Myrr: Reincarnated Timemage A...

By MtAlternity

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Prologue: What If You Just Knew? How I Became A Psychopath
Chapter 1: Mephis
Chapter 2: The Dead Forest
Chapter 3: What Did You Eat In The Womb?
Chapter 4: The Warlock Who Can't Teach Magic
Chapter 5: Change
Chapter 6: Magic And Letters
Chapter 7: One Measly Second
Chapter 8: Useless
Chapter 9: Fiend
Chapter 10: How I Met My Auntie
Chapter 11: What...Are You Doing With Your Face?
Chapter 12: How I Became An Investment!
Chapter 13: How I Accidentally Met A Magic Tutor
Chapter 14: The Birth Of A Name
Chapter 15: My First Magic Lesson
Chapter 16: Lullaby
Chapter 17: How I Lost An Uncle
Chapter 18: How I Was Ambushed By A Dangerous Raccoon
Chapter 19: How I Secretly Planned My Cousin By Repaying A Favor
Chapter 20: Gatoa Likes Milk
Chapter 22: Aftermath
Chapter 23: How I Was Implicated In A Crime
Chapter 24: Lightning From A Clear Sky
Chapter 25: How I Lost My Way
Chapter 26: Not Good Enough
Chapter 27: I Can Do This!
Chapter 28: How I Started Grooming A Maid
Chapter 29: Yan's Necklaces And Brooches
Chapter 30: How The God Of Gambling Was Reborn In This World
Chapter 31: How I Failed My Master
Chapter 32: Natalia's Naming Ceremony
Chapter 33: Crepe Delivery
Chapter 34: How I Discovered A Certain Cheese
Chapter 35: How I Remembered A Missed Alarm
Chapter 36: How Things Changed
Chapter 37: A Place That Feels Like Home
Chapter 38: The Meaning Of Rainstopper
Chapter 39: Tosa
Chapter 40: Evidence
Chapter 41: The Sad State Of Religion In Tosa
Chapter 43: The Danger Under The Mausoleum
Chapter 44: Let's Pretend To Be Heroes
Chapter 45: Blood And Instinct
Chapter 46: The Power Of Ice
Chapter 47: Tartufo And Training
Chapter 48: Childhood's End
Chapter 49: All Roads Lead You Home
Chapter 50: Sins
Chapter 51: Reason
Chapter 52: Stain
Chapter 53: Finding The Competition
Chapter 54: I know
Chapter 55: The Danger Of The Plateau
Chapter 56: Romy's Ideals
Chapter 57: How A Girl Said She Trusted Me
Chapter 58: Meera's Gambit
Chapter 59: Boiling Point
Chapter 60: The Ground Beneath A Mage's Foot Is Never Safe
Chapter 61: The Second Trial's End
Chapter 62: The Stance Of The Elders
Chapter 63: The Mysteries Of Time
Chapter 64: The Sins Of The Past
Chapter 65: Tears Of The Weeping Rose
Chapter 66: The Dangers Of Time
Chapter 67: Now That You've Seen It...Will You Still Pay The Price?
Chapter 68: Wounds Heal Wrong
Chapter 69: I'm Looking For A Storm
Chapter 70: Can We Talk?
Chapter 71: Explosion
Chapter 72: Complicit
Chapter 73: Did You Really Know Me?
Chapter 74: Romy, I Wish You Could See This!
Chapter 75: Isn't That What You Want?
Chapter 76: Gambling For The First Time
Chapter 77: Why Do Coyotes Howl At The Moon?
Chapter 78: Women Problems Pt.1
Chapter 79: Women Problems Pt.2
Chapter 80: Women Problems Pt.3
Chapter 81: Stormstopper...?
Chapter 82: Lost Kitten
Chapter 83: The Stranger
Chapter 84: A Consultation
Chapter 85: Yes, My Master!
Chapter 86: Inspiration
Chapter 87: Witness
Chapter 88: The Warning
Chapter 89: Shatter
Chapter 90: Sometimes You Just Can't Change Anything
Chapter 91: Karma
Chapter 92: Is The Cheese Good?
Chapter 93: Meeting Echo
Chapter 94: Broken Windows Invisible Ghosts
Chapter 95: You Drink Too Much
Chapter 96: Laughter Lasts Until it Doesn't
Chapter 97: A Rat Bargain
Chapter 98: Two Casts
Chapter 99: Blink
Chapter 100: Lies
Chapter 101: Searching
Chapter 102: Questioning
Chapter 103: Into The Darkest Depths
Chapter 104: Rainstoppers Can Swim...Right?
Chapter 105: Can't Or Won't?

Chapter 21: Don't Agree With Me!

30 3 0
By MtAlternity

"Yes! YES! I'm right here!" I yell in her face, and she flinches. Her hand finds my cheek, and she pulls me down. I put my ear by her lips, and they're so chilly it's terrifying. "Glacia? He's coming soon! Can you run?"

"Shh...I can't run, Myrr. I think...I have to do something bad." She says it in a way that makes my heart drop out of my chest. way! Glacia can't die! No way! "Before I do...I wanted to warn you. A little lesson, just the two of us. One last time."

"Haha, don't joke, Teacher." I'm acting stupid again. Just like with Mephis, Glacia wants to teach me something before she goes away.

Not again. NOT AGAIN!

This can't be happening again!

I've already learned this lesson!

God, why are you doing this to me again!

"You're going to be okay. Let me see your wound..." I fumble my fingers over her body. Though I'm intimately familiar with cuddling Glacia, I never wanted to feel her body like this. When I reach her stomach, my fingers come back sticky. Maybe it's vomit.

But vomit shouldn't be red.

"S-Stop, Myrr. I'm too...tired." Glacia groans quietly, her head falling down and I panic. Put my hands all over her, try to warm her with my forearms. "It's okay. It's okaaaay, Myrr. Promise me you'll listen. As my student you have to promise!"


It sounds like the demon is scraping his nails against the ice wall outside. Any second now, I expect him to punch his way through and finish me. But I don't care. What's in front of me is far more important than my own death right now!

"I promise! Whatever you say!"

"Good. Okay...that's good." Glacia trails off, and tears well up in her face as she smiles. "You're such a good student. Always...listening...never needs to be told...twice..."

"Glacia! Glacia?" I shake her head as she drifts off and she suddenly regains her clarity.

"H-uh? Oh...right..." The spikes in her snowy white hair stand up as she tries to think with all her might, "I warn you...don't...agree with anything else...I say...tonight. Promise me...promise me you won't listen to me!"

"W-What?" I exclaim, but as Glacia's eyes grow frantic and her hands start searching for me, I immediately agree, "Of course! Yes! Don't agree with you! I understand!"

"A-Ahh...good boy." Abruptly, all the tension leaves her body. I'm terribly afraid that my teacher is dead, and I am now alone. But then she whispers one last thing. It's not a spell. Not even a chant. But it makes magic happen. Because she is Glacia Dicentia. My most treasured teacher. And she would give anything to save her student. "Oh, you Old Hag. Take it. Take my soul. Hell, take my body too. Haven't you been waiting?"

"G-Glacia?" I stammer as a new voice begins to whisper through my teacher's mouth. The one speaking is Glacia. But she has never sounded like this. Never so cold, never so frightening. It's like she's talking to herself-

"A deal then? You're finally willing to make a deal with me? You will enter my collection to protect the boy?" This voice has none of Glacia's warmth, her compassion, or her tiredness, even though it comes from her mouth. Instead, it only seeks to further itself. When the Glacia I know's with a tone of defeat. As if she's saying her last words,

"I agree to the Contract."

"So be it."


The Frozen Seal, Glacia summoned to protect us, is blasted away by a demon's punch the moment the deal is struck. However, what Gatoa finds inside the ice is not what he expected. Glacia's body in my lap is so cold, that even through my clothes, it's as if I'm being burned by icy fire. As the suit-wearing demon reaches his fist inside to snuff out our life, Glacia rises like a puppet on strings. If Mephis was a terrifying Bloodfiend, then my teacher is a chilling wraith from the underworld. She could win an award for best actress in a horror movie right now.

"Running won't save you!" Gatoa yells as he tries to grab her neck, however, she slips out of his reach, floating in the air eerily. He might as well try to catch air as touch her at the moment. "What the...?"

"Heh...a mere Demon Scout dares to trouble one of my descendants? You signed your own death warrant!" My teacher is imperious now, someone else. She smiles, though bloody and vomit drip off her stomach. Floating in the air, her snowy white hair grows out until it's past her shoulders, almost to her waist. The spikes wave and dance frantically to an invisible hurricane, as a killing intent so thick it freezes both me and demon, fills the living room. A howling wind surges through the broken windows, lifting shards of glass and ice everywhere, and then...



All sound disappears.

It becomes so cold and so quiet.

Like someone pressed the mute button on the remote.

Everything is still moving, but everything has become quiet.

Each sound fades into the background until even the shattering glass is just a soft crunching, like the muffled footsteps one makes in new snow.

"W-Wait! You''re not her! L-Lissandrei, you made a deal?! She was a direct descendant of the main line! FRICK!" Demon Scout Gatoa's terror knows no bounds as he realizes what has happened. He turns to run. Glacia raises a slender hand.

[Hated Spike Which Froze The Night,

That Lance I Poisoned With Spite,

Peirce This Traitor With Despair,

Lay His Soul Bare!

Come Forth-Ice Lance]

The spell she casts is so fast it makes the normal Glacia's quick cast seem like she's speaking in slow motion. Ice Lance is similar to Ice Spear, but far more deadly. From the palm of Glacia's hand, a destructive spike of ice grows and grows. She does not even have to throw it. It simply grows like a branch of some sort of terrifying frozen tree, until it reaches Gatoa's back-

"FRICK!" He screams and shoves his arm back to block.


"ARRRGH! OKAY I'M GOING!" The Demon Scout disappears out one of the broken windows. Not without leaving something behind though. His right arm has been frozen solid, and it lands on the floor and shatters into pieces. The chunks of flesh dissipate into dark mist as the ice slowly melts. Shivering, for the first time, I think I'm afraid of my teacher. That spell...the power...the cruelty of it...that was not Glacia.

"Done, done, and done." My teacher's voice remains cute, even possessed by someone else. However, when she turns to me, I do not feel any joy to see her standing, still alive. Instead, I feel fear. "Now, let's see what all the fuss was about."

"Y-You, what did you do to Glacia?" I should know that she is gone. But I don't want to believe it. So, I talk to the person who took her from me. It sickens me. The imposter is wearing Glacia's beautiful body like a cheap, disposable dress. She stretches the soft arms which held me at night. This fake is unfamiliar with my greatest treasure. We succeeded in driving away the milk thief only to have something far more precious stolen. This isn't happening. No way...Glacia won't leave me. Absolutely not! It must be a temporary sacrifice! She'll come back. She...will...come...back...RIGHT? You have to come back!

"You want to know?" The fake Glacia absentmindedly makes a face as she looks down and sees the aftermath of Gatoa's punch on her stomach. It's been torn open, the flawless skin twisted and ravaged by the Demon Scout's horrifying strength. The sight makes me want to vomit. Fake Glacia sighs tiredly while observing the wound, "Make a deal with me and I'll let you know."

This is a nightmare. Her guts...oh God!

"I'm not..." I stop talking as I finally remember what Glacia said.

'Don't agree with anything I say.'

She was trying to stop me from making a deal with this person!


"Oh, not going to make a deal? Well, then no knowledge for you. Though I think you already know what's happened." Glacia's face shouldn't smile like that. Her pretty features are not meant to be menacing. It shouldn't be possible for an angel to look evil. The imposter touches her ruined stomach. I think I see broken bones underneath the exposed skin. Stop! I'm really going to vomit if you keep doing that! " one ever gives me their body in good condition these days. Maybe I should just freeze this world and start fresh? Hey, Kid, want to help me start a new world order?"

"..." I clamp my mouth shut as Glacia asks me something else. I'm scared to say anything in case it could be construed as agreeing with this entity.

"Eh...sheesh, no need to be so silent. If you're worried I'll rope you into a Contract, it's not something I can do so casually, unless you're my descendant. You'd think my own children wouldn't spread such horrible lies about me. Didn't I accomplish her wish? Glassia or whatever her name was? You're safe...for the price of her soul, just as she wanted. Right? Aish, I get such a bad rap but I'm just helping my descendants out. Lissandrei, The Misunderstood, that's what they should call me."

" took her soul?" I ask, horrified. "What does that mean?"

"Well, it's simple. Her being, her entity, they belong to me now. As such, I have dominion over her mind and body. Though it seems...this body is not going to last much longer if I leave it as is. One of these days, I should just let them die if the body is in bad shape. Teach them a lesson..." Abruptly, the Glacia imposter, begins to chant,

[Oh Horrid Whore of The Light,

You Who I Abhor Above Most All Else,

Lend Your Healing Concern To This Descendant of Mine,

Or I'll Come Up There And Slap You!

Hurry Up,

-Greater Healing]


Is that even a real incantation?!

However, it works. A great light erupts from her hands and she moves them all up and down Glacia's stomach. Within seconds, the terrible damage, which makes me want to puke, is healed. My teacher's ruptured belly is returned to its normal beautiful state. When she catches me staring, the smile comes back.

"Heh, that's cute. You like my descendant. And she liked you. Shame you won't get to see her again." Cracking her back, the one called Lissandrei, taunts me. "She's all mine now. Why was Gatoa after you anyways? You're kind of scrawny, what are you by human standards...five? I mean really, have the demons stooped this low? Not that it surprises me, he always did seem a bit creepy around children..."

"He's after me because I have potential." I shouldn't be doing this. But from the sounds of it, I can only come up with one plan to get Glacia back. "Tell me, what would it take for you to give Glacia her body and soul back?"

"Oh? Well, she's my direct descendant, and it took me forever to find what she wanted. I've been working on her for ages. But those rotten elders really set her against me. Honestly, if you hadn't come along, I might never have gotten her to enter a Contract. So...yea...nothing you have is enough. Sorry!" Her response is instantaneous and crushing. There's a glint in the corner of Glacia's silver eyes. As if she's having fun toying with my heart.

"I...this is my...fault?" My devastated response is ignored by Lissandrei. She continues to mutter to herself while admiring her body at various angles. Floating in the air, my teacher chews on her frosty white lips and crystals of ice begin to form around her randomly as the temperature plummets-

" where are of Yuel's stinking kingdoms? I think I'll bring this one to that collection...she'll make a beautiful addition in the Ice Prism. Or maybe my Sculpture Hall? The fountain's a bit plain, could use a new statue." The imposter gazes at me with sneaky eyes that do not fit my innocent and guileless teacher, "Or better yet, what if she had a companion? How cute would that want to come along and be with her forever, Kid? Immortal life, and immortal love, quite a good deal if I do say so myself. No? Not interested. Peh, she gave her life for yours, but you won't even keep her from being lonely in my collection. What a waste. Maybe I should just go then..."

This is bad. I can't let her leave!

I'll never see Glacia again!

I peek into the future. Try to see if anything I say will work on Lissandrei. However...when I activate my Foresight, she hisses.

"Huh? Child..." Glacia's soul-numbingly beautiful face turns to me, "What exactly are you doing?"

Oh crap.

She can tell I'm looking into the future?!

Immediately, I turn off Foresight and try to appear innocent. But Lissandrei is already on to me.

"Don't try to hide it. I saw you sneaking around. I don't know what you were doing, but I felt fate itself being twisted. this why Gatoa was hunting you? Now that's interesting indeed." Suddenly, Lissandrei's attitude of indifference towards me does an abrupt 180-degree turn. She holds out Glacia's small hand in the air as a queen might do when magnanimously presenting a reward to a peasant, "I changed my mind. Give me your soul, and I'll let Glacia go. I'll even throw in the healing, free of charge!"


I got her interested!

Wait...can I trust what she says though?

Glacia told me not to agree to anything she says.

But do I even have a choice?

The thoughts whirl through my head. Memories of Glacia and how she didn't hesitate for even a moment to give up her soul to save me. The way she held me every night, even though she can probably see the creepy way I look at her. This is someone who cannot be allowed to die.

It seems...just like you, Mephis, I finally found something I am willing to sacrifice everything for.

Can I even call myself a man if I let go of her for something as petty as my own worthless life?

Yea...that's right.

How can I even think twice about it?


I really am useless.

It would be better to bring back someone like her...even if it cost a hundred of me.

"I...I'" I begin to utter.

Glacia's silver eyes eagerly anticipate my acceptance.

Her mouth opens slightly, already prepared to make a deal,



A great cross of light explodes in the sky outside. Warmth, great crashing waves of warmth vibrate through the air, and for a second, it's like a small sun has appeared. Then these insanely loud thunderous noises appear, like some elephant-like behemoth is stomping across the land.




Wind swishes across the lawn outside and Glacia's hair blows back. Alarm crosses her face and genuine shock replaces the icy indifference.

"The hell is this? Are you kidding me?" Her jaw opens slightly, and even possessed, Glacia is unbelievably cute, "No way there are people like THAT out here! A Yuel Paladin...and even...this is ridiculous! It's unfair! Absolutely unfair! Give me a refund! I WANT A REFUND DAMNIT! I JUST WOKE UP!"

Huh? She's...actually afraid of something?

"Alright, Kid. It's your lucky night. I'll make you a deal. Take it or she dies!" Lissandrei speaks so fast it's like she's trying to quick-cast magic. "Got it?!"


"Here's the deal. And you better agree cuz it's the best one I've ever given!" She practically screams in my face and I want to cover my ears. The wind outside is getting monstrous, though the shining light has faded. "I'm going to reset this girl's memories. She won't remember a thing. Then I'll give her back her soul. Mostly...anyways, I want your word. You will say nothing of me to anyone or anything. I don't care if Yuel himself comes down from his sniveling throne and asks you what happened. You better keep your lips shut and lie to his stinking face! Got it?"

What is happening?

Don't agree with anything she says.


"Agree, or I'll kill her right here and now!"

"Damnit, agreed! You give Glacia back her soul and I won't tell anyone you were here for the rest of my life!" Instantly, I notice a smile creep onto Glacia's lips. She floats over to me like a ghost. Uncomfortably close. Until she is practically right in my face. The wildly-waving white hair that has grown out to Glacia's hips, begins to shrink. It recedes back to its usual length at Glacia's shoulders.

"The Contract is agreed. Seal the deal."


" these days. You're not my direct descendant so we have to touch. Don't you read fairy tales anymore?" Something awfully soft brushes my lips before I can move.


Lightning flashes through my head, as I realize what's happening, and I jerk away from the kiss I didn't ask for. Glacia's face grins at me from point blank range and I see the moment her silver eyes roll up and close in slow motion, "Grow big quickly, so I can make you mine...Child. And owe me."


Glacia's floating hair spikes go limp. She collapses into my arms without warning. Though I do my best to protect her head, my exhausted five-year-old body is just too small and we go down to the floor. I crack my skull against the ground right as the front door flies open. A certain ferocious auntie and unreliable uncle stand in the doorway with murderous faces.

"Myrr! Who did this? Where are they! I'll kill them!"

"What happened?! Glacia? Are you hurt? Hold still I'm coming!"

Thank God.

Romy and Mark are home.

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