Tease Me ♡Shota Aizawa x Read...

By sgh101404

832K 22.2K 20.5K

(Y/n) Togata, a now third year, has figured out that that her teasing and joking has been confused for flirti... More

♡59♡ 🖤END🖤


4.6K 98 68
By sgh101404

Die Young by Ke$ha made by 7th Clouds on YouTube

🖤This doesn't affect the story at all🖤

♡♡♡RAIN POV♡♡♡

     I'm so ready to get out of here. I think boredly while sitting in my last block classroom as I listen to music and scroll through Instagram. This is the first time my birthday has landed on a weekday in forever. I huff silently while liking a post from a hashtag I follow.
     "All remaining students may leave now." The announcement comes through the intercoms before we all start for the door.
     "Have a good afternoon," I say to my teacher with a nod before she sends the same regards as I exit the door. I still feel like a boss when I listen to this. I think with a hidden smile behind my mask as I walk down the hallway as Die Young starts to play. I hum along to the tune as I head down the stairwell.

     Click. CLUNK! The heavy doors sound behind me as I step onto the concrete sidewalk and into the parking lot.
     "Happy birthday, Rain." My friend says with a grin as he passes by with his older sister.
     "Thanks, drive safe."
     "You too!" They call back to me before I head for my car.

     "Hey, shortie." Bug, my "little" sister, says to me with a smug grin as she gets into the front seat.
     "hEY, shOrTiE." I mock annoyedly as I put my bag in the trunk before closing it.

     "GAHK!" I jump as two of my other friends grab my shoulders. "Geez. WHY?" I scold while making a choking motion at them both before turning off my music.
     "You know you love us." Frost grins as they fix their shirt. "Don't you, Rain?" He mocks with a fake pout before grinning as they lean on me.
     "Maybe," I remark while sticking my tongue out at them.

     "Happy seventeen, Rain," Icy says with a small laugh before handing me a small wrapped gift.
     "Guys, no. Whyyyyy?" I whine while holding it as Frost puts another in my hands. "I don't-"
     Frost quickly shushes me before crossing their arms. "Nope. Birthdays are free gift time. Don't even try to pay us back. We know where you live." They claim before pulling out their phone. "Open it."
     "Yeah, open it." Icy repeats with a smile while holding up her phone too.

     I roll my hazel eyes at the pair before opening Frost's gift. A grin meets my face as I see what it is. "A Leorio bracelet," I state with a grin before slipping it on my wrist beside the pink Hello Kitty bracelet already there.
     "Mine now! Mine now!" Icy says excitedly as I laugh.
     "I'm getting there, geez." I joke before unwrapping it. "No, you didn't." I say with a wide smile as I look at the black shirt with the white outlines of the Bakusquad.
     "That's not fair! They like your present more than mine!" Frost claims as he looks at the blonde girl.
      "I didn't say that." Icy claims while holding up her arms.

     "I love both, you guys." I say with a smile before hugging both. "They're great," I state while pulling back. "But I still want to knock you both in the face," I claim while holding up a fist and faking to hit both.
      "Love you too." They both chorus at the same time.
      "Hey, Icy! We gotta get home. I've got schoolwork to do!" Icy's brother says before closing the door to her car.
     She rolls her eyes before hugging me again. "See you tomorrow. Hope the rest of your day goes well." She wishes before heading to her car and getting in.
       "My ride's here too." Frost states while pointing to their parent's vehicle. "See you in the morning, Mina Simp."

      I laugh nodding. "See you tomorrow, Crusty Simp." I depart while putting the shirt in my back seat before getting in my car and heading off. After a short drive, while mocking and joking with my sister, we make it home. I wanna sleep. But I wanna write. But I need to do my homework. I groan internally as I head for the door and unlock it.
      Barks and wet noses greet me as I slip inside with a smile.
      "Hey, D-O-Gs." I grin while crouching down and picking up the fluffy corgi. "Hi, my little monster." I greet her as she licks my face.

      "There she is!" My mom coos while walking into the front room. "There's the birthday girl!"
      "Hi, Mom." I reply before hugging her and trying to head further.
      Keyword: trying.
      "Not yet." She says while letting Bug inside.
     Here we go again. I think with a grin and a hazel eye roll.

     Bug grins while grabbing a blindfold from the nearby bookshelf and handing it to Mom.
      "Really?" I question while being turned around and seeing nothing but the cloth.
     "Yep!" Bug's voice meets my ears before I'm carefully led to the dining room.

     I bet there's a cake. I think to myself as I'm sat down. Maybe either Eijiro again...maybe Katsuki? Well, they might've done Taishiro. Dad would go all out. I think with a grin as I place my hands in my lap.
      "SURPRISE!" My family, a few friends, and a few family friends all cheer as they untie the blindfold.
      I give a small gasp at the Katsuki-themed cake with the two numbers on top.

      "Better enjoy it. I got black dye all over my hands." My dad jokes while showing me his dyed fingers.
      "You made it, so yeah," I claim with a grin before looking down at it.
      My dad lights the candles before they sing the classic song.
     "Make a wish and blow out your candles." My older sister, Lex, jokes as she looks at me.

     It's just a bunch of pookie-duke. I think with a small eye roll before closing my eyes. I wish I could be with my characters in Tease Me and have the best time. I think sarcastically before blowing out the candles.
     "WHAT THE HELL?!" I yell as the wind whips at my face while I fall towards the long awaiting ground. "Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!" I think as I near the ground as I see sparks quickly flying to the area where I would land before I die. "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" I curse rapidly while covering my eyes with my small hands. It was a good birthday until now. I give a yelp as strong arm hold me before a weird feeling meets my stomach.

      "Hey, are you okay?" An unfamiliar voice meets my ears as they hold me close.
     What...the fuck...happened? I think while peeking between my fingers.
      "(Y/n), who is—She is naked." A voice I never thought I'd hear beyond a screen, says as I hear it come to a stop.
     "Naked?" I mimic in confusion before looking down at myself. "Where the hell are my clothes?!" I exclaim in confusion as I use my arms to cover myself.
     "Sorry, side effect of my quirk. We didn't need you dead or blown to pieces." The girl holding me claims in the red, white, and (f/c) {or} yellow-themed hero costume says.

     I don't know a character named (Y/n). I think confusedly as I look at her.
     Katsuki? I think curiously before looking over the girl's shoulder to the group. No fucking way.
      It's Katsuki, Eijiro, Hanta, Mina, and Hitoshi.
     I must be dreaming.

     "Are you okay? Did you hit your head?" The (h/c)-haired girl asks me.
     "I'm fine. Confuzzled but fine." I reply as I start to get out of her arms but stop. "Uh, clothes?" I question while looking up at the unfamiliar character.
      "Right, sorry." She responds before looking at the others. "Ei, can she borrow your extra shirt?"

      "Sure. I don't think I smell too awful." Eijiro states while going over to a bag before walking over with a hand covering his eyes and the shirt in his outstretched hand.
      "Thanks, Eijiro." I say while quickly grabbing it from him before pulling it over my head.
      "Uhhh, yeah. No prob." The false redhead says with a confused look to me.

     "Now that we're face to face."
     Shit. Katsuki. I think with dread before my shoulders are held tightly.
      "Who the hell are you? And how do you know our names? Are you working with-"
      "I would have zero reason to work with villains!" I claim while wiggling out of his grip by lowering and twisting out of his hold. "But if I told you how I know you, you wouldn't believe me. Especially you, Mister High and Mighty!" I scoff while looking at him.

      The ash blond looks at me distastefully before scoffing. "Sunshine, handle this kid."
      Sunshine? I think in surprise before looking at the (h/c)-haired girl. Is this the M-C? I think while crossing my arms.
      "Sorry about him. So where are your parents? You're around twelve right?" She asks softly, making me groan.
     "I'M SEVENTEEN! GEEZ!" I groan before looking towards the rest of the group. Did my wish actually work? I think in confusion before looking towards the ash blond with anger issues. I march up to him silently before grabbing his left hand.

     "What the hell are you doing?" He snarls while taking his hand back.
     I was still able to see his wedding band though. I look over towards Eijiro before starting to head for him.
     "HELL NO! You are not going to lay a finger on my man!" Katsuki hisses as he rushes around me and stands with his arms crossed.
      "Holy crap. I'm in my fanfiction." I say with my heart dropping in a slight panic. "Awkward question." I start as I look to the two. "Katsuki you didn't happen to propose to Eijiro on a winter trip on a snowy night and have-" I pause as I look to the (h/c)-haired girl, still questioning if this is real. "Her film but Mina tag along last minute?" I question making them all look at me freaked out.

     "You some kind of stalker?" Hanta asks while pushing Mina behind him.
     "No! No. I promise I'm-"
     "Then how do you know so much about us and we've never seen your damn face." Katsuki questions while grabbing the front of the shirt I'm wearing.
     My arm quickly goes to hide my chest as the sides move up. "You wouldn't believe me!" I hiss at him with a glare. "Dumb bitch." I curse at him while shoving him back and stumbling as a rock meets the sole of my foot. I grumble before picking it out and tossing it to the side.

     "We've heard a lot of crazy shit. Surprise us." Hitoshi states and I give him a blank look.
     I know you little shits have. I've made you all suffer and so has Horikoshi. I think before nodding. "Thank you, Hitoshi." I say before taking a deep breath. "You're living in a fanfiction I wrote about a series that the six you are in." I state while pointing to the Bakusquad and Hitoshi.
     "Nevermind. That shit's crazy." Hitoshi states as I look towards Katsuki while making a presenting motion toward the purple-haired insomniac.

     "What about me?" The (h/c)-haired girl asks and I bite my bottom lip in nervousness.
     "I'm pretty sure you're the self insert."
     "Self-insert?" She questions with a slightly confused tilt of her head, like I would do.
     "It means you read a story where a writer doesn't set the name of a character of the reader can use their name instead." Katsuki explains to her while still glaring at me.
     "I know what a self-insert is, Katsuki." She claims while looking at him before looking back at me. "So...I'm not real?" She questions and I look at her guiltily before I nod.

     "You're not in the show. You and Shota aren't a couple. Neither is any of you." I explain making them all look at me shocked. "You only are in this because I ship you all with your significant other. Half of what has happened to you in the past two years is because of me. Ophelia doesn't exist and Denki is still a great guy like he was in your first year of UA. And frankly, he's one of my favorite characters, it killed me to write him like that." I explain while hugging myself. "I've probably said too much," I say before starting to turn around. "I gotta try and find a way out of here." I state while walking off the field and into the grass.

     "GAAK!" I jump as (Y/n) appears infront of me by teleporting. "Now I know how Shota feels whenever you just randomly pop up out of nowhere." I gripe slightly while giving her a slight side eye.
     "It's fun." She claims and I snort.
     "I know. I'd get a kick out of it too. That's why I wrote you to enjoy scaring people." I confess while she looks at me with a new hope.
     "Wrote me like that?" She questions before meeting my gaze again. "If I don't exist in whatever this uh...fanfiction world is based off of. Then who am I?" (Y/n) asks with a confused and hopeful look as the others walk over.

     "You're based on me. You're everything I want to be." I say making her look at me confused.
     "How so?"
     "You're so open and happy with everything. You're beautiful. You got Shota. Hell, if I made you bi, you could've got Mina who I wish I could get myself. You'd be proud of liking guys and girls." I say while pointing to the pink-haired young woman who gives a surprised look while Hanta huffs and pulls her to his side. "You've actually got a reason to be depressed, mine is stupid. You're smart, I'm not." I explain before I give a short laugh. "There are many reasons why I wish I were you and not in the crap world that I live in. But this probably wouldn't be much better either. Quirks are curses." I state before sighing. I watch her expression as a few looks cross her face and eyes. "Sorry for making it weird. You probably didn't want that in your-"
     "What's stopping you?" She interrupts me with a blank look. "What's stopping you from being like me?" (Y/n) asks me with a soft smile.

     Insecurities. I comment before shrugging at her. "Dunno." I state before grinning. "Hey, Mina, ever had a girlfriend before?~" I joke to her as she laughs softly.
     "We're dating?" Hanta states and I grin.
    "I'm still bi. I may prefer girls but I'll happily take you too.~" I joke and he looks at me surprised as Mina starts to cackle.
     "You are like our (Y/n)!" She laughs and I smile at her.

     "How are you here though?" Hitoshi asks while looking at me with his usual blank face.
     "Well, the last thing I remember before I fell out of the fucking' sky was blowing out the candles of my birthday cake and making a dumb wish," I explain before stopping.
     "What'd you wish for?" Eijiro asks with a confused look at me.
     "To have fun with you all in Tease Me's universe," I explain with a guilty laugh. "But clearly I've already overstayed my welcome." I say quickly to them. "I'll head home now please!" I shout to the sky as I look up.

     "If you're here to have fun let's go have some fun!" Eijiro and (Y/n) both chorus at the same time.
     "HUH? What the hell are you going on about?!" Katsuki shouts while the two start leading me away with the others following.
     "We've adopted her!" (Y/n) yells while looking back at him with a grin as he starts after us.

     A happy feeling shoots through me as we walk away. "Uh-one thing first." I state while stopping.
     "What is it?" Hanta asks while a smile.
     "I um kinda need...clothes?" I explain as I gesture to what I wearing before turning my head in embarrassment.

     I miss the look that goes across both Mina and Hanta's faces before they walk over.
     "We could keep them for you if you'd rather?~"
     "It'd be fun to play with you.~" They both tease while putting me between them.
     A heavy blush meets my face as I quickly look between them. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!? I question in confusion.

      "Well, she looks happy." Hitoshi snickers as he watches us.
     "If I know myself, and I do, I know where we can take her." (Y/n) claims with a smile before gesturing for us to follow.
     I continue to panic as the two continuously flirt with me while we walk.
     "Let's head in!" (Y/n) chirps excitedly while opening the door to the large building.
     I only realize it's a mall after we step in and many stores surround us. How can there be so much and I've barely described this place in writing? I think in awe before being led by the (h/c)-haired girl towards a store.

     "No, no, no. I'm not going in that one." Katsuki claims before quickly going to a bench.
     "I think I agree. I don't wanna go in this one either." I say while trying to walk away from the bright pink store. "I only buy from them when I'm crappy on underwear and need a new bra that'll die on me in two weeks," I state before being stopped as a hand meets my shoulder.
     "And you need both those things right now. So come on." Mina claims before pulling me into the store with her and (Y/n).
     This is not what I meant by fun! I gripe internally before we quickly buy two things before leaving. "I have money, I could've paid for it." I state while walking out more comfortably because of my undergarments.
       "Nope! You're our friend now and we don't take 'no' for an answer." (Y/n) claims with a smile while she starts leading me towards another store as the three guys follow us again.

       "I'm starting to get annoyed with you. And that's bad because you're one of my favorite characters I've written." I claim before pausing as we stand infront of a store. "You're forgiven," I state before walking further into Hot Topic.
      "Knew this would get her." (Y/n) laughs while the others enter with some laughs or snickers.
      I quickly start looking at the pins as I see a few funny ones I like.
      "Hey," Eijiro calls to me with a smile as Katsuki looks at some shirts. "Come on. We're gonna get you some clothes." He states while Hitoshi leads me towards the clothes in the back of the store.
       I look at the clothes in interest as Mina suddenly holds a pair of black jeans up to me.

      "What size are you? Hanta, find a shirt that (Y/n) would wear and bring it over." She questions before making a command to her boyfriend.
       "I think I'd be a medium." I say with a shrug before looking at a Beetlejuice-themed skirt before something catches my eye.
     It's a black shirt with a rainbow heart on it.

     I could never get that. I think before quickly looking away from it and starting to look back at the pants.
     "You like this?" Hanta asks me while holding up a shirt to me.
     "Yeah. It's a nice one." I say with a smile before giving another glance at the black shirt. "That'll be good." I head to the changing room with my pants and the shirt Hanta found before I start changing. I look up as a small knock hits the door.

     "It's just (Y/n)." She says and I slightly open the door since I've only got the pants on.
     "Hi?" I say questioningly with a smile.
     "Here. I saw you kept looking at it." She states while handing me the black shirt from earlier. "I knew you wanted it." She states while taking the other shirt and putting the black one in my hands.
     A happy feeling goes through my chest before I start to close the door. "Thank you, (Y/n)," I say with a smile before pulling on the shirt and looking into the long mirror. A smile meets my face as I look at myself.
       It's the style I've always wished I could wear.
       But black shirts and shoes were enough for my parents.

     I love this. I think happily before opening the door and stepping out.
      "Damn. You look amazing."
      "You sure we can't keep you?~" Hanta and Mina joke while looking at me.
        I laugh nervously before looking towards (Y/n) as she comes over with a pair of black buckle boots with green outlined on the buckles and a pair of socks.
       "You like this?" She asks while showing them to me.
       "Oooo." I coo excitedly before I grab them and start looking them over. "These are awesome!" I chirp before leaning against the wall and putting them on. I give an excited noise as I look down at my feet covered in the boots. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I say excitedly while hugging each of them, surprising both of the stoics.

       "I guess she's not too bad." Katsuki gripes while awkwardly patting my head.
       "Softie." Eijiro teasing him, making the blond roll his eyes.
        "How about we go get some boba?" Hitoshi suggests and I look at him excitedly. "Why's she looking at me like that?" He questions and (Y/n) laughs.
     "If I'm guessing correctly, I don't think she's had any before." She claims and I nod.

     "You are gonna pay for all that, right?" The cashier asks us quickly before we can move.
     "Of course! Sorry." (Y/n) says before quickly going and paying for everything after looking at the tags.
     We exit Hot Topic quickly before heading for a cafe that smells really nice.

        I nearly drool at the heavenly smell as we enter the door.
       "Smells great, right?" Mina asks and I nod while looking at the list of drinks and prices.
My stomach drops as I look up at it.
     "What's wrong, shortie? Can't read?" Katsuki teases as he looks down at me.

     "Not Japanese, you blond bitch!" I snarl as I hit his side.
     "Alright both of you settle down, please," Hanta asks as he looks to us with a sweatdrop.

     We order our drinks before heading back out and to the water fountain.
     "This is so good!" I exclaim before taking another drink. "I wish we had a tea shop where I live," I say with a small laugh.
     "Pity." Katsuki states with a smile before I stick my tongue out at him childishly.
     "I'm glad you've had fun." (Y/n) states while leaning forward to look at me as Hitoshi grins at her.
     "Yeah, it's been amazing. I didn't think it would be this fun." I explain with a small laugh before I finish off the rest of my drink.

     "Why not?" She asks and I shrug.
     "Well you guys did think I was crazy." I say with a small laugh before looking at my feet and seeing a coin. I don't think anyone'll miss you. I think while grabbing it and standing up.
     "What're you doing?" Hitoshi asks with a quirked lavender brow.
     "Making a wish, I guess," I reply before closing my eyes. I wish that I remember all of this as one of my most fun days. I think before flicking the coin.
     It flies through the air before landing on the upper pool ledge of the fountain.

     "How'd you do that?" Hanta and Eijiro question at the same time as we all gape at it.
     "No clue," I say before taking off my shoes.
     "What the hell are you doing now?" Katsuki asks as I stand on the ledge.
     "It didn't get in the water, it doesn't count my wish," I remark before getting in the cool water.

     "Hey!" (Y/n) says with a laugh before hopping in herself.
     "You know what they say, the more the merrier!" Mina states before getting in too and kicking water at us.
     (Y/n) and I giggle childishly before kicking water at her in return after I quickly flick the coin into the water successfully.
     I can't help the snicker that escapes me as a bit of water hits Eijiro, Hanta, and Hitoshi on the face. "You guys got a little something right there," I state while tapping my cheek.

     "Oh yeah?" Hanta asks before hopping in the fountain and starting after us.
     Us three girls screech as the other two try to aid him in catching us.
     "You all are a bunch of-"

     A large portion of water hits the blond in the face as his future husband laughs.
     "You look a little soggy, Katsuki," Eijiro states while the rest of us laugh.
     "You better be ready," Katsuki states while standing and wiping the water from his face. "For later tonight." He says while climbing into the fountain.
     We all laugh as Katsuki tackles Eijiro to the bottom of the fountain.

     "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?" A security guard yells from across the room.
     "RUN!" I yell before jumping out of the fountain with the others behind me as I grab my shoes.
     "This way!" Mina yells while grabbing my hand and Hanta's as the guard yells for us.
     Our feet echo on the floor as we slam open the doors before we exit the mall and keep running. We run while laughing as we take twists and turns to leave the guard in the dust.

     "I think we're good now." Hitoshi states as we stop and I stand panting.
     Damn, I'm so out of shape. I think tiredly as I hold my hands at my knees while I catch my breath.
     "WOOH!" (Y/n) cheers with a smile as bright as the sun. "That was fun!" She chirps while smiling at the rest of us.
     "It was. I've had a great time." I laugh before standing up straight. "This has been the best day since I don't know when," I say with a laugh before moving to sitting on a beach beside the others. "Thank you all for today."
     "Thanks for being here...." Mina stops before looking at me. "We never got your name."
     I look at her before smiling. "I'm Rain," I reply before leaning back and closing my eyes. "I'm so happy I got to meet you all," I state before closing my eyes and leaning back.

     Cheers meet my ears before I open my eyes and look around. I'm back home?
     "Time for some cake!" My dad exclaims before smearing a big glob of frosting on my nose and cheek, making me gasp in surprise.
     "Hey!" I laugh before grabbing it off my face and chasing after him.

♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     "Hey, Sho." I call to my boyfriend as I fluff up my pillow. "You know I love you a lot, right?"
     "Don't pull that, Kitten. You'll worry me." He replies with a small grin before lying down. "Because I know you're too guilty to want anything." He states as he looks up at me. "I love you too, Kitten."
       "I love you more, Shota." I'm glad I made a new friend. And found who the voice in my head was. I think with a laugh before falling asleep in the arms of the man I love.

This was basically a chapter of me calling myself out and having bisexual panic 🤣 hope you enjoyed though

Ik it's not the best I may have but here's a face reveal 😂

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