What happened between you and him?

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I could hear music playing softly, it sounded like Taylor but I couldn't be sure. I sat up, no longer feeling any pain because I must have taken various pain killers. I looked around, the only one in the room was the small blue eyed man. He lifted his finger up to his thin lips as if to tell me to be quiet. I looked over to my father's bed which was empty. He must have woken up. Outside I could not hear voices. They were slowly getting closer. I looked over at him and he motioned for me to lay down and close my eyes. I just managed to lay back in time, as three men entered. One could be recognised as my dad and the other was George. The last voice was familiar however I cloud not pinpoint who it belonged to.

"But I don't want her to have to go away again." my father protested

"When you said you would find her, we didn't know her conditions would be that bad."

"But I don't want her to be taken away from me again. It took me so long find her, I really want her to forgive me."

"She isn't going to forgive you, I thought she had that clear when she had a knife to your throat."

"She will, she doesn't think I know her anymore. I do, and I know that she needs someone and I'm prepared to be that person."

"Are you sure she will want you as that person?"

"She seems quite happy with me," The smaller man spoke up. I could sense him moving around from the corner to where they were standing.

"That's true, more than the rest of us." George spoke, "Maybe she should stay with you." He spoke louder this time as if trying to get his point across.

"Yeah, but I still think that she needs professional help."

"Don't you think it might break her even more?" The blue eyed man asked. I waited for a response.

"You don't have a say here, get lost." My father slapped him back and he gasped at him, eyes wide open in shock.

"How dare you, get out of here." He stood up walking over to the tall brunette and shoving him out the door. "You have no right to hit me." He lifted his sleeve up to wipe off the blood that was coming from his nose. I watched as George walked out after him. Glaring at the shorter man. He closed the door signalling over to me so I would know it is safe to sit up.

"Can I?" He looked at me questioningly, "Can I live with you?"

"You want to?" I gave him a sad glance before looking down to fiddle with my restraints.

"Well I guess I don't have a choice, it's better than the other options." He sighed before sitting down next to me and resting his head against my shoulder.

"Your mother was a wonderful woman." he started talking, answering some of the questions I had been over thinking for so long. "I loved her you know, however I couldn't have ruined it for your father. What they had was beautiful. I used to watch them, sitting on the window seat together and even though I loved her I would never have ruined what they had. When you were you were born it made them so happy, especially her. Whenever we were away on tour she told me she no longer felt alone. As you grew up, you started to look more and more like him however you act so much like she would have. One day he came home and she just lost it. She was so angry that he was away all the time and she thought that looking at you was a constant reminder that he wasn't there. As you grew older, he began to come home more often as the band began to break off. She then told me she was pregnant. She was so worried that you would hate her if she told you and was worried that he wouldn't receive any care from her father. When she got further into the pregnancy she moved away for four months. Your father attempted to talk to her but she pushed him away. He then left you by yourself so that he could find her. Emily gave the child to her youngest sister to raise as her own. When she came home she was so scared to find you locked in the bathroom by yourself. She slept outside the door that night. When I came in I collected her and put her in the bed. I then got you out. Although you were asleep, I could tell that you had been hurting yourself. I was so upset and I had no idea what to do to help. I phoned your dad and he came home however he was piss drunk. I tried to help but he had changed into someone who I no longer knew. He was so angry and he attempted to beat me up. He also accused me of stealing you and her from him. Although I knew it was a bad idea to keep your brother from you we just thought it was important to protect him.

I looked back at him as we comforted each other. I felt a tear fall from my eye onto the sheets. "Do you know why my mother died?"

"Yes." He sat up slightly so not all his weight was resting on my shoulder.

"Please tell me," He looked hesitant. "I will be fine..."

"One day when I came home to your house I found her upstairs crying. She was covered in burn marks. I asked her what had happened and she wouldn't tell me although I thought it was your dad. She ran out of the house and I searched for her for ages. Two hours later I came back to find the trouble maker himself standing outside the house crying. I asked him what was wrong and if he had seen Emily and he just broke down crying. I tried to convince him to talk however he wouldn't listen. I went inside and found your mother's body lying lifeless in the living room. At first I thought he had killed her and started a fight. Out of all the times we had fought I had ever started it before and I had never come out victorious but he wouldn't fight back which confused me because he had never hesitated to hit me before. He said he had found you at home holding her body and had snapped and said it was your fault. I just left him there and I do regret it but I was out all night searching for you.

"And you didn't find me, I was in London by the morning." I could hear someone pass the door outside and when I thought it was safe, asked, "But how did he find out about George?"

"We were packing up the house because he had claimed he couldn't live there with the memory of her and you there. He was going through the documents and found the birth certificate. At first he just stared at it and didn't process the words. He first asked me if I knew and I couldn't lie so I told him I did. He shouted so badly that time and that beating was by far the worst of them all. He was then determined to find him and he did."

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that. You didn't deserve it." I spoke up

"How many times?" I asked him. He looked strangely up at me through the bright blue eyes however they became slightly cloudy when he realised what I meant.

"Over 20." he replied.

"Why didn't you give up?" I then spoke without thinking "I'm not that important."

"You are." He was quick to reply. "You're the only piece of your mother that I have left..."

"Apart for him." I motioned towards the doorway.

"He is nothing like her." He replied looking over at me. His nose had now started bleeding however a nasty bruise would soon form.

"It will get better soon." he moved a strand of hair from my face. "I promise." And I was stupid enough to believe him. Cause things definitely didn't get better.

Fear MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora