Different Lives , Different H...

By Scarlemange

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Izuku Yagi, everyone's second choice. To most he was nothing more than a disappointment and painful reminder... More

Info Dump
Chapter 1: I'm Too Bright For the Sun God
Chapter 2: I Get Stabbed In The Back... Sort Of
Chapter 3: My Undead Uncle Isn't Mean
Chapter 4: I Meet O.G Elsa
Chapter 5: I Almost Kill Myself With My Presents and I Become Part of a Family
Chapter 6: I Lose Family And An Arm
Chapter 7: My Son I'm Sorry
Chapter 9: America! How The Tartarus I Get Here?
Chapter 10: I Forcefully Get Adopted
Chapter 11: I Can't Think Of One, recommend it in the comments.
Chapter 12: Getting Angry Destroys Bathrooms. Noted.
Chapter 13: I Explain What Happened to The Bathroom and Birthdays
Chapter 14: Going To Sleep Sucks
Chapter 15: Living Means to be in Pain, and Being in Pain Means You're Alive
Chapter 16: Inventing a New Kind of Stupid
Chapter 17: We Complete The Pokemon Trio
Chapter 18: Could That Have Gone Better? Probably.
Chapter 19: We're Getting Drunk Tonight. R.I.P That Liver
Chapter 20: I Hate My Life
Chapter 21: I Hate Girls in Silver Parkas
Chapter 22: Recommend one in the comment
Chapter 23: If The Gods Exist... I can Blame Someone for When Things go Wrong
Chapter 24: Entering the Red Room
Chapter 26 : The Start of Revenge
Chapter 27: Pain Overshadows Happiness
Chapter 28: Going Cross Country
Chapter 29: Welcome to Jurassic Park...Wait...Wrong Place

Chapter 25: I Meet a Mean Blond, an Idiot Surfer, and a Goat

2.4K 52 24
By Scarlemange

I made a new cover, I don't know whether it's good or not so I would appreciate some feedback. I also changed the title to something a little bit more catchy...at least in my opinion. Anyways does anyone know any good, and free image editing softwares? It's been hard to find things that would fit Izuku after this book, especially since there is one character in mind that would be perfect for Izuku if HE JUST HAD WHITE HAIR! Either way, lets being the chapter.

Izuku POV:

After the initial fight against the brown-haired male, which I assume to test my mastery, I was led to the living room. The living room was a room with a carpeted floor, bulletproof windows, at least I hope they were a bulletproof win, a large semi-circle couch with a T.V in front of it, and the kitchen right across from it.

Sitting on the couch was a total of 6 people in casual clothing. 4  females in the early 20's to early '30s, a boy who seemed to be in his late 20's, and a person whose gender I could not tell that was about my age. Then the brown-haired male said, "These 6 are part of the Jaegers," in an upbeat tone.

I rolled my eyes and waved my arm, "Hello." They waved back and in unison said, "Hi." "Creepy much," I muttered under my breath. "What did you say," they said in unison once again. Then the brown-haired male spoke up, "Come on guys. No need to creep out the new guy." The boy and unknown laughed it off while the ladies said sorry. Then an awkward silence washed over the room. With no idea what to do and no care for what they thought I grabbed my music played from my bag that I still had on me and started to play music. The song that was played was Karma by a band/singer called AJR.

When the song was at the halfway point one of the females tapped my shoulder and asked, "What's your name?" She had red hair and pale purple eyes and tanned skin. I scowled and said, "I won't say until you guys introduce yourself." She shrugged and told me, "That's fair. My name is Martha Hill. Anything involved with the human mind I can manipulate. I called it Brainiac which also happens to be my codename. I also know how to use daggers. " Then the boy, who looked like Leo if he was a teenager, spoke up, "My name Adrien Rodriguez. I can produce thin strings from my knuckles which are 100 times as strong as spider silk. My codename is Puppeteer." After him, I heard a female voice say, "My name is Kari Hammada. I am immune to poisons and I can create poisons, but I need a conduit for it. In simpler terms, I can't create it out of thin air, but as long as I have something that can introduce poison into a body I can make deadly poisons. I usually use my katana or senbons. My codename is Akame." I looked back to see the person who had a katana at my neck and saw a woman in her teens with straight black hair and red eyes. She seemed to be Japanese just like me. I narrowed my eyes at her but quickly refocused my attention when someone else spoke up. "My name is Grace Murphy. I can turn invisible at will but I can also duplicate myself. Each one of my clones is just like me but the more there are at any one time, the weaker they are. We share one consciousness. I am proficient with my energy weapon that can be a knife or whip. My codename is Poltergeist." The person who spoke up was a dark-skinned woman with black, curly brown hair, and heterochromia eyes. One was grey and the other was a light green.

When she finished speaking yet another person spoke up, "My name is Lois Darkholme. I can shapeshift into anyone I kiss. I use pistols, throwing knives, and daggers. My codename is Masquerade." Lois was tan with brown hair and violet eyes. After Lois, the person around my age spoke up a little bit shy, "My name is Ash Allen. I can heal people and regenerate them. I mostly use snipers if I have to fight but for the most part, I stay behind the scenes and keep them informed on what's happening. My codename is Saint" They had blond hair, hazel eyes, and had very light skin.

Finally, the brown-haired male spoke up. "My name is Henry Allen. Ash is my daughter. When I activate my quirk, in 40 seconds I get control of any random element for 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes are up I have a 10-minute cooldown. I use a three-section staff and a switchblade like yours. My codename is Boss/King because I am the founder of the Jaegers, the most wanted group of assassins in the world. Now we introduced ourselves time for you too." I smirked and responded, "My name is Izuku Valdez. I can control water and freeze it. I can also draw water out of plants. I can breathe underwater as well as heal myself with it. I don't know much else about my powers if there is anything else/ I use a wooden staff with a hook at the end and a switchblade...but... I think I want to learn how to use a dagger. It reminds me of someone I care about." Henry then smiled and said, "Well welcome to the Jaegers Izuku...if you can last until your first mission." I smiled defiantly.  I thought that if these guys were the most wanted group of assassins in the world and have a base like this they must have been really strong.


The Jaegers wanted me to go on my first mission before the end of next year so my training was divided between 6 of them.

While I trained with Henry he told me he knew I was a demigod. He said he was one as well and was the son of Tyche. He taught me everything he knew about the demigod world. Why we have ADHD, dyslexia, the mist, ancient Greek, monsters, and what metals hurt them. He also taught me much more but the ones previously mentioned were the most important. In correlation with my assassin training, he wanted me to train and experiment with my powers. He also wanted to figure out what to do about my left arm. He said and I quote, "Only having one arm can eventually become a liability in battle."

It took a while, but he had an idea. For me to make an arm out of ice and use it like that. My first arm was very monstrous and very hard to move like a normal arm. It got better with time and looked human-ish. After all, it was still ice. Anyways Henry also wanted me to speed up the amount of time required to draw out the water in plants but wanted me to practice drawing out water in the air. Not only that but he wanted my ice to be as strong as steel at the very least and for it to be so cold that fire had a hard time melting it. It was difficult to figure out how to make that possible, but I did it.

Now in relation to my physical strength and hand-to-hand combat. Henry decided I was a very speedy type of assassin. As a result instead of focusing on upper body strength, he wanted me to work on speed and free running. That doesn't mean my upper body strength was lacking, it just wasn't as impressive as my speed. He didn't teach me a traditional fighting style, but his own. It was a mix of what he learned in demigod training, real life, and martial arts he learned while traveling the world. He didn't call it a special name because he said it doesn't what it's called. What mattered was if it was effective. As a result, it was a lot of dirty fighting. Cheap shots, throwing dirt in the eyes, eyes pokes, under-the-belt shots, and biting just to name a few. It also seemed to have boxing and muay Thai as its main cores. I didn't know the others, but all I need to know was that it worked. He also taught how to wield a staff and spear. His 3 section staff could retract the chains turning it into a normal staff and it even had an option of a spear end so I didn't doubt what he taught me.


Training with Lois was completely different. It was very militaristic compared to the slightly laid-back feel of training with Henry. She wasn't afraid to hurt me either since she knew I could heal. She wanted my balance to be perfect so she made me fight entry while on a balance beam. Not only that she made me do gymnastics. It was a bit embarrassing but nothing compared to dagger training. Dagger training was especially difficult since she tried to go for my vital spots. If I wanted to live I had to fight with my life on the line. Marksmanship and throwing knife practice was hard. My aim was not great. It didn't seem I would improve, but I refused to give up. When everyone was asleep I practiced and practiced until I passed out from exhaustion. It worked and I slowly but surely improved. Lois also taught me how to read and observe people.


Kari taught me a lot about the human body and how to use a katana and senbon. I was good with the katana but I refused to use one on a real person. There would be too much blood up close. could use everything else without an issue because they were long-range and kill the opponents without having to see the blood up close. The worst part of training with her however was that she would inject me with poison that slowly increased in intensity and I had to learn how to slow it down. Not just with my breathing but also with my powers. I had learned I could manipulate poison. When everyone found this out they encouraged me to try out manipulating other liquids, but I was scared. If I could manipulate every liquid that meant I could manipulate blood. That is a line I will never cross. The power to kill anyone with the flick of my wrist by exploding their blood is too much, even for me. The idea of that much power terrified me.


Adrien showed me how to sneak around and make my footsteps completely silent. We worked on it until I could do it without thinking. He also thought me how to throw my voice, steal, lie with a polygraph attached, and how to escape from difficult situations. It was quite useful.


Learning under Grace was a bit different than everyone else. Since her style of fighting mostly focused on invisibility and duplication. However, she, along with Lois taught me how to blend in with a crowd and use fake emotions so realistic even most assassins would have a problem identifying if they were fake or not.


The most beneficial training was with Martha. Since she could do anything with the mind she wanted me to fortify my mental defenses. Not only that but apparently she could make a mindscape-ish place that a week in there was a minute in the outside world. This worked wonders. She brought the others and me into the mindscape and had them train me in there. It wouldn't be committed to muscle memory or add to physical strength but I already knew how to do them. I just needed to do it in real life. As a result, I improved by leaps and bounds.


While I didn't train with Ash we had pleasant conversations. They were nothing special, but I found out we had a shared love of the band Green Day. It was something we could talk about, however, I wanted to stop talking to them. If something happened to them, in fact, any of them I would be crushed and I might not recover. I didn't want to get close but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't. I got close.


A year after first meeting the Jaegers I had turned 11. A few months after my birthday, to be a little more accurate the first month of summer break, I snuck out the base on my day off and walked around the nearest city which was L.A. I had walked around the city a lot on my days off. I mostly practiced my parkour. Especially with my ice arm, but without it too. The Jaegers wouldn't be mad and they weren't.

While running around the city I saw three tired and starving kids with horrible orange T-shirts in an alley. I was going to leave, but my consciousness wouldn't let me. "UGH," I screamed out as I dropped down from the roof and landed in the alley. One of them, who was a tan and muscular-ish girl with honey blond hair and grey eyes, brought out a dagger. The other was a raven-haired boy with sea-green eyes and slightly tanned skin. He looked like a surfer. I was slightly surprised when he raised a glowing bronze sword. The last one who had curly brown hair, pale skin, and goat eyes shakingly raised his hands. "No reason to attack. I was running around the neighborhood and saw you guys. My consciousness wouldn't let me leave you guys here. Let me take you to a diner. There is one a block away. Either that or stay here doing whatever you were doing. Your choice."

The three kids huddled up and talked it over. The blond said in a proud and angry tone, "If your lying to us we will kill you." In an instant, I appeared behind her with my switchblade at her neck. The boys got ready to fight but I quickly drew out water from plants on balconies, formed them into thin senbon, and placed them at their necks. Then I dropped the temperature by lowering the temperature of the water vapor in the air. In a cold and bloodlust tone, I said, "The 3 of you couldn't kill me if you tried. Have you ever killed a real person before? Trust me, it is not pleasant." Then I set the knife down, turned the senbon into the water, and walked away, "Let's go." They hesitantly followed. When we reached the diner they were unsure if they should order so I said, "Don't worry I can pay. I took my 'guardian's wallet, and trust me they are loaded." With that, they ordered as much as they wanted. The surfer looking one ordered the most and had no manners and didn't even seem to notice my look of disgust. "He's an idiot isn't he," I muttered.
When they finished eating I paid the check and was walking away, when the goat-eyed boy handed me a card.

                                        Grover Underwood


Half-Blood Hill

Long Island, New York

(800) 009-0009

I raised my eyebrow. Henry mentioned the camp before but never specified the location. I was surprised it was in New York, but I accepted the card and walked out.

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