My Superhero (Ziall Horlik) AU

By BriannaLynnC98

244K 10.8K 6.5K

Niall Horan isn't like other boys his age. Some people say he's just immature, but they only say that because... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24

Chapter 23

8.7K 354 296
By BriannaLynnC98

Zayn's POV

I went through the whole day of school just trying to give Niall his space and not go begging him to talk to me. I needed to handle this in a mature way, even if everytime I met those sweet blue eyes I would feel my heart rip down the middle.

During the last class of the day, a heavy rain, lighting and thunderstorm came over so obviously practice was canceled. I was fine with that because that ment I could try talking to Niall sooner. That's all I wanted to do, not play football. So, when the final bell rang and Niall ran out of the classroom, I followed him. Of course, he's allot smaller and people just kind of move out of his way, where when I walk down the hall it's like I'm my own parade. Yeah, I'm good at football and have led our team to championships for the past two years, but that doesn't mean I want everyone to stop me and talk to me or try to get to know me. I'm not that great of a person, in fact, I'm an ass hole that did something horrible to his boyfriend without even knowing it.

I finally got up to the dorm rooms and ran to go change out of my school uniform. I put on some sweats and a jumper, then went straight down the hallway to Niall's room. This time, the door wasn't locked so I just went right in. But, I didn't see a happy Niall when I walked in. I saw him in a bundle of his blankets letting out small squeaks each time there was a clap of thunder or a strike of lightning.

I went straight over to sit on the bed with him, then pulled him into my arms. He clung to me for dear life, shaking and letting out a few whimpers. I never knew he was afraid of storms, but now that I do I'm kind of glad there was one because he seems to have forgotten why he was mad at me.

"I'm here, Niall. It will be over soon." I told him soothingly. He was trembling in my arms with the blankets wrapped around his thin body. I'm actually wondering if he's eaten in the past two days, but that's not what I need to worry about now. Right now, him being completely terrified is what I'm worried most about.

I started thinking of all the ways he usually sooths himself or things that I do that make him comfortable. I pulled one of his little hands off of my shirt and moved his thumb towards his mouth. I've always thought it was the cutest thing he does, even though at our age he should have stopped that long ago. But, when he started sucking on his thumb I felt how relaxed he got just for a little bit. I leaned back against his pillows and started running my hands through his hair.

This reminds me so much of Safaa. She hated bad weather. I was always the only one that could comfort her during a storm, and it was by doing small things like singing different songs or simply putting kisses in her hair. I actually wonder if Niall has the same condition Safaa had. Just being born so premature that his brain didn't develop fully, and that's why he's behind. He's more behind than Safaa, but I can only say that's because he didn't exactly have a loving home to nurture his needs and help him grow up. He's also really small for his age, like she was, so I'm going to say that's probably why Niall is like this. I don't mind at all. He's my Niall no matter what.

After about three hours of holding him and keeping him comforted, the storm let up into a peaceful rain. Outside was pretty dark and dreary, but Niall seemed like he didn't mind the rain at all, compared to the thunder and lightning. I decided to take this as a good time to ask why he has been avoiding me. He was still curled up to me with allot of blankets around him, so I figured he was relaxed enough to where he wouldn't run like he has been.

"Niall, did I do something to make you not want to be around me?" I asked him quietly. Niall stopped sucking his thumb and looked up at me with his blue eyes twinkling with a confused sadness. He shook his head and continued to look at me.

"Niall wants Zayn happy. Zayn is not happy with Niall." He told me, his voice cracking a bit and some tears gathering at the corners of his beautiful eyes. I felt my heart break at the fact this thought went through his head. I leaned in and captured his perfect lips in mine. Niall kissed me back instantly, making my broken heart mend quickly because I knew we would be alright.

"Niall, you make me so happy. No one makes me that happy but you." I told him, pulling away from the kiss that I wanted, no, needed more of. A smile came across his lips as he leaned up and kissed me, then went back to where he was looking at me.

"Not even Liam?" He asked me with a hint of surprise to his voice. I smiled and shook my head.

"Not even Liam, just you. I love you." The last words slipped off my tongue without a second thought, but once they were out, I felt terrified that I was going to get hurt again. That Niall wasn't going to love me, and I just put my heart out there to be crushed.

"Even if I'm stupid?" Niall asked me in wonder to the words I just told him. I couldn't find my voice because of the fear is as going though so I just shook my head and kissed him. He kissed me back, then surprised me by gently licking my top lip. I pulled back and saw him blushing like crazy.

"I wanted to kiss you like we did that one time. I missed your kisses and I want to make Zayn happy." He explained to me like he was about to get in trouble. I smiled lightly and began to kiss him slowly, gradually licking his lips and asked him form entrance.

Niall's lips parted for me and I slowly started to taste every bit of his mouth. I loved the way his tongue would blindly rub mind every once in a while. It was probably the best thing I would ever feel from the sweet boy.

Niall broke the kiss for a minute so he could get untangled from the mess of blankets he was in, then he slid on top of me with either leg straddling me. I know he didn't know what he was doing, but that made me feel super turned on that he just naturally does this.

Niall leaned in to kiss me again, but this time I made it allot hotter because I just needed to know he's still mine and he doesn't hate me like I thought he did. I felt myself getting a bit aroused by feeling Niall so innocently on top of me, as well as feeling him get the hang of what snogging actually is. He was very good at it for just beginning. That, or in my mind he was good at anything because I loved him more than I needed air.

Abruptly, the kiss stopped and Niall moved off my lap to curl his legs up to his chest. I looked at him, hoping everything we just did was fine, but when I saw tears dripping out of his blue eyes, I knew I had messed up somewhere. I placed my hand in his knee and rubbed small circles over it, but that made him close his eyes and shake his head at me.

"Don't touch me, Zyan!" He yelled and groaned when he pulled his legs tighter to his chest. I knew it was nothing that I did wrong, it was just Niall being a boy that had needs. I climbed off his bed, fixed my own bulge problem, then picked the little ball of Niall up to take him to my room.

"No! Put me down! It gets worse when you touch me!" He cried, but still buried his head into my neck. I quieted him with some kisses on his forehead, then left his room to my room. I wasn't sure of how far things would go, I just wanted to show him he was the most beautiful thing in the world and that I loved him. He's my first love, and in all honesty I want him to be my last as well. But, I'm not sure if he feels the same towards me, I can only hope and maybe persuade his heart.

After we walked into my room, I set him gently on my bed, then climbed on top of his small body. I kissed his lips once deeply and meaningfully, then made my next move by carefully pressing my hips down to meet his. A squeak left Niall's lips, then a strong sigh as there was some sort of touch on his hard member.

"Niall likes that." He mumbled out, going into his own world for a minute, then coming back when he whimpered at me. I knew he wanted more, so I rolled my hips once to show him that's what I was doing. He looked up at me and nodded his head like he was approving my actions. I continued to do that until I was too over heated in my clothes to continue and I wanted more than just this.

I took off my jumper then took off Niall's shirt, next removing both out bottoms just leaving us in our boxers, both of us straining against the confines of them. I let my hands wonder over every inch of the boy's body, until I reached the band of his boxers. I hooked them with my fingers and slid them off his body was such care like I was going to break him. Niall just laid there breathing hard as I looked over his beautiful naked body. I knew now I wanted every inch of his body.

I leaned down and captured one of his nipples in my mouth, sucking it and licking over it, as Niall's back arched off the bed and very Irish sounding noises came from his swollen lips. I reached down with my hand and stroked him a few times, then let my hand wander to his bum where I slipped my fingers between his bubble bum. Niall's gasped, then did an awkward move to get me to touch him more. The look on his face was between pleasure and confusion, so I stopped. I wanted him to completely enjoy this.

"I'm just going to touch your bum, is that fine?" I asked him, feeling too out of breath for bearly even doing anything. He shook his head and gave me a happy smile. That's when I knew to continue getting him used to being touched there before I did the next thing.

I reached to my bed side table and picked up the lube I had in the drawer. I squirt some on three of my fingers, then went to kiss Niall to distract him. I wasn't going to explain everything to him, I was just going to go slow so he feels that these things feel good. I slipped in between his leg and spread them wider, then rubbed him a bit to find his hole. When I found it, I pressed in slowly causing Niall to moan and stop kissing me.

"Feels good." He whispered to me at he looked up into my brown eyes. I was just glad I didn't have to explain that I was going to put my fingers in him and that he just knew it felt good. I kissed him again as I moved the single finger in and out of his virgin hole. I was going to prep him so good because he's my baby, and I don't want his first time to be a bad experience.

When I started stretching him with two fingers, I thanked all my lucky stars I had long fingers and he was small because I took away the pain he was feeling when I rubbed his prostate. Niall started crying when I touched it and his legs shook from where they were spread apart. Quickly, I added a third finger in and curled my fingers around his velvet walls so he would stretch even better for me. Niall was falling apart and didn't even know he was. I pulled my fingers out, then got my boxers off and a condom on, but the loss of fingers made Niall start to full on sob.

"Zayn! Help me, p-please. I want you to touch me." He cried and reached out blindly to me. I lubed myself up and hovered over my sweet boy.

My lips kissed his tears away and one of my hands ran the tips of my blunt nails over his chest. He calmed down, then looked at me confused.

"What are we doing?" He asked me as he looked down at my very erect self and blushed. I kissed his lips and gave him a smile.

"Remember how I touched you with my hand to make it go away?" I asked him slowly, he nodded and moved his hand to run his fingers over my tattoo on my chest.

"Well, there's more things you can do to get rid of it. It's called sex, that's what we're going to do. I'm going to put myself in your bum, is that okay?" I asked him nervously and feeling like I was about ready to die of how hard I was. Niall look me in the eyes like he was trying to see if he should let me do this. I wasn't sure if I should even do this. He was so innocent, I didn't want to be the one to take the ultimate innocence from him; but then again I did.

"Zayn will make Niall feel really good. Niall loves Zayn." He whispered and pulled my face down to kiss him. I felt tears gathering in my eyes because Niall actually loves me. I would still love him even if he didn't, but knowing he does just makes me feel so happy I want want to cry.

As I kissed him, I bent his legs up to his chest, then lined myself up with his entrance. In my mind, I braced myself for taking this from him, but it almost felt like I was also giving him something. I felt like I was giving him the deepest way of showing him how much I loved him. So, as I pushed into him as slow as possible I felt an actual connection building between us. I never felt this with Louis, I guess this could be my first time as well. My first time making love to someone.

When I was completely bottomed out, I stayed where I was for Niall to adjust. He was so tight, I was already panting but I ignored my needs and told myself this was about loving Niall, not lust. When I felt Niall moved around under me, I pulled my hips back and looked deep into his eyes before pushing foward. His eyes shut and his back arched off the bed when I did that, so I continued at that slow pace just admiring how beautiful Niall looked.

My hands soon found their way to Niall's and I laced our fingers together as I thrusted a bit faster into him. I felt a heat start to burn my lower stomach as I looked over how perfect his body was and heard the small sounds that came from his lips. I was so close to the edge that when Niall gasped and opened his eyes as he began to spirt out over my stomach, I lost my mind and kissed Niall hard before releasing myself.

My body fell weakly on top of his as we both came down from our highs, just holding each other tight. I sloppily kissed his chest a few time, then pulled out slowly. Niall was bearly even awake as I took the condom off and got a wet cloth to wipe us down. Once the blankets were over both our naked bodied, Niall cuddled into me and kissed my nipple, probably not even knowing where his lips were going to land.

"That blue eyed boy was wrong that Zayn doesn't like Niall. He loves Niall." My Irish boyfriend mumbled, then closed his eyes to enter his own world of sleep. I would have don't the same thing if it weren't for what Niall just told me.

Suddenly, it all made sense. Louis told Niall I didn't like him and Niall, being the trusting person he is, believed him. He then stayed away from me thinking it would make me happy because he's so sweet, but it was hurting him to do that. That's why he was crying and that's why when I asked him he almost started crying.

As exhaustion took over my body I promised myself that in the morning, Louis was going to be a dead son of a bitch for even talking to Niall, much less lying to him. He messed with the wrong boy...

My alarm clock woke us both up to get ready for school. Niall went back to sleep while I showered and got dressed. Last night was probably the best night of my life, but for Niall it was the most exhausting because he's still sound asleep even after I got out of bed, turned on the shower, used a blow dryer, left the room to go get his school uniform and new boxers and used the sink to wash my face.

I went over to him and kneeled beside my bed and kissed his lips lovingly. That woke him up and he started to giggled.

"You woke me up like a princess." He giggled, out then reached up to run his hand over my cheeks. I turned my head to kiss his fingers, then stood up.

"It's time for school, you have to get up." Niall just groaned, but slowly got out of bed away. I saw he wasn't embarrassed at all to be walking around naked in front of me, then I remembered he told him he liked being naky. Those are the many reasons I love him.

After Niall got dressed and ready, I gave him an apple from my mini fridge because we were both too late for breakfast. As we walked down the hall hand in hand, I noticed he had a small limp in his walk. That made me feel a mixture of regret because I hurt him and took his virginity, but I also felt happy that we made love and nothing else really mattered.

"Zayn?" Niall asked me just outside the door of our class. I looked at him and gave him a kiss to show him I was listening.

"Last night made me feel allot of butterflies. I love you." He whispered like it was a big secret, then he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a small squeeze. I did the same back to him, then kissed the top of of his head as the bell rang.

We both made it into class, but I wasn't emotionally ready to face Louis. So, when he walked in the room and gave me a weak smile as he sat beside me, I didn't think about my actions before I gripped the back of his neck and slammed his face into his desk. The class went silent and looked at me, but I didn't care. I stood up from my seat and looked down at Louis, feeling more hate towards him because he could have ruined my realationship. He also hurt Niall by lying to him.

"You son of a bitch! You fucking lied to him and made him think I hate him?!" I yelled as he picked his head up off the desk. He stood up to match my hight, but he couldn't because he was so much shorter than me. I shoved him backwards, ignoring Mr.Cowell's yells for me to stop.

"He's so retarded he believed me." That was all Louis had to say before I jumped over his chair and started throwing punches at him. I needed to do this for all the shit he's done to me. But, him hurting my Niall and calling him names to my face is where I don't let things just slide by anymore.

I felt my body being lifted up off him as I continued to kick the stupid boy on the floor. I wasn't done with him yet!

"Zayn, stop it! You're scaring Niall!" Mr.Cowell yelled at me from where he was standing over Louis' beat up body as Harry held me back. Those words was all I needed to hear and I felt my anger leave and my caring side come back. I looked around the classroom for Niall and saw him at the door looking at me with wide eyes. I wanted to go to him, but Harry's grip kept me from that. So when he ran out of the classroom, I could only watch him leave and feel like a horrible person for scaring him.

Mr.Cowell helped Louis to his feet and sat him down in a chair after giving him a box of tissue to use for his bloody nose. Harry put me in a chair on the other side of the classroom and looked over my shaking hands that the knuckles were completely busted.

"He deserved it..." Harry muttered, then looked over as Mr.Cowell made his way over to me. He had the same look on his face as my coach did when I attacked Louis before. It was like he was proud, but pretending to be angry. He looked at me then down to my hands.

"Ever thought of boxing instead of playing football? Your good at it." He mumbled, then pat my shoulder. I looked down then stood up to go to the door to go find Niall, but I would never be able to do that after the schools principals voice came over the loud speaker, making my heart stop and mind panic.

"We are in a lock down. Nobody is to leave their classrooms, this is not a drill. There is an intruder around campus. Again, we are in a lock down. Nobody is to leave their classrooms, this is not a drill."

A/N: fuck this chapter was long and I actually scared myself a bit at the end there. I hope I scared yall too! Comment / Vote!
                                     - Bri;)

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