Heartfelt (part2)

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Down and down
In a twisted staircase you are unable to reach
So many regrets
So many fears
Nobody able to convey

Clouded by the past
Hiding the hurt within which is the truth
So much crime
So many deaths

Love tortures all
Lost in a tangle of lost memories of hope
So many memories
So much lost hope
Never forgive, never love


I can softly hear the fray playing as I leaned to sit up. Away from whatever darkness had consumed me. I sat up, feeling terrible and hating the hangover, which I had. Turning a light on that was on the bedside table next to the bed and noticed the pills that were sitting on the desk along with a cup of water. I took both and lay back on my bed. Wait. Where am I. I reached out for the side of the bed and stood up. A mirror was fastened to the wall. All of a sudden I jumped up and looked up at myself. My hair was now brown and fastened in a tight braid. Make up removed and my old tracksuit I used to wear when I was 13 hugged my slender frame. Under my sleeves tight bandages wrapped round my previously bleeding arms. My warm fluffy kitten socks were on my feet and my heels, which I had previously worn, were gone. I knew only 1 person had these clothes that were mine. I proceeded out of the room I was currently in, entering the kitchen diner.

I stood in the doorway, looking over at him. He stood there looking back at me through his green eyes. He was now clean and was changed into large sweats and a purple Jack Wills hoodie. In his hand he held a glass which had water in. I entered the room and closed the door behind me. No words were spoken. I averted my gaze from him taking a look around. I recognised this as somewhere I had been before and then I saw him, someone I hadn't seen in a long time. His hair all over the place and his smile could no longer light up the room, however looked fake.

"Kat," he whispered. He backed up towards the doorway. His blue eyes were filled with concern. I glared at him and he said some profanity under his breath before leaving.

"How do you feel?" He asked me. I had kind of forgot my dad was in the room. I tore my gaze from the far door.

"Fine," I muttered walking over to the sink and placing my hands under the icy water. The cool liquid burned my hands, my heart was racing and my breath had sped up.

"How are your arms?" Out of all the things he could have asked me. He just had to talk about that. I reminded quiet causing the only sound to be the noise of the running water.

He snapped me out of my trance, reaching over and turning off the tap.

"Talk to me Kat." He pulled me round, turning me to look into those green eyes that ruined my life, ruined me!

"You could have talked to me at any time." He had taken this too far.

"You know I always love you, right?" I reached over to the kitchen implements hanging on the wall and lifted down a sharp knife. He had always loved cooking...

"What are you doing?" He stepped back, avoiding the draws he had just opened.

"Kat," he squeaked, jumping back as I lunged forwards, forcing him up against the counter. He tried to push me off but my grip was too strong. I placed the knife against his throat causing blood to begin to seep out

"Please just think about what you're doing" He pleaded still struggling to get out of my death grip. "I can explain"

"You don't deserve me after what you did. Never!"

I pressed the knife further into his throat as the blood began to pour out faster. He tried to move further back but I moved closer giving him less freedom of movement. He spoke again but this time his words were short and raspy as he struggled for breath.

"Go on then, do it. I bet you can't. I know..." He began to get weaker, no longer supporting himself on his spindly legs.

His eyes began to close and I stepped back, walking into the counter. I could feel my throat closing up, a single tear fall from my eyes.

"Oh my god, what's going on?" The shorter man entered the room, his blue eyes falling onto my father's body which lay limp on the ground. His breath also quickened and he rushed over, tearing one of his sleeves off to place over the wound. He pulled his phone from his pocket and called 999. He told me to go upstairs and I obeyed. I could hear the sound of sirens approaching, getting closer and closer. I began to panic. I was going to get arrested. I ran to the door and grabbed he handle. I tugged it only to find that it was locked. Someone was trying to keep me in here. I reached for the desk chair slamming it against the door but it still wouldn't budge. That was odd, because as far as I can see it is only a basic lock. I turned and hurled the chair against the small window and the glass shattered, shards ling into the dark night. I could tell that the smash hadn't gone unnoticed as had the boy who was holding the door closed from the hallway. Footsteps could be heard approaching and I looked out of the window and down at the 5 storey drop.

"Kat" the smaller man shouted as he struggled to force the door open. He undid the lock and just as he entered, I jumped down from the window. Down and down, falling forever. I would never survive this. Falling, falling to meet my doom.


Hey guy's. readers have dropped since I added the cast. don't quite get your problem...

Hope you liked the end of Heartfelt
Plot twist coming up😀

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