Captain's Parrot (Oc x One Pi...

By dragonshardtales101

268K 11.6K 2.3K

When you think of a pirate as a kid, you would think they have an eyepatch and parrot on their shoulder. So g... More

Free me from this cage.//Prologue
Be my Parrot!//Chapter 1
Joining the Straw-hats//Chapter 2
Grand Line//Chapter 3
The whale.//Chapter 4
The Promise//Chapter 5
A New Promise//Chapter 6
Just the beginning.// Chapter 7
Winter's Touch.//Chapter 8
The Tombstone Cactus//Chapter 9
Princess!? Huh?//Chapter 10
Distraction//Chapter 11
Who the 'f' are you!?//Chapter 12
The Little Garden//Chapter 13
Giants.//Chapter 14
A Third Party Interferes!//Chapter 15.
Faythe's First Battle//Chapter 16
2 more left!// Chapter 17
Giant Gold-Fish!?//Chapter 18
Train Effect//Chapter 19
Late Night Chat.//Chapter 20
Bow your head.//Chapter 21
The Witch.//Chapter 22
Was it just a dream?//Chapter 24
What do I have again?//Chapter 25
Chopper//Chapter 26
A Doctor's Conviction//Chapter 27
Not lookin any better!//Chapter 28
New Member! YAY!//Chapter 29
Snow-Like Blossoms//Chapter 30
Mr. 2!?//Chapter 31
Ace and Who??//Chapter 32
And you are...?//Chapter 33
The Older Brother Duo! HA!//Chapter 34
Shall We Talk Negotiation?//Chapter 35
Dance Powder!//Chapter 36
Desert Havoc!//Chapter 37
Planning a Murder//Chapter 38
Corbett's Call//Chapter 39
Vivi's Tears//Chapter 40
Zimri//Chapter 41
Wild Goose Chase!//Chapter 42
Meeting Croco...//Chapter 43
Croco's Grand Plan!//Chapter 44
MR. PRINCE!?// Chapter 45
TO ALUBARNA!//Chapter 46
On the clock!//Chapter 47
Failed Attempt #1//Chapter 48
Down With The Palace!//Chapter 49
Luffy's Dead!?//Chapter 50
Follow through!//Chapter 51
Clock Tower!//Chapter 53
Time is thinning!//Chapter 54
Rainfall//Chapter 55
Dreams//Chapter 56
Shopping w/ Usopp & Sanji//Chapter 57
Nami's Awaited Chat!//Chapter 58
Vivi's Choice!//Chapter 59
Bon-Chan's Distraction!//Chapter 60
Vivi's Goodbye...!//Chapter 61
Ms. All-Sunday's gonna do what now!?//Chapter 62
It's raining ships!//Chapter 63
Underwater Experience!//Chapter 65
The Looming Shadows!//Chapter 66
Jaya Island!//Chapter 67
Bellamy enters the room!//Chapter 68
Dreams Never Die! //Chapter 69
Green Orangutan??//Chapter 70
Noland the Liar//Chapter 71
Cricket's Story//Chapter 72
Knock-Up Stream//Chapter 73
/:/Little Announcement/:/
Time to kill a Southbird.//Chapter 74
Cricket's Treasure Stolen!//Chapter 75
Bellamy's down for the count!//Chapter 76
The Knock Up Stream!//Chapter 77
INTO THE SKY!//Chapter 78
The Tribesman//Chapter 79
Heavan's Gate//Chapter 80
Meeting the Blonde, Conis.//Chapter 81
The Fallen Heaven Star//Chapter 82
White Berets//Chapter 83
Sacrifice and Trials//Chapter 84
A Citizen's Duty//Chapter 85
A Step into Danger//Chapter 86
Trial of Balls! *Snicker*//Chapter 87
A Promise of a Arcus//Chapter 88
Reporting back//Chapter 89
Camping//Chapter 90
Python Trouble//Chapter 91
Beat His Ass, Robin-!!//Chapter 92
Lightning God, Enel//Chapter 93
God's Game//Chapter 94
Terror God Incarnates//Chapter 95
Rubber Goes Brrrr-!!//Chapter 96
Luffy Tossed Overboard//Chapter 97
An Unlikely Rescue//Chapter 98
Arcus vs. God//Chapter 99
A Nice Conversation//Chapter 100
Skypiea's Poneglyph//Chapter 101
The Drop//Chapter 102

Map of Skypiea!??//Chapter 64

2K 82 120
By dragonshardtales101

Make sure to read the note at the end of this chapter!


"Sky Island."

At this statement, the whole crew erupted in several exclaims.



Usopp took one look at the sky and gapped with his mouth, "So the ship and the skeletons fell down from the island all the way up there!?"

Zoro was also looking up curiously, hoping to see some form of floating form, "I don't see anything resembling an island though..."

"So Mr. Brook had came falling from the sky... What a selfish man... He didn't even ask me if I could go and see it..!" Faythe was leaning on the mast, acting dramatic. Zoro just rolled his eyes and looked anywhere else than the red head, knowing full well she was stingy after throwing the corpse overboard.

"You're a little mistaken... It'd be more accurate to say, that there's a 'sea' floating up in the sky." Robin spoke up, correcting them.

"A SEA!?" Nami gasped in disbelief.

Sanji frowned, "That makes even less sense."

Faythe, Usopp, and Luffy stood side by side sparkling at the explanation, "AAAWEESOME!"

Luffy stomped his foot and pointed outward, "SO THERE"S AN ISLAND ON A SLOATING SEA UP IN THE SKY RIGHT!? SET FULL SAIL AHEAD!"

Faythe was a laughing mess, opening her arms up like a religious person, "I'M READY! TIME TO GO SEE MY PEOPLE!"

"ALRIGHT, MATEYS! TURN THE RUDDER UPWARDS! UP, UP, UP INTO THE SKY!" Usopp shouted, his nose stinking up in pride.

Luffy was suddenly shut up by multiple hands sprouting from his shoulder and clamping down on his mouth, "MNNNFF!"

Sanji looked boreally down at his Captain, "Yeah... The rudder doesn't turn that way, cap'n."

Faythe walked over to the girls to listen in on their conversation, "So what's the actual problem?"

Robin glanced at Faythe and sighed, "To be honest, I've never seen any 'Sky Island', nor have I heard of one..."

"EXACTLY! This is absurd! An island or a sea or whatever floating in the sky!? The log pose must be broken that's all!" Nami retorted, holding up her wrist.

"No, Ms. Navigator... What you should be worrying now is not how to fix the log pose, but how to get up into the sky." Robin pointed at the compass.

Faythe glanced at her crewmates to see their reaction but saw Chopper and Zoro looking else where, "What ya'll lookin at?"

Zoro furrowed his brows as Faythe came to stand beside him, "Idiots at work, What're those two up to now?"

Chopper was watching Usopp and Luffy run about on the sinking ship, "Investigating they said."

Faythe felt a smile grace her face as she climbed onto the rail, both Zoro and Chopper looked at her confused.

"What are you doing exactly? You not doing what I think your about to do.." Zoro looked at her with crossed arms.

"Don't worry i'll bring back something for you, grumpy pants." Faythe saluted and casually fell off the ship, transforming into her parrot form.

She flapped her wings and flew over to Luffy and Usopp who were both fooling around looking for any cool gadgets or old stuff. She flew circles around them til one of them noticed. Luckily that didn't take long because Usopp held out his arm as soon as her shadow fell upon them.

She swooped down and landed gracefully on his held out arm. Usopp had held his head up proudly as he was trying to look cool. Faythe couldn't help but want to ruin his confidence. She prodded her talons up his arms and made her way to his shoulder. She then reverted back to her human form and sat on top of his shoulders. Usopp let out a startled yelp and was now trying to balance himself along with Faythe's sudden weight.

Luffy was laughing at the childish scene and tried to climb his way onto Faythe's shoulders, "Let us become a giant robot! Formation..." He tilted his head in thought as he soon made his way onto the girl's shoulders. Usopp was struggling with the more weight that his legs were shaking.

"Formation F.U.L!" Faythe called out laughing.

"Formation fool??" Usopp weakly called out confused.

Faythe bopped his head annoyed, "NO! It stands for us!"

"OOOOHH! FORMATION fools!" Luffy held his arms up in the air in a 'V' shape. The trio began laughing at this point.

While they were goofing off the crew were watching them in complete different reactions. Chopper looked like he wanted to apart of the formation while Nami, Zoro, and Sanji looked as if they were actual idiots. Robin was muffling a fit of giggles as she watched the trio of teens.

Luffy had first lost his balance and grabbed onto Faythe's shirt for balance but was then falling as well. So of course, Faythe grabbed onto Usopp's hair in a hurry and now they were all toppling over. They had all fell through the rotten wood and went down underdeck, crashing into multiple barrels and fallen planks.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Faythe rubbed her head as she crawled back up, "Everyone okay?"

"YEP! Totally good! Just buried in some planks! Hold on a sec..." Seconds past and a loud sound from across the room sounds and multiple wood pieces scattered around the area. Out in a corner, Luffy stood up and climbed out the pile.

Faythe helped him down the pile, "Have you seen Usopp?"

"Ah! Usopp!" Luffy called out urgently, but they instantly heard sniffling next door. Quickly they busted the room's door open and ran down the hall in search for the next room. They didn't need to open the door because they're was already a giant hole in the wall, due to the rotten wood falling apart.

"Usopp, where are you, you old chap!" Faythe called out but saw him weeping behind some open chests with old scrolls and parchment.

"My... glorious locks.. My precious curls.. They were pulled.." Usopp muttered to himself as he was all gloomy, his knees to his chest.

"Uh... What's wrong, buddy?" Luffy patted the boy's shoulder.

"What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG!? This senile lady pulled out some of my luminous hair! MY SACRED CURLS! I MIGHT GET A BALD SPOT!" He screeched while glaring at Faythe who shrugged with a plain expression.

"Eh. They'll grow back." Faythe rolled her eyes and went searching for something's to bring back.

"You menace...!" Usopp gasped, his hand on his chest dramatically.

Luffy just snickered and went on searching. Usopp sighed in defeat and dragged himself looking for something at least to tell tales about.

Faythe was looking through the old scrolls and only saw pictures of winged people with strange antennas, "Hey guys, I think I found something weird-" As soon as she took a step back, her foot went threw some boards and was stuck. She fell back with a short shriek.

Luffy and Usopp turned to see what happened and saw she had clumsily gotten her foot stuck in the floorboard.

"Pfft! Karma..." Usopp muttered and started walking over to help her up, "What are you? An idoi-"

His foot fell into the floorboard and he had fallen on his side.

Faythe and Usopp stared at each other until the red head let out a short snicker, "Karma...~"

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! You guys are so silly! Why are both of you so clums-" Luffy had fallen through the floor board into a whole other level in the Galleon.

"AYO! You alive!"


A short moment of silence passed until Luffy responded with a slurred, 'In need of help.'

"Why does he sound drunk?" Faythe turned her head to Usopp.

"That's impossible, Luffy doesn't drink alcohol..." Usopp shook his head confused.

"Well he needs our help but we're kinda stuck at the momeENNT!" The wood had fell through under Faythe and now she was dangling from her free foot while she was swinging around. Looking around the room Luffy was standing ankle deep in some sea water.

"OH SHIT!" Faythe cursed as she swung herself back and forth.

"What is it!?" Usopp questioned in panick at the tone Faythe used.

Faythe had finally swung her body up to her her free foot and un tangled it from it's spot so she could get Luffy, "This whole thing is sinking..!" Luffy was trying to climb his way back up but he was only getting weaker with the water getting higher.

Faythe fell from her spot and transformed her arms into wings and her legs into talons. She flew down and held her talon out, "Luffy grab on! I can't get too close to the water or I'll grow weak too!"

Luffy looked up at her and grabbed hold on her talon weakly. She pulled him up with all her strength and flew up to the second floor. Landing on the soft wood softly, she quickly reached out her hand to Usopp who grabbed it instantly, "Heave!" She pulled with all her might as Luffy was regaining some energy, "HO!" Usopp was yanked him out as they fell back to take a breather.

Usopp glanced up at her with a small laugh, "I forgive... you.. only because... I don't want to fuckin drown here!"

Faythe held up her middle finger to him with a laugh of her own, "You love me, admit it!"

Luffy was laying star fish beside them, snickering at they're bickering, "Shishishishishi! You guys are being silly right now as we might drown in a few minutes. You guys are the best."

Faythe glanced at him with a grin, "I call that being optimistic, but I would like to live, so Imma just dip." She gave them a peace sign and crawled out the room and down the hall to the upper deck.

"OI! Wait for us!" Usopp scrambled after her, along with Luffy who was laughing like a fool.

"PEOPLE WHO WAIT DON'T GET THE GOOD STUFF!" Faythe called back giggling as she went through all the documents and gathered as much scrolls as possible.

"AH! Forget the scrolls! We need to leave before this thing drags us under!" Usopp pulled Faythe's arm and dragged her up onto the Galleon's deck. They leaped from piece to piece as they watched the ship sink slowly.

"Is it me or does it seem like the ship is sinking faster...??" Faythe leaped from a side of the ship to the other side as it was literally cut in half by the fall.

"Maybe?" Usopp tilted his head as he looked at the Galleon for a moment, "It's fine as long as you two don't fall in, then we're fi-"

"Whoop-" A splash could be heard from behind Faythe and Usopp.

"Don't tell me that was him.." Usopp muttered in denial.

"That was definitely him.." Faythe furrowed her brows.

They turned around to see Luffy flailing in the water or his life, "BFFFT PFFT MNN!"

"LUFFY HANG IN THERE!" Usopp called out as he was trying to reach for his Captain.

"YOUR SO CLUMSY! HAHAHAHAHA!" Faythe called out as she yanked Luffy out with her talon.

A shout was heard from Nami as she watched the trio of idiots, "WHAT THE HELL ARE TWO DOING!?"


"Guys! Guys!" Luffy called out with water still drenching him, he looked super excited, "I did it! I found something super-duper amazing!"

"In that crazy ship?" Faythe tilted confused, "Was it in that room you fell through??"

Luffy pouted at Faythe, "Oi... Don't make it sound so uncool..!" He puffed his cheeks out.

"HA! But you literally fell through the floor." Faythe called out with Usopp snickering along.

"You fell through what?" Zoro cocked his head a bit.

"Wait you guys went inside?" Chopper muttered surprised.

"Whatever..! ANYWAYS! CHECK THIS OUT!" Luffy held out a very hold parchment that looked like it was rolled up. The edges of the paper were either torn or ripped off.

Nami had quickly snatched the parchment to get a good look and gasped, "A MAP OF A... SKY ISLAND!?"

Faythe and along with the others were looming over her shoulder to look at it, "Skypiea...?"

"Is that the name of the island?"

"WELL!? WELL!?" Usopp grinned wildly.

Luffy was looking at the map with literal stars around his face, "Does this mean there's really an island up in the sky...!?"

"Well Isn't a map of the island enough evidence!" Faythe said happily.

"WOOHOO! USOPP! FAE!" Luffy shouted out excitedly, grabbing both they're hands and started dancing in a circle.

"CHOPPER!" Usopp called out who was looking just as happy as the trio. The reindeer joined in the little dance circle. Happily clapping his hooves together and hopping around giggling.




"Wait how does it float in the sky..?"

"By the floating sea..?"

"Then how does the floating sea fly?"

"By the dreams of the pirates and miracles that are shared across the world!" Usopp announced with a finger pointed out to the sea.


"Now that's a thought..!" Luffy snickered.

Nami let out a sigh as she looked at the group, "...You're all making such a fuss for over what's barely a sliver of possibility. There's plenty of face maps in this world you know!"

At that, the once happy four people gapped at her in horror on their faces as she shook her hands frantically, "Ah... S-sorry- It exists, it exists! ...Like absolutely. ...Yeah. But, umm, the thing is... I HAVE NO FREAKIN' CLUE HOW TO GET THERE!" She snapped, punching the metal board that held the main mast up.

Usopp weakly spoke up worried, "Nami... Please treat the ship with care."

Luffy snapped back annoyed by Nami's mood swings, "WELL YOU'RE THE NAVIGATOR! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!"

"There are some things in this world that you can't DO SOMETHING ABOUT!" Nami screeched.

Luffy wasn't backing off, "IT DOESN'T MATTER! WE'RE GOING TO THE SKY AND THAT'S IT!"

Sanji was just fawning over the fact Nami was angry, "Angry Nami's so cute too.."

Faythe sighed and sat down and pulled out the old scrolls to look at.

Nami was waving her log pose around irritably, "Ugh, this is getting nowhere! In any case, with the log pose-needle pointing upwards like this, we can't exactly continue sailing!" Looking up at the crew she came to a decision, "Like Robin said just now, what we need is information! If that huge ship really went to the sky, then it must be possible for our ship to go too! We've gotta get any remaining logs or journals on that ship somehow!"

Usopp turned and glanced at Faythe who he noticed was already looking through some old papers, "Whatcha lookin' at, Faythe?"

Everyone gathered around Faythe too look at the old scrolls who were spread out along with different parchments messily covering some of them.

Faythe shrugged and held a picture of some strange winged person. It was the same picture that she found on the Galleon, "Nothing much, just some strange cultural things like shell things or the natives..??"

Sanji picked up the picture and gawked at one of the females, "An Angel..??"

Usopp rubbed his chin, "Seems we really are going to go see Faythe's people.."

"AYO! I don't look like these weirdos! I'm a more dignified breed." Faythe spread out her winged arms, "Plus I don't see any antennas on my fricken head, do you?"

Luffy along with Zoro were snickering imagining the image.

Faythe turned and glared at them playfully, "Shut up, you fools! I hear you giggling over there!"

Usopp huffed and crossed his arms, "The info that Faythe randomly grabbed doesn't help with HOW we get up to the island, but what to expect.. And It's already sunk below the surface."

Nami became suddenly motivated, "IF IT SANK, THEN WE'VE GOTTA SALVAGE IT!"

Luffy had grabbed the catching net, Usopp had taken the fishing pole, while Faythe had whipped out one of Zoro's swords, "RIGHT ON!" The trio shouted out with a fist in the air.

"LIKE HELL WE CAN!" Zoro shouted at the four crazy people and glared at Faythe, "AND GIMMIE BACK MY SWORD!" He lightly smacked her in the head.

Chopper had padded over to Faythe and pulled on her shirt, "What does 'salvage' mean?"

Faythe thought for a moment but came up blank, "I don't really have a clue either, ask the wise one."

Robin smiled at the name, and tilted her head at Chopper as he slowly padded over, "What does 'salvage' mean..?" he asked again.

"It means lifting sunken ships back up to the surface... But that ship's too big for that to be possible." Robin answered like it was a simple definition.


Word Count:( 2797)

Now Imma pull out the main ships that have been proven out so far.

Now you get to vote for the characters that you ship Faythe with the most. I'm trying to be fair with all characters.








Comment if you have anymore people you wanna add!

This will continue until the book ends which is after this whole arc!

The winner of this book's votes will get a fanart drawing made by me.

Hope you enjoyed this book so far!

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