Truth Doesn't Change The Way...

By dylanreuben18

89.1K 2K 1.1K

Amelia Stone has a hard time fitting in, until she meets Mr James Buchanan Barnes and everything starts to pi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 27

1.6K 33 44
By dylanreuben18

Amelia and Bucky had said their goodbyes to Thor as they base their way to the bifrost with Steve and Nat, as well as Loki. "I tell you what, I'm gonna miss this place." Amelia chuckled.

"Well you're always welcome to come back, it doesn't have to be under bad circumstances." Thor laughed before leaving them to make their way back home.

Heimdall opened the bifrost and send the five of them back to Midgard, landing back at the Avengers compound. "God, I don't think I'll ever get used to that." She stumbled around slightly getting her balance again, Bucky wrapped his arm around her to help.

"Hey guys! Amelia I heard you're some sort of god, is that true?" An overly excited Peter tan out of the compound, carrying Alpine in his arms.

"Alpine! How do you have him? Oh and yeah" she gave a nervous laugh before Peter passed Alpine to her. "You could say I'm a goddess or something."

"That's so cool! So do you have powers and stuff?!" Peter awed at her. "Mr. Wilson said that we should look after your cat while you were away, he's nice like that."

"That's great Peter thank you for doing that, I hope he wasn't too much trouble." Amelia snuggled Alpine into her cheek. "Loki showed me a few things, I can show you later if you'd like?" Peter nodded excessively as they walked towards the building, Loki following behind, giving Peter a little smile and a wave.

Bucky pulled Steve aside before going inside, "Hey, I need to go back to my apartment to check if it's still there, can you cover for me?" He whispered.

"Sure... you really need to tell her about it, before something happens Buck." Steve insisted.

"I will... just not yet, things are good right now and I don't want to ruin it." Bucky patted him on the back as he jogged over to his bike.

Back inside Amelia was playing around with Alpine, Peter and Loki on the sofa, Loki being fascinated by the little furry creature. "Steve, where's Bucky? He was with you right?" She looked behind him, not being able to see Bucky.

"Oh, yeah, he's just had to grab something for me, he won't be long." Steve itched the back of his head, before quickly rushing off to the hall.


Bucky walked up to his apartment door, before noticing that it was open slightly, he peeked through to see his apartment in pieces. "FUCK!" He yelled out. He quickly rushed to the bedroom and pushed the Ben to one side, revealing a floorboard which was sticking out more than the rest. He opened it and took a sigh of relief. The whole held a red book which had a star in the front. Something only him and Steve knew he had.

He pulled out his phone to text Steve to let him know that he'd be a little longer, being that he had to clean up the state that was his apartment, not wanting Amelia to find out about it.


About an hour had gone by and Amelia had heard nothing from Bucky. She knocked on Steve's door, "It's open" she shouted from the other side.

"Has Bucky texted you?" She had a hint of worry in her voice.

"Yeah he said he'd be a bit longer, he couldn't fine my um..." Steve stuttered.

"You're a shit liar Steve, what's he really doing?" She became more worried.

"Nothing honestly..." Amelia gave him a stare that could kill. "I swear!" He held his hands up in defence.

Amelia sat on his bed, biting her fingernails. "Can you take me back to the apartment please?" He voice quietened. She looked up as Steve, knowing full well that something was going on that she didn't know about.

Steve huffed, "sure, just give me a second."

"Okay." She headed to the door, "whatever it is you're hiding Steve..." she paused, "I hope it's nothing bad." She closed the door behind her.

Steve rushed to his phone to try and contact Bucky. "Oh come on Buck." The line rang several times before Bucky picked up. "You better be done because Amelia asked me to bring her back."

"Fuck okay, just don't let her know what's happened."

"I won't don't worry about it, but she's been asking... you need to tell her."

"I will Jesus Christ Steve, just give me time." Bucky hung up the phone, seeming stressed.


Amelia anxiously stepped out the car, Steve walking into the building behind her. She tried to open the door but it was locked. Bucky came running to the door and opened it, taking a big sigh, "hey."

Amelia walked straight past him, looking around the room. Bucky and Steve began to whisper to each other, thinking she wouldn't notice. "Right what's going on." She pushed.

The pair looked like a dear in headlights, "what nothing..." the pair denied in unison.

"Right... sure" Amelia sighed as she slouched down on the sofa. The boys fell back in the sofa either side of her, Bucky putting his arm around her, pulling her in.

"Trust me okay, nothings wrong...I just wanted to surprise you..." Bucky's face turned innocent. He walked over to the kitchen counter and pulled out a bag. He handed her a box from inside it. She looked up at him confused, then looked to Steve for guidance, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"What the hell's this?" She smiled as he sat back down next to her.

"Just open it." Bucky said bluntly.

She did as he said, revealing a charm which had a 'B' on it. "Bucky..." her voice sorrowed, feeling bad for giving him shit.

He pulled out a chain from under his shirt, revealing a necklace with an 'A' on it. "You can put yours on my tags, so I'll always be with you."

"Where's mine..." Steve joked, holding out his hand to Bucky.

"Fuck off." He laughed, pushing Steve's had away.

"Hey, language." Steve chuckled. "Okay we'll I'm gonna, head off, leave you two love birds to it." He stood up to leave, Bucky followed behind him. "I really don't think it's safe for you to stay here tonight Buck." Steve mentioned in a hushed tone.

"It's fine Steve, they won't come back now that they think it's not here." Bucky leant against the doorframe with his vibranium arm, blocking their conversation from Amelia.

"But what if they do? What if they come back? They know where you live now!" His hushed tone becoming more aggressive.

"So what if they do, I can handle them! I'm not moving just because they know." Bucky remarked, being more tense.

"What if they get Amelia? Huh... They've already ransacked her place, they know she exists." He reminded Bucky.

Bucky turned back to see Amelia checking out her new charm in the mirror. "I can protect her."

Steve gave him a disappointed glare, "Buck-"

"I said I can handle it!" Bucky snapped. Amelia turned back to see the boys, Bucky smiled as if to say that everything was fine, she resumed back to looking at the charm. Steve walked off leaving Bucky at the door, he paused to think before closing it, putting on a smile when heading back to Amelia. "So you like the charm then?" He exclaimed, coming up behind her and hugging her tightly around her waist.

"I love it." She moved back into him, embracing the hug.

"I was gonna give it to you before we went to Asgard, but... we went to Asgard" he chuckled. Amelia turned around and gave him a passionate kiss. He scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom, laying her down gently on the bed. He began to kiss her collarbones, his hands surveying her body from under her top.

"Buck..." she pulled his hands away from her body, his head lifted up to gaze at her. "I'm sorry... I'm just really tired, I- I just don't really feel-"

"Hey... it's fine okay. Don't worry you're pretty little head about it." His voice soothed her worries. Bucky moved off her and lay next to her, pulling her in and keeping her warm in his arms.

"I love you Buck... you know that right?"

"I love you too, why'd you say it like that?" Bucky sat up, leaning on one arm, looking concerned at her. He moved a piece of her hair off her face.

"No reason... I just felt like I need to say it." She said shyly. She sat up, her legs over the edge of the bed. Bucky joined her, letting her head rest on his shoulder.

"Well... I do love you, okay. Nothing would ever change that." He reassured her, his hand on her thigh, his thumb stroking her skin.

Amelia lifted her head up, "I'm just gonna pop to the bathroom real quick." She said gently, feeling fragile. He headed into the bathroom, "SHIT!" She groaned, a shard of glass had plunged into the base of her foot.

"Amelia?!" Bucky ran in, thinking the worst had occurred. "Shit, are you okay?" He remarked, seeing her sitting on the side of the bath, her foot bloodied.

"Why the fuck is there glass on the floor Buck?!" Amelia scolded, holding her foot. Bucky stood there not knowing what to say. "Bucky!"

"I- I..." He stammered before falling to his knees, "Fuck..." Bucky began to breakdown, whimpering. "I'm so sorry- Fuck- I should have told you."

"Wait, what- what happened." Amelia's heart sank, seeing Bucky vulnerable at her feet.

"I'm sorry." Bucky apologised, "I thought I could stop them but they found me, I'm sorry."

"Buck, what the hell are you talking about... who found you?"

"The people who raided your place... it's because they were looking for me." He began to compose himself. "We'll not me specifically, but something I have."


"I'm sorry." He apologise once more, "I should have told you sooner, I- fuck..."

"Hey, Bucky... look at me." Amelia tried to calm him down more, "it's okay, alright? It's fine." Bucky looked up at her, his bloodshot eyes staring into hers. He laid his head on her knees, sniffling. Amelia stoked his hair, comforting him, her mind running wild on what they could have possibly been looking for, and who they were.

"Uhh, fuck." Bucky sniffled, composing himself, standing up. He reached into one of the cupboards and grabbed a first aid box. He opened it up and pulled out a pair of tweezers and some gauze. "Come here, let me see it." He gently put her foot on his lap, examining the glass. "There's a couple shards in there." He picked up the tweezers, "this is probably gonna hurt okay." Amelia nodded, beading herself.

"Agh fuck-" Amelia groaned as he picked the glass out of her foot.

"Sorry Doll."

"It's okay, don't worry." She winced. Bucky finished removing the glass and wrapped up her foot. He helped her back over to the bed, where he pulled out one of his tops for her to change into, making her feel more comfortable.

Bucky slumped down next to her in bed, feeling crappy about the whole situation. Amelia snuggled up next to him, trying to comfort him and make him feel better. "So these people..." she started.

Bucky sighed, "they're from my past..."

"Right..." Amelia stayed lying on his bare chest, cuddled under his vibranium arm.

"They we're with me in Hydra... she..."

"She?" Amelia queried.

"Yeah... she..." Bucky huffed, "they're after the book." He quickly changed the subject. "The winter soldier book." Amelia glanced up at him, wanting to know more. "If they get the book then they can control that part of me."

"But I thought that was all gone? Like when you were in Wakanda?"

"That's the thing... it is. But with that book they can restart everything." Bucky began to tremble at the thought of it.

Amelia took his hand and cuddled back down to his chest. "That won't happen Buck... okay. It won't." She pulled his hand up and gently kissed it.


Just as the pair were falling asleep, a loud bang came from the front door. "What the fuck?" Amelia jumped up, Bucky following.

"Fuck..." Bucky knew exactly what was happening. Two people, faces covered, bursted into their room, grabbing Bucky by the ankles and ripping him from the bed.

"BUCKY!!" Amelia screamed. One of the people rushed over to her and pinned her down by the throat.

"No! Leave her out of this!" Bucky screeched, landing a few punches on the person who was holding him.  The guy holding Amelia leg go and strides over to Bucky, flipping out a knife and striking him in the abdomen.

"NO!!" Amelia cried out, her voice being sore from being choked.

Bucky fell over to the bed, blood pouring over it, before being pulled away by the two people. "I love you Amelia! I'm sorry!" He stammered, before trying his best to fight off the people, but failing. They pulled him away and out of the apartment, leaving Amelia in a pool of Bucky's blood on the bed, traumatised and unable to move.

"Bucky..." she whimpered quietly, unable to move from shock.

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