
Von dovato

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Demi Lovato- empowering, inspiring, and brave. When she was eighteen? Opposite. After a nights full of partyi... Mehr

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
65... The End
Sequel News

Chapter 54

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Von dovato

Demi's POV


I felt sunlight beams streaming through the curtains and into the room, including on my face. Before opening my eyes, I put my arms above my head and stretched.

Rolling over, I thought I would be met with Wilmers adorable face, but unfortunately, I wasn't.

The bed was empty.

I frowned, sitting up. Usually I'm the first one awake. I snatched my phone off the bedside table and checked the time. 9:00..? Usually he wakes up around this time.

I guess I could go get in bed with Annie until she wakes up. But then the memories of yesterday came flooding through my mind, giving me a headache. I forgot she was mad at me.

I sighed, swinging my legs off the bed. I'll go check on Annie before I go make them breakfast.

I trotted down the hallway of the large log cabin, anxious to get downstairs and wrapped up in a blanket because of how cold I am.

The door was already wide open, which was unusual because I remember shutting it when I said goodnight to her last night. Maybe she got up to get a drink or something.

I slowly walked in her room, but what I saw took me by total and complete surprise. Am I dreaming? My heart is literally a puddle in my chest right now. I can't help but smile from cheek to cheek.

Wilmer was half laying- half sitting up against pillows while Annie's head was on his chest, both sleeping peacefully. Part of me is really curious how it ended up this way, but I'll ask questions later. I brought my phone up and snatched the picture. Something I'll definitely cherish forever.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and started pulling out eggs and bacon. I began cracking the eggs and setting the stove for the bacon.

Not too long after I had started, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Then, I heard them running towards me and soon I felt arms crashing around my waist.

With what torso wasn't being squished, I turned to see Annie who had me in a overly tight hold.. I thought she was mad at me? Hey, I'll take it.

"Hey, baby girl. Good morning!" I smiled.

When she unburied her face from my back, I saw tears in her eyes. Concern sprang through me as I unwrapped her arms from my waist and cupped her face.

"What's wrong baby girl?"

"Last night I had a nightmare that I was outside and I was freezing and, and, you were nowhere to be found like you were gone forever or something. And then I had another one where you did... Die. And, they're like reoccurring nightmares and I- there so real." She choked up as tears ran down her face.

I brought her into a warm hug as I combed her hair with my fingers. "Baby, that's awful. I'm right here, Annie. It's okay. Im not going anywhere."

My heart is physically breaking for her. I wonder why she's having terrible dreams.. Nightmares. Maybe I need to take her to a therapist once we get home. All of this stuff mixed in with her body issues and sadness.. Maybe that's what she needs.

"Let me finish this breakfast, then we'll eat and cuddle on the couch, yeah?" I asked, still hugging her to my chest.

She nodded and slowly started walking back to the living room.

"Wait!" I said, latching on to her arm.

She grimaced in pain and concern fled through me.

"Did.. What's wrong?" I asked, brining her arm up to my face.

Sure enough, it was swollen and had a humongous purple bruise from her wrist to the end of her forearm.

"Annie Marie! What did you do?!" I asked. This looks fucking broken!

"When we were skiing, I fell on it. I didn't tell you because you were already mad and I didn't want you to get more mad at me." She said, dropping her gaze to the floor.

What the hell.

"Annie, if you are hurt Im not going to be mad at you! You should've told me as soon as this happened. I'll take you to the doctor today." I said, carefully letting her arm go.

She shook her head fastly and said, "No, no. I'm fine, mom."

"Annie, it's literally broken. You're not fine." I said.

"I don't want to ruin this vacation for you." She pouted.

Again, my heart broke in a gazillion pieces.

"Baby, I don't think that at all! We probably aren't doing much today, anyway. Please don't think that. I love you." I said, kissing her on the forehead.

She smiled a little and said, "Love you too."

"Now, go get ice on the arm before you have to eat breakfast." I demanded.

"Yes ma'am." She laughed, then ran for the stairs.

I put the bacon on the skillet and poured the eggs in the pan. I don't know why they say I'm an awful cook. I think I'm doing pretty good.

"Good morning, hermosa." I voice said from the entry way, startling me.

I looked up at Wilmer as he walked across the kitchen and took a seat in one of the bar stools. "Good morning, baby." I said.

He began to yawn, and stretched just like how I did this morning. Then, I thought of what I saw in Annie's room.

"So," I smiled, "What were you doing in Annie's room?"

He smiled himself, before telling me how he went to get a drink and heard crying, then went and calmed Annie down. It actually made me want to do backflips out of happiness. I mean, it's terrible- awful, that Annie's having nightmares but it makes me happy that Wilmer was there to comfort her when I wasn't.

I slipped some eggs off the spatula and onto a plate, along with the bacon. Besides some bacon having a few black spots here and there, it looks pretty good.

"I have to take Annie to the doctor later." I told Wilmer.

He frowned, "Why?"

"She hurt her arm yesterday, I guess. It looks pretty bad. I know it's broken." I sighed.

"I'll go with you." He suggested.

"No, it's fine. I'm pretty sure they're going skiing and you should probably go help Eddie out." I giggled, recalling he kept falling and couldn't stay on his feet.

He laughed along, "You're probably right."


After going to the front desk in the lobby of the main lodge and asking for directions to the nearest doctor, Annie and I are finally in the car.

I got the map up on my phone and handed it to Annie so she could help me figure out my way there.

"We're gonna get lost." I half joked, pulling out of the lodge.

"Probably. This is a rental, mom. You can't wreck it." She said.

I smiled and exhilarated a little bit to scare Annie, which it worked.

"Mom, quit! You really will wreck! We're in snow! You don't drive in snow!" She panicked.

I giggled and slowed down as we passed a bunch of log homes similar to what ours looked like.

"Do you miss home?" I asked.

She waited a moment before answering, "Kinda. I miss our house. And our beds. And starting to miss the weather. But, it's nice to get away from everything for awhile."

I nodded and agreed with her. "We need to take more family vacations."

I noticed her bobbing her head up and down from my peripheral vision and I smiled.

"I don't know what I would do without you or Wilmer." I randomly blubbered. "Like especially you, but, both of you really are my whole world."

"I wish I would've gave Wilmer the time of day a few months ago. We would be as close then as we are now, and then now we would be a legit family. It makes me feel guilty."

"Don't feel guilty, Annie. He made a horrible mistake a few years ago, so you had no choice. He's made it up to you and I'm so thankful for that."

She smiled, "Yeah."

"Gosh," I cheesed, "I literally love both of you. I have no idea what I would do if something happened to either of you."

"... Or both of us at the same time." She joked.

"Annie! Don't talk like that." I said, shaking my head. "You turd."

She laughed and smiled, "Nothing is going to happen. It's all three of us till the end."

I smiled and snuck a glance at her, "Till the end."


I walked up to the waiting desk and took a clipboard with a sign in sheet on it back to the seat next to Annie.

I sighed, scanning over the sheet. I wrote down all of Annies information and wrote why we were here. It took about five minutes.

After I was done, I returned it to the front desk, then came back to my seat once again.

"How does it feel?" I asked Annie, referring to her arm.

She shrugged, "Kinda hurts."

"It looks like it does." I frowned at the thought of my baby in pain.

"You'll be able to go back there with me, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, of course." I nodded.

"Annie Lovato?" A chirpy nurse called from the door.

Annie looked nervous, but I took her hand in mine and lead her through the doors. We followed the nurse down a hallway before coming to a stop in a room.

"Your doctor will be right with you." She smiled.

"Thanks." I said, taking a seat while Annie hooped up on the bed.

As we waited, I took my phone out of my pocket and told Annie to hold up her arm as I snatched a picture. The swelling and bruises were clearly evident in the photo.

I got on Twitter and tweeted, "@ddlovato: Welllll maybe skiing isn't @annielovato's thing... 😳😭😩😰💪"

People are going to think we're crazy. This is our second hospital visit in a month.

"Mom?" Annie asked.


"I was going to stay with Madison tonight but with all my nightmares and stuff.. I want to stay with you." She quietly said.

Yes yes yes stay with me.

"That's perfectly fine, baby. If you don't feel comfortable about telling Madison about your nightmares say I told you you had to stay home because of your arm." I suggested.

"But what if it isn't broke?"

"Oh, trust me, it is." I said. It's all like black, blue, and purple and disgusting. There's no way it isn't broken.

"What about skiing? We're on vacation, mom. My arm can't be broken!" She pouted, growing frustrated.

"Well, I think you should take a break from skiing anyways. If you arm is broken, we'll just find a way around it. You'll still have fun, Annie."

"Stupid ass arm." She huffed under her breath. "It's like a sequence of unfortunate events."

I kinda gave up yelling at her for cussing. It's no use. She cusses anyway. I guess I take blame.

If she thinks this unfortunate event thing is over.. She's wrong. I have yet to tell her that when we get back from vacation, she's going back to school. She has to face her problems. Her little break was long enough.

There were a few knocks on the door before a male doctor walked in giving us a greeting smile. "Annie Lovato?"

She nodded up and down and I shook his hand. "Hi, I'm Demi."

"I'm Doctor Karev." He smiled. "I see you think your arm might be broken?"

She mumbled a "Yeah."

"Well, if you two would follow me we'll take you to get some X-rays." He said.

Annie hopped off the bed and latched onto my hand as we followed the doctor down the hallway.

"How did you hurt your arm?" He asked.

"Skiing." She answered.

Hospitals freak me the fuck out and I'm not sure why. The doctors are kinda hot, though.

After a little bit more of walking, we came to a stop in a room with huge ass machine.

Annie's eyes bulged and when the doctor noticed, he laughed.

"You won't be laying there." He said, relieving Annie. "You'll be standing."

He then turned to me and said, "Mom, you can go in that room with those nurses over there."

Did the bitch just call me mom? The doctor called me mom. The hot ass doctor called me mom. Okay, I'll take it.

I walked over to the little room inside the X-ray room with two nurses. Wilmer would be so jealous if he was here and heard the doctor call me mom.

A few moments later, the doctor came in the room with us and over to the computer where they snatched pictures.

Eventually, we were done and back in the hospital room where Annie was laying, bored out of her mind.

It felt like forever until Dr. Karev came in the room with X-ray pictures in his hands.

"Annie, unfortunately, your arm is indeed broken." He frowned, holding up the X-ray, "But it's not too bad, and you won't need surgery or anything."

Then, he pulled out a cast and an arm sling. "But, you will be needing these."

She groaned and furrowed her eyebrows, clearly annoyed that her arm was actually broken.

He walked over as they fitted a cast for her and adjusted the sling over her shoulder.

"Now, I prefer you to wear the sling all the time, but I guess you can wear it for a couple of hours each day." He said, "And sense you guys are on vacation I'll let your actual doctor know what's going on and plan further appointments with him."

"Okay, thank you." I said, shaking his hand.

I looked over at Annie who was glaring at her casted arm.

Oh, this is gonna be a long couple of weeks.

Annie's POV

I angrily slammed the passenger door and cursed at my arm under my breath. First I get my stomach pumped then a few weeks later I brake my arm. This is becoming a normal thing for me now.

"It's okay, Annie." Demi attempted to help me feel better. "It's just a little bump in the road.. You're okay."

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window as everything went quickly passing by.

Out of boredom, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and began scrolling through Twitter. I immediately saw a picture of Conner. A selfie. He's happy. All of his tweets are happy. How come he gets to be happy but I can't? How fucking fare is that?! It's not. That's shit.

I creeped his Twitter for a while longer, then went to his favorites. My heart skipped a beat when I saw he favorited my tweet. It was a selfie of me outside with the ski hills and stuff behind me, along with Madison making a dumb face. My heart swelled until I scrolled down and saw he favorited other girls selfies too and I remembered I hated him and he's a dumb fuck. And a horn dog.

Eventually, we pulled into the lodge and I one handily opened the door and slammed it again, earning a shake of the head from Demi.

When we got in the house, I went straight to the fridge and got a can of coke because I can't open the bottle of water with one hand.

Soon enough Wilmer and Demi both appeared in the kitchen and watched me angrily sip with my left hand.

But, that pissed me off because the coke would pour a whole bunch in my mouth, then miss it because I'm not good at doing stuff with my left hand because im right handed. So, i grunted and began trying to rip the sling off of my right arm because even with the cast on, I could still drink. It would be hard, but I could do it.

Finally, the sling gave and it flew off and into the floor. It was complicated at first, but I was able to drink with my right.

"Alrighty," Wilmer sighed, taking a seat on the stool at the island.

"So, what did you do while we were gone?" Demi asked Wilmer.

"We went skiing.. Eddie failed." He said with a laugh. "How's your arm?"

"Stupid." I mumbled.

"Broke." Demi corrected me.

"Is that why you're mad?" He questioned.

Is he dumb? Does he really have the balls to question why I'm pissed? Is he really going to do this?

"I'm pissed because three weeks ago I had to get my stomach pumped and now I broke my arm while I was supposed to be on vacation," I rambled fast and angry, "Then, along with it all, Conner is happy! Is that fare? No! If anyone deserves to be happy, it's me! But I'm not! I am, but I'm not. I wasn't. I have nightmares while he probably sleeps great and then he goes and thinks he can favorite my tweets and other girls selfies?!"

I raised my arm up and slammed my fist on the counter. Except, it wasn't my left one.. It was my right.

Pain erupted through every little part in my arm as I yelled, "FUCK."


Later on that night, I was tucked away in bed as Demi slid in next to me.

"I don't want to go to sleep." I mumbled as Demi wrapped her arms around me.

"Why baby?" She questioned, "I know you're exhausted."

"I'm scared I'm going to have more nightmares." I explained.

"Baby, if you do, I'll be right here this time. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

I felt tears spring to my eyes because I know if I do have a nightmare, it'll be about loosing Demi and I can't deal with that anymore.

"What can I do to make you feel better?"

"Sing to me."

"Your little hand is wrapped around my finger
And it's so quiet in the world tonight
Your little eyelids flutter 'cause you're dreaming
So I tuck you in and turn on your favorite night light..."


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