Things change

By PiaMyrslo

3.2K 48 2

I dont own this story, i found it and wrote it here! - BekahAM , she wrote this. She is amazin... More

Fyfaan I dont own this


142 2 0
By PiaMyrslo


The sun was setting. It was time for the spell. I sat in the middle of the pentagram. Since Elena and I were now connected, If I thought about her hard enough while Bonnie performed the spell, it should bring her back. Bonnie used the same bowl of herbs that had Elena's blood still in them from the month before. She spread the herbs around me on the floor and began chanting. I concentrated all of my will power on Elena, and bringing her home. I felt the pull in the back of my mind, within seconds, I felt a weight in my lap. I looked down to see Elena, naked. I took off my jacket at vampire speed and covered her before anyone else saw her. Bonnie stopped the chanting and opened her eyes to see me holding Elena.

"It worked." Bonnie said, coming over to check on Elena. I held her protectively to my chest. She was still unconscious. She was human? I could smell her blood, it was definately human.

"She is human." I said as Caroline sped over to check as well.

"That's impossible." Caroline said, but I motioned for her to smell, and she did, veins appearing under her eyes. I was controlling myself, but I hadn't fed in days, I was too worried about getting Elena home safely. I noticed that the pendant I made her was still around her neck, I smiled. I was curious if it would show up, since her clothes did not. Bonnie touched Elena's hand and pulled back.

"She is human, but she isn't, I don't understand what I saw" Bonnie said as she pulled away. I looked at her, confused.

"Well, she is human for now, which is what is important. Now do you have her clothes?" I asked. Caroline quickly brought over a small pile of clothes and gave it to me. I stood up with Elena in my arms and flashed up to her room. Jeremy had invited me in when Bonnie had confirmed the story.

I laid her in her bed and carefully put her clothes on. I then covered her up with her blanket and laid next to her, waiting for her to wake. I felt the pull of the memories coming on again.

I was standing in the caves next to Elena when she went limp, then slowly disappeared. I started panicing. She was gone. Mother rushed over to me and felt the same pull of magic that I had felt. She then put her hand to my head and whispered something in my ear, causing me to pass out. When I woke up, I saw mother crying hysterically. I ran over to see Nik holding Henrik in his arms, dead. I cried for my brother. He had gone to see the wolves change with Nik last night.

I didn't realize the night that Elena left, was the night that started this all. Mother had performed the ritual the day after she had left, she had also taken away my memories of Elena until the time when she was sent back in time, which would explain everything.

I was pulled back into reality to a shift in the weight laying next to me. I opened my eyes to see Elena slowly opening her eyes.

"Kol?" She said, looking around. "It worked?" She asked tiredly.

"Yes, my love, it worked, you are home." I said, taking her hands in mine.

"I'm still human?" She asked in a daze.

"For the most part, but don't ask, Bonnie hasn't figured it out yet." I said, confusing her a bit more. She leaned down and smelled herself?

"Oh God, I need a shower." She said, standing up. I laughed and flashed in front of her, stopping her.

"Darling, you come home after being in the past for a month and the first thing you want is a shower?" I asked, which was understandable since they didn't have showers back then.

"You are welcome to join." She said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"That works too." I said as I picked her up, flashing to the bathroom at vampire speed.

"I'm not used to you being a vampire anymore." She said laughing as I put her down and turned on the shower.

"Actually I was turned the day after you left." I said, kind of sadly. I could tell realization hit her about Nik and Henrik not being in the caves.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." She felt bad, I could tell by looking at her face.

"Darling, for me it has been a thousand years. I am over it. Now that I have my memories of you back, I feel complete at last." I told her. She smiled weakly and began to take off her clothes. I did the same and helped her into the shower, she was still weak from all of the magic that brought her back. She saw the scars on my chest as soon as we got in the shower and ran her fingers across them.

"It really is you." She said, crying into my chest as she let the water run over her back. She would have understandably differentiated between the human me and the me of this time.

"It is me, darling, and I've missed my wife. I am still the same person, just a thousand years older, and a lot more invincible." I said, laughing, but still holding her close.

"You still have your ring." She said excitedly, looking at my hand.

"As you still have yours, my wife." I said, pointing out her own left hand. She then reached up to her neck and felt the pendant. She smiled up at me.

"I came back naked, didn't I?" I nodded. "So let me guess, you dressed me?" She asked.

"Of course, but I did cover you with my jacket in front of your friends. I am still a gentleman, now that I have my humanity back on." I said with a weak smile.

"When did you decide to turn it back on?" I looked at her seeing wonder in her eyes.

"The first night you were gone. As soon as I got the first flash of memories, I wondered what they would be like if I actually felt them and I flipped the switch. And if you are wondering, I have no intention of EVER turning it off again for the rest of eternity, as long as you are by my side." I said reassuring her. I let the water run through her hair and put shampoo in it. I massaged her scalp watching her close her eyes to enjoy the feeling. I then rinsed her hair letting the water run over her body for as long as she wanted. I knew the warmth must have felt good, after all it was winter and she was without heating for a month. After the water started to get cooler, I decided it was best to get her out of there before the water went cold.

"Are Bonnie and Caroline still here?" She asked as I carried her back to her room in a towel.

"No, they left when I brought you upstairs, thought you and I could use some time to ourselves. Elena I have to ask. You knew all the bad things I have done, why did you give me a chance?" I had to know, it was the one thing that confused me the most.

"When I saw how nice you were and I noticed you were still human, I instantly knew that the vampire I had known had turned off his emotions. Everyone deserves a chance, and when I saw your humanity, I gave you that chance. I was worried that you would still be the same emotionless vampire when I got back, but when the connection formed, I knew you weren't. I fell in love with your humanity, Kol. Please never take it away." I laid her on her bed and instantly cupped her face.

"Elena Mikaelson, my wife, I give you my word, I will not ever turn it off again." I said before I kissed her. God it felt so good to kiss her for real instead of just in my memories. I pulled away though, worried that I would let my control slip. I couldn't do that around her. She noticed what was wrong immediately, having been a vampire herself.

"When was the last time you fed, Kol?" She asked, putting her hand to my face. I felt the blue veins coming to the surface and I quickly moved away from her hand.

"A few days, I think, maybe a week." I told her. Originals didn't have to feed as often as regular vampires, but we still needed to at least once a day. I really hadn't been paying much attention to myself.

"Kol, there are blood bags in the fridge, go have a few and come back." She said, pointing at the door. I flashed downstairs and did as she said, feeling much better as I returned to her, only about a minute later.

"Sorry, my love. I was more focused on getting you home then my own needs. I promise it won't happen again." I noticed she had gotten dressed while I was downstairs. I still had a towel around my waist, but I quickly flashed into the bathroom and got into my own clothes. "Now, there is something I want to show you. We are going to meet everyone at the Grill after, if that is okay with you."

"Yeah that's fine, as long as we aren't out too late. Time travel takes a lot out of you and I will be more than thrilled to sleep in a comfy bed again." She said laughing. I could tell she was tired. When she had put her wet hair up in a bun, I walked with her outside to my car. Her mouth dropped when she saw it. Of course I had a sports car. I may be a gentleman, but I was an eternal 20-year-old. My nice matte black Audi R8 sat in the driveway in front of us.

"What? You knew my family had a lot of money. I have almost as much as Nik, more than Elijah actually. Who knew you married into wealth?" I said, smiling. She raised her eyebrows at me as I held open the door to the car for her to get in.

After she got in, I got into the driver's seat and started to drive. I looked at her, sitting in the passenger seat, holding on to her seatbelt.

"Whats wrong? Am I driving too fast?" I asked curiously.

"No, it's not your driving, i'm just not used to modern technology again after being stuck in the 10th century for a month." She said, slowly relaxing.

"I felt the same way after I was in my coffin for a hundred years, except I hadn't known any of it beforehand." I said, not meaning for it to sound as if I was one-upping her. "I didn't mean that like it sounded, I was just trying to relate, I swear."

"Nice cover-up. Now what are you showing me?" She asked, looking out the window.

"This." I said, pulling up into a driveway, opening the garage, by pushing a button on my keys.

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