Definitely Normal|Skephalo|Fa...

By amt4equ

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[COMPLETED] "What is my purpose? I'm just a normal high school boy anyway.." ~ Magic, something that everyon... More

Chapter 1: Normal life
Chapter 2: The light
Chapter 3: The new kid
Chapter 4: Hospital
Chapter 5: Two Deaths
Chapter 7: Intruders
Chapter 8: Just Friends
Chapter 9: Demon
Chapter 10: PrinceNotFound
Chapter 10.5: Halloween!
Chapter 11: Me and him
Chapter 12: Kidnapped
Chapter 13: Plans
Chapter 14: Lost
Chapter 15: Do I like him?
Chapter 16: Home again
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: This Place About To Blow
Chapter 19: The Mirror Realm
Chapter 20: Dream XD
Authors Note

Chapter 6: The truth

288 25 61
By amt4equ



It has been two months since my parents death.

I've managed to survive through it, well barely only because I had Darryl to comfort me when I started to break down.

It took about a month to get over their deaths, even now it still crosses my mind and makes me want to curl up in a ball and start bawling my eyes out but it hasn't been the only thing stuck in my mind since that day.

Darryl being a Celestial was still on my mind, I can't get rid of the thought and whenever I've tried to ask him about it, somehow our whole conversation just gets interrupted! It's so fucking annoying!

Today I was walking home from school with Darryl who was slowly following behind me, his hands holding on to each other in a death grip for some reason. Maybe it's cold, I could just hold his hand instead of him having to squeeze the shit outta his hands.

Luckily Owen hasn't been bothering us lately, I think it's because Darryl scared the shit out of him last time we associated so it's been pretty peaceful just the two of us hanging out together like the best bros we are.

"Hey Darryl, what are you doing after school today?" I asked.

"Maybe buy some muffins or play with Lucy, I'm not really sure..why do you ask?" He replied.

I stopped walking and turned to face him.

"Well I was hoping-" I started but was cut off when I heard someone throw something at us.


It hit a trash can, what shit aim! I snorted at the thought of it.

"What the fuck." I mumbled looking up at the person in front of us, stepping in front of Darryl and raising an arm to block him.

The guy was shit aim had blonde hair with a fade out blue, a blue shirt with a black vest, demon horns and wings, black pants, and a red thing tied to his leg..maybe a bandage or something? Must've done that to himself with his shit aim.

"Hey, you must be Zak right? Oh and I noticed you have a little guest, perhaps you're boyfriend?" He mischievously giggled, slowly getting closer to us.

I felt it get a tiny bit hotter when he said that for some reason but there was no time to question how I was feeling at the time, what matters is that Darryl- and me- are safe!

I could feel panic slowly sliding into me, how the hell was I supposed to protect Darryl if I had no powers?

Then it hit me. I had weird diamond powers! Well hopefully anyway.

I raised my hand and closed my eyes.

Nothing happened.


The blonde immediately shot a dark orb at us as soon as he saw me open my eyes again, although I was pretty sure he was mostly aiming at me.

I attempted to dodge but instead I got hit in the stomach and ended up getting hit into the ground,

I watched in terror as he then lifted his hand and created another dark orb, every single second it got bigger and bigger. Once it was pretty much bigger than my head he was about to launch it at me but then he was lifted into the air, his dark orb looking like it was malfunctioning somehow with a bunch of random sparks coming from it.

"Get away from Zak." Darryl yelled, keeping the blonde helplessly in the air.

The blonde looked at him and chuckled, he launched a dark orb at Darryl which shot him to the ground. Fortunately the blonde was still stuck in the air and Darryl easily got back up, except Darryl looked a bit different this time.

His hair and skin went a bit blackish and he had tiny horns sticking out with a small tail waving side to side as his canine teeth started getting visibly sharper. Damn..

I struggled back up and concentrated, trying to make a diamond appear and luckily it worked this time. Thank god.

 I sent the diamond at the demon boy's necklace hoping it would help stop the chaos and again it worked.

After a scream of fury, the blonde was knocked unconscious. His horns and all his inhuman attributes slowly disappearing.

I watched as Darryl ran up to me and crushed me into a hug.

"You muffinhead.." I heard him murmur, his tail swinging side to side.

I chuckled in response and hugged him back.

 We hugged there for a weirdly nice long time but decided to cut the hug short since we both looked slightly awkward about it after awhile, not like I wouldn't have minded it that much if it lasted longer though.

We both looked at each other and I noticed his cheeks were a nice scarlett colour, it was a really pretty colour to be honest..he looked super pretty like that anyway.

"Hey um Darryl?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He replied in a cheerful tone.

"Are you a Celestial?"

His eyes widened and all of a sudden it felt like the whole world muted.

"I-I don't know..." he answered, looking to the ground.

"What do you mean by I don't know?" I asked.

"Well I-I just don't remember," he mumbled, sitting down on the bench near us and looking up at the sky.

I sat down on the bench beside him, gently putting my hand on his since he looked like he needed it. I mean not that I needed it!

"Look. I'm sorry but I don't know...I just don't remember what happened..." he said and sighed, his face clearly showed disappointment and guilt.

"'s all fine dude!" I playfully (and lightly) punched him in the shoulder and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

And then I suddenly had an idea.

"Darryl follow me." I said jumping off the bench and grabbing his hand.

I dragged him through the forest and then I stopped.

There it was, the spaceship.

I beckoned him to follow me in and he hesitantly followed, being extremely careful and cautious as he took each step,

"Woah," Darryl said, looking around the area and then he stopped.

He picked up what seemed to be a necklace, it was a watch that had a golden chain to hold it up.

Darryl opened it and looked at the photo kept inside of it.

"Hey Darry-" I said but stopped once I saw the necklace.

"Woah that's-"

"Badboyhalo, Sapnap, and Skeppy..." Darryl finished, invested by the photo inside of the frame.

"How did you know?" I inquired.

"Because I-I was Badboyhalo..." he mumbled, realization coming to him as his eyes widened.

"I used this ship to find Skeppy," Darryl said, placing the necklace on his neck and looking up at me, his eyes filled with confusion.

"Wait so you're supposed to be married?!" I exclaimed.

Ouch, that hurts.

"Well no, I don't think so..I mean technically I'm not really Badboyhalo anymore," he said, "I'm only Darryl, not Badboyhalo," he slowly said, it was as if he was trying to convince that to himself too.

I nodded. 

I awkwardly looked away and continued to look around and then my eyes caught sight of a big red button.

How glorious.

I pressed it.

Of course out of pure curiosity but then all of a sudden a portal appeared, well shit.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed.

Darryl looked shocked about it too, unable to even mutter out a language as he just stared at it.

I grabbed his hand and walked towards the portal.

"Zak, isn't this really unsafe?" Darryl asked, nervously squeezing my hand and moving quick so that he was practically snuggling close to my back.

Fuck. He's cute.

I could only nod, my mind was filled with unnecessary thoughts.

"We'll be fine, plus if you ever get scared just know I'll be right next to you!" I said, giving him a comforting smile and gently squeezing his hand.

He slightly smiled in response and nodded.

We both got in front of the portal and stepped inside.

All of a sudden everything was like a bunch of rainbows, there were random things floating everywhere and my mind felt like a complete haze as I had no idea what the fuck was going on anymore.

Soon I thumped onto the ground but then I felt a sudden extra weight on me too.

"Hey! Who are these two!?"

💌-𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚎 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎?

Yay done another. While doing this I'm in bed and it's about 12 am in the morning, my dad probably thinks I'm asleep oof-

Hoped you enjoyed this one I tried my best to add more romance since the last five chapters have been just character development and story build ups and I know a majority of you guys only came for Skephalo lol

🎊-drink and eat a snack


I made this gayer than it originally was 🧍🧍

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