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Wednesday 25th September 2029 (Katrina age 9)
I had been dragged out of bed extra early to do goodness what and my mum said that it was important that I came with her.
"Where are we going mum?" I asked for the 23rd time.
"You will find out" she replied. After another 20 mins drive we pulled up against an old building. Above it you could just about read the title. 'Formers Tattoo artist'
"What? Why have you brought me here?"
"Because there is something you are getting..."
Monday 10th April 2031 (Katrina age 10)
"But Mum, I don't want to go to school today..." Katrina complained
"But why sweetie?" My mother asked. I just don't want to. It had been my first day of school yesterday and i was not going back...
Saturday 19th October 2034 (Katrina age 14)
"Don't come near me, stay away. I am dangerous" people wouldn't listen. That's why I did it. I shouldn't have done it. The blood trickling from that girls arm. The gasps of others and her screams. But I had to shut it out. Nobody can get in. I left, and this time nobody would get in...

Fear MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant