The Unexpected Happily Ever A...

By TheNurseNextDoor01

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Life happens while you're busy making plans. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

31 1 0
By TheNurseNextDoor01

    Andrea's idea of wild and crazy fun had been matching tattoos. I had never even thought about getting one, but I sucked it up and went along with her. We now each sported a small dinosaur tattoo on the inside of our wrists. Why dinosaurs? Because she thought they were "just too cute not to get." Avoiding Dylan had been pretty easy. We didn't have any classes together. We did have the same lunch period, but Andrea and I had taken to eating outside everyday. Plus, it's pretty easy avoid someone who isn't actually looking for you. He was all wrapped up in Holly after prom. The perfect little couple. Graduation came and went. I managed to make my valedictorian speech without passing out in front of the crowd, and Andrea and I left for Boston that same night. After everything that happened with Dylan regarding prom, my mom had agreed that a fresh start in Boston was exactly what I needed. I hadn't had to do much convincing. I was surprised that she agreed so easily, but she had just simply said that it was time for me to move on with my life.

A Week Later

"Hey mom, I got your message. What's up?" I asked as I slipped off my shoes beside the front door.

"Nothing. I just wanted to check in with you. See how things are going up in the big city." My mother replied. The smile evident in her voice.

"Everything is good. We actually just got back home. We got the jobs that I mentioned last time we spoke, so I'll be making some money pretty soon." I told her.

"That's awesome sweetie. I am so proud of you." She replied before hesitating.

"What's wrong mom? And don't say nothing. There's something that you aren't telling me." I prodded.

"Dylan came by the house today." She said.

"Huh? Why?? What did he want?" I asked.

"I don't know. He said that he wanted to talk to you. I obviously told him that you weren't here. Then he asked when you'd be back and if he could wait." She said.

"What did you say?" I questioned.

"I told him that you weren't coming back. That you had already left for college. I also tossed in that the time to talk to you would have been literally any time over the last month. He looked dumbfounded, and that's how I left him when I closed the door on him." My mother replied.

I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up, "I can't believe you'd do that mom. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall."

"Well, he did you wrong. I don't like people mistreating my baby. He didn't deserve you. Hopefully, you will find a handsome doctor or lawyer while you're up there." She replied.

"I don't want to find anyone mom. I just want to keep my head down and get into law school." I said.

"You're going to be amazing sweetheart. There's not a doubt in my mind. I've got to go baby. Don't forget to call me from time to time. I love you." She said.

"I love you too mom." I replied before hanging up.

Dylan's POV

"Bro, you're late. What happened?" Trey asked as I approached our group in the bowling alley.

"I went by to see Arden before coming here." I replied.

"That's kind of hard to do seeing as she left for Boston graduation night." Matt commented.

"Yeah, well, I didn't know that she had left already. How the hell did you know?" I asked.

"Dude, everyone except you knew. I don't know how you missed it. That friend of her's told the whole world. It's all she talked about after prom." Liam commented.

"It's hard to know what's going on in the rest of the world when your face is glued to Holly's full time." Trey tossed out.

"Dude don't bring her up." I grumbled.

"It's the truth." Matt said, "You were so wrapped up in that chick that the apocalypse could have hit and you would have missed it."

"Yeah, well, it's over now. She ran off to LA to 'chase her dreams' with that douche she met online." I muttered, wishing that they would just drop it.

"Anyway, why did you go by to see Arden?" Liam asked.

"Because we're friends and I feel like we haven't seen or talked to each other in forever. I was just checking on her." I said.

"Uh huh." Trey commented.

"What?" I asked.

"Well you said you feel like it's been forever, but it's been specifically since you dropped her three days before prom. It's not a coincidence dude. You were just too absorbed in Holly to notice. It's also not a coincidence that you only became bothered by the lack of communication once Holly dumped your ass. Y'all weren't friends bro. She was a friend to you. You were a douche, and that's fine. I get it. She comes from a single mom, and they're broke. Your family isn't. She's nerdy. You were one of the most popular guys in our school. She looks mousy and plain. You can pull any chick that you want. You're the life of the party, and I don't think she went to a single party all four years of high school. I understand that you weren't interested in her like that, but you would have had to be blind not to see that she was in love with you. When you ditched her for Holly at the last minute after she had already bought a prom dress, she was done dude. She isn't coming back." Liam replied.

"Bro when did you become Dr. Phil?" Matt asked.

"I have a single mom and four sisters. I swim in estrogen." Liam replied with a laugh.

"I didn't think I was better than her, and she doesn't feel like that about me. We're friends. We've been friends forever." I muttered in a weak defense.

"Dude we're not trying to argue with you. We offered you some insight. Believe it. Don't believe it. Either way the rest of us are bowling. You can join or you can mope about Arden. It's up to you." Trey said before standing up and heading towards the lane with his bowling ball.

    I hadn't believed the guys that night when they said Arden wasn't coming back, but they had been right. It was rumored that she and Andrea came home occasionally for holidays, but no one ever actually saw either of them. Her social media accounts were all deleted, and Andrea had blocked me and my friends from all of her's. I knew she had blocked us and not deleted us because from time to time I'd over hear someone around town mention that the two of them had accomplished this or that. If the rumors were true, the two of them had really made lives for themselves in Boston.

Four Years Later
Arden's POV

"Girls, I'm so proud you both." My mother gushed as she snapped pictures of Andrea and I in our caps and gowns.

"Thank you mom, but you know this is just the first part. Andrea and I will both be starting all over come fall. She's working on a Master's in Fine Art and I will be starting law school." I said.

"Baby girl, you both have done something amazing. Most people will never walk across the stage at Harvard and be given a diploma. Therefore, I intend to celebrate this moment and make a big deal out of you. You should too! Not to mention Andrea landing a job at that fancy gallery and you being hired on at that big law firm!" My mother declared.

"Don't worry Ms. Johnson. Arden will be celebrating every day for the next week whether she wants to or not. We fly out for Miami tonight and then we will board our cruise in the morning. Seven days of fun and sun in the Caribbean. Then when we get back, we will be spending a week with you and my parents in Mississippi before we rejoin the real world here in Boston again." Andrea announced as she wrapped my mother up in a hug.

"I love you sweetie." My mom said as she hugged Andrea back, "I'm so sorry that Mr. And Mrs. Winston couldn't be here today, but I know they're proud of you."

"Yeah, their business deal was supposed to be done by now, but it didn't work out. They called this morning and congratulated both of us." Andrea said.

"Well let's get you girls home and all packed up. Y'all fly out at five and I fly out at five thirty. We don't want to miss our flights." My mom chirped.

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