Destined To Be Loved

By _Love_Juile_

5.3K 76 8

"Hey..please don't do this.." he said crouching in front of me and lifting up my chin with his hand. He wiped... More

Destined To Be Loved
The Perfect Guy
If Destiny Wanted To
Secret Friend
We're Friends Right?
Adrian's Girlfriend
Standard Tradition's Secret Crush
Ok, Just Cut Right to the Point. Got it
Man, I wish I had a camera on me right now
So That's it, There's Nothing Bettween Us?
What Are You, My Knight In Shinning Armor?
Charlie Is a Complete Gentleman
New Material
We Were Far From Being Just Friends
The Shack
Surprise, Surprise
Ask Me Again Before I Change My Mind

You Carry a Sharpie in Your Pocket?

167 4 2
By _Love_Juile_

Here's chapter nine! Please vote, and comment. I want to see who actually likes my story. Enjoy! And read on!

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                                                                             *Chapter Nine*

(Kayla's P.O.V)

Ugh! I am going to kill him! How dare he do that to me?! Twice! Stupid me, I kissed him back, but I couldn't help it. I had the biggest crush on him since forever, my emotions just took control over me, good thing Claire walked in or who knows what could've happened.

I couldn't help but think about how his lips fit perfectly with mine, they were soft yet demanding. I stopped and touched my lips trying to remember how it felt to have Justin's lips on them.

I was a few streets away from my own house, considering I ran half the time to get here. I just stood there trying to pull myself back together when I heard my name being called.

     "Kiki! Kiki, wait!" I turned around and was met with Justin running towards me. I ignored him and kept on walking, there was no reason for him to come running towards me. I didn't even realize how close he was until I was pulled back and collided with his chest.

He was close to my face and he was breathing hard from all that running, we just stared into each others eyes and he began to lean in. His lips were centimeters away from touching my own and I put my hand in between our faces. 

     "Nice try, but I have to be going now. Bye." I walked away and I ran all the way up to my room and was breathing hard.

I looked out my window and saw Justin standing in the same place I left him, he didn't see me, but I saw him and he was confused. Probably because I had left him, but since he forgot about me, I can do the same. I slumped down to the floor and was just thinking until I heard a knock on my door realizing that someone was home and I ran to the restroom and took a much needed shower.

                                                                          ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

     "You're going to the concert tonight with me and i'm not taking no for an answer."  

     "Umm ok, I wasn't going to complain anyways." I told Claire 

     "Good, now I have to pick out the right outfit for you to wear."

She went through all her clothes while I stood back, the concert was in an hour and Claire was already done, all that was left was me and Claire told me she was going to do all the work, and I didn't complain. First she started out with my hair, she curled it and styled it, then she moved on to my makeup. After all that trouble, she still didn't let me look in the mirror. 

     "Can I look now?" 

     "No, now stop talking so I can put your lipgloss on."

I sat there with my arms crossed over my chest waiting for her to say the two magical words I've been dying to hear. 

     "I'm done!" Yes! Finally  

     "About time." 

     "Here. Now go change, you got twenty minutes." Claire shoved me into the restroom and I had no choice, but to change.

I came out of the restroom but I had not looked in the mirror, I saw Claire sitting on her comfy chair reading a magazine, she didn't notice me until I cleared my throat. 

     "Oh. My. God." Claire said dropping her magazine on the floor 

     "What? Do I look that bad?" 

    "You look fucking amazing! Look." She dragged me to her full length mirror and my mouth dropped open.

I was wearing a tan dress that clung to my body and ended about mid-thigh, I had a belt around my waist and I was wearing some high heels. My curls were hanging loosely down my back and stopped just above my butt. I had to admit I looked good, and so did Claire, her dress was a blue dress that clung her body as well and she had some black heels, the only difference was her hair, it was straight and stopped at her shoulders.

     "Off we go to the boys." Claire said  

     "Really? Couldn't you have said, off to the concert, instead?" 

     "Nope, now lets go, we don't have time." 

     "Ok, ok." I took one last look in the mirror and went outside to my car and followed behind Claire.

                                                                          ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Once we got there, Claire led us to the front row in the middle seats. Tonight Standard Tradition were playing at a spacious bar and were getting paid a lot for playing. They were going to start in two minutes and I was playing solitaire on my phone to keep me distracted, and not think about how good Justin will look later. Wait. I'm thinking about him right now, ugh! Stupid solitaire! It didn't even distract me.

I was too busy having a mental battle with myself that I didn't notice the guy who standing next to me, stare at my body. 

     "If you're going to stare at me make sure you do it so I don't notice." He looked up at me and smirked, ugh he's one of those cocky guys, I just know it. 

     "I can't help it, you're a beauty and I had to look."

     "Ok, bye creeper." I turned towards the front and pretended that he left, but...he didn't. 

     "My name is Cameron, nice to meet you." I sighed and turned towards him, he was cutie, that's for sure. He had brown hair and light brown eyes that popped, overall he was hot. 

     "Kayla, nice to meet you too."

The show was about to begin and I saw all the guys come out on stage, the only people I knew were Adrian and Justin. Then Justin came out and winked at me, and I rolled my eyes. 

     "Is he your boyfriend?"  

     "No Cameron he's not my boyfriend." 

     "But you want him to be, I can see that you have a thing for him, you're just scared. I don't know why, but you are, I can help you in whatever you want." I looked over at Cameron and smiled

     "Ok, but why? You don't know me, and I definitely don't know you." 

     "You're a sweetheart and you need my help, just call me when you're ready." He grabbed my hand and turned it palm side up and wrote his number. 

     "You carry a Sharpie in your pocket?" 

     "Yea, for special moments like these." I rolled my eyes at him, but smiled nonetheless. 

     "Thanks and i'll definitely think about it." 

     "Ok, bye Kayla." 


(Justin's P.O.V)

     "If you're going to stare at me make sure you do it so I don't notice." I heard Kayla tell the guy next to her who was obviously raping her with his eyes. I was so close to beating the fuck out of the guy, but Adrian pulled me backstage. I took one last look at Kayla and I had my mouth open in shock, I hadn't really looked at her, I was more focused on the guy. I mean I know she was beautiful, but today she topped it off.

     "C'mon they already got here, and stop staring at Kayla, you look like the guy that was raping her with his eyes." Adrian said  

     "Shut up, I can't help it, she's so beautiful." 

     "You are so whipped and you aren't even together."  

     "You're as whipped as me, so we're on the same boat." 

     "Yeah, yeah, lets go they already announced our name."

I walked out behind Adrian and I made eye contact with Kayla and I winked at her, she rolled her eyes and the guy next to her began to talk to her. She immediately smiled at him like if he was so sweet, it pissed me off that she would just talk to a stranger like that. But Justin you were the same way, Except you slept with them. The little voice inside my head was really getting to me lately.

He took a Sharpie out of his pocket and wrote something down, probably his number and Kayla was smiling. He said one more thing and he left, I finally took a sigh of relief and began to play my favorite song, Secret Crush.

I looked over at Kayla and kept singing that song, I sang that song with all my heart and I hoped that she could see how much see means to me, I want her to see that I won't hurt her. I couldn't take my eyes off her face and I kept singing.

I could see the tears in her eyes, but she didn't cry. I could see that she felt the same for me, but why doesn't she let me in? I don't know what else to do, I've written her a song, I've kissed her, I've told her my true feelings about her, but what else does she need? I finished my song and moved on to the next scheduled song and closed my eyes.

Tonight I played like it was my last time playing, I put my everything in that performance and the crowd cheered louder than ever before and I felt proud of myself.

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