Ghost Of You: Damian Wayne

By brooklyn1217

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Part one: Davina is Damian's longest and possibly only friend (other than Jon) she trained along side him for... More

Intro (Damians pov)
"You needed me"
"She's Not Real"
"Family Mission"
" Caught Myself A Princess"
"She's Real"
"Another Lazarus Pit." 
"All we can do is wait.."
"She Stole My Ring!"
"Welcome to Wayne Manor"
"Bruce Is So Winning The Bet.."
"Heyyy Sunshine"
"You wanna learn how to fly?"
"As you wish"
"I would love for you to be my mother..."
"Would you rather it be Wayne then?"
"I'll be back..."
Bonus chapter one
Bonus chapter three
Bonus chapter four
Info for part two
Part 2: chapter one You're heaven
Part two: Chapter two "What were you dreaming about?"
Part two: chaper three "Welcome to High school life'll hate it."
Part two: chapter four "The story of how I became blind"
Part two: chapter five "What happened to plan b Jon?!"
Part Two:Chapter Six "Two Weeks my ass."
Part Two:Chapter Seven "I don't like dates"

Bonus chapter two

55 2 0
By brooklyn1217

Davinas P.O.V.:
~Wonder girls coordination~

Diana put the last piece of my royal tiara into my hair which tied off half of my hair from the rest. She readjusted my main tiara piece where the Tsavorite star gem was the center piece. My necklace complimented the stones nicely and it shine beautifully, I looked into the mirror and fiddled with my gauntlets as Diana smiled at her work. Over the past six months I've improved greatly, I learned how to blend my assassin and my amazon fighting skills to my favor in a fight. I'm working on having more control over my gifts since we confirmed that my emotions effect them deeply, I might have lost my temper and found out the hard way that my powers become highly unstable and I become untouchable. In a state of fear my powers seem to fade and won't return for quite some time, weirdly enough an owl flew and perched its self onto my window and it was carrying a book about old Buddhist methods of meditating. Flying comes very easy to me now since I found the necklace the emotions I use to fly comes very easy to think about. I sometimes forget I have "powers" and just use the skills I've been taught. I haven't attempted to use Zeus gift as it seem to be for emergencies only but during training one time I needed to block an amazons sword from striking me so I brought my gauntlets together and a white blast emerged from them sending the amazon back. By the time the light faded I saw lightening streaks retracing into my gauntlets. I honestly don't know how to feel about all the gifts I've been given. I understand I should probably feel happy and I do feel extremely grateful but I'm nervous about them as well. I nervous I'll cross that line once more and I know this time there's no coming back.
"Λουλούδι you look stunning." Diana spoke softly pulling me out of my thoughts, I smiled and leaned into her. Diana and I have grown very close over my stay on Themyscira. She's shown me motherly love I thought I would never receive.
"Thank you μητέρα I wouldn't have known where to start." I stood up from the chair now stepping behind a folding screen and stepping into my coronation dress. "Are you sure I can't just wear my suit?" I questioned peeking my head around the screen.
Diana laughed "you gotta wear the dress Λουλούδι. My mother wore one and so did I its part of the whole process." I heard Diana fishing cleaning up before she responded again "You'll wear your suit in font of everyone when you are deemed worthy of being an amazon."
"Isn't weird I'm being crowed princess of the Amazon when I'm not one myself? Maybe we should postpone this whole thing until I'm an amazon myself." I started to ramble as I stepped away from the folding screen. My dress was weaved with gold giving its the true gold color and glistened whenever the sun met the fabric, It flows out giving it that feeling only fantasy books describe.
"Davina, you are being crowed princess of Themyscira not of the amazons being royalty and an amazon are completely separate things Λουλούδι." She put her hands on my shoulders "You are my daughter and you've proven you're worthy of this even my mother agrees. Remember what the gods said "You are destined for great things, do not let fear hold you back." She kissed my cheek
I took a deep breath and smiled "Thank you μητέρα."
"Its what I'm here for Λουλούδι now lets get going." She opened my door and I followed her out.
I pasted back and forth behind the huge gold doors that would lead outside to everyone waiting for the event. I took deep breaths trying to remain calm holding my necklace as it glowed, mumbling some sentences.
"You're going to wear away the floor if you don't stop." I turned my head seeing two friends who I've missed dearly. A bright smile appeared on my face as I speed walked towards the two and hugged them.
"You guys have no idea how much I missed you two!" Nadine and Marella returned the hug. I looked around trying looking around for the other person I asked Hippolyta if he could come watch. I guess the girls noticed and their smiles faded "I Don't want to seem rude but is anyon-"
"It's just the two of us Davina." Marella spoke
"-oh well I knew that would probably happen." I smiled messing with my necklace.
"Soooo how do you feel miss soon to be princess?" Nadine tried to lightened the mood
"Excited and nervous at the same time." I laughed nervously.
"Just breathe Davina you'll do great." Marella stated then the sounds of horns appeared
"we must take our places now we wish you luck Davina" Nadine waved as her and Marella exited the room.
I stood in Front of the door and took a few deep breaths to calm myself. The doors began to open and the suns golden glow on enchanted my dress's look more. I straighten my posture and began walking, the view of Themyscira was breath taking. Every amazon was dressed in their best formal clothes or formal armor, Nadine and Marvell were standing near where I would stand and I sent a smile their way. I kept my head tall and I began walking over the marble path that split the blue water towards Diana and Hippolyta. Once I reached my planned spot Hippolyta raised her hand and the music stopped.
"Thank you to all who came to this rare event in our history. On this beautiful sunset Themyscira will gain a new member of the royal family who has proven themselves worthy of this title and in time go on to prove herself to be worthy of the amazon title as well. In just six short months she has excel in her training and education of our culture and historical moments, and has even been blessed by the gods. As a custom she will now be draped in the veil that our past royalty had in their coronation." I felt the veil being laid upon my head and across my back and my hands caressed the purple fabric. I stood and held my hand out and let Diana wrap her lasso of truth around my palm. "Now the lasso of truth will make sure that you stay truthful as I ask you these important questions, do you understand Davina?"
"Yes I understand." I answered my voice calm
"Davina prince do you promise to care for your fellow sisters in need and work to keep Themyscira prosperous?"
"And do you promise to never abuse your title in any shape or form?"
"I promise."
"Good and finally do you accept the title fully and all of the sacrifices and care it requires?"
I felt my confidence falter a bit and I thought of Damian in my mind then I felt my necklace glow and a wave of comfort ways over me.
"Yes I accept." Gripping the lasso tighter. I felt Hippolyta move the veil off my head and take off my tiara and hold it up to the sun. A beam of light shned from the sun and straight into the Tsavorite star. The star glowed as she removed it from the sun and she placed it back onto my head.
"Then sisters, I'm glad to announce Princess Davina of Themyscira!" Hippolyta raised her hand and the whole island erupted into cheers. I looked over to Diana as she smiled and hugged me removing the purple veil in the process. I felt Hippolyta's hand land on my shoulder and she began to whisper.
"Welcome to the rest of your life Davin, do not let us down." And with that she walked away waving to the crowd.
The music began to play once more and the crowd started throwing flowers in celebration. I put a smile on my face and began walking down towards where the main celebration would be held.
"Smile for the Wayne's!" Nadine held up her phone and took a picture of me. Then she ask for one of all three of us by Diana, of course shes most likely taken a lot more pictures but I'm glad their enjoying the event.
Thankfully Diana and sure my dress could remove most of the fabric leaving me to be able to move around easier. The gold dress now fell at my knees but still had that fantasy feel to it. I had been dancing with Marella and Nadine for quite some time trying to take my mind off of my nervousness. But then people started coming up to me asking me all of these questions that I couldn't keep up with all of them. I went to ask them to slow down but non of them heard me, I started losing my breath I felt my feet start to float off the ground and I felt heat running to my eyes. I felt my necklace trying to send waves of comfort to calm me down but the mass of people were still effecting me. Hands suddenly landed on my shoulders and push me down making my feet land of the floor.
"Davina breathe." Diana whispered in my ear as she walked me away from the crowd glaring at the women who crowed me. I inhaled a deep breath trying to calm down. I saw Nadine and Marella come our way with worried glances on their face.
"Is she alright?" Marella asked bringing a drink over
"She's completely fine now she just hasn't been around a large group of people for a bit and she only got a bit overwhelmed." Diana rubbed my back as I took deep breaths. Nadine came up and went to use her ring like she did before but Diana held her hand out stopping her.
"I understand you wish to help her but she needs to learn to do this on her own if she doesn't she start depending on something else to calm her down instead of herself." Nadine nodded but still stood by my side.
After I calmed down I looked towards every one and suddenly felt embarrassed. "I deeply apologize that is very embarrassing I don't know what happened."
"You have no reason to apologize Davina you did nothing wrong!" Nadine countered holding my hands.
"Why don't you take a break from the party and go flying that always calms you down?" Diana offered
"But Hippolyta will-"
"I'll handle my mother Λουλούδι." Diana kissed the top of my head and walked off.
"We could come with you if you would like? Sure Marella is a fish out of water but I can make her fly!" Marella looked over to Nadine with a glare I laughed.
"I appreciate the offer but you two deserve the party so please enjoy yourselves I'll only be a moment." I started thinking about my suit in detail and my necklace glowed and expanded over my body until my dress was replaced with my suit, My hair and tiaras stayed the same instead of my normal look. I waved at the two and flew off.
I grazed my hand across the water feeling the warmth from where the sun warmed the water. I inhaled a deep breath feeling better, I looked over at the shore seeing wild horses running across the beach with their young. I enter the forest going to the spot that I found that reminded me of Damians and I's spot back home.
"I suppose I should be thinking this place as home right?" I held my necklace to where I could see it. "We're you wore by the same person why wore the suit?" I questioned the necklace glowed. "Right you can't speak umm how about glow once for yes and two for no?" I waited and the necklace responded and it responded by glowing twice. I scrunched up my face before asking my weirder question.."You're not a persons the gods stuck in here right?" The necklace quickly glowed twice as if it was insulted by my question. "Okay okay my bad." I looked out at the water fall seeing all of the animals peeking around the plants going to the water to drink. "Do you have a name?" The necklace flash twice " okay what about Peridot I know your not the stone but the name is Arabic and I'm feeling kind of home sick ooo and I could call you peri for short!." The necklace glowed a bright green and I felt a happy emotion wave through me. "I'm glad you like it I giggled." I ended up seeing a doe bring her fawn to the water for a drink right next to me and ended up find a fallen olive from a olive tree near me and I fed the doe. "Peri, do you think Dami is okay?" I threw a rock across the water as I waited for a response. "I'm worried the longer I'm away the more he'll think I abandoned him and quite frankly I feel like I abandoned him." Peri never responded but I felt the necklace grow warm and then cool in a short stand of time. "Peri?" From the waters I saw a glow appear behind the water fall and it caused ripples to form across the water. The deer became spooked and ran away with its fawn not to far behind, I stood up grabbing my dagger from its holster and went into a defensive stance. The light finally push through the water and I realized it was the ball of light that guided me to the abandoned temple of the gods. It circled me similar to an excited child, I laughed grazing the light with the tips of my fingers. "Well hello there...what brings you around this time?" It moved away from me heading off and I realized that it wished me to follow so I complied.
The ball of light led me to an old cave, Peri light my path as I walked into the cave. Soon I was met with a wall and I finally caught up with the ball of light and I saw it phase through the wall. I placed my hand on the wall confused on how to continue from here, Peri glowed and the wall seemed to fade. I continued on and the stone wall change into blue crystals, at the center was the ball of light and a huge crystal glowing in and out like a heart beat. I saw human carved stones sprinkled around the crystals, I could feel sadness all throughout the cave. The ball of light flew towards me grazing my skin once more and then vanished. I walked towards the center looking through the crystals as my curiosity peeked. The crystals glowed brighter as I grew closer and I began to hear a familiar voice.
"B-bruce? Oh god please dont tell me I'm seeing things again!" I slapped my hand against my forehead
"Its your conscious and the stone interacting with each other. The stone selected someone from your memory to help with whatever negative emotions you have going on." The projected Batman who was different shades of blue and very transparent leaned against the main crystal.
"Let me guess the gods decided I needed this?"
"Most likely,now start talking."
"I don't know where to even start..." peri glowed and the blue batman nodded his head.
"You feel homesick start with that."
" w-what you can hear peri?!"
"Yes now start talking."
"I-yeah I know this place should feel like home now but I miss them." I crossed my arms.
"Not Gotham, nor infinity island, I miss them. Bruce, Alfred, the boys they gave me a home. If I know this was the right thing to do then why do I feel like I'm abandoning them?" I gripped onto peri
"You're right this was the right thing think about how much you've been thriving here, and they know you've been thriving."
"Why do you think Nadine was taking pictures? Plus you have notice Diana hiding something as well. They've been informing the boys about your stay here." The projected blue bat waved his hand and on the crystal I see Alfred and the boys.

"Guys! You'll never believe what I just received!" Tim ran into the cave holding his computer.
"Ah why must you yell replacement I head butted Grundy way to hard tonight..."  Jason held his head as Alfred handed him some medicine.
"What is it drake?" Damian walked from his seat
"Ooo is it something from the titans?" Dick asked ask he ate some candy
"What no, Nadine just sent me pictures from Themyscira!" Tim connected his computer to the bat computer and a file opened up label "Themyscira's Princess."
"Wait they were allowed on Themyscira?!" Jason Stood up walking over to the computer.
"Yeah apparently Davina proved herself to be worthy of becoming princess of Themyscira, it says in the message Davina fought for us to come but Diana's mother refused. After the meeting Diana convinced her mother to at least let Nadine and Marella to enter Themyscira and watch the coronation."
"Well what are you waiting for open the file." Dick urged Tim to open the file, while Damian cautiously walked towards the computer. Tim hovered over the file before opening it. Nadines and Marella's face immediately popped up they were in Diana's plane, they informed the boys that it was mostly pictures from Diana in the beginning and then towards the end it was all Nadine. The first picture was me asleep on the jet with the lower half of my face tucked into Damians hoodie only leaving my nose and the upper part of my face showing. The next picture was me in my training attire blocking the red head Artemis's  strike with Dianas shield. I had cuts and bruises on my body but in the picture you could tell I was healing by the green glow. That picture transition to my first serious training where Artemis order me to carry three amazons across a training field for as long as she wished. Next,was of me in the study doing some of the work bruce wished for me to do, my hair was thrown up and I had books surrounding me as I floated upside down reading a book. The following picture was after I was gifted the necklace from the gods, you could tell I was aging..I had more muscle definition and my hair was longer. The picture showed me with all the other amazons after a long day deciding to have fun and go to the watering hole and relax. I was facing away from Diana my hands were up in my hair looking up at the other amazons who were topless as well but they're bodies were under the water only leaving their head visible. I had my head turned as I was glancing at Diana, most of my face was covered by my forearm leaving my eyes visible making them more striking.
"Alright that's enough of that one Drake." Damian spoke watching as Jason was looking at the other amazons, dick had his own eyes covered like a child.
Tim moved on and the last picture from Diana was me sitting in my room and near the opening that led outside where I had a great view of the stars I was holding onto my old dagger and Damians hoodie was next to me. I had my hands together Praying to the gods to watch over Damian and the others back in Gotham. As Tim moved on to Nadine and Marell's section a video popped up and it was the two dressed in the dresses/formal armor from today, you could hear my voice begin grow louder as they enter where I was before coronation.
"Come on Davina you've practice this with Diana so many times, I could really use butterfly tea right now..." I whined continue it pacing. Marella then spoke up as I remember I hugged them and then looked around for Damian. "I Don't want to seem rude but is anyon-" we continued the conversation we had then the trumpets blew. They walked away bringing the phone to their faces, "Poor Davina she really misses Damian..." Nadine whispered as her and Marella when to their spots. The video ending and a picture replaced it, it was right after the opened the golden doors and you could see my dress in all of its glory.
"Wow..." All of the boys were stunned. Damian had a look on his face that made me smile. Next was when I was covered in the purple veil and I was holding on to the lasso of truth. I had a look of determination on my face as I looked dead into Hippolyta's eyes. The picture after was me looking out to the crowd as Hippolyta placed her hand onto my shoulder whispering in my ear. The final picture was me with Diana, Nadine, and Marella together smiling.
Damian was softly smiling as he started walking away from the computer.
"You good Damian?" Dick asked as Tim closed the file.
"I'm great Grayson, I'm just glad she's thriving."

"Are you trying to make me crying you-you blue hologram." I sniffled backing away from the crystal. The blue bat held up his hands.
"Now that we know the boys are okay tell me really what's upsetting you."
"What if all of this is a lost cause, what if I'm a lost cause?" I glanced down to my gauntlets seeing the sentence appear.
"I don't believe in lost causes, we all have a role to play in life Davina."
"Its hard to even imagine my purpose at this moment..."
"If there's anyone who has a purpose left fighting for, its you. You play apart in so many lives already and would be foolish not to see your purpose."
"And that is what's most wonderful about you.."
I felt the tears run down my face and I grinned at the blue bat.
"Dammit you old bat."
Bonus chapter 2 done! I recently read immortal Wonder Woman and it kind of inspired me a bit for this chapter so if anyone else had read it you'll see the parts that are similar! Byeee guys! 3773 words.

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