Like a pair of wings

By RyuuLu

10.6K 297 17

When Coulson informs them that their next O-8-4 mission is going to be along side another secret organisation... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Capter 26
Chapter 27
Part 28
Part 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 16

325 12 0
By RyuuLu

“I hope you are not forgetting about us, right?”

Cassandra says and Skye starts to laugh even more, turning her head for the third time to see the last three Librarian’s step out of the annex, all of them armed and ready. Jake holding on to what Skye guess is the Staff of Shangri-La. Ezekiel is looking all to proud as he swings Poseidon’s Trident and Cassandra is holding on to a bow, a quiver with arrows hanging around her hip. Eve steps out with them, a gun in her hand that doesn’t make Skye surprised at all and last out is Jenkins, holding a sword of his own.

“You might want to use this one too.”

Cassandra points out, she hangs the bow over her shoulder and pulls out something she had been hiding behind her back. Before Skye has a chance to register what it is, Cassandra placed the object on her head and Skye can feel the power and magic shoot through her. She closes her eyes as it happens and as she opens them once more, they shine blue.

“You didn’t just give the mini psychopath the Crown of King Arthur.”

She can hear Flynn complain and Skye rolls her eyes.

“Oh, don’t complain nerd.”

She says, turning her attention back to their enemies. She can see that more soldiers have taken a few steps back as the full force of the Library is standing behind her. Taking in a deep breath, Skye turns her attention towards Rockwell, and she can see the anger in the older woman.

“Well, do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way general?”

She asks, dropping her voice slightly to add on the fear. She realises she doesn’t really have too; half of her soldiers are scared enough and as Skye turns her head slightly to the side to watch the 616 team, she can see the mixture of feelings in their eyes, fear being one of strongest.

“Get her.”

Rockwell orders and Skye rolls her eyes, taking a new a better grip around Cal, she and the others stand at the ready for the fight to come. It takes however a few second before some of the braver soldiers starts to advance on them. Skye moves forwards, about to meet up with the first one, when a gunshot echoes around them, and the soldier falls to the ground. Looking at him in surprise, Skye recognises the blue veins, and she lifts her head up.

She looks at Coulson, May, and Ward, but seeing as neither of them have pulled their guns, Skye moves her head to the side, eyes growing large as she sees FitzSimmons moving slowly towards them, Simmons being the one holding the Night Night gun, her hands shaking badly.


Skye says in a low voice, not feeling all to comfortable with the fact that Simmons is handling a gun, even if said gun just knocks the person out. Seeing how Nicole nods her head, she and Eve moves towards FitzSimmons, who now has the D.O.S.A soldiers guns pointed towards them. Eve steps in front of FitzSimmons as Nicole walks up to Simmons, placing a hand on her shaking hands.

“It’s okay, I can take it from here.”

Nicole says in a low, calm voice and Skye can see how Simmons let’s go of the gun. Skye can see how Nicole looks the gun over and Skye can tell that she is impressed over what she is seeing. Snapping her fingers, she tries to get their attention, which seems to help as Eve and Nicole starts to push FitzSimmons towards the safe group.

“Welcome to the fun group.”

Skye hears Ezekiel greet and Skye rolls her eyes. She will need to have a lengthy conversation with them all later that they can not keep them. Turning her head to what is happening in front of her, Skye sees how Rockwell, angrier than Skye has ever seen her, turns to look at Coulson and Skye can just hear the yell that is about to come.

But before she has a chance, Coulson turns to look at May who shrugs before she walks across the field and joins the Library team. Following her walk and then stand with them, Skye can see the surprise in her own team and May lifts one eyebrow as she looks at them. Glancing back to Coulson and Ward, Skye sees them walk over. Ward not looking all to happy however, but she could deal with that.

“What do you think you all doing?”

“It looks to me, they are picking a side. And since Nicole is out and I’m in a bad mood, they at least have picked the winning side. So, I will ask one more time General Rockwell, will it be the easy way, or the hard way?”

Skye asks, taking one step forwards, her eyes glowing blue once more as Cal managed to pull himself out of her hand and points himself towards Rockwell.

“Because you see, a cut from Cal here and it can never be healed, you and your soldiers will bleed out here and now and it would be such a hard work cleaning all of that up.”

Skye adds, taking two more steps forwards. As she does, the soldiers backs away from her and she can see how Rockwell is looking around herself, trying to come up with a plan where she would come out on the top. But Skye can see the moment she realises she can’t win this.

“This isn’t the end.”

Rockwell says before she orders her soldiers to fall back. Seeing them head off, Skye lets out a deep sigh of relief, relaxing as she reaches up to her head and takes of the crown. Feeling almost drained as the crown is off, she stumbles slightly as she turns towards the people who decided to stand behind her.

Nicole was beside her within seconds of her stumbling. Nodding her head in a thank you, she looks towards the people standing at the door, most of them having a worried look in their eyes.

“What do you want to do?”

“Let them in, we can’t stand around out here.”

She and Nicole keeps their voices low as they speak and Nicole nods her head and looks towards the group.

“Everyone inside, before Rockwell decides that she should just come back with more people. Jenkins, I would recommend you lock the door behind us all.”

Nicole speaks up and Skye can see that Jenkins isn’t happy about this, but it’s the only way. Cassandra, Jake and Ezekiel starts to lead the 616 into the annex, Flynn and Eve waiting for Skye and Nicole to reach them.


Flynn says in a low voice and she can hear the warning in his tone.

“I know Carsen, I’ll figure something out. But we can’t stand out here in the open. It’s to dangerous.”

She tells him and Nicole helps her through the doors. All Skye wants to do is to sleep of the magical effect, but she can’t do that  right now. She has just let the team she have been lying to since day one into the best kept secret and she has no idea of what to do next.

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