Leave me alone.

De IReallyLoveFoodDawgg

54K 1.9K 1.1K

"If you like me as you say you do, why would you hurt me?," I said looking in her eyes. She looked defeated... Mais

chapter twoo
chapter tree
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter ate
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
The end. An author's note.

chapter twenty four

870 33 2
De IReallyLoveFoodDawgg

Nyla's POV
"I told you not to talk to that bitch anymore!," I say to Bree sighing afterwards.

"Nyla I didn't,"

I take a plate and throw it to the wall, I watch it shatter.


"I'm sorry, I didn't.. I'll be back," I say grabbing my bag, walking out, leaving a shocked Bree behind me.

"Nyla," she says and I stop at the door.

"Where you going?,"

"To the store with Tyla," I say and she nods and I close the door.

I thought I was over this.

Tyla's POV
"What's wrong Nyla," I ask looking at her mugging the floor.

"Bree, she's just..," she sighs heavily.

"Want some skittles?," Ace asks holding a packet of skittles to her.

"No, thank you, I just wanna be mad, I'll be fine," she says turning  to the aisle with ice cream.

Ace and I continue walking around and I listen to her talk about how she's going to 'beat the fuck out of Rae' when we get back.

"What did she do this time?," I ask looking at biscuits.

"Nothing I just want to start a fight," she shrugs.

"For no reason?," I ask taking a packet of chips.


"You really like her huh?," I ask now facing her.

"Maybe a little bit," she says turning away from me.

"You don't have to deny it, everyone can see it," I say turning my head searching for Nyla.

"Where's Nyla?," she asks changing the subject.

I shrug and look around.

"She doesn't seem to be here," I say as we walk through all the aisles.

My heart starts to race as I feel fear.

Ace and I go to different aisles to look for her. As I'm about to turn I'm grabbed.

I yelp, dropping my chips.

I try to scream but something's put over my mouth.

The person holding both of my arms tightly starts dragging me to the back of the store.

"Tyla?," I hear Ace call out but I can't answer her.

I try to fight off whoever's holding me but I fail.

I inhale whatever drug they put in the cloth and let the darkness consume me.

Rae's POV
Someone bangs on my door.

I unlock and open and Ace walks in pacing, and pulling her hair.

She closes her eyes and starts panting. 

"Ace, look at me,"

She opens her eyes and starts crying.

"Look at me baby,"

I make her sit down.

"In for 5, hold for 7, out for 8," I say and she starts breathing slowly.

She looks calmer.

"Let's do that again,"

She breathes again and a few more times until she's completely calm.

"What happened?," I ask handing her a bottle of water.

"I went to the store, I was with Tyla and Nyla, that rhymes," she says and I roll my eyes.

This nigga.

"And I went to get some chocolates and I couldn't find them, anywhere. I even asked security and they didn't see anything,".

"They were kidnapped," I state the obvious.

"I don't want to lose my best friend," she says sinking in the chair.

"I know baby. We have to tell Tae," I say getting my hoodie.

"Fuck," she sighs.

I look at her and see her crying with her head in her hands.

"I'm scared Rae," she says and for once I don't have anything to say.

I sit next to her and let her cry in my shoulder.

Tae's POV
I look at the floor listening to Ace tell me what happened today.

Bree looks at the wall while playing with her pocketknife.

"We'll see you guys later," Ace says leaving with Rae.

I sigh putting my head in my hands.

"You have a suspect?," Bree asks throwing her pocketknife in the air.

"Not yet," I say and light up a blunt.

We pass the blunt to each other.

We finish two more together and as  I reach for another one, she stops me.

"I understand you're stressed, but this won't help,"

"We just finished 3 together," I argue.

"Because I know we're not too high after 3 and we can still think straight. We need to figure this out you know, can't do that while we're high,"

I keep quiet because she's right.

"I know," I sigh.

She gives me a sad smile and gets up to leave.

"I'll call you," she says and I nod.

A tear falls from my eye as she closes the door.

It's so quiet without Tyla.

I miss her voice.
Her shouting.
Her moans.
Shit, everything.

I get up and walk to the bathroom, taking out my drugs from the cabinet.

I look at them, opening them I get flashbacks and shake my head.

I've been clean for a year.

I throw them in the toilet, smiling in my heart as I watch them dissolve in the water and flush them away.

Going to my bedroom I look through Tyla's shoes to see which ones she was wearing.

Slippers of course, the ones she didn't put the tracker in.

I check my phone to try find her location somehow but there's nothing.

Going to the store would be useless since Ace said the cameras show nothing.

Feeling my stomach rumble I grab some biscuits and eat as much as I can without forcing myself.

What if she's already dead

The thought crosses my mind as more tears fall from my eyes.

I let myself cry until I decide it's enough.

Washing my face I hear my phone ring and let it ring until I'm done.

I look myself in the mirror and make a promise to myself.

I'm going to find my girlfriend.

I hold my necklace with her name on it and smile sadly to myself.

Bree calls again and I pick up this time.

"You scared me bro," she sighs in relief.

"My bad, I was doing stuff," I say and put my phone on the counter.

"So you got any suspects yet?,"

"No, not yet,"


"It's that nigga from the mall!," I scream frustrated.


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