pair of shiny black shoes. I froze, my heart beat stared to pick up slightly.

I didn't let anyone into the apartment, the only ones who had a key were my bother and mother but she didn't wear black shoes and Jackson had stated previously that he would rather die then wear those shoes.

I was too scared to look up until they cleared their throat. I sighed and my body started to relax slightly—wait... what is he doing in my living room!?

"Uh" I cleared my throat and looked up at his cold stare, not sure what to say. Maybe I should start with why the fuck he's let himself into my home "Mr Malfoy. What are you doing here?" I let go of the handle and straightened my body in the door frame.

"This is where you live?" He asked as more of a question to himself them me. He ignored my question and took a step forward, looking around himself with a scowl on his face "I'm not gonna say that I expected different because I didn't"

My mouth opened agape, sounds stuttering from my lips but no words forming. My skin started to heat again and the tips of my ears started to burn—something that often happened when I was nervous or scared.

"At least it's clean" he mumbled to himself, swiping a lone finger across my kitchen counter to gather nothing but the cold feeling of the marble against his skin.

"I'm-" I cleared my throat once more "I'm sorry but-but can I ask what you're doing in my kitchen?" I walked around the corner to get a better view of him as he inspected my cooking appliances.

"You like to cook?" He ignored my question and asked one of his own that I wasn't planning on answering.

"Wha—can you—what's going on right now?" I blinked at him as he flicked through the cook book I had sitting next to the stove.

"Interesting" he mumbled to himself. I took a deep breath out, usually I wasn't the one that was quick with anger but asking questions and just being ignored is something that has always boiled my blood.

"Excuse me!" I shouted "Excuse my Language but what the fuck are you doing in my apartment!? It's—" I looked at the clock on my wall by his head "8:30 in the morning! I don't come in until nine"

Finally, he looked at me. He dropped the cooking book back onto the shelf and blinked at me, probably taken back at the raise of my voice but I was sick of no answers. He was indeed my boss but had absolutely no right to let himself into my apartment.

"I bought this building two days ago" he said simply, like buying buildings was an everyday occurrence for him "I stuck a notice on everyone's door, saying that I would be coming to inspect their apartment. Your door was open so I assumed you were expecting me" he shrugged.

"No—you still should of knocked, Mr Malfoy" I sighed, brushing down my skirt before looking back up at him. He stared at me for a second, taking in what I was wearing and the clips in my hair that I often find him staring at the most.

Did he not like them? We're they against the dress code? Was there even a dress code? 

He shook his gaze away from me and shrugged "I'm leaving. I expect you to come in early, I have a job for you" he said and before I could even question, he bolted towards the door and slammed it shut behind him.

I cleared my throat. What just happened?

I stared at the door for a second. He no owned the building I live in... does that mean he lives here now too? Why would he just randomly buy an apartment complex for no reason?

Merlin, I hope he doesn't live here now.

I shook the thought away and headed back to my room. I tugged on my boots and slipped my back over my shoulder, I looked to myself in the mirror one time and smiled before heading out.

"Bye, Alena. Don't scratch the lounge" I said sternly before shutting the door behind myself. I made sure to lock it this time and headed down stairs to ten street. Jackson wasn't here to take me this time so I had to ride my bike, not that I had a problem, I loved riding my bike—I found it cleansing and a great sense of energy relief.

It was a quick 30 minute ride until I made it the office. I jumped off my bike and chained it the bike rail, which was entirely empty. Most people either walked or drove to work but I couldn't walk that far and didn't know how to drive.

I straightened my skirt before walking into the building, buzzing busy with people as normal.

I made it through the crowd as quickly as possible. It was still early yet it was so so busy.

"Morning, Hector!" I smiled and took off my coat, handing it to him who happily took it "Oh—wait!" I reached into the pocket of my coat and pulled out my security badge "Can't forget this" I laughed before clipping it onto my shirt.

Hector gave a hard nod before letting me last the gate and into the main area of work. I walked straight to the elevator, pressing the button for the doors to open immediately.

I smiled, today was already going well, I just hoped the rest of the day was like this.

I pressed my floor button and listened to the soft music as the elevator swiftly moved up. I crossed my hands in front of me, twirling the small gold ring on my pointer finger.

The Elevator stopped at floor 10, a soft ding as the doors opened.

"We have to stop meeting like this" I smiled widely as Sebastian waltzed into the elevator, standing beside me to press the 14th floor button as well.

"Good morning" I chirped, tucking a curly strand behind my ear.

"You seem cheerful as always, That's good. How are you, Honey?" He asked with a spike of actual curiosity, like he actually wanted to know how I was and it wasn't just friendly chatter.

"I'm doing well. A little bit of a frazzled morning but I sprung back like I always do" I smiled "And you?"

"Busy" he rolled his eyes "I've got an early meeting with Mr Cranky then I have a stack of papers I need to fill out with a new contract" he sighed, reaching his hand up to rub the back of his neck.

"Mr Malfoy? You have a meeting with Mr Malfoy this morning?"

Word count 1833.

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