I Thought I Knew You

By DramaLoversDream513

1.6K 45 15

Boarding school AU. Elizabeth is the new girl at Liones Academy and she bumps into an old face: Meliodas. Exc... More

An Unexpected Face
How Long's It Been?
The Deity Society
Truth Or Dare
Why do you humor him?
The Boar's Hat
The Locker Room Fight (Extra Chapter)
Jumping Out of Windows
Those Watching Eyes
Saturday Mornings
Pool Parties
The System
Miss Merlin
The Heavy Weight She Bore (Extra Chapter)
First Kiss
Knocking Back
Saintly Solitude (Extra Chappie)
Is This Love?
Running Away
War Of Pride
Always Average (Extra Chappie)
You Mean The Best
Last Hope
Idiot, Idiot, Idiot
Clan Academy
The Library
Never Real
The Bird in its cage (Extra Chapter)

Midnight Flight

86 3 0
By DramaLoversDream513

Sleep was hard to get tonight.

I sighed as I tossed and turned, trying to make myself slip into dreamland, but ultimately failing. I could not sleep. I could not even fool myself into fake sleeping. It wasn't even because I wasn't tired or too hot or cold. I just couldn't slip into the usual calmness of my dreams. Instead thoughts swam in my mind, gradually eating away at my sanity. 

Conflict between my own kind and new friends were the main problem keeping me awake tonight. Whether to trust what I knew, or go with my instincts. Common sense vs what I felt was right.

The Deity Society did tell me they only warned me for my safety, but at the same time they could be trying to brainwash me. However Veronica and the Holy Knights did tell me to avoid the Sins as well. Why would they share the same concerns as the Society? They held no grudge against anyone.

I groan as I turn once again. All of these thoughts were just leading to more thoughts. I needed a way to clear my head.

Sitting up, I brush my hair from my eyes, allowing me to gaze out of my small bedroom window. The night sky was calm, stars dotting the inky canvas with only the moon illuminating it. The sight seemed so serene, welcoming even. I bite my lip.

If I were to go on a short flight would anyone notice? Would anyone look up into the sky to see my four wings illuminated by the pale silver moon? Would it even be wise to make such a choice? Especially when I'm so new to this school and unsure of who to trust.

I chew on my lip. I really shouldn't go out, but at the same time all this thinking is killing me. Flying always helped me think - I'm sure one short flight won't hurt anyone.

Desperation fueling my actions, I get out of bed and slip on a pair of flat shoes. I then tie my hair back with a ribbon, making sure to sweep my bangs from my eyes. I then make my way into the hall, making sure to quietly pass Diane's room.

Diane, Merlin and King were in there. King resting on his pillow and Diane joining him. I'm guessing after making sure he was ok, Diane had fell asleep beside him. The pair cuddled, the brunette wrapping her arms around the small male. It was a rather adorable sight, both being unaware of how they subconsciously interacted. Knowing that Diane had fallen asleep, Merlin had happily taken the brunette's bed, conscious of the fact that it would be much comfier than in the living room with everyone else. I frowned at the thought of how cramped it must be in there.

Ban and Elaine had probably shared the couch, considering how close they were. That left Escanor, Meliodas and Gowther. The three had probably found space somewhere, although it didn't create a very comfortable image in my mind. Cramped bodies and a jumble of limps filled my mind. I furrowed my brows as guilt consumed me.

Here I was sneaking out, when everyone else was probably in discomfort. But then again, the Sins were likely used to it. They did make themselves comfortable while we were waiting outside of the principal's office and that space was definitely smaller than the dorm living room. Plus Merlin had provided sleeping bags knowing that they'd all end up crashing here. I have nothing to feel guilty about right now.

Deciding to focus on getting out, I made my way down the hall. The sounds of snoring filled my ears, followed by a few drowsy words. One voice said something about Merlin, while the other was slurring profanities towards the snoring. I softly laughed at the second voice, probably Ban's. I bet whoever said that wasn't even aware of what they were saying. 

Grabbing my dorm keys from the hook by the door, I silently open the door. I then listen out for any voices asking who that was, or what it was, before stepping over the threshold and pulling the door shut. As soon as the door closed, I shivered. I'd forgotten how cold the night air was. I should've brought a jumper, maybe even a jacket.

Knowing it was too late to turn back, I stuffed the keys into my bra as I had no other options. I should've brought something with pockets and worn something other than my nightgown. I frowned as I thought about how my underwear may be exposed while I'm flying. Another thing I'd wished I'd thought through.

"It's too late for that now," I say to myself as I make my way down the hallway, "Plus I doubt anyone will see anything."

It was true; my nightgown was quite long, covering majority of my legs. So I should be fine.

It was a rather effortless trip to the closest exit, with me barely bumping into anyone except a few Holy Knights on night duty. It was something Liones Academy emphasized upon since Clan Academy had attacked and pulled a couple of pranks on the school multiple times. In fact I remember when Meliodas and I ended up meeting each other here. I was initially sent here to get Liones on Celestial Prep's side, however I was caught in the middle of a prank war. Somehow I'd managed to get lost from the group, nearly getting ambushed by a few demons, only to be spared by Meliodas.

We were on completely opposite sides and yet he'd decided to let me go. No questions asked or anything. He just told me to leave before he changed his mind. So after that I began to come to Liones more, hoping to spot the blonde and thank him. It took several trips and many flimsy excuses before inevitably bumping into him again and deciding to meet up in a forest between our two schools. It's ironic really because at first we'd despised each other. I was the Supreme Deity's daughter and he was the Demon King's eldest son. The two highest powers who loathed each other. We were naturally born to oppose. Yet from one fateful meeting, everything I'd learned was ditched and I decided to trust my greatest enemy.

That one trip had resulted in me trying to co-exist with demons, going against what I was taught to believe. It had started with Meliodas, and after that I managed to convince a few others, but I ended up failing. Eventually our parents had found out and we were forced to accept the consequences. All of our allies either defected or excluded.

I frowned as I exited the dorm building, the cool night breeze sending a chill down my spine. The moon was still as serene as ever, its pale light highlighting my silvery hair as it blew in the breeze. I wasn't meant to enjoy the night as much as I did. It was the time when evil came out to play. The dark hours. So instead I should rather enjoy the sun and its warm days. But eventually such days grow repetitious and lonesome. Rainy days and cool nights were unpredictable. None were ever the same as the last.

Meliodas, meeting him, had taught me that.

Deciding to just take off from where I was, I revealed my downy wings. They seemed to shimmer in the dim light, the feathers catching the moon's gentle rays. I then took off, a gust of wind forming from the power. I'd forgotten how easily I could end up several feet above the ground, let alone how effortless it was for me to fly for miles on end. However my wings had seemed to weaken in the time I'd spent not using them. I could feel the the strain a lot more as I began to glide forwards, my wings flapping at a steady yet slow pace.

The world appeared like a child's drawing from up here. Trees passed below me as curly bushes, followed by the tiny dots that were the Holy Knights and the square blocks of the campus buildings. A few pathways were shown, rectangular shapes snaking like a river. Many of them were empty, light spilling from some windows and streetlamps but majority being unlit. The sky was empty as well, with no passing birds or any others who were like me.

I sighed. I was used to having some sort of company while airborne.

"I guess an empty sky is good," The words slipped softly from my lips, "No-one would be able to witness where I am. But why do I feel so lonely?"

My words swam in my mind as my eyes skimmed over the land stretched before me. I was getting further and further away from the campus. Further away from an area where I would be safer. However it didn't bother me. Instead I looked for somewhere to land. 

Spotting a secluded and yet empty area, I began to dive down. The air, fast and almost painful, attempted to slice my skin as I reached higher speeds, before skillfully landing in a cluster of trees. Not bothering to hide my wings I headed out of the trees, emerging in a grassy meadow. Droplets shone in the dim light and I couldn't spot any other figure except myself. It was just me, the silence and the night.

Exhaling I walk further into the grassy land, the plants tickling my ankles. Flowers bloom in my path, fresh and bright like spring itself. They attempt to grasp onto me, twisting onto my feet and legs. I try not to giggle as I press forward, knowing it was my powers displaying themselves.

However I soon gasp, suddenly tripping over a low and smooth platform. A rock. I yelp, bracing myself for the impact, only to not fall to the ground. I open my eyes to see Meliodas' warm green eyes etched with concern. He had a small grin, contrasting with the concern in his gaze, and his hands grasped me gently yet firmly. It was as if I were so fragile he'd break me just by touching me.

"Yo Elizabeth," His voice had its usual cheery tone, "Whatcha doing out so late?"

He'd caught me just before I fell. But how did I not see him earlier? How did I not sense him? And how did he catch me so fast?

"I - um... I came out here to think," I say slightly flustered as he helped me up.

"To think, huh?" His green eyes clouded with thought as his hand brushed over my side. He didn't do anything but I was aware of the action anyway. It caused a slight blush to colour my face.

I never understood why he was so touchy with me. I was used to having some sort of attention from males ever since I'd grown more of a womanly figure, however I'd never react the way I do with Meliodas. It was quite a strange concept for me to think about. The same with why he only seemed to do it to me. I've never seen him pester anyone else in the way he does me.

"Yeah," I smile softly before grimacing, "I've just had a lot to process today. Everyone seems to be telling me to avoid you and the Sins."

"Lemme guess, Holy Knights?" He began to walk off. I follow him, trying not to trip over any rocks or roots. I'd hate for my clumsiness to kick in again. "What exactly did they tell you?"

"Just to stay away from you and the Sins," I say, recalling earlier. The words easily slip from my tongue. "They said you were dangerous." I decide to omit that they specifically want me to avoid Meliodas. We both already knew that no-one wanted us to remain in contact. That was evident from our parents sending us away; their plan had evidently failed.

A silence slipped between us as we sat at the river bank. The night sky reflected on the smooth surface, as we both sank into our own thoughts. I glanced over at the blonde and he had a far off look in his eyes. He seemed to be thinking deeply about something, although I'm not sure what. It's almost impossible to tell what goes through his head sometimes.

"Elizabeth, do you think the Sins and I are dangerous?" The question came out playful, however I couldn't help but feel hurt.

"No, of course not!" I say, my hand placed over my heart. "I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me. If anything I think everyone's trying to get me to change my mind. But I never will. I know who you are, Meliodas, and no-one will ever be able to tell me otherwise. The same with the Sins. I know it might seem like I'm doubting everyone, but it's just a lot to process. I'm just so used to trusting everyone."

I then wrap him in a hug, ignoring that his face was probably being pressed into my chest. Nevertheless he returned the favor. I shivered slightly as I felt his arms wrap around my waist.

"Nice to know you have my back, Elizabeth," He said with a smile, "And don't worry about trusting me and the Sins. We'll always be on your side."

"I don't need to doubt you, you've always been honest with me," I reply truthfully, "So if you say the Sins are who they are, I'll believe you. I'll always be by your side, Meliodas. No matter what happens."


"Good morning Elizabeth!" Diane greeted me cheerily as I arrived in the cafeteria, still not entirely woken up.

I probably didn't look my best since I'd woken up late and had to rush to get ready. One of my socks had been forgotten, with my shirt being crumpled and tie loosely in place. I'd just about managed to brush my hair before Jericho and Guila came to escort me to breakfast. Since then, both knights had made sure to keep me under their watchful gaze and I complied with what they said, trying my best to think of them as concerned friends.

"Good morning Diane!" I wave back at her only to have Jericho shake her head.

"You can't seriously be friends with her after what she did," The knight glared at the brunette who stuck her tongue out at her.

"Why not?" I ask innocently. I didn't see why I couldn't be friendly towards my roommate. She seemed like she was a nice person overall and she had shown that yesterday by trying to make sure I felt as welcome as possible. Whatever misdeed she'd been accused of in the past can't be so bad that I shouldn't be friends with her? If it was, wouldn't she be excluded from the school?

"Because she was behind the mass brawl in the locker room two years back," Guila answered almost automatically, "Although I have no vendetta against Diane personally, her strength is definitely unrivaled."

"More like insane! I had a black eye for a week after that fight," Jericho growled, "And I was limping! But that isn't what pissed me off. What really riled me up was the fact that she started it over a petty comment."

"A petty comment?" I ask, curious. I never knew that Diane had such an explosive, nor violent side. It seemed extremely out of character for such a bubbly person to be so imposing.

"Yeah," Jericho scoffed, "Some dumbass decided to say something about Diane stealing her man and it escalated from there."

"I think you mean that someone wrongly accused Diane," Guila clarified as we sat at a table, "She didn't exactly do anything wrong, that girl did by saying Diane was jealous. She then flipped the situation on Diane and caused the fight that you decided to try and stop. You simply hold a grudge over Diane for your own bullheaded actions."

"Hey! How do you know so much about it?" Jericho raised a brow, as she peeled her banana before pointing it at the other knight, "And why are you taking her side! I thought you weren't biased!"

"Because I was there too, I just didn't involve myself," Guila answered simply, "I saw everything from a neutral standpoint."

I slowly ate my breakfast, while the two knights recalled what they knew about the event. Both seemed to have their opinions on who was guilty and who was innocent in the matter, however both agreed on one thing: it was started by a girl who was jealous of Diane and was then escalated by her getting others involved. Somehow Diane had managed to pummel most of the girls in the room, with only her bare hands and her hockey stick dubbed Gideon.

However due to her actions many feared the brunette, or at least her anger. Yet the others in the Giant house, Diane's school house, all agreed that she was one of them: a strong warrior capable of dominating everyone on the playing field. I heard that everyone who studied in the Giant house were descended from giants, but didn't retain the size as the city wasn't catered to such needs. However they often harnessed that super-strength in their everyday forms. That would explain why Diane was able to pummel those other girls.

Making sure to carefully take what the knights said with retrospect, I decide to interrupt them.

"So you're saying that Diane has a violent past?" I raise a brow.

"Something like that," Guila nodded as she shoveled some eggs onto her spoon.

"She's just not a good influence on you," Jericho answered snappily, biting her banana, "And definitely not a good friend for a princess."

"Noted," I say as I clear up and begin to put my things away.

I sigh as both knights get up and follow me to the bins. I'll have to get used to my every move being watched.


"Just wait here while we collect something," Guila instructed as she and Jericho head into a classroom.

I sigh as I'm finally left alone for the first time today. It was transitions between first and second period, and I couldn't feel anymore pressured. Everyone seemed to be watching me because I was new, and it didn't help that Jericho and Guila followed me everywhere. Whether it was to the bathroom or classes, both knights had to come with me. I was never left alone.

It didn't help that I spotted Veronica all the time either. She and Griamore seemed to be watching me just as much as Jericho and Guila. Plus the Sins seemed to be making sure I was ok from a distance as well. All of them watching was definitely making me uneasy. I felt as if I couldn't do anything without anyone knowing.

"Yo Elizabeth," A familiar voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Meliodas," I smiled at the blonde.

Once again he'd appeared out of nowhere, his green tie hanging loosely around his neck. He had his usual boyish grin and a warm presence surrounding him. This sight instantly lowered my jumpiness.

"You need help getting to class?" He raised a brow.

"Oh no, I'm just waiting for someone," I sighed as I watched someone pass by, "They said to wait right here."

"You sure? You don't wanna be late on your first day," He pointed out, reminding me that I did only have a few minutes to get to my next class. It would take a while if the classroom was across the campus. Plus I wanna make a good first impression on my teacher. But at the same time Guila and Jericho were waiting for me. It would be terrible to abandon them like that.

"I've got history next," I say, taking my chance, "Do you know which way it is?"

"No need to ask for directions, I'll walk with you," He grinned, placing his hands behind his head.

I felt myself blush, "I couldn't ask for you to do that! You'd be late and I'd hate to be the reason why you got a detention."

Meliodas just chuckled, "It's fine. If it makes you feel any better my class isn't too far from yours."

"Oh...ok then," I say as I begin to follow the blonde. If he says it's fine, I guess it is. I'm sure Jericho and Guila will know that I went to my next class. Plus I'd be safe with Meliodas. I know he wouldn't do anything to harm me.

The two of us walked side by side, talking about a few things. Everyone seemed to stare at me even more because I was seen with the Sins. Many students whispered things or stole glances, probably noting how I easily went from having two Holy Knights by my side to one of the Sins. Not just any either: their captain. Meliodas. However I wasn't fazed by any of this like I was with Guila and Jericho. Instead I didn't mind it. The glances and words were meaningless after all.

The walk to class definitely ended too soon. I sighed as I spotted the students inside, preparing for the lesson. I'd never realised how time went by so fast when you weren't still. Or maybe it was when you were enjoying yourself.

"Elizabeth!" Guila came rushing down the corridor, Jericho following.

I tensed.

Both wore frowns and they seemed to grow deeper as they spotted Meliodas. Meliodas on the other hand wore a sheepish grin as if he'd been in this situation before.

"What have we told you about being near the Sins?" Jericho stood between the both of us. She was definitely reminding me greatly of Veronica in her over-protectiveness. In fact that had to be their most similar quality. "You could literally socialise with anyone else, but you choose them."

"Not just that but you choose to speak to Meliodas," Guila pointed out flaccidly, her hand near the hilt of her sword. "The most deadly of the Sins and indefinitely the most dangerous."

I frown as I process their words. Once again I was being told to avoid the Sins. The people who were so dangerous and yet hadn't done a thing to harm me yet, despite having several chances to. The group led by a person I trusted greatly. It just didn't make any sense to me. Why should I stay away if I was perfectly safe? If I knew I could trust them.

"I -" I stopped as Meliodas held his hand up, a signal to stay quiet.

"You two must be confused," Meliodas spoke taking a step forward, "I was just showing Elizabeth here to her class."

Jericho and Guila scowled at the blonde. Both seemed even more alert from his words, both trying not to draw their weapons.

"And why should we believe that?" Jericho spat, the hatred blazing in her eyes.

"Because Elizabeth will tell you the exact same thing," Meliodas grinned smugly, "She had history next right?"

As if to signal his words the bell rang. Guila and Jericho stiffly moved their hands from their weapons, before making the gap between myself and Meliodas bigger. Both females seemed to tower over the male, who simply looked back at them innocently. His emerald eyes unblinking.

"We appreciate the kind gesture, but we're in charge of looking after Elizabeth," Guila spoke in an almost robotic way, "Next time just leave her be."

"What my partner meant to say is that you got lucky this time," Jericho's voice was steely and cold, "But if we see you near the princess again, we'll have no problem slitting you and your little gang's throats. Are we clear?"

"Crystal," Meliodas answered cheerily, before smirking, "But it's gonna be pretty hard to keep her away from her roommate."

Jericho fumed, Guila moving forward to hold her back.

"Why you little - Just wait till - " Jericho grit her teeth as she struggled in Guila's grasp. Her arms and legs waved and wiggled, the knight trying her hardest to land a hit on the blonde.

I couldn't help but giggle as Meliodas gave me a wink and headed off to his class, hands behind his head as usual. He definitely was strange, especially with how he just appears out of nowhere, but I don't think I mind it.

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