I Thought I Knew You

By DramaLoversDream513

1.6K 44 15

Boarding school AU. Elizabeth is the new girl at Liones Academy and she bumps into an old face: Meliodas. Exc... More

An Unexpected Face
How Long's It Been?
The Deity Society
Truth Or Dare
Midnight Flight
The Boar's Hat
The Locker Room Fight (Extra Chapter)
Jumping Out of Windows
Those Watching Eyes
Saturday Mornings
Pool Parties
The System
Miss Merlin
The Heavy Weight She Bore (Extra Chapter)
First Kiss
Knocking Back
Saintly Solitude (Extra Chappie)
Is This Love?
Running Away
War Of Pride
Always Average (Extra Chappie)
You Mean The Best
Last Hope
Idiot, Idiot, Idiot
Clan Academy
The Library
Never Real

Why do you humor him?

68 2 1
By DramaLoversDream513

"Why do you humor him?" Sariel raises a brow, his tone quiet and thoughtful.

It was Art and I just so happened to be in his class as well as King and Diane's. The latter had been seated at the back, with me having to be in the front due to the archangel's quick actions. In fact he seemed pretty weary of the Sins himself. I could see it from when he'd glance over at them, apprehension filling his gaze.

"What do you mean?" I reply slowly, cautiously, dipping my paintbrush into some paint.

"Meliodas," Sariel answers. His voice doesn't hold venom nor accusation, instead remaining plaintive and observant. "I've been watching you and you seem extremely comfortable around him..."

I blush. I didn't expect the Deity Society to have one of their members spy on me. I would've been fine if they told me that they'd have someone follow me, however that does defeat the whole purpose of spying. I'd definitely be more careful if I knew I had a spy on my tail.

"Well, we've been friends for a long time," I respond simply as I focus on my task. That'd be a lot easier than answering Sariel's questions. It's bad enough that he gets to spy on me and see into what I do. He doesn't need to know about my thoughts as well.

"Yes, you were," The angel's voice was filled with thought. "However...are you sure you two weren't anything more? You do seem awfully close for just friends."

"What?" I barely managed to squeak the words as I turned a violent shade of red. I never expected Sariel of all people to ask something like this. Maybe Jelamet or one of the other more doubtful members, but not Sariel. He was one of the first to agree with me on co-existing with the demons.

"I guess that is a no," He sighed as he returned painting, "...You know, I always thought you'd take a different path from us all. You never seemed to have the same resentment of the demons as we all did."

"What do you mean?" I arch a brow as the archangel smiles slightly, his eyes focused on his painting.

I'd always believed that I'd follow in my mother's footsteps. That I'd be a leader, a figurehead, to Celestial Prep and its sister locations. I believed that I would be the next representative of the goddess race. 

I always felt that I was born to be full of compassion and purity, like everyone believed Celestial Prep's students to be. I had always fit in with the other goddesses; we all had similar goals, motives and morals. 

How could I have been any different from anyone else?

"You were always a pacifist," Sariel answers, seeming to read my mind. "You never wanted to harm anyone, even the demons. I remember that undercover you were sent on, you came back empty handed."

I flush at his words, knowing them to be true. I had failed at that undercover, I had come back empty handed because I refused to to stoop to violence.

"Many blamed naivety on why you left us," Sariel continues, halting his painting. "But I don't see it that way. I say it was your very nature that allowed you to pursue Meliodas."

"But..." He pauses, looks up and glances right at me. "It was probably your naive heart that gave you the push to actually go against us. Many say that the demon brainwashed you into being that way. But you were always naive, weren't you Elizabeth?"

I'm breathless. Wordless. Sariel's words - observations - have taken me by surprise. He had clearly spent a lot of time analyzing what had happened to me, or perhaps even my motives. He knew a lot more about me than I did myself. I'd never even thought about why I left, I just decided that it would be the best choice. For me and for everyone else.

"I guess I always was," I say, tears blurring my vision slightly. I'd never really thought about that. Whether anyone ever saw my departure coming. "I just - I thought leaving would be better than admitting a lie. I'd rather be cast out than forced to obey what I don't believe in."

"I agree wholeheartedly with you," Sariel nodded, "Honesty is important as well as what you believe. However - you do know that leaving was unwise? Many view you as a traitor and the only reason you're safe is because the Supreme Deity has hope you will return. She hopes that living this life will give you some sense."

I sigh as I take in the Archangel's words. They echoed and rang in my head, making me pause from continuing my painting.

"Well...I'll continue to live senselessly," I say my voice quavering, but tone firm, "Even if it takes me a lifetime to find some 'sense', I'll stay here."

A silence filled the air as we both went back to our work. The sound of brushes and our classmates' chatter filled my ears, however they weren't processed. Instead I focused on the heavy stillness between me and the small student beside me.

"You truly are too innocent, Elizabeth," Sariel sighed as he broke the stillness and got up from his seat, "I'll give you a week to think about it. Otherwise I'll have to tell the others the unfortunate news. I was really hoping you'd return home."

He then exited the room, carrying a hall pass. Where did he even get that from?

I sighed.

"What was that about?" Diane quirked a brow as she looked at me, "Oh no, you're crying!"

"I am?" I touch my cheek to feel the familiar wetness of tears. I hadn't even noticed.

"What did he say to you?" King was still turned in the direction Sariel left, "I'll tell the Captain and we'll -"

"No it's fine," I smile softly, "It's just an old face."

"Are you sure?" Diane sat beside me, "If anyone's saying anything, we have no problem defending you. You're our friend after all."

A friend? I looked at them both, the short auburn-haired fairy and towering brunette. One was loud and brash and emotional; the other was quiet and pensive and controlled. They both looked like an odd pair, but complimented each other perfectly. I couldn't help but smile at the concerned expressions, my mind picturing them as a fussed old couple.

"I'm ok," I respond softly before grinning, "Like I said it was an old face."

"Ok..." Diane was still uncertain, "But I'll sit by you for the rest of the lesson. I don't want that jerk upsetting you again."

"He's not a jerk, he's just brutally honest," I laugh, but Diane insists he is. She goes off into a rant, getting King involved, and making me laugh profusely. I'm glad to be her friend.


"Lunch," Ban sighed as he plopped his tray down at the table, "The best subject of the day."

"Lunch isn't a subject," Gowther points out flaccidly.

Everyone seems to exchange knowing smiles at his words. Even though I'd only been here for a day, I could tell that Gowther didn't get the hang of figurative language. He always took things seriously, never getting when a joke or metaphorical thing was shared.

"Anyway, that's not why I asked Elizabeth to eat lunch with us," Merlin's eyes seemed to make contact with mine, before quickly flickering away. "We have something important to discuss with her."

"What could be so important that we risk getting our asses kicked?" Ban raised a brow as he pointed at a scowling Jericho.

I glanced over my shoulder to look at her and she seemed to frown with disappointment. Guila, Veronica and Griamore were with her, each wearing disapproving and yet protective looks on their faces. I tensed. I'd have to be careful with what I did and said to the Sins. One wrong move and I'd probably set them all off.

"Please," Diane scoffed, "Jericho couldn't beat me in a fight if she tried."

"The one in the locker room was a close call though," Escanor spoke, "King and I spent ages patching you up after that."

"That's because she pulled out her sword!" The brunette pouted.

The words instantly brought me back to this morning. Jericho had told me that she got involved in the fight, however I never knew she pulled out a sword on Diane. But that did make sense for her. The knight was definitely hotheaded. I'm surprised Diane made it out alive. Especially if she only had a hockey stick to defend herself with.

"I'm sure we're not here to discuss Diane's past sin," Gowther spoke adjusting his glasses, "Otherwise we'd be discussing all of our sins."

"Yeah, didn't you say we have something to discuss Merlin?" Meliodas quirked a brow. I'm pretty sure he knows a lot more than he's letting on about this. He's the one who seems to make spontaneous announcements like these.

"Yes, we did," The senior gave a catlike grin, before turning to me, "Seeing as you're so trusting of us Elizabeth, we have something planned for you."

"You do?" I seemed to internally gulp at this.

I don't know if it was the way she said it, or the catlike grin Merlin paired with it that set me on edge the most. Something told me what they had planned wouldn't be enjoyable for me, perhaps even embarrassing. I bit my lip as my gaze flickered between the Sins. They all seemed to know what she had planned as they looked directly back, small smiles on their faces, well all of them except Ban. He probably didn't care enough to listen.

"Yeah," King continued, for once he wasn't lounging on his pillow, "It's quite an honor actually. But if you don't want to we can always cancel."

"No, it's fine," I smile, "What is it?"

"You'll see," Diane beamed as she tied a blindfold round my eyes.

A surprise. Yay...


"How long will this take?" I say as I think about Veronica and the Holy Knights.

I'd told them that I was heading to the toilets and that they shouldn't worry about me. However knowing my sister, and the impatience of Jericho, they'd probably be looking for me quite soon. I wouldn't be surprised if she sent one of them to tail me to the toilets. Maybe they were following us now.

"Ease up Elizabeth," Ban seemed to chuckle, "No-one's following."

I sighed as I was forced to continue along the path, blindly led by Diane. King seemed to be walking (or floating) beside her as I could hear their voices laughing or talking at times. I smiled at the thought. Those two were always getting along really well - extremely well. 

"Maybe we should just tell her where we're heading," Diane's sounded guilty, "It's not like she'd rat us out."

"But that ruins the whole element of a secret base," Meliodas spoke next, "Plus it's more fun this way."

"I swear you get a sick kick out of this Captain~" Ban teased and I couldn't help but blush at his words. That is definitely a graphic image.

"Like you and flat-chested blondes," The blonde shot back.

"Flat chests aren't that bad ya know!" Ban's voice seemed further down the path, "You should try 'em sometime."

"Yeah, but I bet they aren't as comfortable to lay on." I squeaked as I heard the last comment. I definitely didn't want to listen on; I don't think I could. It was definitely getting too perverted for my taste anyway. Diane seemed to sense this as her voice spoke next.

"Would you guys cut it out!" She sounded pissed, "No wonder Merlin and I are the only females around other than Elaine. You two scare 'em all off!"

The two male's chuckles sounded as the brunette growled. They were definitely pissing her off.

"Perverts," She grumbled, "They could've at least included me."

"I'm sure they're just joking Diane," King's voice piped up, "And for what it's worth you do have quite and nice um..chest."

He seemed to hesitate before saying those words. He was right to because not too long after there was the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

"You're just as bad as them, King!" Diane sounded outraged as she began to walk further down the path.

"Diane wait - I was just..." I couldn't help but feel bad for the fairy as he struggled over his words. The poor guy was probably trying to make her feel better - not get laid.

I sighed as the rhythm of our footsteps seemed to slow and Meliodas and Ban's voices seemed to reappear.

"Looks like you guys made it here ok," Merlin's voice spoke, "What happened to King?"

"I just knocked some sense into him," Diane sniffed, "He tried to comment about my boobs."

"Diane - I - " The brunette simply called him a pervert before removing the blindfold over my eyes.

Oh the relief. I could finally see where I was and why the Sins had wanted me to come here blindfolded in the first place!

I smiled as I took in the building before me. It looked as if it had been abandoned by the school, perhaps an expansion that had lost its purpose. But it didn't look completely abandoned. Many things told me that, including the paint that seemed to peeling from the walls; however the windows were cleaned of dust and grime. Another thing that told me that the building was still in use was the fresh-looking coat of paint on the door as well as the padlock on a basement door, without a trace of rust.

"Welcome to the Boar Hat," Meliodas grinned, "The number one spot on campus for underage drinking."


"So you guys run a bar?" I raise a brow as I looked down at the cup before me. It was filled with ale, something I'd never considered drinking on campus before. In fact it was something that seemed to be drank often around here. 

Veronica and Margaret had told me about the countless times they'd gotten drunk beyond reason and had ended up staying at a friends' house. But I never saw myself doing the same. But then again, yesterday I did have a couple drinks.

"Yep," Diane beamed as she downed her glass, "It's a quick way to make cash and a good way to keep tabs on what's going on."

"What's going on?" I repeat, "As in gossip?"

"Sort of," King yawned. He hadn't had anything to drink yet, suggesting he was somewhat of a lightweight or perhaps abstinent. That's probably why Ban appears to tease him a lot. That would make sense as Ban more or less had a scent trail of alcohol. "It's just so we know what's going on around here. It's more of a fail safe than anything."

"A fail safe?" Merlin smirked, raising a brow as she leaned against the counter. "I'd say it's our number one information grabber. It more or less helps us to find out everything we know. It's as the wise and sober say: the drunk have no filter."

King turns red at this and other others laughed. I'm guessing he was the type of drunk to confess everything. Or maybe he just didn't shut up when he was buzzed. Either way, I'm guessing it was embarrassing.

"That sounds great for you guys," I say, grabbing their attention, "But why did you bring me here?"

"Because you're helping out tonight!" Meliodas grinned.

"Finally!" Diane wrapped me in a hug, "I've been begging the Captain for some help, but Merlin won't comply."

I looked at the senior who simply shrugged.

"Those uniforms are where I cut the line," She answered simply, before looking at the Captain. He had a sheepish grin while she seemed to hold a fire in her gaze.

"Uniforms?" I blink.

"Yep," Ban answered lazily, "Standard for the job."

I couldn't help but feel my throat tighten at his words. Uniforms. What would they look like? Considering the conversations Ban and Meliodas have, and the fact that Merlin flat out refused to help, suggested that they were showy. But then again why would Diane help if they flashed anything?

I glanced over at the brunette and almost regretted agreeing. Her school shirt was unbuttoned, revealing cleavage, and her pleated skirt was paired with knee-high socks, emphasizing her lower thighs. How did I not notice this earlier? I guess every time I looked at Diane I saw a friendly and bubbly girl, instead of the eye-catching way she dressed.

I blush as I realise why Merlin refused. The uniforms are definitely going to be promiscuous. But then again Merlin's uniform was a pretty close call to that too. Was it just the way the female Sins dressed?

"I believe she caught on," Gowther stated as Ban and Meliodas tried to suppress their laughter.

I couldn't help but sigh as I acknowledge exactly why I'd be helping out tonight. Extremely convenient after Ban and Meliodas' debate about breast size. I bite my tongue, hiding a growl as I looked at the Sins.

"What time?" I ask, hopefully in a cheery voice.

"No need for that, Diane'll guide you," Meliodas gestured towards the brunette.

"So you're actually letting the princess do this?" Escanor seemed shocked, "Isn't it risky considering the shady characters who hang about here?"

"Shady characters?" I raise a brow, panic beginning to seep into my thoughts.

"It'll be fine," Meliodas brushed it off, "She's got all seven of us here."

The skittish student sighed, before nodding at the blonde's words. I'm guessing I'll have to trust the Sins on this one.


"Where were you?" Jericho had her hands on her hips as I approached her and Guila.

I told the Sins that it'd be better if I greeted them alone rather than with all them present. However Meliodas and Diane insisted on tagging along, both saying that I'd be the target of some large perv if they weren't with me. That's probably why Jericho had such a sharp tone.

I frowned as I took in both knights' expressions. Jericho wore a tight frown, while Guila's brows were furrowed. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Guila was just upset, however I could tell there was anger behind that blank expression.

"I went to the toilet," I answer, my gut twisting with the lie, "And I got lost so Diane and Meliodas guided me back."

"I'm pretty sure we told you to stay away from her," A frown appeared as Guila glared at the blonde, "How do you always end up somewhere near the princess?"

"I have no idea what you mean," Meliodas answered casually, "I've only bumped into her three times and she's been here for a day. The campus is pretty small."

"Three times is a lot," Jericho noted as she went to reach for her weapon.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Meliodas' usually calm and cheery tone had switched to more a threatening one, "You wouldn't want Elizabeth to be caught in the crossfire."

"Is that a threat?" Guila's tone was cold.

Both knights scowled at his words, hands firmly grasped around their weapons. Their eyes seemed to glance between the two Sins, occasionally landing on me, as if they were considering chancing my getting hurt. I couldn't help but feel anxious about that. If Jericho and Guila would risk me getting hurt, what else would they do?

Silence hung heavy as the Sins studied the knights and vice versa. Then everything happened so fast that I didn't have time to process it. One second I was standing between the two tension-filled parties, the next I was grabbed by Diane and pulled out of the way.

"Get Elizabeth out of here now!" Meliodas' spoke, his green eyes hard.

"But - " Diane protested as she kept her arm wrapped around me.

I'm speechless right now. Frozen. All I can do is watch as the knights took on the blonde, who somehow put on a equal match. Wincing, I look away as I spot one of them draw their weapon. This was going to get nasty really quickly.

My chest tightens as I think about a stabbed Meliodas lying in the hallway, blood pooled around his lifeless corpse. I felt tears slide down my face, indicating that I was upsetting myself. I was escalating the situation to an extreme that couldn't possibly occur. Yet it still felt as if it could...

 Blinking away tears, I shake my head as Diane loosens her grasp on me. I can't let thoughts like that consume me. Meliodas will be able to look after himself.

"Just take her Diane!" Meliodas spoke once more before I was dragged away from the scene.

I took in slow breaths as Diane hoisted me over her shoulder and began to sprint down the hall. With the way she was running, you'd think she was running away from death. Maybe even something worse. Cool air reddened my cheeks as I bounced on the brunette's shoulder. Just how fast was she running?

As Diane ran, worry began to cloud my mind. Meliodas didn't have a weapon. In fact he showed no trace of preparing for such a encounter. What would happen now that Jericho and Guila had drawn their weapons? Would he end up seriously injured? Maybe even...No. Stop it Elizabeth. Everything will be fine. Like always.

I shake my head once more, this time alerting Diane. The brunette gives me a soft smile as she glances at me.

"Captain'll be fine," She sounded positive, certain. "He's gotten into worse fights."

"I know," I respond quietly, thinking back to when I had first met Meliodas, "But...they both have weapons and he doesn't have anything."

"That's what he wants you to think," Diane giggled, "You'll see later today."

She then turned to face ahead of her, only to bump into someone. We're both jolted forwards from the unexpected pause, my body jerking out of Diane's hold. We both yelp as we head towards the ground, me expecting to land on the hard surface butt first, and Diane expecting me to land on top of her, only to feel something soft beneath us. In fact it was really comfy. I wouldn't mind falling asleep here.... 

My eyes fluttered at the thought of taking a quick power nap. Today has been eventful, I'm sure just one nap won't hurt.

"Don't fall asleep!" King's voice snapped me out of my dozy state.

He was panicked, flustered, as he helped Diane up. I got up myself, not waiting for any assistance. It was then I noticed we had landed on his pillow. Now I understand why he's always floating on it.

"Thanks King," Diane smiled at him, making the fairy blush a little, "Chastiefol is so comfy though. I wish I could nap on it like you do!"

This seemed to make King even more bashful, "Well - I - um...just ask and you can! It's not like I use it for much these days anyway."

"What is Chastiefol?" I raise a brow, extremely confused. 

"Oh, it's King's pillow," Diane answers simply.

"Well, it's not just a pillow!" King huffs, obviously valuing Chastiefol very much, "It has a lot more abilities than that."

"Ok, it's your special pillow," The brunette giggled, putting emphasis on 'special'. She even rolls her eyes.

"Diane!" King seemed to turn even redder from her words, before sighing, "Anyway, why were you sprinting down the hall?"

"The Captain got into a fight," Diane's tone was suddenly serious, "Two Holy Knights. They're really protective of Elizabeth."

"I see," King tapped his chin in thought, "I'm going to help him. Get Elizabeth to class, I'll make sure she isn't involved in anything. You too."

"What about you?" Diane's eyes filled with concern, and for the first time I could tell that they had a spark between them. It was clear. They had a shared emotion - a mutual longing - for each other, but neither wanted to act upon it. 

I frowned. It definitely was a depressing situation to think about: two people who value each other but fail to act upon it.

"I'll be fine," King insists, already he beginning to float off. Chastiefol is in tow, the Sin carrying it within his arms.

"King!" Diane calls out after him, stepping forwards, "Harlequin - " 

Harlequin? Is that a second name? Maybe King was an alias. Gowther did say earlier that King's real name was Harlequin, however he never liked to use it. I wonder why...

Despite the weigh behind that name, King turned, both hurt and happiness in his gaze as Diane called out to him, "Just don't get hurt. Ok?"

"I won't," King nodded, a smile on his face.

"I'll be in class soon," He finished off airily, cutting the moment short, "I'll just go get the Captain and clear up the mess he made."

Diane nodded, biting her lip, as he disappeared around the corner. She then released a heavy sigh. 

Yep, King and Diane definitely cared for one another.

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