Uncharted 3, The Mystery of U...

By GothicMoonlight

2.3K 47 1

a year after Shambhala, Nathan and Ella Drake go out in search of the fabled "Atlantis of the Sands", however... More

Stealing Drake's Ring, Part 1
London Underground
The New Locations
The Old Estate
Through the Flames
The Middle Way
Ubar's Location
The Sinking Ship
A Flight to Catch
The Rub' Al Khali Desert
Saving Sully
The Atlantis of the Sands
Mother Vs Daughter
Something Better

Stealing Drake's Ring, Part 2

159 3 0
By GothicMoonlight

"Hey, I'm sorry about the wallet", Ella said as Nate sighed, "though, he was wrong about one thing though",

"And what's that", Nate asked

"Telegraphing all our moves", Ella stated, holding the key out, making Nate shocked, yet happy

"How did you do that", Nate asked, taking the key from Ella

"A good thief never reveals her secrets, what do you say, you still in", Ella asked

"Yeah, museum's closed, let's go", Nate stated as he and Ella began moving forward, onto the museum's roof and towards an open window; jumping roof to roof and helping each other out, Nate and Ella finally made it inside

"Care to do the honors", Ella asked as Nate nodded his head, unlocking the display case, and opening the door, Nate then grabbed the ring

"We got it", Ella said as Nate looked over at the astrolabe

"Hang onto this real quick", Nate asked, passing the ring to Ella as he picked up the astrolabe; in the center, was something that would be for a key, Ella soon put the ring in the center and the astrolabe began to spin

"Whoa", both Nate and Ella said in unison, looking at the astrolabe

"Damn it, kids", the man muttered, making the two turn their heads to see the man and the woman walking towards them, Ella quickly pulled the ring out of the astrolabe and hid it in her fist, behind her

"Why, Victor, look who it is... the filthy strays that made off with your wallet", the woman sneered, getting closer, Nate and Ella attempted to run, only to be cut off

"Come on, guys, you haven't got a chance, just hand it over", Sully stated, yet, both Nate and Ella seemed to be paralyzed with fear, causing the woman to take the astrolabe out of Nate's hand, later turning to Ella

"Now, the ring", the woman asked, holding out her hand; quickly and quietly, without the guards in the back noticing, Ella passed the ring to Nate; the woman grew tired and grabbed Ella's hand, Ella then gave her a small smile, opening her hand to reveal nothing

"What ring", Ella asked, the woman let out a sinister laugh before slapping Ella across the face, hard,

"El", Nate said in a worried tone as Ella held her cheek

"Katherine", Sully said in both shock and anger

"Who do you think you are, you're nothing but filthy cast-off little beggars, you're not fit to touch these objects", Marlowe sneered, raising her hand once again, Nate quickly stood in front of Ella to take the hit, but Marlowe was stopped by Sully

"What the hell do you think you're doing, they're just kids", Sully muttered

"Run", Ella whispered

"Run", Nate whispered back, both began making a run for it

"Stop them", Marlowe ordered, her goons made an attempt to capture them, but both evaded them

"Upstairs", Ella said

"Holy crap", Nate said in shock

"They have the ring", one goon shouted

"You sure you know her", Nate asked

"She and my mom were best friends, I've never met her though", Ella said, the two climbing up through a window

"Break the door down", a goon ordered as the door was then smashed open

"Oh god", Nate said in panic

"You still have the ring", Ella asked

"Yeah", Nate said, holding his hand open for a second, opening the door to the roof; Ella slipped through the fence, right as Nate was halfway, he was grabbed, dropping the ring in the process

"Let go", Nate shouted, Ella grabbed Nate's hand and began pulling him free, which lead to success; Ella then quickly grabbed the ring and the two began running once again, only for more goons to come in

"Oh crap, who the hell are these guys", Nate asked

"I don't know, just keep running", Ella said, jumping over to another roof, the goons wouldn't stop

"Enough of this, shoot them", a goon ordered

"Now they're shooting at us", Nate said in panic, as the goons began shooting; Ella tripped and fell, accidentally dropping the ring, Nate was quick to grab it before it fell off the roof as Ella quickly got up

"You ok", Nate asked

"I'm fine, nice save though", Ella said as Nate nodded his head, the two continued running, and climbing up buildings; Sully was even helping them in the wings, making a big jump, the two grabbed ahold of the gutters, only for Ella's to begin to break; as the goons were about to jump, Nate dropped the ring into Ella's hand, not long after, the gutter broke, sending Ella sliding down the roof; luckily enough, she made it through a window, but hit her head on a kitchen floor in the process, sitting down, she held her head

"ELLA, RUN", Nate shouted as he began moving, turning around, Ella saw some goons coming towards her, and others going after Nate; she quickly got up and made a run for it, leaving through another window, Nate dropped down right next to her

"You still got it", Nate asked

"Yeah", Ella said, showing the ring to Nate before passing it to him, not long after, the two jumped down, only for a goon to grab them, but the two accidentally threw him off the roof; in shock, Nate and Ella continued running, but found themselves at a dead end, a goon walking towards them, with a gun out

"Look what we have here", the goon said, Nate bent down and grabbed a gun, moving Ella behind him, yet she moved her hand over both Nate and Ella's fingers on the trigger; both guns were pointed at each other, as both Nate and Ella began backing up, the two accidentally tripped over each other, falling to the floor

"Whoops, you alright, what are you two shaking for", the goon asked, "just close your eyes, this won't hurt a bit",

Both Nate and Ella closed their eyes, right as they were about to pull the trigger, a gun shot rang out, making the two jump; but neither of them felt any pain, slowly opening their eyes, the goon's gun dropped and the man fell, dead, Sully right behind him with his own gun out; as Sully moved forward, Nate still pointed the gun at him, but Sully kept moving forward, helping the two up, taking the gun from Nate and throwing it away

"Come on, you're ok, kids", Sully said

(Time Skip)

At a bar, both Nate and Ella waited, both standing in a spot, Nate looking at Drake's ring that was now around his neck; as for both, today had been a huge thrill, and both weren't sure if they wanted to continue that, yet both remained on guard

"You can relax, kids, we're safe here", Sully stated, walking over to a table, setting sown two plates full of food, alongside two sodas and a beer, "go on... suit yourselves, if you don't want it",

Nate and Ella both walked forward, sitting down at the table, in front of the plates of food and began to eat; yet both were still on guard about what happened, though, it seemed to slowly go away, and Sully didn't want to raise their guard up further

"What do you want from us", Nate asked as Sully lit up a cigar

"A little gratitude would be nice, I did just save your asses back there", Sully stated

"Thanks", both Nate and Ella said in unison

"But what's in it for you, I mean, you're a crook, right", Nate asked once again, attempting to take the beer, only for Sully to snatch it away with a laugh, Nate grabbing a soda instead

"You gotta have an angle", Ella added

"You two are a piece of work, what's your stories anyway", Sully asked

"Look, mister, no offense, but we don't even know you", Ella stated

"Easily remedied, Victor Sullivan; this would be the part where you two introduce yourselves", Sully said, only for the two to stay quiet, "okay, I suppose you both tell me what's so special about that ring",

"It belongs in my family", Nate stated, "I'm just taking it back, she was helping me",

"Passed down from Francis Drake himself", Sully asked

"That's right", Nate said

"I don't know how to break it to you, but Drake didn't have any heirs, no children", Sully stated

"Well... not with his wife back in England anyway...", Nate said

"Ok, good point, let me see it", Sully asked, only for Nate to get defensive, "kid, if I was gonna take it from you, I would've done it by now",

"He's telling the truth, not sure how I know, but I do", Ella whispered as Nate took Drake's Ring off from around his neck and handed it to Sully

"Thank you, so, what's this, Parvis M", Sully began

"Sic Parvis Magna", it means "Greatness from Small Beginnings", both Nate and Ella said in unison

"It was his motto", Nate added, "you see, Queen Elizabeth gave it to him in 1581, when he got back to England after circumnavigating the globe, that's when she made him a knight",

"Neither of you learned that on the streets, how come you two know Latin", Sully asked

"The nun's sort of insisted on it", Nate said

"I read many books", Ella said

"So, like a boarding school", Sully asked

"You could say that", Nate said

"Ok, then, what business does the ring and astrolabe have back there", Sully asked

"Why don't you tell us, you're the one working for them", Ella stated

"Look, a client wants something, I obtain it, for a price, I don't ask any questions, just a job, but pretty sure I'm fired", Sully said

"Alright, look, first off, that was no astrolabe, it's a decoding device", Ella stated, Nate showing Sully his journal

"Check this out, on his way around the world, Drake sailed through the East Indies... only he says that it took him six months to get from here to here", Nate explained, "but it doesn't add up, he was way too good a sailor for that, it would've taken him a month, tops; he was hiding something, something big",

"How big", Sully asked

"Like secret-mission-from-the-Queen big", Ella stated, "millions of plundered treasure that hasn't ever been recovered, big",

"That big", Sully said

"That big", Nate said

"And that decoder has something to do with it", Sully asked

"We would bet our lives on it", Nate stated, Ella nodding her head

"And Marlowe's got it", Sully muttered

"Won't do her much good without the key", Ella stated as Nate held up Drake's Ring

"So, it's a stalemate then", Sully said

"For now", Nate said

"So, you two still haven't told me what your names are", Sully asked

"And you still haven't told us what you want from us", Ella said

"Ok, look, you two have talent, but you have a lot to learn; stick with me and I'll teach you guys a few things", Sully explained, "whaddya say we try this again, my friends call me Sully",

"Nathan Drake, Nate", Nate greeted

"Ella Davis", Ella greeted

"Drake, Davis, huh, ok, I see great things in our future, kids, great things", Sully said

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