Garmadon's Spy | Ninjago x Re...


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Imagine yourself trained and raised by Garmadon, homeschooled and isolated from everyone outside the volcano... Еще

Author Note
NovelHD Stole My Books
Ch.1 "Ignore The Rules"
Ch.2 "A Mission"
Ch.3 "Moving Out"
Ch.4 "Biological Trouble"
Ch.5 "Cheerleaders"
Ch.6 "I Want Food"
Ch.7 "Shopping With A Stranger"
Ch.8 "I Won't Hurt You"
Ch.9 "Spishar"
Ch.10 "Yeet"
Ch.11 "Potato Lisa"
Ch.12 "History"
Ch.13 "I Need A Job"
Ch.14 "Candy"
Ch.15 "Tea Forever"
Ch.16 "A Very Miserable Birthday"
Ch.17 "Awkward"
Ch.18 "How To Get Someone's Phone Number"
Ch.19 "The Terrible Loss At The Arcade"
Ch.20 "They're Gone"
Ch.21 "Prom News"
Ch.22 "I Yeeted Someone"
Ch.23 "Dumb Green Apple"
Ch.24 "Trapped"
Ch.25 "Wolves"
Ch.26 "I'm Sorry"
Ch.27 "Opening Up To Lloyd Garmadon"
Ch.28 "Does La-loyd Have Teeth?"
Ch.29 "Fool"
Ch.30 "Texting Blondie"
Ch.31 "New Student"
Ch.32 "Brandon's Sister"
Ch.33 "Advice"
Ch.34 "Fanfics"
Ch.35 "Cinderella"
Ch.36 "A Date With Green Boy"
Ch.37 "Jinx"
Ch.38 "Staying With The Garmadons"
Ch.39 "Sneaking Out"
Ch.40 "A Blind Date"
Ch.41 "Sam And Amy"
Ch.42 "Caught...Almost"
Ch.43 "Stop Murdering People"
Ch.44 "Two 'Enemies' Chatting At The Park, Eating Candy"
Ch.45 "Back To School"
Ch.46 "I Did Something Terrible'
Ch.47 "A Letter For S/n"
Ch.48 "I Did Something Good"
Ch.49 "The Letter"
Ch.50 "Tomorrow"
Ch.51 "The Dance Before The Storm"
Ch.52 "Why Did You Lie To Me?"
Ch.53 "Did I Get Stabbed Again? Of Course, I Did"
Ch.55 "Yeet The Heels"
Ch.56 "Octoshar Had Enough Of Everybody's Bullshit"
Ch.57 "Smoke And Ruins"
Ch.58 "That Moment When You Wake Up And You're All Scarred Up And Can't Move."
Ch.59 "Pride And Prejudice And My Sleepy Cousin"
Ch.60 "Cindergreen And The Bookworm"
The End
Story Explanations

Ch.54 "Bloody Chapter"

1.4K 46 84

I was barely conscious by the time Francis finished the torture on my left arm. He wrote something on my arm with his dagger, but I couldn't see it from all the blood covering it.

I could not scream anymore and I had no more tears left. The blood loss would kill me eventually, it would take about a minute, probably, and I had no energy or motivation to prevent it.

Francis stood up and said as he glanced at my dress thrown on the ground, "Too bad you weren't wearing the dress I picked for you, it would've looked so good covered in your blood."

I couldn't look him the eye, I had no energy to even turn my head from its position turned to the left with my cheek on the ground and the blood from my carved tattoo spilling on my right eye. Breathing became harder the more blood I lost, and my vision was already getting blurrier and blurrier.

I didn't know why he didn't just kill me.

His guards, the generals, were still standing and guarding the alley entrance. The whole thing didn't take half an hour, and I already felt like I was going to die right here and now.

And that's when I found Francis with his head pinned to the wall by a blurry person. I couldn't see very well, but the generals Francis brought were all knocked unconscious by a general I didn't know, or didn't recognize.

"How dare you touch her?" Brandon yelled at Francis. Brandon was the one who attacked Francis. He came to help me.

"Oh, you finally recovered? Took you too long."

Brandon hit Francis' head against the wall again. "You're going to pay for hurting her."

Brandon took the dagger, that was soaked with my blood, from Francis before he could use it and held it to Francis' throat.

The other general ran to me and examined my bloodied arm before wrapping it in a piece of cloth. "I'll take you to the hospital, don't worry." I didn't recognize his voice at all, I don't think I met him before.

Brandon told the general, "Charlie, get her out of here before I slit his throat." And by 'his', he meant Francis.

Charlie, yeah... I never heard of a Charlie in the generals before.

Charlie carried me and took me out of the alleyway. The last thing I saw before I lost consciousness was Francis getting himself free from Brandon's grasp and kicked Brandon in the stomach.


Amy reached her house at the time Garmadon's mech smashed the second floor with one of its tentacles.

"No! Sam!" She ran inside, holding her dress and looking for Sam in the darkness.

"Sam! Where are you?" she asked, but there was no answer.

She yelled his name again and again, carefully walking in the darkness. Again, no answer.

Did...he get hurt? Was he on the second floor? His room is up there...No no, he can't be dead. He can't be...

"Sam!" Her voice was weaker, "Sam, come out of where you're hiding! Please..."

No answer.

She couldn't take the silence anymore and her tears started flowing.

Her voice cracked between her sobs as she screamed her brother's name again, "Sam!"


As soon as she heard him, she ran to the couch's direction in the darkness, not seeing anything at all. "Where are you?"

Sam answered, "Under the couch." He was crying.

She reached the couch and touched it, it was flipped to form an upside-down V. She reached her arm under it and a small hand held hers.

She took him from under the couch and hugged him tight. "I thought you died." She asked again, "Why didn't you answer me when I called for you?"

"I was...crying."

"Stupid, you scared me." She asked, "Where's mom?"

Her father was already out of the city for a business trip.

"I don't know," he answered, still crying as he hugged his sister. "I didn't see her since I woke up when you went to prom."

Could she still be at work? No...she was supposed to return when Amy left. Amy said, "It's going to be okay, I'm here with you. Don't be scared."

An explosion could be heard from a distance.

Amy told Sam, "We have to get out of here, it's not safe." Indeed, she could hear someone landing on their destroyed second floor. And they didn't have a basement to hide in either.

"What about mom?"

"We'll look for her later. We have to go. Now."

Amy took Sam's hand and ran out of their house. Danger was still walking around in the form of flesh-eating genetically modified starfish.

Sam was in his pajamas, and since there were explosions and bullets flying around, not forgetting the gigantic octopus mech destroying what's left from the city, Amy took Sam back into the house and went to get a knife or whatever weapon-like thing they had in the kitchen.

She left the house with Sam and ran. She took one glance back at their house and saw generals go in with their weapons.

Amy searched for somewhere safe when she encountered Francis sitting alone in an alleyway with his nose bleeding.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" she ran to him.

He looked up at her. "Yeah's just a nosebleed."

"It doesn't seem that way. Come on, get up. It's not safe here."

Sam grabbed her arm and pointed at the ground, speechless, and his eyes were wide open.

She asked Sam, "What is it?" before she looked at what he pointed at.

There was a puddle of blood on the floor, some blood on the wall Francis was leaning against, and out of all things was Y/n's gown thrown on the ground near the other wall with a letter thrown on the ground.

Horror made its way to her heart as she asked Francis when she helped him get up, "What happened here?"

He was holding his bleeding nose and his tux had blood on it, too much blood, but his clothes weren't torn up where the blood was, and he wasn't bleeding, the blood didn't increase or run down. His hands were covered with blood from his wrists to the tips of his fingers, his right sleeve, his knees and on his stomach.

"I got attacked..." he said. And despite all the blood, the only injury she could see except for his nose was a bit below his ribs as his shirt was cut with what seemed like a sword or a knife, but not too deep and didn't bleed too much.

Amy's heart skipped a beat as she spotted a torn-up sleeve near the blood, but Francis had both sleeves uncut.

The blood on the floor and on his clothes was not his.

Amy took a step back, and Francis noticed it and followed her quick glances to Y/n's dress on the ground.

He said, "She was here, and when I arrived, she was wearing a general uniform and attacked me."

Amy took another step back. She asked trying to hide what she suspected, "She did?"

"You didn't know she was one of them?"

She shook her head, not believing a word he said.

"You don't believe me, do you?"

"I believe you, why wouldn't I?"

"Because you're clearly trying to escape from me."

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