Meeting him

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Monday 12th February 2039 (Katrina age 18)

Darkness. It consumed me. Ever since that terrible night 4 years ago I had been hiding from my father. I was worried about him finding me. I don't know if he still blames me for my mother's death but I doubt he knows where I am. Well apart from the various deaths and murders around, but he doesn't know those are me. It was at this point quite late so it was dark out I had got changed into my skinny black jeans and red hoodie putting it up over my hair and face before going out. When I got there I wasn't expecting to see that mysterious lad again. I had no idea why he was here and I pulled my hood up further to prevent him from recognising me. He turned round, looking over me before turning away towards the exit. The doors slid open and he stepped out into the cold air and sauntered down the street before disappearing into the night. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. The lady on the cashier asked me for the money. "Do you know him sweetie?" she spoke, smirking at me.

"No, I just ran into him one day" I replied. She looked at me questioningly as though she was trying to read deeper.

"You sure? Cause you look like you feel pretty interested in him" she questioned. I felt my blood boil and I snatched my back from the counter and swung it over my shoulder.

"You would do well to mind your own business" I spat as I tossed my money on the counter and stormed out. The cold air hit my face making me wince. I pulled my hood up further before turning down the street towards the park. I opened the park gate and it creaked. A rustle came from the bushes nearby. I turned glaring into the dark

"So, you are trying to avoid me?" A tall lanky figure was leaning against the tree on the right of the bushes.

"Well I am obviously not doing a good job seen as you were following me. Maybe you should leave me alone. That's what most people do." I trailed off at the end. Looking down. His hair was so brown and curly. He reminded me so much of my father, but I wouldn't remember him, he wasn't important.

"Well that probably sounds weird but I kind of like you"

I was shocked by his confession. He had no idea who I was. He had no idea what I had done to all those innocent people. "Well I'm Alex" I replied.

"Really? Are you sure that's your real name?" he said. "I'm George"

"Well I will see you soon" Why did I say that!


"I'm busy" I replied quickly

"I'm meeting my friend in the morning so I won't see you then, but I will see you around." After that he disappeared round the tree and through the gate, disappearing into the darkness.

Wonderful, I have a stalker. That's my job. Maybe he didn't like me because he said he was seeing someone tomorrow. It sounded like a girl. Oh well, what do I know. I walked back to what I call home before settling on the bed. The razor called me, begging me to drag it across my arm. Someone was going to find out about my secret. I went into the other room and looked through the various bottles of pills I owned. There must be something to help this. Perfect, depression medicine. I swallowed at least 5 pills before walking into the other room and collapsing onto my bed in a deep slumber...

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