You, Me and the shadow (Vampi...

By sarahlovesVA

33.4K 1.2K 245

Something's going on with Rose. She's never been what anyone deems 'normal', especially after she became shad... More

The start of it all
On our way
Homeward bound
Meeting the family
Welcome home
Infinity Rising
Information overload
What's up Doc
Oh brother
Hurry home
Bitch, please
Back to the books
Deep breaths and focus
Reveals and heels
A small slice of normal
One with blood
Revelations and tribulations
Let's get to work
Seer's and fears
Setting off
Boys will be boys
Back to Vampire academy
Don't say her name
Your Majesty
Bow before your Queen
Our Cabin
Shall we begin
Automatic reactions
Don't say the T-word
Explanations and contemplations
Damn alarm clocks
Past friendships and feelings
Can we try
We need to be ready
What are you?
Comrade. Breathe.
I'm ready
The war council
The Eve of Battle
Our last night
We can dream
Are we ready?
Fighting talk
The Battle- Part one
The Battle - part two
The Battle - part three
The Battle - Part four
We did it
Wake up, Ivan
Duties and changes
Anger and questions
Have at it
Finally, at peace
A Queen's work is never done
Oi, Hathaway
Welcome to the Royal Guard
It's about time
The more you know
Stupid dresses and stresses
Our promise
Questions and quits
The Bastard returns
Giving thanks and remembering
The end of it all
Epilogue - What comes after
Quick idea.

Rings and bells

563 16 1
By sarahlovesVA

You, Me, and the shadow chapter eleven

Russian in Italic

Mental in Bold


Waking up the following morning, I think back to everything that happened yesterday. Finding out that Dimitri and I are soulmates, no shocker there. Finding out I'm this reincarnated saviour destined to fulfil a prophecy, admittingly quite a bit of shock there. Finding out I have a goddamn Brother who wants to kill me again, and then, on top of that, finding out that Dimitri and I can have children, which is the best shock of them all. Saying it was a long day would be putting it lightly.

Turning in his arms, I can see that Dimitri's still fast asleep, which is rare because he's usually up well before I am, but I guess yesterday also had a toll on him. Either that or I wore him out in the early hours of this morning, but it's not like I'm going to apologise for that.

Looking over his gorgeous face, I gently move the hair covering it to behind his ear. He really is a stunning specimen, and I'm so thankful he's mine. I wouldn't be able to do any of this without him, and I don't just mean for the obvious reasons. I mean, because he's literally half of me. Without him, I'm lost. The darkness would have taken me in that cabin if he hadn't been there, and to be honest. I would have let it.

I haven't had the best life. In fact, some might say I haven't had a life at all. Being left at the academy at four years old and stuck there all that time means that I haven't experienced much that life can offer.

I even died already and was brought back only to have my friend and bond-mate abandon me. The two years we were away were awful, contrary to popular belief. I spent every day on edge, looking over my shoulder for danger, and I wasn't even free in my sleep because I constantly had to live through Lissa's dreams of darkness and death.

Then Dimitri found me, and I felt like I could rest for the first time in my life. I felt like I could finally breathe. I felt like I maybe wouldn't be alone. And thankfully, he felt the same. So when I say I couldn't do this without him, I honestly mean that, without him finding us all those months ago, I would already be dead because I frankly couldn't be arsed in living anymore.

Looking over at him now, with his face so carefree and that beautiful smile he always has when he sleeps next to me. I'm so grateful that he entered my life when he did because at that time, I felt like I was falling, and I didn't have the strength to catch myself.

"I caught you, Roza. Just like you caught me," he mumbles, shocking me out of my thoughts. I keep my eyes on him as he opens his mesmerising brown eyes and looks at me. "I'll always catch you, Milaya," he adds, lifting his hand to wipe away the tears falling down my cheeks. I didn't even realise that I'd been crying, but apparently, I was.

We lay there facing each other, staring into each other's eyes. It's moments like this when I feel my calmest. I feel protected, loved and at total peace. No matter what happens in daily life, I'll be happy if I can return to moments like these.

"I love you so much, Dimitri. Thank you for finding me," I whisper, breaking the silence while putting my hand on his cheek and willing him to feel how much love I have for him.

"I love you too, Roza. You don't have to thank me, Darling, I was searching for you my whole life, and I would never have been complete without you. We found each other, Detka."

I lean forward at the same time he does, smiling slightly when he catches my lips with his as he pulls me into a slow yet passionate kiss. When we finally pull back, we're both breathing hard. He looks deep into my eyes for a moment, seemingly coming to some decision that I can't decipher. "You're my life, Roza, and I plan on spending the rest of forever making sure you know that." He stands up before going over to one of the boxes he packed from St Vlad's that's sitting neatly stacked in the corner of the room. I've got no idea what he's doing, but I sit up and wait for him to do whatever it is. I can't say I'm not intrigued, even though I am a little put out at the disruption.

"What are you doing, Comrade? We were having a moment," I tease with a big smile. He continues looking through the box for a second before finally taking something out. Turning back around, he walks back over to the bed, where he sits down in front of me.

"I'm making the moment better, Roza. After everything we learned yesterday and everything we're going to have to do over the coming months, I want this moment to be ours."

I look at him confused because he's being so elusive, yet his voice holds so much passion. I don't say anything because I don't know what to say. He looks into my eyes and then pulls his attention back to whatever is in his closed fist.

"Babushka sent this to me the day after I started the search for you and Vasilisa. She sent a note with it saying that I will know what to do when the time is right, and finally, I know what that means." Following his gaze, I look down at his hand but can't see anything because it's closed. "What are you talking about, Comrade? What do you think it means?"

He doesn't respond to my questions. Instead, he opens his hand and instantly causes all the air to escape me. Because in his hand is a beautiful antique silver ring. The ring band has rose vine filigree leading up to a sizeable heart-shaped ruby with smaller emeralds working around the band, looking like leaves. It's stunning, but it takes me a second to realise what that ring means. I gasp again and look up into his eyes, mine immediately filling with tears.

"I know you don't like rose-themed things, but this ring has been in my family for hundreds of years. It gets passed down to the next male in line, and fate so happens that that's me. It's a little ironic, don't you think? A rose ring for my Rose Wife," he admits with a bit of a chuckle, but I'm still crying.

"I love it, Dimitri. It's like it was made for me, but are you sure you want to do this right now? I don't want current events to be influencing your decision, because you already know what my answer will be." I ask honestly, wanting to make sure that he's thought this through. We may have discussed marriage at length, but I didn't know he would propose this quickly.

"Roza. I would have proposed to you the very second I caught you on that street in Portland. I was planning on doing it in front of everyone, but then I decided I wanted this to be just us. I can't live without you, Detka, and I don't see the point in prolonging it. You're already my Wife in every way that counts." The slight chuckle he releases makes me smile through the shock, but before I can respond, he continues. "I've been yours since the second I saw you, dancing along to no tune in that window, and now I ask for you to become mine, in every sense of the word."

"I'm already yours, Mitya. I have been since the very beginning." I reply honestly, slowly fighting through the shock as my mind finally catches up to realising what's actually about to happen. Dimitri seems to see my realisation as he throws me a dazzling smile before saying, "I know you are, but that doesn't stop me from asking."

Following his movements intently, I watch as he gets up off the bed and drops down next to it on one knee. I can feel my heart drumming along in my chest as I follow him and go to stand in front of him. I reach my hand to cup his cheek as he looks up at me with the same look of reverence that I know is a mirror of my own intense emotions.

"Rosemarie Hathaway Badica. I promise you that I'll never let you fall. I promise you that I'll be right by your side through everything. I promise to bow before you, my Queen, and give you everything your heart desires. Would you do me the great honour of becoming my Wife through this life and eternity?"

He finishes his little speech with so much devotion that a sob catches in the back of my throat. I kneel in front of him and gently take his face with my hands, looking directly into his eyes.

"My answer is yes. My answer will always be yes, as long as I can promise the same thing. I promise to be your protector, supporter, and lover. I promise to listen to you, trust you and love you forever. I promise to bow before you, my King, and provide everything your heart desires. Will you accept becoming my Husband the same as I accept becoming your Wife?"

We're both openly crying, and it's like he can't stop himself when he declares, "Yes! Always and forever, yes."

Not wanting to wait for another second, I lunge forward and press my lips to his. We share a mind-blowing kiss that feels like it will last forever. During the kiss, I feel him take my hand and slip the ring onto it. Pulling back slightly as soon as I feel the cold metal against my finger, my first thoughts are of how perfectly it seems to fit me. It's as if it's always been there, and my hand has always been naked without it. Casting my gaze back up to him, I can see pure unadulterated love and happiness in his eyes.

"I love you so much, my Wife," I hear him declare through my fogged brain. This is definitely not how I thought this morning would go, but I am far from complaining.

"I love you too, my Husband," I respond, letting out a giggle that I can't suppress. He looks at me in wonder, clearly bemused by my laughter, so I tell him. "I'm just so happy. Even with everything going on and everything we still have to face. I'm so happy right now, at this moment, and that's all because of you."

His face positively lights up as he leans forwards to give me another kiss. Pulling back again, he whispers against my lips. "After everything's done and everyone's safe, I plan on marrying you in front of our entire world. A wedding fit for my Queen."

I think I catch him by surprise when I immediately start to shake my head.

"I don't care about all that. I'd be happy with just our family and a priest. We can do all the pomp and ceremony when it's required as the Queen, but right now, all I care about or want is you as my Husband officially." I would honestly marry him today if I could. Hell, I would have married him when I was still seventeen, but at least now we can have our family with us.

"When do you want to get married then, Roza? I'm free whenever you are." He enquires excitedly, his tone full of hope as he tries to keep his face impassive yet intrigued. I allow myself a minute to think before I'm confident enough to voice my decision.

"Within the week. Next Saturday, so in exactly seven days, not a day longer. I would marry you today, but I understand that our family will want to plan something. I don't care about the dress or the cake or if there are fucking doves released at the moment we say I Do. All I need is for you to be there and the rings on our fingers. Everything else is just arbitrary."


This woman is amazing. When did fate decide that she was meant to be mine? I'm shocked that she wants to marry me that quickly, but in all reality, I shouldn't be because I want her as my Wife as soon as possible. Looking at her without hiding anything I'm feeling, I get up from the floor and gently pull her up with me.

"I'm sure we can make that work. We have another busy day today, but tomorrow we can start planning. We have to get ready now, though. I have to help Mama with the house, and then we need to finish our discussion with everyone and tell them that we're getting married, not necessarily in that order."

She chuckles fondly, throwing me a knowing look. "Oh, please. I'm sure Yeva has already spread the word. The things that woman foresees are terrifying." She makes a funny face which in turn makes me laugh. She's right about one thing. I've never been so happy in my entire life, knowing she'll be my Wife within the week.

"Come now, Milaya, let's get showered and ready. Given the time, we'll probably even be able to squeeze in a little celebration of our own while we're in there."

She shoots me a smirk and runs to the bathroom, catching me off guard, so it takes me a second to sprint after her. It doesn't take me as long to catch her, though. I quickly seize her by her waist and bring her to my chest; she erupts in giggles as I drag her towards the shower with my lips already finding purchase on her neck.

I know the next few months will be challenging, but it's nice to have one bright, happy moment amid all the darkness. We have the training to start and strigoi to kill, but among all of that, I'll make my Roza my Wife. We'll get our happy ending no matter what.


After our long, luxurious, intense shower, I'm still reeling over the fact that I'm now engaged. I have a fiancé. I'm eighteen, and I'm going to be a Wife. I honestly couldn't be happier.

As we get dressed, we can't seem to keep our hands off each other. Still wrapped up in our joyous bubble, we keep stopping every few minutes to kiss or touch in any way we can. It takes longer than necessary to get ready, but I don't care. I just can't wipe the smile off my face.

In the end, it takes us about an hour, which is OK, seeing as we woke up a good few hours before the rest of the house anyway. Making our way down to the room where Baba said breakfast would be, I'm absolutely famished, and I know Dimitri is too. Last night and this morning took a lot out of us.

Walking into the room hand in hand with Dimitri, we're stopped at the doors by Yeva, who's looking at us gleefully. I may have only officially met her yesterday, but I can tell that the look on her face is not what she usually wears. My thoughts are only confirmed by how shocked Dimitri seems to be by it.

"You'll make an absolutely beautiful bride, my Child. I'm proud to call you a Belikova. Just be prepared for the jealousy of certain people. You're already aware of who I speak. But don't worry, they have no power over you. You'll protect each other through all that is to come, just like you promised."

When she's done speaking, she simply walks away without waiting for a response, leaving Dimitri and me to look on in curiosity. I know she's talking about Tasha, but I don't even have it in me to care about her right now. I know Dimitri's mine, and there's absolutely nothing she can do to change that.

I feel Dimitri lean down from where he stands behind me with his hands on my hips. I have to fight the shudder when I feel his lips against my ear. "You're damn right I'm yours. I'd love to see her try and come between us now. She won't know what hit her." I don't want to tempt fate by thinking about the hilarious look on her face when she finds out I'm Dimitri's Wife, but I can't help but chuckle at the images in my head.

Shaking my thoughts away, I don't want any thoughts of her ruining my day, so a moment later, we move further into the room and go to sit where everyone else has now gathered at one end of the long table that could easily fit fifty people. Making our way to the free seats between Baba and Mama Olena, we don't get far before a loud shriek fills the room as soon as my hand touches the chair. Looking up to see what was going on, I have to supress a grin when I see Vika with one hand over her mouth and her other waving frantically in my general direction, seemingly pointing at my left hand.

Smiling at her and her over-exaggerated response, I sit down with Dimitri placing himself next to me, a massive smirk on his face, all while Vika is still near hyperventilating.

"What's wrong, Vika? Why such a shrill sound?" Viktoria can't seem to get the words out, so she again points to my hand very dramatically. Everyone seems to collectively look over to where she's pointing for the first time. To where my hand is placed within Dimitri's, and as soon as they see what she's gesturing at, the whole room goes wild.

"Oh my god! You're engaged! When did that happen?" Karolina shouts excitedly whilst jumping up and running around the table to throw her arms around the both of us. I just chuckle while Dimitri says in a very smug voice, "This morning."

"Dimka. Is that the only information we get? This morning. How did you propose? We want details," Olena demands through her smile, giving Dimitri's arm a light slap.

"OK, OK, Geesh. No need to get violent, Mama. We can't tell you if everyone is screaming." Dimitri acknowledges playfully through his grin, causing everyone to return to their seats and begin to quieten down.

When everyone's ready, even though all the women are crying, we begin to tell them what happened this morning and how we both pledged to each other. We didn't go into all the details, but I think they get the gist.

"That's so romantic," Vika gushes, wiping her eyes as she looks at us with a starry-eyed gaze. "You basically proposed to each other," she finishes, sounding slightly choked up but happy.

"Uncle Dimka?" Paul calls out, getting our attention away from his Aunts, but when we turn to him, he looks confused. "Does that mean Roza is my Auntie, just like Auntie Vika and Auntie Sonja?" he asks innocently, with a slightly dejected look.

"Yes, she is. Is that OK with you, Paul?" Dimitri replies, his voice sounding a little tight as he takes in the look on Paul's face. I know how much Dimitri loves his family and the idea of Paul being upset about this is not something that either of us wants.

"But that means I can't marry Roza." Paul says, causing everyone in the room to let out an 'Aww,' at the same time as Dimitri lets out a relieved sigh, but Paul looks a little sad. Going over to him, I kneel down so I'm level with his height as I take his tiny hands in mine. "I tell you what, Little Man. If your Uncle Dimka ever annoys me, then you'll be my only choice, OK?" I offer before leaning forward to give him a tight squeeze. This kid is so damn cute.

"OK, Auntie Roza. I'll marry you if Uncle Dimka is naughty. I promise," he happily accepts with so much determination and pride that it makes my heart bloom. Like I said, adorable. All the Belikova women let out a small chuckle at Paul's declaration as Dimitri comes over to help me up and pull me close to his chest.

"I thought you liked it when I was naughty, Detka," I hear him whisper as everyone else is gushing over Paul, but his words are enough to make me flush with heat.

"Oh, don't worry, Baby, I love it. In fact, tonight, I want you to be extra naughty." I let my voice take on the seductive tone that always gets a reaction, and I know I have him there because he immediately pulls me to him tighter, letting me feel the effect I have on him, as well as effectively hiding his crotch from everyone else in the room.

Before we can get too carried away at the moment, Baba's voice breaks through our rising states of horniness, instantly killing our growing need. "I don't remember you asking for permission Dimitri. I may be new to this whole father thing, but isn't that the usual protocol for these things?" I can tell he's not being serious, but before Dimitri can say anything, I answer him with my own variety of snarkiness. "The only person he needs to ask for my hand is me. Anyone who thinks otherwise can take a long walk off a short pier."

I pull Dimitri back down to his seat, ignoring the responding smirks off of our family as I go to sit on his lap. He wraps his arms around me, moving my hair to the side, and he gives me a peck behind my ear. Baba laughs loudly and says, "That's my girl." Sending him a self-satisfied smirk, we all sit back down and get ready to eat.

After that, we enjoy a lovely breakfast while everyone talks about the wedding. We tell them our plan for doing it on Saturday, which makes everyone go a little crazy, going on about flowers, dresses, decorations etc. I just tell them that I'm leaving it up to them because all I want is Dimitri standing at the altar. With how excited all the Belikova women are at the prospect of free reign, I might live to regret it, but as long as I become Roza Belikova, I couldn't care less.


When everyone's finished with breakfast, I'm soon being pulled away from my current conversation with Abe and Roza by Mama making her way over to me. "Are you ready to go, Dimka? I know you have a busy afternoon training, so I'd like to get the house cleared before lunch if possible. Abe said we could take some of his guardians to help as well. With it being daytime, we won't need to worry about any Strigoi either."

Moving to stand up so I can follow Mama, I look over at Roza before I go, and I can tell that she's slightly apprehensive about me leaving, so I try to lessen her tension with a gentle hand rubbing between her shoulders. "It'll be OK, Milaya. It's only a few hours, and I'll be back by your side. Why don't you spend some time with Abe and see what he's learned about what we discussed last night." The nervous smile she sends me does nothing to alleviate my own discomfort.

Pointing to her temple, she throws me a pointed look. "Keep in touch, OK, Mitya? I remember what it feels like not to be close to you, and I doubt that's gotten any easier now that we've bonded." Wincing at the memory of the pain we both felt at the academy, she makes an excellent point.

"Don't worry, Roza. I'll be in your head so much that you'll have to tell me to stop." Looking at me with a serious look, she just shakes her head. "That would never happen, Comrade. You're as crucial to me as breathing, and our bond is like my heartbeat. It's my lifeline to you. I'd never want that to stop." She admits resolutely, and I have to agree with her completely. That's exactly how it feels.

Taking a deep breath, I send her a subtle nod as I lean down and press a soft kiss against her lips before resting my head against hers, closing my eyes.

"Together." I voice through our bond, solidifying our unspoken promise that's quickly become our mantra.

"Always." She immediately responds, both of us opening our eyes together for one more second before I walk away from my fiancé to follow my Mama out of the room.

It's only a few hours. And we'll only be about a mile apart. We'll be fine. Looking over at Babushka on my way through the door, I catch her shaking her head slightly, which just manages to put me on edge, but I continue following Mama as I try to ignore the instant pain in my chest that is only getting worse with each step I take.

We'll be fine. Right?

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