One shots.

By wearelazytoday

12.9K 348 119

What the title says. Mostly about Error, because I cannot stop thinking about ideas regarding him... Either w... More

Lost and Found.
A hum.
Cliffside brush stroke.
didn't seem as bad anymore.
Parthenogenesis? Part 1.
Parthenogenesis? Part 2.
Parthenogenesis? Part 3? Alternate ending.
Parthenogenesis? Part: Gods Damnit Fire.
Special One shot for 1k Reads. Because what.
Two bros. Homie.
Ink is Tired.
A Melody for You, my Love.
You give me Insomnia.
Encased in Glass.
Special One shot for 3k Reads. Because what.
Noot noot.
Misunderstandings and a Traumatized Skeleton.
in the end, nothing stays. isn't that right?

When Looking at the Sky.

318 10 7
By wearelazytoday

A sequence of letters.

Ships; Insomnia, Error x Dream.
If you squint, Killer x Dance.

2nd POV, Nightmare.

Mama Noot Noot.

OhKay. This was fun to write I suppose. It was something I threw together. Took it out of my ass and ran with it.
I hope you enjoy it.


When looking at the sky, you felt anger. Anger at the way modern day pollution had made the once blue skies of the Omega time line dull. Anger at the grey clouds covering the sun. It had become dreary, almost gloomy had it not been for the energy being emitted from the residents of this city.

That is why you enjoyed going to Outertale. The clear skies, the active participation by the residents to keep the place as healthy as possible and the stars that have never once failed to amaze you. We know you would much rather see the sun and to be under the bluest of skies once more, but it would have been too much of a risk. It would have put everything at risk, should you be seen during midday, but you already knew of this.

The cliff side in Outertale that you went to was dark, it was night after all. It's the only time that you were able to comfortably go to this cliff to star gaze. We know that you feel at home in the light, under the warmth of the sun and under blue skies. However, we thank you for refraining from going back, for not putting everything at risk.

We thank you for holding out, for putting up with the demands of something out of your control. But it is time for you to go. It is time for you to go back home, Error. We thank you, truly. We hope for the best to come your way. That your partner will find you once more, and we wish for your love to blossom just as it had when things were looking brighter.

When looking at the sky, please think not of the struggles you went through, but where your struggles led you. Think about what surrounds you and who you have with you. We are sad to let you go, and we will grieve for the loss of a family member. But we know when to let someone go. This time, we need to let you go back home, just as we had let Cross go. We know you took it the hardest and we hope that you may find Cross once again, to start over with him and become family once more.

In a better place, perhaps we could all meet once again, rekindle the spark that held us together as a family. 

   Nightmare and the Gang.



When you read this, I will have long let go of the others. Let them go back to the light.

You were with us when we let go of Cross, he needed to go home. To find home. We saw that it was not with us, and so we let him go.

I let go of you second, you needed to be home with the light, home with my brother, once again. We struggled, but we managed to collect ourselves back together once you left. I, we, hope you feel at home once more and I hope I will get to see you and my brother once again, one day.

Killer was the third I let go. He had gotten much better, I could see the way he was looking at Dance. I let him go, pushed him into Dance's arms together with a letter. Though I know it may not have been the best way to let him go, it was the only thing I could think of to make sure Killer followed the road that I opened up for him.

The last was Horror, I had been preparing for his before I let go of you. It was difficult, but I had managed to send an anonymous letter to Ink, who proceeded to check it out and correct his mistake. Horror's AU, as well as the copies that are still alive, started receiving help. Food. So I let him go, he no longer had a need for me.

I let myself go. Well, not into the light, never into the light. But I let myself go. I'm in hiding, as I will be for the next few centuries. I wished to reach out to you. I miss you, all of you.

Should this be the last time you ever hear from me, I need all of you to know that I was the happiest I had ever been since the apple incident. I was happy with you guys, I'm sorry it had to be this way, but the Multiverse is changing and it is changing for the better. You should change with it, I will be rooting for you.

I am so incredibly proud of the progress you have made. Your proposal to my brother made me give a loud laugh, I truly hope you two the best in this changing world. I will be watching over you for as long as I am able to.

Until we see again, yours truly,



It has been a while. I know you are doing alright, I've been watching over you, after all. 

I will forgo the introduction and end of this letter, as well as making it short. It could compromise my current position if I do not.

Your wedding with my brother was a tear jerker. It was lovely. I am unfortunate to having been unable to attend officially, had my enemies found out I was planning on going, it could have meant the death of not just me. Of course, I was still there. I was there to hear the speeches that all of my guys spoke. Killer had a way with his that made my tears start pouring.

I am happy to know all of them thought of me as a father figure.

It might have been a breach of privacy, but I was there when you first showed Dream the cliff in Outertale.

I was happy to see it. Happy that you took my advice and thought about where you have come.

You looked happy, content, with your loved one cuddling up in your arms, as you both watched the sun set. It made me tear up, that you finally felt right at home again, when looking at the sky.



I wrote this only because I was having a shit week and needed to think about something else for a short while.

My birthday is in 21 days.


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