Fear Me

By Cattycats1513

1K 14 4

There were many bad things in this world. I was one of them. Don't be kind. Don't forgive. Don't let the real... More

Fear Me
Times Square
life on the edge
The Dream
Alone and unwanted
Meeting him
Storms of the past
Visiting Memories
You Know my Secret
The Invitation
Dinner Disaster
Authors Note - Heartfelt
Heartfelt (Part 1)
Heartfelt (part2)
Forest fears
What happened between you and him?
New home and Rules
I have hurt so many people. What kind of a monster am I?
Drunk Words, Sober thoughts
Final Decision
Life Happens
Final note


21 0 0
By Cattycats1513

Beep. Beep. Beep.

What was that annoying noise?

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Maybe it's my phone. I reached out only to find out that I couldn't move my arms meaning I was strapped down

Beep. Beep. Beep.

That noise still hadn't stopped. Annoying. I tried to open my eyes however my eyelids were too heavy. I could move my legs so I attempted to sit up however I stopped when I felt a shooting pain through my ribs. This however triggered an alarm? And nurses began to enter. I tried again to open my eyes, this time getting slightly closer to being successful.

"Now Katrina, can you try to open your eyes honey?"

I tried again, failing to view the world. I tried to speak but only a murmured rasp came out.

"Is the other patient stable?" One of the nurses said to someone which must mean that another person is in here. I wonder if they can see me.

"I will leave them with you. Press the button if you need anything." I felt another person sit at the left side of me. I could hear him whispering to someone however I did not know who. I felt him hold my hand. They were small and feminine and gripped tight. I struggled to open my eyes, this time succeeding. I looked around to see the large hospital room. I the bed next to me was my father. He lay there, the only sins of life were the steady beats of the heart monitor on the right side of his bed. Next to me sat the blue - eyed man, looking at me with concern etched on his face.

He averted his gaze when 2 more men entered the room, one with tattoos running up both arms. They ignored me, turning to my dad who was still motionless.

"What happened?" The blond one looked over at the smaller man, awaiting an answer from him.

"2o stitches" he replied, looking over at me with a death glare. The others sighed before sitting at the opposite side to me.

Then another male entered, his hair was brown and curly. I looked up as George came and sat by the smaller man, between me and him.

"Are you ok?" he asked, looking over at me and glancing warily at the various IV's that were stood around the bed.

"No thanks to you." I spat. He flinched back, hurt by my harsh words.

"Listen, don't be hard on him." The blue eyed man said softly to me. Suddenly his tone changed to a more hash rasp. "It's them you should be annoyed with." He pointed towards my father and the pairs of blue and brown eyes looking over at me.

"Why what's going on?" I asked.

"He," he pointed at George "Is your brother..."

I looked over at him in disgust. "What" and "How"

"But I kissed you!" I looked over him and he wiped his lips with instinct.

"Sorry" Then it struck me

"You knew about this the whole time. This whole thing was just a trap to get me to see you again. But how did you find me, wait, it doesn't matter. But why?"

"It was you! You put the flowers on my Mother's grave. And Ali? She's Perrie's daughter. This whole time you were conning me. I should have known he would do something like this. How dare he!"

I felt a sudden rage come over me. I attempted to stand up. The two now standing men flinched pack stepping against the wall. I tugged at the restraints, causing one of them to break. I used my free hand to tug at the other but as it began to come loose, two doctors came into the room. The smaller man was now crying softly as I looked over to him this gave the doctors a chance to get close to me. He inserted a long needle into my arm. Tears began to fall, as I called out to anyone who would listen.

"Please, please stop them!" I called out "Please..." the world was spinning and the last thing I heard was the sound of a questioning voice. The voice that I recognized as my fathers as well as a soft song playing through the speakers in the corner

Remember when you hit the brakes too soon,

20 stitches in a hospital room

When you started crying baby I did too,

When the sun came up I was looking at you,

Remember when you couldn't take the heat,

I walked out and said I'm setting you free,

But the monsters turned out to be just trees

When the sun came up you were looking at me,

I remember.


Sorry guys

Only a short chapter this week soz. I will try to make the one next week longer


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