Sweet Little Birds (BxB Roman...

By lisa_london_

80.3K 6.2K 9.8K

Robin doesn't want to be a tutor. Tyler doesn't want to be tutored. So why are their tutoring sessions always... More

Sweet Greetings!
Chapter 1: Sugar Rush
Chapter 2: Lemon Meringue Pie
Chapter 3: Candy Wrapper
Chapter 4: A Dozen Donuts
Chapter 5: Half a Dozen Donuts
Chapter 6: Soda Splatter
Chapter 7: Chocolate Bunny
Chapter 8: Bitter Cocoa
Chapter 9: Crushed Cocoa
Chapter 10: Strawberry Milkshake
Chapter 11: Marshmallow Kisses
Chapter 12: Tofu Noodle Soup
Chapter 13: Rainbow-Sprinkled Cupcakes
Chapter 14: Pancakes, Waffles, and French Toast
Chapter 15: Pool of Pudding
Chapter 16: Pop-Tarts
Chapter 17: Popsicle
Chapter 18: Peppermint Drops
Chapter 19: Snack Carrots
Chapter 20: Cookie-Dough Ice Cream
Chapter 21: Picnic Basket
Chapter 22: Strawberry Pie
Chapter 23: Sugar-Free Candy
Chapter 24: Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chapter 25: Hard Lemonade
Chapter 26: Fruit Punch
Chapter 27: Birthday Cake
Chapter 28: Bitter medicine
Chapter 29: Late-Night Snack
Chapter 30: Chocolate Fudge
Chapter 31: Caramel-Topped Latte
Chapter 32: Popcorn
Chapter 33: Granola Bar
Chapter 34: Pure Sugar
Chapter 35: Sugary Jitters
Chapter 36: Hospital Food
Chapter 37: Ring Pop
Chapter 38: Hot Chocolate
Chapter 40: Candy Hearts
Chapter 41: Blueberry Muffins
Chapter 42: Jello Cups
Epilogue: Rainbow Lollipops
Sweet Goodbye (notes from the author)
Sweet Character Art
Bonus Chapter: Snack Spread
Bonus Chapter: Trick or Treat
Bonus Chapter: Valentine's Day Chocolate
Christmas Special!
Bonus Chapter: One-year Anniversary
Bonus Chapter: Two-year Anniversary
Introducing: Bitter Treats
Bonus Chapter: The Great Pumpkin Cake Race
Pride Bonus Chapter: Pancakes, Hot Dogs, and Ketchup

Chapter 39: Movie Snacks

1K 95 87
By lisa_london_

Swooshes and loud bangs bellowed from the movie screen. A kaleidoscope of bright colors danced over the audience.

After enduring a tense last few weeks of the semester--featuring finals, scholarship paperwork, and walking training--Robin and Tyler had chosen to celebrate their achievements with a date night at the cinema to watch a cheesy superhero movie.

A popcorn hit Robin's eyebrow and he suspiciously glanced at Ty, who made a gurgling sound as he finished the last of his milkshake. The tickets to the showing might have been free--courtesy of Robin's job benefits--but the snack bill had been huge. Luckily, Robin had sold his car the week before, as he realized he wouldn't be able to pay gas or insurance for it anyway, so he had enough cash to cover the expenses.

"Do you even know what's going on in the movie, Robby?" his boyfriend whispered, so close that Robin could smell the vanilla and butter on his breath. It was an alluring scent.

"Of course..." Robin stuttered, his mind too wrapped up in nervousness and excitement for what was about to come after the movie to pay attention. "Batman... did some stuff and now he'll save the world."

"Right..." Ty replied with a cheeky smile that lit up even the darkened movie theater.

"So what's happening in the movie then?" Robin asked.

"I don't know." Ty shrugged. "My mind might be elsewhere..."

They both quickly glanced around the half-empty theater, to make sure no eyes were on them, and then met in a quick popcorn-and-milkshake flavored kiss. Kissing in public was always a bit scary because while they might be out to their closest circle of family and friends, there was no telling who was watching and what they would think. But constantly refraining from kissing was an impossible task.

Fingers interlaced against the red velvet fabric of the armrest as they felt assured that the surrounding darkness of the theater would shield them from prying eyes.

Unable to keep from touching their fingers drew little circles on each other's skin. It was a wonder how those easy and breezy taps could create such thunderous reactions throughout their bodies. None of what happened on-screen mattered anymore, the only thing that mattered was the tingling spots where their bodies nudged against each other.

As a small yelp escaped Robin's throat--which made him bite his lip to stay quiet--Ty turned toward him. His hand released from Robin's and instead wandered toward his boyfriend's thigh, each inch making the thunder in Robin's body roar louder. He looked over toward Ty with a pleading expression and whispered "Please don't".

His mischievous boyfriend didn't obey Robin's spoken wish and instead continued upward. Firmly he stroked across the fly of Robin's pants and encouraged the reaction that already brewed underneath. "Not here," Robin mumbled, even though he wanted Ty to continue doing exactly what he was doing. Decency and common sense be darned.

He felt a bit disappointed as Ty obliged this time, interlacing his hand with Robin's again and leaning over toward Robin's ear. "Just checking that you're ready for later," he whispered and nibbled Robin's ear lobe lightly like it was a piece of candy.

Robin just nodded, as the touching and nibbling were becoming a bit too much for him to handle. Instead, he focused on breathing to get his body to cooperate with him again.

He looked up at the screen and realized--to his surprise--that the credits had started to roll. Distracted by his company, Robin had not noticed that the movie had ended. But he was happy it had because he was very eager to get to the next part of their evening. Too eager in fact. Which made it inappropriate for him to rise from his seat at the moment.

"Just let me..." he mumbled and looked down at his bulging groin. "I need a moment."

Robin received no sympathy from his boyfriend, who appeared amused and proud of what he had achieved. "Poor Robby," Tyler commiserated and patted Robin on the knee. It didn't help. In fact, it made matters worse.

"Go sit over there," Robin ordered his boyfriend in frustration over his current predicament and pointed toward a chair further away. "If you ever want to get out of here."

Probably eager to get to the next part of the evening as well, Tyler followed Robin's instructions. He rose from his seat--a maneuver made easier by him no longer needing crutches or even a cane most of the time--and moved a few seats down to give Robin some space to cool down. To occupy his mind from the hot blonde boy a few feet away--still with a wicked smile on his lips--Robin read every name in the credits. Perhaps it would be good knowledge for his coming quiz bowl battles against Tristan, as Robin had signed up to join Vale U's team next semester.

Just as the after-credits scene commenced, Robin was finally ready to leave. He thanked his lucky star for that remaining scene though, because it made them lingering in the theater past credits seem less odd to his coworkers at the cinema--who had already started to clean the aisles.

"Let's go." Robin took Ty's hand in his, suddenly in a hurry to get out of there. To get home. To get the rest of their night started. He held the hand tightly as they exited the theater, still in the cover of darkness, and didn't let go until they got into the foyer. By now, after being a couple for more than a month, they had the routine of when to hold and when to let go pat-down. It was just the way it had to be unless they wanted to call unwanted attention to themselves.

The parking lot outside was dark but the blinking light from Tyler pressing his car keys--well Lance's car keys really, as Tyler had borrowed his cousin's car--told them where to go. Tyler still was an anxious driver--which was understandable after his still-recent accident--but after encouragement from his boyfriend and family, he now felt comfortable driving short distances on familiar routes. Which basically meant between his aunt and uncle's place, the university, and the mall, where he often picked up his boyfriend after his last shift at the cinema, so they could get some extra time together.

"Your place?" Tyler turned the key.

Robin nodded. "My place," he confirmed and leaned over for another buttery sweet kiss just as the engine started to roar.

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