Uncharted 3, The Mystery of U...

By GothicMoonlight

2.3K 47 1

a year after Shambhala, Nathan and Ella Drake go out in search of the fabled "Atlantis of the Sands", however... More

Stealing Drake's Ring, Part 1
Stealing Drake's Ring, Part 2
London Underground
The Old Estate
Through the Flames
The Middle Way
Ubar's Location
The Sinking Ship
A Flight to Catch
The Rub' Al Khali Desert
Saving Sully
The Atlantis of the Sands
Mother Vs Daughter
Something Better

The New Locations

126 2 0
By GothicMoonlight

"No shit, Long Hidden, are you kidding me", Sully argued

"No offence, mate, but your ancestor was a right asshole", Cutter stated

"Would you shut up, it's an anagram", Nate explained, working on the puzzle until he got his answer, "Golden Hind... The Golden Hind",

"Drake's ship", Cutter said

"Somewhere in this room is a ship piece, it has to be here", Ella stated

"Spread out, see if you can find it", Nate stated as everyone walked around the room, searching for a piece of Drake's ship; searching for anything that might look, or be apart of Drake's ship.

"Up there, the figurehead from Drake's ship", Nate announced, the three gathering around him

"Think you can reach it", Ella asked

"Don't doubt me", Nate said in a teasing manner, and began climbing up the wall, right as Nate reached the figurehead; the doors flew open, Marlowe's men were coming

"They're here, take cover", Nate shouted, Ella, Sully, and Cutter, going into cover as the four began shooting, as the two men fell dead, the figurehead Nate was holding onto fell, as more men came in

"Nate, you alright", Ella asked, shooting the men; Nate saw and quickly grabbed the map that was once inside the figurehead, and ran over to cover with Ella

"I'm fine", Nate said, opening the map, "my god, I was right... he went to Arabia",

"But where in Arabia is the question", Ella said, before Sully and Cutter told them to get a move on, grabbing the journal and cipher disk; the four ran out of the room, ditching the silencers and making their way back, Cutter calling for Chloe to come get them as the four had to go through a different tunnel

"Cutter, where the hell are we", Nate asked

"It's the North Atwood station, come on", Cutter replied

"Chloe should be here any second", Ella added as the four continued running forward, Marlowe's men slowing them down, not long after, the four were finally topside

"Come on", Chloe shouted, shooting a few goons in the process, the four ran towards the van, jumping in as Chloe sped off.

(A Few Minutes Later)

"...So then the guy says, 'well, you'd better tickle mine too, cause now I gotta catch the goddamn thing', ", Sully said, making both Chloe and Cutter laugh; after driving for awhile, the five reached where they were staying at; both Nate and Ella were looking over Drake's map, as the others were socializing with each other, and cheering with each other to drinks

"Are you two going to join us", Cutter asked

"Yeah", Ella said, she and Nate getting up

"Well, the map proves it, Drake didn't screw around in the East Indies for six months, he sailed straight through and headed to Arabia", Nate explained

"Here's what interesting though, see this mark, it's John Dee's signature", Ella stated

"Who the hell's John Dee", Sully asked

"John Dee, one of Queen Elizabeth's closest advisors, everybody knows that", Cutter stated

"Yeah, yeah, he was a great mathematician and navigator, way ahead of his time", Nate added, later pointing to the cipher disk "he's probably the one who invented that",

"Seriously into the occult, I mean, like a creepy, dark way", Cutter said

"Dee signed all his letters to the Queen with this symbol, meaning he was her eyes", Ella stated

"The original '007'", Cutter added

"So, it was John Dee who sent Drake to Arabia", Chloe asked

"Yeah, it looks that way, Dee and Elizabeth", Nate said

"Great, but what for", Sully asked

"And that's the million-dollar question, and this is where T.E. Lawrence comes in", Ella explained, holding a journal "before Lawrence became 'Lawrence of Arabia', he was an archeologist; even when he was just a kid, he was obsessed with history, everything to do with knights and the Crusades; he travelled all over, documenting every Crusader site he could find, it's all in here",

"Alright, you've lost me completely, kid, what the hell does this got to do with Drake", Sully asked

"We're getting to that", Nate stated, "after the war, Lawrence said that if he were ever to go back to Arabia, it would be to search for this place he called, 'The Atlantis of the Sands'; now the legend crops up over and over again under different names, Ubar, Iram of the Pillars, the City of Brass... but the story's always the same",

"Oh, a city of immeasurable wealth, destroyed by god for its arrogance, swallowed forever in the sands of the Rub' al Khali desert", Sully read out loud,

"Right here", Nate said, pointing to a spot on the map

"Well, I like the 'immeasurable wealth' part, anyway", Sully stated

"And you think this is what Elizabeth and Dee sent Drake after", Cutter asked

"Yeah, and more importantly, it's what Marlowe and her crew's after", Ella stated

"So, wait, if Drake was on a mission from the Queen to find this place, why all the secrecy", Chloe asked, "I mean, it looks like he went to a lot of trouble to hide whatever he found, even from Her Majesty",

"We don't know yet", Ella said

"If you both recall, the last time we went halfway around the world searching for a lost city things got more than a little dicey", Chloe stated

"True, I fought an overpowered madman", Ella muttered

"Yeah, but this time, we have the upper hand, look, Drake only had half the clues, Lawrence only had half", Nate explained, "we have both, and Marlowe has nothing",

"Small problem, the Rub' al Khali desert, six hundred miles across, the Bedoin go around the damn thing", Sully stated

"Even if we knew where it was, which we don't, we would die trying to find it", Cutter added

"True, but look here, Sabean script, the Crusaders were searching for the same lost city years ago", Ella explained, "but out of all the sites Lawrence documented, only two are marked with these symbols, one in Syria and the other in France",

"Cutter, Chloe, you two are going to Syria, we're heading to France", Nate stated, "we track down these clues, we find Lawrence's lost city, I'm sure of it",

"And then what, how are we going to get across six hundred miles of impassable wasteland", Cutter asked

"Well, it's in the middle of the desert, so technically three hundred miles", Nate said, making Ella sigh, and slap Nate in the back of the head

"We'll figure it out once we're close to crossing the desert", Ella stated

"Whaddya say", Nate asked

"What the hell", Sully said

"Let's do it", Cutter said, as everyone laughed and celebrated their victory.

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