
By harithx

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Felix have big fat crush on the bad boy of the school, he thought that he never will have a chance with him... More

Part 18


2.8K 88 38
By harithx

Felix's pov

What a beautiful morning! Not! What the hell is wrong with me?!! I internally scream as I bang my head against my locker multiple times. 

As I was drowning in my self misery suddenly I feel a something soft on my forehead. I stop and look at the hand. I trace the hand towards the owner and I can see that it's Hannie's hand. 

"Hannie!!!" I wailed out as I tackle him into a hug. Both of us fall to the ground with my head burry in his neck. I can hear he groan in pain. 

"What's wrong Lixxie? Why are you banging your head against the locker?" he asks as he gently run his fingers into my hair. 

I whine into his neck. 

"Hey, you do know you can tell me anything right?" he said as he put my face in both of his hands and look directly into my eyes. 

I pout but still nod my head. 

"Well..." I was about to continue when someone interrupt me.

"Felix hyung, what are you doing with Hannie hyung on the ground?" I can hear someone said. 

Both of us look up and can see both Innie and Minnie look at us in worry. 

"Innie! Minnie!" I wail out and tackle both of them to the ground just like how I did to Hannie. 

"Ouch!" both of them yelp. 

"Ok hyung, what's wrong?" Innie asks as he rub his head in pain. 

I look up at both of them with teary eyes. I can see their eyes both widen in shock. They look at Hannie in help. Hannie carefully help me to stand up. 

"Ok tell us Lixxie. What's wrong?" he asks after all of us stand up already. 

I put my head down. "Well... They're back.." I mumble out but they all can hear me. 

"Who?" they asks in worry. 

"My family.." I said in sadness. 

Suddenly I was engulf into a hug by them. 

"Aww... Lixxie are you ok?" They asks me. 

"They throw me out from my own house. They said that it was theirs as I was too young to have my own place without a parental supervision and they kick me out from my own house! They even throw out all of my clothes and belonging outside of my house!" I cry out to them.

"Hey Lixxie, it's ok. You can live with me. I have a spare bedroom in my apartment and my parents adore you so much. It won't be a big deal ok?" Hannie said as he wipe my tears away. 

"Really? But won't it be a bother to you?" I asks in hiccup.

He shake his head. "No it won't. My parents will help in hiding you from them ok?" He said to me as he pull me into a hug again. I nod my head. 

"And if you need anything, you can give both of us a call. Because mom and dad are away again and they always asks about you after they found out about your family situation." Minnie said as he pull Innie towards me in to a group hug. 

"Thank you guys! I know I can count on you guys." I said as I manage to give a smile to them. 

After that we can hear the bell rings. 

"Well, we can continue this discussion later ok? Let's go to class first and meet at lunch ok?" Hannie said. All of us agree. Both me and Hannie walk towards our class as Innie and Minnie walk to theirs. 

As we were having a light conversation, we walk into the class and can see that the sitting already been changed. 

Both of us look at one and another in confusion. 

"Oh! Felix and Jisung! Come in and take a number. We are changing seat. Come." the teacher said to us with a smile.

I can sense that Hannie is shaking in fear as he have social anxiety. 

"Umm.. Mr. Jeon, can we both sit together? Hannie have a severe social anxiety and very scared to sit with stranger." I explain to the teacher. 

"If I do that then it won't be fair to others. How about both of you still pick a number, but regardless of the number I will put both of you close to each other? Is it ok?" the teacher try to compromise. 

I can see that Hannie visibly relax a bit. So both of us nod our heads and pick our number. 

We look at the board and I can see that both of us got the seat at the back of the class but the plus is that we got beside the window. We both look at each other and went to our sit.

Hannie sitting infront of me. He turn around towards me. "Hey, Lixxie who do you think our seat mate are?" he asks in curiosity. I shrug my shoulder. 

"I don't know Hannie. I hope it is someone nice." I said with a smile. 

He agree before turn to the front of the class. I was bored so I start to doodle into my book. 

"Ok class! We will start our class now ok?" the teacher said. I look to the front before look to my side and beside Hannie and can see both of it are vacant.

I tap on Hannie's shoulder. "Our seatmate is not coming today?" I asks him. He shrug his shoulder. 

"I don't know Lixxie. Maybe?" He said unsure. I nod and we both focus on the lesson.

"Ok class, that's all for today." the teacher said as the bell rings. 

I stretch myself up and let out a quiet groan. 

"Welp, that's one way to seduce someone." someone said to my right side. I open my eyes and look to my side and I can Hwang Hyunjin, the bad boy of the school, aka my ultimate crush.

I can't help but to blush and put my head down. "umm... sorry.." I mumble out. 
"Wait, why are you sitting here beside me?" I asks curiously as my head tilt to the side. 

I look at Hannie and I can see Lee Minho sitting beside him and he's sit still like a statue. 

"Well, nice to meet you seatmate. I'm Hwang Hyunjin. I hope you can be friends with me." he said as he stretch out his hand for a handshake. 

I look at the hand a few seconds before shake his hand. "Lee Felix. Nice to meet you." I said shyly before quickly pull my hand back. I look around the class and I can see majority of the class is out. I look at my phone and it's lunch time. 

My eyes widen in shock. 

"Hannie! Let's go! Innie and Minnie are waiting for us!" I said in panic before shaking Hannie. 

I think he just realised that it's lunch time. He quickly stand up and accidentally hit his knee on the table. 

He groan out in pain. I lean towards him with my table in between of us. 

"Are you ok Hannie?" I asks in worry. He just nod his head as he rub his knee in pain. 

"Let's go Lixxie!" he said after he recovered from the pain. He jump over his table because he's too shy to talk to Lee Minho. He outstretch his hand to me. 

I round Hwang Hyunjin and take his hand in mine before both of us practically run out of the class to the rooftop. 

When we arrive there we can see Innie and Minnie waiting for us with our lunch. 

"Here you go guys!" they said as they pass the lunch to us.

"How much is it?" I asks as I take out my wallet to pay them. 

Both of them shake their head. 

"No, it's ok hyung. It's our treat. You should save your money." Innie said to me. 

"Oh yeah, I need to search for part time job! Can you guys come with me to search for it?" I asks them. 

All of them nod with food full in their mouth. 

"of course Lixxie. I know it's hard with family like yours. But you don't have to worry. You have us as your family. OK?" Minnie said with determination and other two nod their head in agreement. 

"I don't know what I did in my past life to have you guys now" I said with tears brimming in my eyes. 

"Hey, no crying!" All of them said in panic. That made me laugh. 

Hyunjin's pov

I'm walking into the school while yawning with everyone else beside me. The hallway part ways for us. I just look at all of them with bored expression. I was looking around until my eyes stop to a guy hitting his head on his locker? I look at him in confusion. 

Suddenly his friend I think stop him from doing that with worried expression. 

"What are you looking at Jinnie-ah?" I can hear Minho hyung said beside me with his arm drape at my shoulder.

I just point to the boy with his friend. I can see he tackle his friend to the ground. 

"Isn't that Felix and Jisung?" he said in confusion and slight jealousy. I just nod my head. I can see Jisung groan in pain because of the impact. 

Suddenly I can see two more people going towards them. I can see Felix look at them and did the same thing he did to Jisung to them. 

I was so curious I walk closer to them but not so close that they see us. Just within hearing range. 

We just ignore the stares of other students.

" Hey Lixxie, it's ok. You can live with me. I have a spare bedroom in my apartment and my parents adore you so much. It won't be a big deal ok?" Jisung said as he wipe my tears away.

"Really? But won't it be a bother to you?" Felix asks in hiccup.

He shake his head. "No it won't. My parents will help in hiding you from them ok?" He said to Felix as he pull him into a hug again. He nod his head.

"And if you need anything, you can give both of us a call. Because mom and dad are away again and they always asks about you after they found out about your family situation." Seungmin if I'm not mistaken said as he pull Jeongin towards Felix in to a group hug.

"Thank you guys! I know I can count on you guys." he said as he manage to give a smile to them.

After that we can hear the bell rings.

"Well, we can continue this discussion later ok? Let's go to class first and meet at lunch ok?" Jisung said before all of them walk to their class.

I was confuse why was he being thrown out of his own house.

"Why is Felix living with my Jisungie?" Minho hyung said with voice full of jealousy.

I shrug. We walk to our class when we were stop by our teacher outside of the class. 

"Oh, hey Mr. Jeon, what's wrong?" Minho hyung asks. 

He give us a smile that I dreaded. "Hyung.... what did you do? I'll tell Jungkook hyung if you did something weird Jimin Hyung." I warn him. 

He smirk at me. "I would like you try. But anyway, here is your sitting chart. Oh, goodluck!" he said to both of us before he went inside the classroom. I look at my number and then at Minho hyung's number. Both of us groan. 

"This will be hell." We both said and walk into the classroom. All of the student look at us and try to get our attention but we just roll our eyes and walk to the numbered table that have our number. I look at my seatmate and I was pleasently surprise to see Felix there. he didn't notice me as he was so concentrate on his textbook. 

I can't help but grin and sit down beside him. I look to the front and I can see Jimin hyung smirk at us. I look at Minho hyung and I can see how happy he is to sit beside Jisung. But Jisung on the other hand as stiff as rock.

After the class is finish I can see he stretch and let out a soft groan. 

"Welp, that's one way to seduce someone." I said to him. I can see he stop for a moment before opening his eyes and look at me.

He blush and put his head down. "umm... sorry.." he mumble out. I can't help but to grin at his cuteness.
"Wait, why are you sitting here beside me?" he asks curiously as he  tilt his head to the side cutely.

He look to the front and he can see Lee Minho sitting beside Jisung and he's sit still like a statue.

"Well, nice to meet you seatmate. I'm Hwang Hyunjin. I hope you can be friends with me." i said as I stretch out my hand for a handshake.

He look at the hand a few seconds before shake my hand. "Lee Felix. Nice to meet you." He said shyly before quickly pull his hand back. He look around the class and see that majority of the class is out. He look at my phone and it's lunch time.

His eyes widen in shock.

"Hannie! Let's go! Innie and Minnie are waiting for us!" he said in panic before shaking Jisung.

I think Jisung just realised that it's lunch time. He quickly stand up and accidentally hit his knee on the table.

He groan out in pain. Felix lean towards him with his table in between of them.

"Are you ok Hannie?" he asks in worry. He just nod his head as he rub his knee in pain.

"Let's go Lixxie!" he said after he recovered from the pain. He jumped across the table and he outstretch his hand to Felix.

Felix round me and take Jisung's hand in his before both of them practically run out of the class. 

I look at Minho hyung and smirk at his worried look. 

"Are you ok hyung?" I asks him as I stand up from my place. "I'm worry about Sungie." he said with worry written across his face. 

"Nah, I think he's ok. Let's go before Channie hyung freak out." I said as I wait for him. He come beside me and both of us walk to the cafeteria together.  

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