Psychotic Kids '-' Eli Moskow...

By Fandom_Monarch

571K 13.2K 2.2K

Harley Lawrence has been screwed over her entire life. Her family has put her through hell, and so far it doe... More

I'm Harley
It'll Be Great
I Missed You Too Nerd
Love You Idiot
Right Here Man
Cobra Kai Never Dies
Because Of All That
16 Years
Atta Girl
Which One
Another Chance
That's Enough!
He's Okay
Not A Date
Not Until You Do
5 Pieces
We're Going
Our Friking Kid
Old Friends
Fucking Tears
Don't Lose
El Serpiente
The Monkey
Observer My Ass
What Do We Do?
I Am Calm
Harley That's Enough
Stupid Freak
What I Said
Don't Hate Yourself
Stay With Me
All Of You
It's Over
No Rules
Fucking Finally
Hold Still
No Thanks To You
I Am At Peace
Can They?
What'd You Do
Say It's Fine
Hey Squirt
Holding Up
You Got Lucky
You're Doing It
Paid The Price
Cobra Kai For Life
Okay Show Off
The Scars You Can't See
Let's Talk
I Love You Asshole
All Of You
You Ready?
A New Era
Hang In There Harls
It's Okay Baby
Hey Hunny
Not Even Me
It's A Wonder
Unstoppable Together
You Got This
Hey Bro
Hey Princessa
Oooo He's Cute
You're Too Late Harley
Demetri's Right
Someone Should Go
How Do You Feel
My Junior Prom
I Got Him
All By Herself
It Didn't Work
All You Got
Whether I Win Or Whether I Lose
It's Gonna Be Alright
What The Hell Dad
The Fun Way
Mi Hermano
Wanna Talk
Normal Teenage Brother
Long Summer
Let Them Do It
Named After A Motorcycle
Ex Assholes
I Don't Wanna Prove Myself
Boyfriend Material
Eres Mio
It's Nothing
The Way You Are

I Like A Challange

6.1K 154 29
By Fandom_Monarch

I was walking to the dojo to get in some solo training when I saw… probably the least likely of people walking out of there.

“Dem?” I questioned

He looked up at me, rushing over, his eyes blown wide and scared. I rushed over, meeting him half way when I realized his nose was puffy and bleeding.

“I- Shit- shit shit shit” he held a hand under his nose

“Demetri what- did my dad do this?” I questioned

“What? No he wasn’t there, it was this other guy”

I froze. Kreese was there. I cracked my neck, screwing my eyes shut for a moment, attempting to be inconspicuous as I took a soft grip on Demetri, helping him to my car.

“What- where are we going?” he asked panicked

“Back to my apartment” I sighed

“What? No no way, you don’t know how to fix a broken nose!” he exclaimed

“Yeah, yeah I do” I nodded, not lying “I do it like- multiple times a month” I turned my car on

“We’re not going back to your apartment” Demetri ordered

“Well where the hell would you rather go!?” 

“Um… Hospital!” he exclaimed like it was obvious.

I sighed, rolling my eyes, but I did as he wished and drove him to the hospital. I didn’t feel like going to practice today anyway. Not if Kreese was confirmed to be there. I could hide my shit, but not that well.

As promised I drove Demetri to the hospital. His mother flipped out of course, that was one thing I was trying to avoid. I was worried about everyone at Cobra Kai. We all came from damaged family’s and backgrounds. We all had trauma, and trauma means manipulation. Especially Eli. He had been so quick to transform from Eli to Hawk, and I was proud of him for that, but what else could he evolve into? I don’t want him to go down the same path as my dad. I didn’t wanna lose him.


After the doctor dealt with Demetri, who’s mom refused to let me go home with them. I caved and went to the dojo anyway. I just had to stay with someone at all times… couldn’t be that hard. I changed into my gi in the car, I was late already as it is.

“.... But if you do what I tell you to do, you’ll at least have a chance at becoming a fighter” my dad was giving all the news kids a speech “But to do that, you gotta fight- Harley you’re late” my dad didn’t even look me in the eyes when he talked

“Sorry sensei” I got in my spot, avoiding looking at Kreese “Car trouble”

“Yeah well, lucky for you, you get to spar one of these pussies. 100 push ups if you don’t win” he stood firm

I cracked my neck, rolling my shoulders back. What is it with him and the push ups?

“Yes sensei” I mumbled.

“So… which one of you has the balls to take on the champ?” Dad looked around the room.

No one said anything for a long while. I was worried I’d have to do 100 push ups by default. I really wasn’t in the mood. 

“I’ll take her on” a voice from the back of the room said

We all turned around, seeing a tall blonde girl. Definitely taller than I was, no doubt. She was dressed in all sports wear, but also make up. Yeah this was a girl who gets underestimated a lot.

“Oh you will huh?” Dad questioned

“I saw your little demo at Valley Fest. You guys can put on a show. Can you actually fight?” the girl asked

I couldn’t help but smirk. She sounds like me. Dad walked up to her, she didn’t back down.

“That sounds like a challenge” 

“I like a challenge” I smirked, getting the girl's attention.

“Harley. Show Little Miss Hotshot here what Cobra Kai is all about” Dad ordered, walking back to the front of the room. 

“Sure thing pops” I chuckled

Everyone cleared the mat, as me and the new girl stood across from each other. I had a smirk on my face the entire time, but I faked worry.

“Look, are you sure you wanna do-”

The girl instantly took a kick at me, I dodged it easily. Everyone made sounds of shock, the girl looked somewhat confused. I just shrugged, keeping my hands up to guard. The girl let down her guard.

“You didn’t underestimate me” the girl took in. I gave her another shrug and a smile, surprisingly she smiled back “I like you already”

“Me too” I lunged forwards, taking a punch which she dodged.

From there it was fast fighting. She had training, that was for sure. But not enough of it. When she tried to take a flying punch at me I caught her legs, slamming her onto the ground. She got to her feet, getting in a few good punches, nothing I hadn’t handled before. 

“You’re telegraphing” I told her, tripping her to the floor again “Don’t let me see it coming”

From the ground she tackled me around my waist, sending us both to the ground. She quickly stood up and I stayed on the ground, once again faking hurt.

“Did you see that coming?” she sassed

“Maybe” I smirked, wrapping my legs around hers and sending her to the ground once again. I got up, offering her a hand down “I’m Harley”

“Tory” she panted, taking my hand and standing up, but at the last second she spun me over her shoulder. Good grief. She pinned me down, bending my arm back “With a Y”

“Oh really? Me too” I made… probably the stupidest move I’ve ever done, dislocating my shoulder and rolling over to trap her in a one armed headlock “Gah- fuck that hurt” I hissed, keeping her trapped until she tapped out.

I got up, panting and already sweating. I don’t know what came over me. I just didn’t care and I did it. Suddenly the pain didn’t matter, all that mattered was winning. 

“Harley are you okay!?” Hawk shouted, rushing over to me

“Why the hell would you do that!?”

“That was badass, but dude!”

Everyone gathered around me. I tried to push them off of me, and get away from the crowd. I met eyes with Kreese, who had an un-destict look on his face. I cracked my neck, which hurt more than it usually did, giving him a death glare.

“Harley!” my dad’s voice rang in my ears. I cringed, spinning around to look at him. He stood over me, worry all over his face “... good job. You did good” he nodded

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“Thanks dad” I nodded, clenching my jaw to distract from the pain.

Dad nodded and walked away from me. It wasn’t much, but from my dad, that was definitely something.

“That was… terrifying” Tory walked up to me with a shocked face “You crazy or something?”

“It’s been said” I nodded “You fight good ya know. Don’t let one loss deter you”

“Oh don’t worry, I won't” she grinned

“You don’t seem like the kind anyway” I chuckled, hissing as most movements hurt my arm.

“You uh- need some help with that?” Tory asked

“Uh… Gotta pop it back in place eventually… but I don’t wanna be a pussie infront of everyone, just in case” I joked, mostly “But if you wanna help me now”

Tory rolled her eyes, looking around the room. I chuckled, grabbing Miguel and Hawk. Everyone had dispersed into a water break, or warming up. Dad and Kreese had gone into the office. 

“You’re out of your mind ya know that right?” Miguel questioned “Of all the crazy things you’ve done. This may be the worst”

“It was badass though!” Hawk laughed

“Yeah yeah well now we gotta fix it” I sighed “You guys need to hold me, Tory here is gonna un-dislocate my arm”

“Kay, Mohawk, hold onto her waist, keep her chest close to yours so she can’t move too much” Tory instructed

“Ah good, something I know how to do” Hawk grinned, holding me against his chest

“Okay you” she pointed to Miguel “When I nod, push on her shoulder”

“Uh- yeah okay” Miguel nodded

“Brace for impact serpent queen” Tory smiled 

“Huh, that’s a new o- holy shit!” I shouted, gritting my teeth as Miguel and Tory popped my arm back in place

“I’ll get some ice” Miguel rushed off.

Stayed put in Hawk’s chest. Not that I was crying or anything. I just didn’t wanna move away.

“Comfy down there princess?” Hawk chuckled

“Oh yeah, just peachy” I huffed, trying to roll my shoulder out.

It stung, but it was definitely bearable. Miguel gave me some ice, and I still didn’t move away from Hawk. He was comforting, and I just needed that right now.

“I have a girlfriend remember” Hawk chuckled offhandedly

I sighed, pulling away from him at that. Not what I wanted to be thinking about while hugging Hawk. The fact that I couldn’t have him… Wait what?


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