The Sacrifice of the Cursed {...

By JinansFaith98

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The Open Wound pack has a traitor among them. One who means to destroy them from the inside so his king can h... More

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By JinansFaith98

The funeral was beautiful. The whole ceremony was different than the one participated in the Red Eclipse pack. More peaceful and commemorating.
However, the thing that was important to me is when Alec and I had sat together in the flowers field after he practically fled away after the funeral was over.
I didn't want to impose or invade his comfort or privacy so I waited half an hour before I tracked his scent to the field.

He looked devastated, he had been ever since Amara died. Unfortunately, I have never been one who knew how to comfort others. Hence, all I could do; or think of doing, was sit on the grass by the flowers next to him while I held his hand.
I could tell that he was very conflicted; having an inner war with himself and with Amoux. And as much as I wanted to help him, I don't think I was the right person to do that considering how I have an inner battle with myself almost every day.
"This is wrong." Was the first thing he whispered to me as he blankly stared at the sunset. I wanted to tell him that it is okay, that he would find a way to make things right. But I knew that it was a lie, so I couldn't bring myself to say any of it.

The truth was, nothing he can do can make any of it right, and I wasn't too blind to see or realize that. I think neither was Alec. Even if, and when, he saves the pack from the encantados, the people who died and will die in the process will remain dead, the pain won't fly away like a passing brutal wind, and the trauma won't be gone as a lightning bolt does in the middle of a storm.
Even though the storm will eventually pass, we will still have to deal with the destruction it will leave behind. And I think Alec will be the one most affected by it; he already was.
"Alec..." I started saying, but I couldn't find my words; not the right ones at least.
"I wrote my father a letter." Alec said after he took notice of my struggle to comfort him. Part of me wanted to curse myself for my inability to help, but the look of understanding and admiration in his eyes prevented me from doing that.

He will never judge or despise us for what this life has turned us into. Not everyone has the ability to comfort those who are in mourning or in distress. Accalia seemed to agree with the tender look in Alec's crystal blue eyes.
"Did he write back to you?" My voice was hoarse; nervous. I didn't like that while he was in pain, he still considered my comfort.
The important thing is that you're here with him Shadow, a wolf can be comforted by his mate's sole presence.
Thank you Accalia.
I thanked my wolf.
Ever since Amara died, I have noticed a change between my wolf and I. I still couldn't distinguish what happened between us, but I reckoned I would find out as time passes. But, whatever it was, there was a calm and tranquility between us that had not been there before.

"Well, in my letter, I informed him of everything Owen revealed to us. And as it turns out, my father already knew about other encantado in the Red Eclipse pack. He was about to write me a letter about it when he received mine."
"Did he say anything we didn't already know?"
"No, they are being extremely careful. He cannot discover anything." The frustration and the anger in his voice should have scared, but I understood his pain. I understood how it feels like to see the person you cared about most die before your eyes.
And I remember that when I first went through it, all I wanted was someone to hold me while I drowned in my pain, so that is exactly what I did for Alec.
I turned towards him and wrapped my arms around him. He immediately embraced me back and buried his face in my neck.

I noticed how his breathing was uneven, so I held him a little closer.
We have to find a way to make him deal with his grieve so he can focus on saving the pack.
I know that Accalia, but that cannot happen overnight.
Then we have to help him and keep him grounded, because the encantados won't wait for him to deal with everything and heal before they attack.
So, we will keep him grounded enough until we save the pack, and then we will have the time we need to help him deal with his grieve.

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