The Song of the Sea

By Jinglebean

61.7K 3.8K 2.4K

Captain Jacob Riley needs to get home, but the sea is a dangerous place. In a last ditch effort to make it... More

Author's Note
1. A Piece of Seaweed a Day....
2. The 6th Master
3. Lumpy Porridge
4. Your Turn or Mine?
5. Never Waste Good Food
6. A Deep Clean
7. A Bed for the Night
8. Banished
9. Trust Your Instincts
10. Lonely
11. A Change of Plan
12. Sea Witch
13. Four Fatal Mistakes
14. Cursed
15. Weapons Don't Weep
16. The Smell of a Goblin
17. Enjoy the View
18. Dead or Alive
19. Part of the Crew
20. A Safe Space
21. Sing to Me
22. The Song's End
23. Sail Ho!
24. The Pull of the Ocean
25. Love and Loss
26. A Fight to the Death
27. Mutiny
28. An Old Enemy
29. A Deal
30. A Captain Never Quits
31. Fight or Flight
32. Trading Sirens
33. Sing to Me
35. Soaring High
36. To Give a Soul
37. Aftermath
38. Camouflage
39. A Foreign Land
40. Home
Author's Note
Lyle's Story - Authors Note
Lyle's Story - The Beginning
Lyle's Story - The Middle
Lyle's Story - The End?

34. Never Enough

1K 80 45
By Jinglebean

A/N Second of two updates today - it was too long so I had to split the chapter.

The sound was familiar but also different to the last time, Raephier noted. It still had the same ethereal quality and the same sweet mellow harmonies that had almost a breathy quality. Like they were made by the wind.

But this time the song seemed to have more urgency. The notes swirled around him almost like they were being caught up in a hurricane of energy. Considering how much more heightened Raephier's emotions were this time, he wasn't particularly surprised.

Within seconds of the song's first note, a sudden hush fell across the two ships. Even the air around them seemed to still.

Then slowly, almost like they were just waking up from a trance, the pirates started scanning the area around them, their eyes catching whoever was nearest as their hands went to draw their weapons. Then, with a roar, they charged.

Swords clashed, bodies collided then were hurled into the sides of the ship, grunts and cries of anger and then pain sliced through the air. The crack of a pistol snapped Raephier's attention back to Jacob, the song rising to a crescendo along with Raephier's heart beat.

The relief he felt when he saw that the pistol had been aimed elsewhere was mirrored in the swell of the song.

And then his eyes met those of Jacob.

Raephier didn't think he'd ever seen Jacob's eyes so wide before. He was staring at him in what could only be described as awe.

"Is that you?" Jacob asked. And even though he was still several feet away, somehow his voice carried to Raephier through the chaos as if he was talking directly into his ear.

"Yes," Raephier replied.

"It's absolutely beautiful," Jacob said, sounding a little out of breath.

The way he was looking at Raephier was making his heart ache. He looked at Raephier like he was the moon and the stars all rolled into one.

"Don't be sad," Jacob said, coming closer. "What you are doing is amazing. Listen Raephier!" he said, turning round with his arms out, like he could see and feel the notes dancing in the air. "That's you! That's all you!"

Raephier couldn't help the small smile at the pure joy on Jacob's face.

It was obvious that Jacob couldn't see what was going on around him. But Raephier could. From the corner of his eyes he saw the pirates start to fall. As much as he hated them, he couldn't find any part of him that was happy to see the blood and suffering that was going on around him. Jacob's men on the whole looked like they felt the same. The ear plugs were working well as they all just stood there, looking on at the pirates, with shock and sometimes horror on their faces. But then he saw something a little more disturbing. James must have had at least one of his ear pieces knocked out in his previous fight as he was currently locked in a ferocious sword fight with Jinx. He felt a sudden wave of panic, but then he saw Lyle dodging his way around the fighting pirates, heading James's way.

"Raephier," Jacob said, and Raephier startled when he turned back to see that Jacob was now standing right in front of him.

"Are you ok?" Jacob asked with a chuckle.

As much as Raephier loved to see this carefree and happy Jacob, it was hard to feel the same way.

"Yes, I just didn't expect you to be that close," Raephier said, taking a step back.

Jacob frowned, but the expression didn't last long, and then the smile was back.

"How can you look so sad when everything is perfect?" Jacob asked.

Raephier stared at Jacob. It was becoming obvious that he had no idea what was going on. He probably no longer knew he was about to die. He briefly considered telling him. Telling him that this was goodbye, telling him that he was sorry, shouting at him that this was all his fault and he should have never asked him to do this. But something stopped him. Possibly it was because he had a feeling that Jacob wouldn't hear a word he said, like he was in some kind of forcefield banning all negative thoughts, but mostly because he thought if this was the last time he was going to see Jacob, and these were Jacob's last few minutes alive, who wouldn't want to pass that time in blissful ignorance feeling that everything was perfect?

"I'm not sad," Raephier said, managing a genuine smile.

"Did you know it sounded like this?" Jacob said, his face like that of a child who had just been given a brand new toy. "You have a gift Raephier."

Those words jolted a memory out of the depths of his mind.

"It is both a gift and a curse," he said, repeating the words the sea witch had once told him, "It is a gift because it will give you everything your heart desires, but it is a curse because your heart's desires are no longer your own."

That made more sense to Raephier now. There was no happy ending for him. There never would be.

"And what does your heart desire Raephier?" Jacob asked, with a sparkle in his eye.

Raephier couldn't help the way his cheeks warmed up a little at Jacob's gentle teasing.

"I think you know the answer to that," he mumbled shyly, looking away.

Jacob laughed lightly, then took one of Raephier's hands in his own.

"I want to hear you say it."

Raephier took a deep breath then raised his eyes to meet Jacob's. There was no time to be shy. He wasn't going to get another opportunity to say it. He just wished that he'd had the opportunity to have this conversation when Jacob wasn't under some sort of spell. He wanted to know what Jacob's real reaction would have been.

"My heart desires you, you are my heart's desire" he said, forcing himself to maintain eye contact.

Raephier swore he saw Jacob's pupils dilate at those words, but he didn't get to see them for long, because Jacob pulled him tightly into his body throwing his arms around him.

Raephier tensed, but then quickly relaxed into his embrace, putting his arms slowly round Jacob, and resting his head on Jacob's shoulder.

"I've never felt this way about anyone before," Jacob said, his breath fanning Raephier's hair. "You're the most handsome, beautiful man, I've ever seen."

Raephier tried to enjoy his words. Tried to pretend that this was real, but he couldn't help the tear that ran down his cheek.

He reached up a hand to discreetly wipe it away, and then froze. He stared at his hand. It had changed. He yanked himself out of Jacob's embrace holding out both of his arms in front of him.

His stomach knotted, remembering the last time this had happened, when Jas turned him into a mermaid.

But what had Jacob turned him into?

The strong emotional response had stopped his brain from working for a few seconds, but when it finally engaged again, he couldn't help but feel confused.

"What's wrong Raephier?" asked Jacob, sounding worried.

"My hands," Raephier said, holding them out towards Jacob. "I don't understand. My hands have scars on them."

"Let's see?" Jacob asked, holding his hands out.

Raephier tentatively put his hands in Jacob's and Jacob scanned his hands closely. His finger ran gently over the scar that ran along the back of his hand from his forefinger to his wrist. When Jacob's finger got the the sleeve of Raephier's shirt, he gently pushed the shirt out of the way, and continued to trace the scar to its end.

Raephier closed his eyes, unable to look.

"Raephier? What's wrong?" Jacob asked again. "Why won't you look at me?"

"It's not you," Raephier said shakily, "it's the scars I can't bare to see."

"Why not?" Jacob asked. "They're beautiful, just like you."

Raephier couldn't help the sob that escaped him. He hadn't seen those scars in years. He didn't like the memories they brought back every time he saw them, so the moment he learned how to shape shift, he got rid of them.

But the worst thing was, Raephier knew there were more scars on him than just the one on his wrist. They were all over his body, including a burn mark on his face. Reminders of the cruelty that he'd been subjected to on this very ship. He wanted to hide. He'd never felt so exposed before. And yet Jacob was still looking at him like he was his whole world.

"I don't understand," Raephier said again. "Why are you doing this? You have the ability to change me into whatever you want, and you chose to see me ugly and scarred?"

"What do you mean?" Jacob said, looking a little amused. "I didn't change you. I can't do that."

Raepheir sighed. Jacob couldn't understand. He had no idea what he'd done.

"Then tell me what you see?" Raepheir asked.

Jacob smiled, and squeezed Raephier's hands.

"I see you Raephier. I've always seen you."

Raephier couldn't help the sob that forced its way up through his throat as he realised the true meaning of those words.

Jacob could have turned him into anything. A sculpted adonis, or a beautiful princess, but instead he had chosed to see Raephier in his truest form, stripped of all attempts at masking his real self. He chose him.

The first thing that Raephier felt was pure joy. For the first time in his whole life, he had found someone who thought he was good enough. He'd spent his whole life feeling like he was second rate. Back home, he never felt good enough for Jas. A prince was never going to fall in love with a commoner like him. Then there were his parents, who always seemed to be disappointed with him, telling him he should be more like Jas. And then his whole tribe banished him, like he didn't matter. And since then he'd been passed from one master to the next, always letting them down, never being the person they wanted him to be.

And here was Jacob, a brave, handsome, intelligent Captain; someone who could probably have the pick of any lady or man he wanted. And yet he'd chosen him. Raephier had finally found someone who thought he was good enough as he was. Someone who made him feel loved.

But of course the joy didn't last for long as it was followed quickly by a wave of pain. How could he lose this man now? He'd waited his whole life to find someone like Jacob and he was about to be ripped cruelly away from him.

"Please don't cry," Jacob said, using his thumbs to gently wipe away his tears.

Reaphier took a deep breath and then smiled back at Jacob. He couldn't be sad now. He needed to be strong, for Jacob.

Jacob's hands weaved their way round Raephier and he pulled their bodies flush together, so that their faces were just inches apart.

"I really want to kiss you," Jacob whispered, and Raephier had to hold back a whimper as he watched Jacob biting his bottom lip.

"You can't yet," Raephier replied quickly.

"But I really want to," Jacob said, playfully.

Raephier could feel it too. The pull. It was hard enough that Jacob was looking so adorable and puppy-like under the song's spell, but there was also something else. An undercurrent of energy that was pulling them together.

Raepheir stole a glance around him.

The ship was showing all the after effects of a bloody battle. The ship was in tatters, and there were bodies and blood everywhere. He watched as Jacob's men picked their way round broken masts and lifted upturned crates, looking for any signs of the living. He noticed that there were a few pirates who were still alive, but they had been tied up by Jacob's men. He saw James tied up too, thrashing at his bindings, trying to get free.

The battle was over.

Raephier felt a lead weight settle in his stomach.

There was only one thing left for him to do.

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