Ultimate scapegoat (DanganRo...

Von Kakirihazuri

175K 3.7K 1.7K

Y/n is the average high school kid with a talent unlike most other. He is called the ultimate scapegoat for h... Mehr

Invite to Hopes Peak
The new teacher
Chaos and Class Rep
The Project and The'Ultimate' Little Sister
Ultimate Replacement
The Exams/ Enter Kamukura
Baby Gangsta's Little Sis.
Fall Festivities, Part 1: School festival announcement
Fall Festivities, Part 2: Preparation and Procrastination
Fall Festivities part 3: School festival problems
The ultimate hope meets the warriors of hope
Protecting Hope part 1
Protecting Hope Part 2
Protecting Hope Part 3
Protecting Hope Part 4
A Little Ultimate Chaos
Seasons change festival date
Chiaki's Christmas Party
New years events
The New Students
Helping out the Student Council
The Despair Sisters
Speaking with Mukuro and Missing student
The end of the beginning
Trial and Terror
Second Floor, Second Motive
Trail 2
To Another Motive
An Upset Brother
A Filler Chapter
The end of the killing game
Future Foundation
Towa City
Gathering the Party: Part 2
Gathering the Party: Part 3
Towa Tower
An Emergency Signal
Picking Up What Remains
Neo World program
Beef or Chicken?
We're Doing A Sequal
Leaders and Bombshells
Spending a bit of free time
Motive Seems Redundant
More Free Time Before We get This Party Started.
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody...
Investigation Thyme
Cooking Up a Trial

Gathering the Party: Part 1

2.5K 53 23
Von Kakirihazuri

Y/n's pov

It's been around an hour since I rescued Kotoko, she still hasn't woken up so I had her laying down with my blanket over her. Currently, we are inside a small garage that is connected to a small shop. The shop didn't have much blood in it, but the place was wrecked. The garage however was relatively undamaged, only a few scratches around and a destroyed toy cabinet. The shutter door was stuck shut, but even if it could open there was a pile of rubble on the other side that would prevent anything from getting in or out. The Monokuma had left the area a while ago and none were around, but there weren't any people around either. The only reason we are staying in this building is to keep out of sight of anything that may pass through. I made sure that Kotoko was unharmed earlier, so I wasn't worried about her physical health, the only problem would be her mental health. She seems easily startled and nervous, shaking and mumbling in her sleep. I attempted to wake her a while ago but it only made her shake more and cry in her sleep. I decided it would be best to let her be until she wakes normally to prevent her from having a panic attack immediately when she wakes. 

As I waited, I took out a needle an thread to fix up the pillow that now had a bullet hole in it. Some of the filling was gone, but the pillow could still be used one the holes were patched. Once I finished patching it, I put it back into my bag and looked through what I had for food. There were a few days worth of dry rations and some snacks. I sighed and took out a granola bar, opening the wrapper lifting my mask up so I could actually eat. Once I had finished and moved my mask back over my face properly, I heard shifting noises. I looked over at Kotoko to see her slowly sitting up. She looked around the room a bit before her eyes locked onto me and she froze up. After a moment of silence she started backing up, getting further away from me until her back was against the wall. I sighed and stared at her "Are you feeling alright?" she flinched when I spoke, crossing her arms over herself in a defensive manner. "w-what are you gonna d-do to me" I frowned and shook my head "I'm not going to do anything to you Kotoko." her arms and legs trembled as she spoke again "H-how do you know my name. I don't know you" I took my mask off my face and set it down to the side of me, looking at her "how about I introduce myself to you again then?" 

Slowly, she stopped shaking and stared at me with tears welling up in her eyes. I smiled at her and scratched the back of my head "My name is Y/n Kamukura, I'm a foolish guy who ends up getting himself hurt everywhere he goes. It's nice to meet you" I held my hand out, obviously the one not attached to my injured shoulder. Instead of shaking my hand, or introducing her self in return, Kotoko charged in and wrapped her arm around me tightly. She pressed her face into my chest as she sobbed out incoherent phrases. I chuckled softly and slowly hugged her back, ignoring the pain in my shoulder and the phantom pains all over my torso. I kept holding onto her as she sobbed and gripped onto me, I slowly rubbed my hand in circles over her upper back to help calm her a bit "its okay, you're safe now. You can let it all out." After a while, she stopped crying, but still held onto me. I softly pat the top of her head and sighed "Feeling better now?" She nodded slowly, not moving her face away. I nodded and pat her on the back "we can stay like this for a bit longer, but we need to get moving soon. If you are here that means that the other 4 are here too right?" 

She pulled her head away slowly and nodded, wiping her tears away. "w-we were all taken by weird looking guys... they brought us here together but separated us when we got here... t-the only one that wasn't with us was Monaca..." I nodded and stood up slowly, fixing my slightly messed up clothes "That's fine. I know she is somewhere in the city. Since I found you at the theater, I'm guessing the others will have been taken to somewhere related to their titles..." She stared at me "why would we be taken to places we are skilled at?" I shrugged "Call it video game logic." Kotoko tilted her head "you are basing your ideas off of a video game?" "Yup, sounds stupid. Right?" Kotoko giggled a bit "you're funny big bro" I looked at her again "Big bro? what happened to calling me Mr. Kamukura?" "You aren't our teacher anymore. And if you are Monaca's big brother than you are all of the warriors of hope's big brother." I nodded and pat her head again "cause you are all a lil' ultimate family, right?" She looked me dead in the eyes and spoke. "That was a horrible pun." 

I nodded and took out my map and a red marker. I used the marker to circle 3 buildings; the art museum, the history museum, and the sports hall of fame. I was going to put the marker away, but Kotoko took it and drew a circle around Towa tower. I looked down at her "why'd you circle that?" She looked up at me "well, if we were all taken to places related to our titles, wouldn't it make since for them to take Monaca there. since it was her home?" I stared at her for a moment before nodding "yeah... that makes sense..." I put the map back into my pocket and frowned "Let's hurry up then. We need to gather the whole party" kotoko nodded "Right!" I put my mask back over my face as we left the garage. I had Kotoko stay behind me as I made sure the way out was clear. Once we were outside, we carefully navigated the streets as we headed towards the closest building circled on the list. 

The closest one was the art museum, however there were more monokuma the closer we got to the area it was in. Since the area was getting a little dangerous, I decided to make a weapon for Kotoko to use. I was able to gather parts from generous monokuma that didn't need them anymore. I ended up making a pair of retractable claw gauntlets from the parts since we didn't have much time. The claws would be able to tear through metal objects such as doors and machines, and the gauntlets themselves would be able to hurt anyone on their own. After I showed Kotoko how to use them safely, we continued to the building. Getting inside was easy enough, Kotoko used her new claws to cut down a metal door that got us in through the back entrance. From there we were able to sneak our way through the building, searching through every room until we came across a door that had noises coming from the other side of it. 

I motion for Kotoko to be quiet as I cracked the door open slightly. Inside, there was a lady sitting on top of a throne held up by Monokuma. In front of her, Jataro was shackled to the ground with a canvas in front of him. The woman on the throne scoffed while staring down at him "Hurry up already. You cant expect such a lovely lady to hold this pose forever! If that painting isn't done soon I will punish you, worthless boy!" I looked around the room to see if there were any other people or monokuma around. Luckily it was just them in the room so I opened the door more and stepped in. The lady immediatly looked over and scowled "Who dares interrupt!" I glared at her, so even if my mask covered most of my face, she should be able to tell I was angry. she groaned "ugh, you're presence is ruining my beauty. honestly, what the hell are you wearing? that hideous jacket, the that horrible suit, and why wear a tie pin like that? The only thing decent looking about your outfit is that mask, and even that has a shitty paint job on it." I pulled a spare monokuma claw from earlier and threw it next to her head "you shut your whore mouth woman, I could end you with a thought." 

She shook in fear for a moment before turning to glare at me "Such vulgar language, I'll have you put down for your insolence you brat!" She reached behind her back and pulled out a remote. She pressed the button on it and the monokuma holding her chair started shaking. The throne began changing around her, forming a mech that with her as the head. Each Limb had been made out of the Monokumas, the sharp claws formed into talons, and the ragged teeth became spikes along the front of the limbs. The weakest point of the design was obvious, but I decided to tear this machine apart. She swung the clawed arm at me, so I used my bat to deflect it above me, the unexpected movement caused the machine to teeter backwards. I dashed forward and swung the bat upwards at the joint connecting the arm to the torso. The connection was weak enough for the limb to tear right off and fall a distance away from the body. However, once it had touched the floor, it shifted back into the monokuma and started running back to the mech to reconnect. Seeing it's intentions, Kotoko quickly ran forward and tore the robot into shreds. 

The woman growled in anger "You little shit! you are going to regret that!" She swung her other arm at Kotoko, but before it could reach her, I smashed it down into the ground, giving Kotoko enough time to back away. She swung the arm backwards, launching me back a bit and cutting across my chest. I frowned and grabbed onto my bat tightly, running towards her again. She once again swung the arm, but I ducked under it and swung upwards. It once again detached from the body before turning into a monokuma and running towards the mech. Before it could reach, I smashed it's head in with my bat and looked over at the mech. "Kotoko, Jataro. I need both of you to look away for a moment." The Woman growled again and glared "You thing this is over? There are still many ways I can Kill you!" I frowned and swung my bat at one of the legs of the machine, causing it to fall onto it's side. The Woman let out a scream before she went silent. I walked over to the toppled machine and looked down at where the woman was. Her body laid there, in a spreading puddle of blood. The upper half of her head had been severed off by the monokuma claw that I had thrown next to her head earlier. I walked over to the side of the room and tore one of the curtains off the wall and covered the body before walking over to Jataro and Kotoko, they both had their eyes shut tight like I asked. 

I pat the top of both of their head and spoke "you can open your eyes now. Kokoto, do you think you can cut the shackles off him without hurting him?" Kokoto opened her eyes and looked at me, before nodding and quickly using her claws to cut the shackles off Jataro. She looked at me again and gasped "Big bro, you're hurt." I looked down at the cut across my chest and sighed "it's not that bad, but I suppose it would be good to properly treat it before we move on." Jataro opened his eyes and looked at me "w-who are you? W-why did you help me?" I pat the top of his masked head again "You'll get those answers in a bit. lets all take a moment to relax first." He nodded slowly and looked down. I took my backpack off and rummaged through it to pull out medical supplies and a sewing kit. I set the stuff out and took off my jacket and shirts. I treated the wound carefully, with a bit of help from Kotoko who insisted on helping. After getting it bandaged, I looked at the clothes that now had a tear. I took my mask off to see better, and began mending the tears using the sewing kit. While I fixed the tears, I noticed Jataro staring at me in confusion and happiness "Big brother Kamakura? I-is that really you?" I nodded as I continued fixing my clothes "Yeah, It's me. Let's save hugging for later, it might agitate my cut" He nodded and I soon put by shirts back on, followed by the tie and jacket. I made sure that my tie pin was undamaged before stretching carefully and looking at the 2. "alright. We need to get to a safe and comfortable spot to rest. There is a hotel nearby the bridge out of town, and it happens to be close to the sports hall of fame. So if we can get there today,  we can rest for the night and then get Masaru and Nagisa tomorrow." They nodded and I packed up my stuff, putting my backpack back on my back 


Monaca Diary Entry No. ? 

The Weird white hair guy brought monaca back to the tower and the dark room. He wasn't a friend. He lied to Monaca. The room had been decorated like a princess room but it's still not good here. Monaca is trapped and alone again. It's cold and Monaca isn't allowed to leave. The white hair man shows up rarely to give Monaca food, but he's always being creepy and cryptic. Monaca just wants big brother back, She hates it here. Monaca hates everything here. Monaca can't even end herself because of the mean scary bear guards. 



alright, another chapter done. I was gonna make this a longer chapter, but I decided to break it into 2 parts so that I could release this one and maybe go into more details about the hardships and whatnot. Anyways,  have sleep to catch up on. so,

Until next chapter. 


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