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The large waterfall cascaded down the jagged rocks splashing over me while I sat on a nearby fence whilst thinking about my life so far. So much pain, so much hurt, so many lies...

Flashback (Tuesday 12th October 2025)

"You are going to be late for school sweetie." I ran down the steps, grabbing my coat from the stand in the hallway.

"When will Daddy be back Mama?" I asked her.

"Soon darling," she spoke, not sounding entirely sure. I haven't seen him for nearly a year now but I had seen him on the T.V. on interviews and stuff.

I saw a tear roll down her face. She turned away as if to avoid questions.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. She wiped her tears away smiling up at me.

"Just remember, when you are upset, when you are broken, I will always be here. No matter what happens with your father I will be here but even if he doesn't come back soon. He loves you, okay?"

Flashback ends

She lied. My mother. She isn't here for me now. My father doesn't love me, he blamed me for her death. And where is he now? Not here supporting me, helping me or caring about me. There was a time when he did though...

Flashback (Saturday 28 st July 2029)

"Katrina where are you?" I jumped from my seat, happy that he was home to share my special day.

"Dad!" I shouted, bouncing into his arms.

"Hey sweetie! Happy birthday!" Thanks I thought. I hated birthdays as they always reminded me of how I am a year older.

"Glad you are home!" my mother said smiling at me through the doorway.

"Well I guess we should open the presents then shouldn't we?" he asked me. I nodded eagerly which caused me to nearly break my neck. We moved into the living room and then sat down next to my large mound of presents. I reached for the first present.

(Several presents later)

I reached for the small box wrapped in a small silver ribbon. Opening it I gasped as I saw the contents. A small pendant hung from a gold chain. It was a Safire heart in a golden band surrounded by small diamonds. My eyes went wide with shock. I looked up at my parents who were now kissing on the sofa.

"Which one of you two got this?" I asked lifting the pendant out of the box and attaching it around my neck. Wow!

"That was me," he said, gazing back at me. Now apart from my mother who had noticed the safire pendant.

"How much did that cost?" she asked him annoyed. He didn't reply but kept it stare on me, waiting for a reaction.

"It is beautiful," I said in awe.

"Just remember, I do care and even when I am away on tour or with the other lads, I will never forget about you. Even if I can't call. It's like you always have a part of me with you..."

Flashback ends

Where is it? I jumped from where I was sitting and looked through the pocket of my wool coat. Deep in the bottom it lurked. I drew the box out, inside was a shattered chain and the front of it was the same Safire except it as dusty and some of the diamonds were missing. I felt a tear run down my face. This had once meant so much to me and now it was broken. Broken just like the relationship we once had. And now I take it out on others...

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