Burn (A transformers prime fa...

By fireshadow96

11.1K 406 40

War changes and affects everything. War changes people's lives and opinions. Autobot's become Decepticon's an... More

Burn Introduction
Half Truth, Half Lies.
Discovering The Truth
Making Friends
A New Side
Lost And Found
Brother & Sister
Hello And Goodbye
Visions of a Monster
A Second Chance

One last kiss.

286 9 3
By fireshadow96

“I hope it’s a femme, I don’t think I could handle three mechs,” Nightstar said in a sarcastic tone. She let out a short laugh as Stormblazer pulled her down into his lap and kissed her neck.

“I hope it’s a femme so she can be just as beautiful as you,” Nightstar smiled and kissed Stormblazer. Love was felt over their bond making the moment that more special.

“Primus knows your sons have your good looks..Speaking of which,” Nightstar gave Stormblazer a quick kiss then sent a comm to her twin sons.  Nightstar got ready to leave to search for the boys but as she opened the door Megatron was there with her twins.

“Let’s try and keep the children out of the scientific wing..Shall we ?” Megatron shoved the two inside and went back to the bedroom to speak with Stormblazer. Nightstar could tell it was something important since Megatron shut the doors. Nightstar gave her sons a snack then grabbed a datapad, she hacked into a hidden camera in the room and watched.

She was confused as she saw Starscream and Soundwave both come into the room from the balcony. Starscream was badly beaten, energon stained parts of the floor. Soundwave remained silent and unharmed, like always.

“Stormblazer..You need to find and kill someone for me. Someone that may become a threat later on”

“Who is it my liege ?” Stormblazer asked as he cleaned the energon off Starscream.

“Zircon. I found that she had other interests and made her leave..The chances of her taking revenge are small but it’s not a chance I want to take. You can find her in the streets of Kaon.” Stormblazer nodded and watched the three mechs leave, he opened the doors to the bedroom then leaped off the balcony to find and execute Zircon. Megatron’s sparkmate.

Stormblazer saw the femme and quickly swooped down to the streets, Stormblazer knocked the femme into a dark alley and pushed her against the wall. Stormblazer put his blade against her, his spark froze as he saw her face, she was still young and it made him question his actions. Stormblazer knew Zircon was never a fighter.

“Take what credits I have, get some work done and change. Change everything, from this point on Zircon is offline. Go.” Stormblazer let go of Zircon but didn’t watch her leave. He couldn’t follow through with the order, he couldn’t kill someone who didn’t deserve it.


The sound of the alarm going off brought Thunderstar back to reality, she couldn’t help but laugh as she saw Shadow all curled up next to her. He was more like a dog than a wolf. Thunderstar didn’t mind, especially since her last encounter with Megatron. It had been a month and everyday her spark ached for him, it begged her to run to him but she couldn’t. He’s a monster.

She woke up Shadow and the two ran out to the main hangar to meet with the rest of team Prime. Thunderstar was given a ration of energon as Optimus started to inform team Prime of the situation.

“Last night Ratchet saw a large energon spike , he believes it could be Decepticon movement. We need to investigate. All of us.” Ratchet opened a ground bridge and Optimus went through first, the rest of team Prime followed behind. They came through on a hill looking down on some kind of cave.

“Thunderstar, Shadowlynx, you two go first since you are the stealthiest.” Thunderstar nodded, her and Shadowlynx sneaked to the edge and looked down before jumping down. Thunderstar didn’t see anything and yelled for team Prime to come down.

Shadowlynx yelped as a strong net held him to the ground, Thunderstar turned around to help him. She pulled on the net but was pulled to the ground before she could get him out. She started to panic and tried fighting whoever was holding her.

“Stop fighting me,” It was Dreadwing. Thunderstar gave up and let him drag her away from Shadowlynx. Thunderstar softly shocked Dreadwing, causing him to become a tad bit weaker, Thunderstar leaped forward, Dreadwing rolled over her back and hit the ground.

Optimus and the others jumped down but didn’t help Thunderstar and Shadowlynx. “Autobots, stay back.” Optimus ordered as Megatron got closer to Thunderstar.

“Optimus we-.”

“No Arcee. This is between Thunderstar and Megatron.” Optimus hoped Megatron wouldn’t hurt her but he knew this was for the best.

Megatron waited until Thunderstar was vulnerable, he grabbed her by the wrists and shoved the femme against a large rock. He put stasis cuffs on her then made her look at him. His spark ached as he got closer to Thunderstar. Megatron ran his hand down her face and heavily sighed.

“Shadow!” The wolf bit at the warlords arm giving Thunderstar the chance to get away. Thunderstar’s hands were still in cuffs but she could run, and run she did. Shadowlynx saw Megatron and team Prime chasing her, Shadowlynx pushed himself to run faster and get to her before Megatron did.

Thunderstar wasn’t far ahead of Megatron but she could easily hide, as Thunderstar got ready to climb into a large tree she was tackled and rolled down a hill, she slowly got up and saw Knockout had tackled her. She gasped as Megatron slid down the hill, Thunderstar tried running but Megatron grabbed her before she could go far.

“Stop running and listen to me !” Megatron let go of Thunderstar and looked back at Optimus, he gave a curt nod and the Prime got out a datapad. He placed his hand on the screen then handed it to Megatron, Megatron was hesitant but he grabbed the datapad and looked back at Thunderstar.

Megatron placed his hand on the datapad and let it scan his hand, Thunderstar watched as Soundwave, Knockout and Dreadwing did the same thing. Thunderstar was confused until she saw how Megatron was looking at her, it was a look she had seen her father use.

“I have just given up everything for you..The war, my title, the relics, everything..Thunderstar I-.” Megatron took Thunderstar’s hands out of the stasis cuffs, he slid his hands around her waist and was at a loss for words. Thunderstar could see shock written on the Autobots faces but at this point she didn’t care, Thunderstar needed him.

Thunderstar snaked her arms around Megatron’s neck and smirked, she let out a shaky breath then kissed the warlord. She smiled as Megatron picked her up and held her against his chassis, she had him. She had the mech she had fallen in love with back.

“I love you”

“I love you too,” Megatron put Thunderstar down and kissed her cheek.

“How pathetic,” Thunderstar growled as she heard the spider femme’s voice. Thunderstar panicked as she saw Airachnid shoot at team Prime, Thunderstar quickly raised a shield over the Autobots. Thunderstar’s mind became clouded with revenge and within seconds Thunderstar and Airachnid were fighting.

Thunderstar punched Airachnid in her lower tanks but the femme was sharp, she kicked Thunderstar in the chassis knocking her into Megatron. The two fell to the ground but as soon as they looked at each other they knew they had her here. Thunderstar grabbed Megatron’s hand and she could feel his love and protection, Airachnid would die today.

“Together.” Megatron let Thunderstar go first, her punches and kicks stronger and faster than before. Thunderstar wasn’t letting up, she was fighting with everything she had. Thunderstar smirked as she yelled and kicked Airachnid into Megatron’s chassis.

“They’re movements..it’s like they match.” Bulkhead said as he watched Thunderstar and Megatron pick off Airachnid, piece by piece. The Autobot’s were shocked by how well the two fought together.

“You’re dead bitch”

“So are you sweetspark,” Airachnid hissed. She slid behind Thunderstar and jammed a needle into the femme’s lower back. Thunderstar loudly groaned as the needle deeply slid into her back. Thunderstar turned around and kicked Airachnid in the chassis knocking her straight into Megatron who put her in stasis cuffs and threw her to the ground.

“Thunderstar ?”

“I’m fine..Let’s get back to base,” Thunderstar took down the shield around the Autobots. A ground bridge opened and Megatron was the first to go through, Thunderstar and Shadowlynx were quick to follow, as was team Prime. As they got into the control room Thunderstar was tightly hugged by someone. Thunderstar realized it was her brother and tightly hugged him back, she was glad she didn’t have to fight him.

“Now..onto you. What should we do with you ?” Thunderstar shook her helm and threw Airachnid on the ground. Thunderstar went to kick the femme but she felt a sudden pang in her spark, the pain in her spark got worse, Thunderstar dropped to the floor and screamed.

“What did you do ?!” Megatron asked as he pushed Airachnid against the floor, all the spider-like femme did was laugh.

“Megatron. Airachnid poisoned her, that’s what the needle was for, Airachnid knew she’d get caught but..Knockout we need to scan her. Now!” Ratchet was traumatized by the painful scream Thunderstar let out, Thunderstar was now taking heavy breaths and holding her spark chamber.

“Megatron..Whatever Airachnid poisoned her with..It’s not showing up on the scan,” Ratchet’s voice was low and full of panic. Megatron growled then left the room, when he came back he had something dangling from his hand. Megatron pushed Airachnid against the wall and began to ask questions.

“What is it ?!” Megatron punched the wall next to Airachnid’s helm. The femme didn’t flinch only laughed. Megatron opened his hand and showed Airachnid a locket of some sort. “Tell me or I’ll crush it to bits,” Airachnid’s face was now full of shock and pain.

“Spark-Ache. The wrecker’s know about it. Now give me the locket.” Megatron punched the femme completely rendering her unconscious. Megatron looked at Wheeljack and Bulkhead for a answer on the poison. The two looked at each other and sighed, Bulkhead leaned against the wall and shoved Wheeljack towards Megatron.

“There was a Autobot scientist, we never knew his real name, everyone called him Flames. Anyways, he thought we had to sink to Decepticon level to win the war. He created his own poison he called Spark-Ache.” Wheeljack could hear Thunderstar’s heavy breathing and sighed.

“Flames tested it on a Decepticon scout, he died 2 hours after injection. It attacks the spark until the spark gives up. The Wreckers were in charge of getting rid of it. There was a cure. Magnus took it and hid somewhere in Iacon.” Wheeljack looked away from Thunderstar as he spoke.

“No way in telling if the cure is still there..but it’s worth a shot. I’m not letting Cri go without trying.” Soundwave started opening a ground bridge to the space bridge, Megatron grabbed Thunderstar’s hand and kissed her helm.

“Ratchet, Knockout if anything changes comm me. Wheeljack and I will return as soon as we can.” Megatron let Wheeljack go through first, Optimus put a hand on Megatron’s shoulder and followed Megatron through the portal. The three of them had less than 2 hours to find a cure they weren’t even sure existed anymore.

“So..the war’s over ?” Wheeljack asked as he and Megatron walked through the space bridge. All three mechs froze as they looked at Cybertron, Megatron was now seeing the destruction he had caused over the many years of war. Megatron followed Wheeljack and Optimus towards Iacon, the very city he had ruined before leaving Cybertron.

“The war is over, I could care less what happens at this point. I just want Thunderstar.” Megatron said as he thought back on the very first time Thunderstar got him to smile. The way she had shown him a softer side of himself, Megatron remembered everything she had showed him. Megatron let himself smile as he remembered a day the two spent at by the ocean.

“Isn’t it beautiful ?” Thunderstar asked as she looked out over the ocean.

“I don’t understand why you love nature so much. It’s just water,” Megatron sat down on the ground and watched as Thunderstar stood in the water. She let the waves crash into her legs, Megatron couldn’t take his optics off her. Thunderstar giggled as she sat down in Megatron’s lap and pointed out towards sea.

“It’s beautiful because think of all the life in the ocean. Think of everything you could find ! Everything is beautiful if you find the right angle.” Thunderstar turned around and kissed Megatron, she laughed as the mech looked rather shocked.

“You’re beautiful.” Megatron said as he pulled Thunderstar against his chassis. Megatron closed his optics and relaxed as Thunderstar’s digits rose up and down his chassis. He smiled as the silence wrapped around them and he fell into a state of happiness.

Megatron was drawn from the memory as Wheeljack and Optimus pointed ahead. They weren’t far from Iacon now. Looking at all the destruction and thinking about all the death was taking a toll on Megatron. He now understood why he was referred to as a monster, why he was hated and feared so much. He had caused so much pain and destruction. He was beginning to regret everything.

“She lives through this you better promise me that she will be taken care of. I don’t want her to live through this hell of a poison and be treated wrong by a mech like you.” Wheeljack said as he looked at Megatron with a look of death. Megatron could tell how much Wheeljack cared for Thunderstar, he knew the wrecker would always protect her.

“You have my word. Should something ever happen to her you can put the blame on me..Deal ?” Megatron held out his hand, Wheeljack smirked and shook the mechs hand. The deal had been struck, for the better of Thunderstar. The two were pulled from their conversation when Optimus began yelling that he had found something.

“Knockout..I want..to show you something.” Thunderstar grabbed Knockout’s hand. Knockout heavily sighed as he felt her weak grasp, it had been two hours and still there was no word from Megatron. Knockout was worried, worried enough that Ratchet had began to ask questions, Knockout knew if he lost Thunderstar he would be utterly destroyed.

Thunderstar took a heavy breath then showed Knockout the night that Breakdown had offlined, she showed him everything he said, everything that she had said. Thunderstar felt tears forming as the memory ended and she saw Knockout’s pained face. She was going to say something to Knockout but before she got the chance pain washed over her and she screamed in agony once again.

Megatron got a comm from Knockout, all he heard was screaming from Thunderstar before the comm was ended. It was a accident but it only made Megatron worry and rush that much more. Megatron was pulled from his thoughts as Wheeljack yelled for him, Megatron felt a sense of hope as Wheeljack started moving some rocks from a broken building.

“If I’m right this is where he stored it, Bulkhead and I heard rumors that Magnus placed it here, the Old Krank, it was a store that sold broken down armor and weapons.” Wheeljack tossed a grenade in the middle of the rubble, Optimus was quick to grab Megatron’s arm and pull the mech back.

Megatron was outraged that Wheeljack would do such a thing, Megatron knew that this was his only way to search the rubble quickly but the thought that he could’ve destroyed something vital angered him. Megatron looked back at the rubble and saw it was all in pieces, he had lost it, his only chance at saving Thunderstar was gone.

“You stupid gli-” Megatron stopped as he saw a hatch that blended in with the ground. Megatron let go of Wheeljack’s arm and shot the hatch open, Wheeljack went down since he was the smallest of the three. Megatron crushed his hands into fists as he waited for Wheeljack to come back up, every second was vital to him.

“Megatron..Optimus, you’ll never guess what I found down here.” Wheeljack handed Megatron a small metal box, inside there were test tubes with a bright orange liquid inside. Megatron’s optics widened as Wheeljack came back out with a child in his arms.

“He was in a stasis pod, he must of been put there before the building was destroyed. Let’s move.” Megatron nodded and called Soundwave for a space bridge but he got no reply back. Megatron sent another comm to Soundwave, once again there was no reply. Megatron growled, anger began to fill his spark.

“Megatron. Wheeljack. We have other problems.” Optimus pointed towards the ruins of Iacon, a group of Insecticons were coming after them. Optimus and Megatron began shooting at the creatures, keeping Wheeljack and the youngling safe. Wheeljack sent a comm to Bulkhead, luckily he replied, Wheeljack told Bulkhead they needed emergency evac then ended the comm.

“Go, I’ll cover you.” Megatron and Wheeljack ran through the space bridge, Optimus came through minutes later. Megatron could see Wheeljack had been hurt while leaving Cybertron. Megatron gave him the test tubes and took the child. Wheeljack and Megatron were now a tad bit closer, they still hated each other for obvious reasons but they shared a common goal and they were even.

As the three came through the ground bridge they noticed that something wasn’t right in the control room. Everyone was crowded around the table Thunderstar had been laying on, the room was silent except for the sound of a small girl crying.

“Ratch, we’ve go-.” Wheeljack saw Thunderstar wasn’t moving, her optics were shut and Knockout was gripping her hand. Wheeljack was confused, they had only been gone for a hour, they had time or maybe they were to late. Wheeljack screamed and punched the wall as hard as he could.

“Megatron..I’m sorry..it spread faster than what we anticipated. Shortly after you three left Bulkhead informed of us of something. Flames tested many subjects and took notes on what happened to them during the trials. It turns out if the subject gives into the pain and cannot relax, they will offline faster.” Ratchet explained.

Ratchet took a sample of the liquid and injected it into Thunderstar’s neck cables. He heard her last breath, her last few words and saw her last few tears, he had no hope that this would bring her back. Once Ratchet injected her with the ‘cure’ he stepped back and let Megatron see her body. Ratchet was shocked when Megatron handed over the body of a small cybertronian child.

“See to it he is woken up and welcomed properly. Where is Dreadwing ?”

“He is moving energon at one of our mines,” Megatron growled and pushed the vehicon against the wall. “I want him here. Now.” Megatron let go of the vehicon and turned back to Thunderstar’s body. Megatron felt a tap on his shoulder and was turned to face Soundwave, the mech began to play back a audio file from Thunderstar.

“I didn’t make it but it’s ok. Megatron you have to swear you won’t blame anyone, especially yourself. It was my fault. I played with fire and got burned. My time with you was short but it was beautiful, I would die any day to live through it all again..I-..I love you..” Megatron heard coughing then silence.

“Megatron you requested me ?”

“Move out of the way. Please he needs to see her.” Megatron said in a low, calm tone. He watched as Dreadwing looked at her in horror, he looked almost as hurt as Megatron. Megatron looked down at Thunderstar and kissed her helm, he couldn’t believe he had lost her.

“Thunderstar..I-..NO!” Dreadwing slammed his hands on the table and screamed. He swore to his father that he would do anything to protect her, his father died believing that Dreadwing would protect her. He failed his father’s dying wish, he failed his only honorable promise.

“I love you,” Megatron heavily breathed and kissed Thunderstar only this time she didn’t kiss back. There was no smile, no giggle or soft lips against his neck. Only pain and silence.

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