Life Happens

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If you are depressing then do not read this chapter. It's your choice weather you want to read the final chapter and epilogue or not. My friends said it had to have good ending.

Thanks and Enjoy...


Beep, beep, beep

Not the hospital again, why do I feel like I live here? Wait. I'm in the hospital and that means the plan didn't work. I tried to open my eyes however they remained shut.

"Did you feel that?" A male voice asked.

"Yeah, do you think we should tell someone?" That sounded like a female.

"When did you say he was going to get here?"

"He said 10 minutes and it has been 7 so soon I expect." Replied the female. Her voice was raspy although she had been crying.

I could hear the door open. "Is she ok?" That was definitely my father's voice. He sounded concerned however I knew he didn't actually care about me whatsoever.

"I am positive she moved her hand before. I am just going to get some air>"

"You should get some rest, you've been sitting here for nearly a week." The voice sounded caring and worried. I tried yet again, this time managing to move the other hand.

"She definitely moved then." He said, moving round to that sound of the bed, taking my hand in his.

"Please wake up Katrina, we need you, all of us."

"I tried to get up again, this time opening my eyes and sitting up. I looked round and could see my father sitting on my right. On the left was the blue eyed man. He looked at me relief spreading across his face before he smiled, stood up and left the room.

"Katrina! I'm so glad you are awake." I looked over at him, he was young and well-trimmed. Hair shorter and he looked happier. "Your mother will be so happy."

"Don't lie." I whispered. He looked at me curiously.

"She will."

"My mother's dead!" I shouted "And so should I be..." I heard someone begin crying outside the door however I chose to ignore it.

"Where's George?" I looked around for him

"Who are you talking about?" He asked looking over me.

"You know, my brother." I looked at him to gauge his reaction.

"How did you know about that?" He looked at me horrified.

"What do you mean your mother's dead. Lying won't help you out of this situation"

"I mean it. Don't say that as if you care!" He took a deep breath, before leaving the room. I watched the shorter man also leave as a doctor entered the room. I took this as the moment to look round the hospital room. It was classically arranged except there were many chairs spread out around my bed, not just the two previously occupied ones. Then I took notice of my appearance. I was wearing a hospital gown, my arms well bandaged. Strange, I don't remember doing anything. But the thing that's different is my hair. It was straight and black, going down my shoulders. I pulled at the wrapping on my arms trying to see underneath.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." I looked up to see the doctor who had come in before. He looked friendly as far as I could tell.

"Do you know why you are here?" He asked writing something down on the clipboard he was holding.

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