Definitely Normal|Skephalo|Fa...

By amt4equ

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[COMPLETED] "What is my purpose? I'm just a normal high school boy anyway.." ~ Magic, something that everyon... More

Chapter 1: Normal life
Chapter 2: The light
Chapter 3: The new kid
Chapter 4: Hospital
Chapter 5: Two Deaths
Chapter 6: The truth
Chapter 7: Intruders
Chapter 8: Just Friends
Chapter 9: Demon
Chapter 10.5: Halloween!
Chapter 11: Me and him
Chapter 12: Kidnapped
Chapter 13: Plans
Chapter 14: Lost
Chapter 15: Do I like him?
Chapter 16: Home again
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: This Place About To Blow
Chapter 19: The Mirror Realm
Chapter 20: Dream XD
Authors Note

Chapter 10: PrinceNotFound

188 21 41
By amt4equ

Zak POV (3rd person), look up ^

Zak felt like shit, he couldn't really remembered why or specifically where he was at the time. Or maybe that was just because his body was screaming more than he was thinking.

" head hurts," Zak mumbled.

Frankly, in Zak's opinion, he had every right to complain.

He got up from where he was and looked around at the unusual new setting.

Everywhere around him were crystals shining and glistening, he seemed to be in a huge room filled with diamonds. Blinding it was.

Zak sighed and groaned as he looked further, he was sure he had lost his mind at this point.

All of a sudden then a boy, just the same height as him if not slightly taller, walked in.

The boy was wearing some sort of prince or royal clothing, it was all blue.

He also wore a huge mask, at this point you can't even call it one.

Zak looked at the other, interest and curiosity filled his dark brown eyes.

The mysterious prince looking boy took off his mask and boy was Zak filled with surprise.

He almost looked exactly like him except a few differences like the princes hair had some crystal blue streaks of hair, small diamonds sticking on random places of his face and body, a weird looking thing on his forehead and hands, and crystal blue eyes.

Zak stared at the other and watched as his almost twin looked at him, dead in the eyes.

"Oh, so you must be past me huh?" The prince snickered.

"I-what the fuck do you mean? Im future you!" Zak exclaimed.

His past self glared at him which made Zak start to sweat, lord if looks could kill...

The prince then just smirked.

"So, what brings you here" the prince asked.

"I'm not really sure, I just sort of came here I guess..." Zak mumbled, "I think I was supposed to get information about my past self"

The prince nodded in response.

"Ok so like um, I or you used to go around and prank people, my name is also Skeppy so technically it's prince Skeppy" he said.

Zak's eyes widened, he couldn't believe what his ears picked up, he was a prince?

"I-I was a prince?" Zak stuttered, he didn't want to seem interested because he found that cringe but it was really hard to hide it.

Skeppy nodded in response, " I am the son of Celestal" he said which made Zak stare at him.

Not in a million or even billion years would Zak have thought he was a Celestial, hell, he didn't even think that he would be the son of one of the most powerful Celestials in the whole entire world!

Skeppy snickered at the boys reaction, "surprised huh?" Skeppy said and smirked.

Zak would have never admitted this aloud but he really, and I mean REALLY wanted to strangle the guy right now.

"Can you teach me how to use my magic?!" Zak blurted out not fully processing what had just came out of his mouth.

Skeppy looked deep in thought for a moment, or he just smelled something horrendous but Zak was 99% sure the guy was deep in thought.

"Sure" Skeppy simply said and dragged the other to a new area.

It seemed to be a battle field,  it looked very dirty and old though but at least Zak was learning how to fight and use his probably very useful powers.

<𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙:𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 (𝚒𝚖 𝚕𝚊𝚣𝚢 𝚛𝚗-)>

Zak was currently laying on the floor, he was completely out of energy.

"H-how do y-you people do thi..." Zak said not having enough energy to even complete his short sentence.

Skeppy rolled his eyes at the much younger boy and sighed, "why did you even want to do this in the first place?" Skeppy said and sat himself on the ground next to the almost dead, Zak.

Zak felt his face get hot, he knew EXACLY why he wanted to try and use his magic.

"W-well, there is this very cute boy I like and I um... well I'm not really sure, I just have this feeling whenever I see him and I just want to hug him and kiss him and shit like that...and I have this feeling that I want to protect him at all cost so that's why I want to get better at this" Zak said, embarrassed of his own words, he felt like he needed to cringe.

Skeppy nodded and chuckled, "I used to have that feeling with somebody..." Skeppy murmured as a small tear slowly came down.

Zak's eyes widened, he knew exactly who Skeppy was talking about, he didn't want to say it though.

"You know what, let's just get back to training..." Skeppy said trying to ignore the touchy subject.

Zak nodded but he didn't want to get up so Skeppy dragged his ass to a shallow lake and through the boy in with no mercy intended.

"The fuck?!" Zak exclaimed and looked at the giggling boy.

"You didn't want to get up so I had to do that, sorry future me" Skeppy snickered ran off knowing that Zak would immediately get up and follow just so he could get his revenge.

Zak unfortunately didn't manage to catch the other so he just gave up.

Soon the two boys began training again for about eight more hours.

Zak felt like he just woke up from a nightmare except it was probably real.

Zak felt his eyes slowly close and soon, he was asleep.

"Zak, Zak..! ZAK!" he heard someone exclaimed and he sprung up.

He wasn't where he originally was, now he was back into the room where it all started, the room filled with mushrooms.

"Finally, that took a while" George said.

Zak looked over to see Darryl yawning and he looked around checking to see where he was.

"Come one sleepy love birds let's get going" George said and the two boys followed him outside of the room.

The king stood next to the door and looked at the two boys.

Zak's eyes widened remembering what his past self told him, he was the son of Celestal, the man who stood right in front of him.

He needed time to think.

"I-I need some time, alone" Zak said and ran out the door.

Zak kept on running but stopped after a while and sat next to a nearby tree.

He sighed, he was still very confused and he couldn't believe what his past self told him.

All this time he was told and he thought that he was useless and a pathetic guy who was different then everybody else but now he was supposed to be a son of a powerful king who can probably destroy a whole country if he wanted to.

"I'll just lay here for now, I just need time to think"

💌-𝙸 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚃𝚠𝚃


Ngl I kinda speed ran through this but I hope it's worth it so please enjoy this

Also thank you for all the love and support I got just from taking a break I mean seriously, I never felt that loved in my last few years of existing😭✋

Anyway missed you wonderful people and I'll try me best to make more chapters now, I swear :)

Bye for this chapter <3 Mwah!

🎊-drink and eat a snack

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