My Quiet Place

By Sofia_Nightgard

102K 2.7K 311

Annika Remo, a beautiful and innocent young woman, hides a painful past while living with her unsympathetic u... More

Chapter 1: Books
Chapter 2: Winter
Chapter 3: One day
Chapter 4: Illusion
Chapter 5: Mercy
Chapter 6: River
Chapter 7: Game
Chapter 8: Charity
Chapter 9: Safe
Chapter 10: Crazy
Chapter 11: Longing
Chapter 12: Believe
Chapter 13: Karma
Chapter 14: Not Alone
Chapter 15: Surrender
Chapter 16: Another Love
Chapter 17: Pillows
Chapter 18: That Way
Chapter 19: Let Me Down Slowly
Chapter 20: You and Me
Chapter 21: Are You With Me?
Chapter 22: Control
Chapter 23: Lost
Chapter 24: Enough
Chapter 25: Broken
Chapter 26: Fire
Chapter 27: Faith
Chapter 28: Like You
Chapter 29: Effortlessly
Chapter 30: Goodbye
Chapter 31: Time
Chapter 32: Conclusion
Chapter 34: Light
Chapter 35: Heart
Chapter 36: Accident
Chapter 37: Moment
Chapter 38: Wrong Time
Chapter 39: Perfection
Chapter 40: Home
Chapter 41: selfishness
Chapter 42: Lust & Love
Chapter 43: Means
Chapter 44: Flames
Chapter 45: Mother
Chapter 46: Water
Chapter 47: Wish
Chapter 48: Plane
Chapter 49: Guilt
Chapter 50: Blue
Chapter 51: Apples
Chapter 52: Orchards
Chapter 53: Horse
Chapter 54: Unison
Chapter 55: Simple
Chapter 56: Indulge
Chapter 57: Germany
Chapter 58: Flavours
Chapter 59: Sounds
Chapter 60: New

Chapter 33: Flour

1.3K 31 2
By Sofia_Nightgard

Annika Remo:

As I finally held him, my gaze never left his. His long arms circled me, making their way around my back. My body pressed into his, concealing my face in his neck and shutting my eyes, completely melting from his warmth. One of the best feelings in the world is when you're hugging someone you care about and they embrace you back even tighter. It's the most beautiful kind of communication because it lets the other person know without a doubt that they matter.

I've never fallen in love right away. I'm afraid of saying I love him too soon since it means so much to me. It indicates that things aren't coming to an end, but what if he treated me differently because of those three words?

Sometimes it's better to put love into hugs than to put it into words.

When I hear a knock on the door, I gently pull away. "Miss Annika, breakfast" On the positive side, breakfast is the best part of the day.

"All happiness is dependent on an amazing breakfast," I reply, cheerfully smiling and peering into his eyes. He just chuckles. He makes my heart beat faster and harder and I'm totally addicted to that feeling. Waiting is a sign of true love and patience. Anyone can say I love you, but not everyone can wait and prove it's true. 

I didn't realise I was straddling him until my cheeks began to heat up. Matteo runs his thumb across my temples, and I close my eyes and sink into his touch. The terrible part about distance is that you never know if they'll change or if something will happen. Yes, it's only a week, but there are so many things that may go wrong in that week that will change everything, and I'm not ready to let him go.

He inches closer to my lips as my breath was uneven and my heart was loud enough for him to hear. Just when he was about to connect his lips to mine, there was another knock on my door. I give him a toothy smile while Matteo look's irritated and angry at whoever knocked. "Don't answer" I shake my head disagreeing with him. 

"It might be important" I whisper. 

"Come--" Before I could finish, his lips were on mine, kissing me. I felt the rush of powerlessness, the lowering surrendering, the swelling wave of warmth that sent me limp once again. His relentless mouth parted my trembling lips, sending wild vibrations up and down my spine, triggering feelings I had never realised I was capable of feeling. 

"Annika, I'm going to come in---" WHAT. I pushed away immediately, tumbling to the ground as the door opened. Diego irritates me, and I rub my forehead. Matteo lifts me up, his jaw clenched, as he examines me for injuries.

"You would have already died by now if it hadn't been for Annika." Matteo's eyes darkened as he glared at Diego. Diego remained still, glancing between me and Matteo. As he examined me, he raised his brow with a nasty smile on his face. 

"I see why you didn't respond now," he winks at me, and I look at him, stunned and perplexed. Why does he have such a dirty mind?

Control your anger, Annika 

"Matteo il jet è pronto," Diego said and I look up at Matteo which he only nods at his words. 

"Leave," Matteo says firmly, and Diego walks out of my room, closing the door behind him.

"I'll meet you downstairs, neonata." Before leaving my room, he kisses my cheek. I got ready for the day by having a warm shower and dressing comfortably. I'm not leaving the estate, so I may as well be cozy.

When I looked in the mirror, my heart stopped beating. My neck is covered with purple markings from when Matteo wouldn't let me go last night. That's why Diego acted the way he did. I'm so foolish, and this is so humiliating. I despise myself, but at least this hoodie will hide it so no one else can see it. 

My phone rings, and I quickly answer it. "Hi Annika, I called you regarding your admission to Loyola Marymount University," I slap my head, forgetting everything. So much has transpired that I can't even recall what I ate for dinner the night before.

"I'm very sorry. Is it possible for me to complete the application online because I won't be able to come this week due to personal issues?" I'm crossing my fingers that she will say yes.

"Yes, Annika, no problem. Send me your email address, and I will send you all of the materials. Please deliver the papers by the end of tomorrow since we have a very tight timeline. It's also a good idea to start revising the chapter you missed because you need to catch up." In excitement, I bounce up and down, biting my lower lip.

"No issue, have a nice day." I quickly hang up the phone and sent her my email before exiting the room with a wide smile on my face. At the very least, I'll have something to do this week; studying will keep my mind occupied while Matteo and Diego are away. This mansion will be dull, and I'm sure I'll feel lonely, but it's just for a week. I need to quit whining and start looking on the bright side.

As I travel down the stairs, I sort through my textbooks, attempting to decide which style of notepad I want to use. Binders, in my opinion, are superior for flipping pages. I hear Diego's voice next to me but ignore it, continue to browse the application until my phone is grabbed from my grasp. I look around and notice Diego. "Give me my phone back," I say, but he simply pulls it away, pushing me aside. "What exactly is this?" I leap on him, but it's pointless because my height is my disadvantage. 

"It's nothing give it back"

"You got accepted at Loyola Marymount University?" I finally take my phone out of his hand. 

"Maybe?" I smile, winking at him. He chuckles and picks me up, spinning me. 

"Stop put me down," I say in between my laughs. 

He puts me down and I hold onto his shoulder's, trying to calm my spinning head. "I'm a smart, human," I say, smiling

"I'm so proud of you, cucciola" He's like my big brother, he knows when I need him, makes sure no one bothers me, and cares about what I say and how I feel. He adores me, and I can't imagine what life would be like without him. I think about all we have done and it makes me extremely grateful. Another sensation is hearing him say he is proud of me. Yes, my father is always proud of me, but hearing Diego, my brother figure, say it makes me want to cry.

"You can't tell Matteo. I want to tell him myself,"  He thinks for a bit before answering. 

"If you say so, cucciola" I nod and grin. We went downstairs and out the door. I notice Matteo conversing with his men. He looked handsome in his suit, with sunglasses and a dress shirt that wasn't fully buttoned up, displaying his muscular chest. I smile as I approach him, embracing him from behind and resting my head on his back. 

He pulls me in front of him and caresses my cheeks. "I want you to wear something for me," I look at him confusedly, tilting my head to the side. He takes out a necklace with an engraved symbol on it. As he clips it on, I shift my hair out of the way.

"Don't take this off."

"What exactly is it?"

"It's so everyone who sees you or comes into contact with you knows you belong to me." I attempt to swallow the lump in my throat as I try to process what he said.

"Don't leave the estate, the protection will be doubled while I'm away." I give a nod.

"I understand," I say quietly, touching his jawline. 

I softly grab his sunglasses and put them on. "How do I look?" He kisses my cheek and whispers into my ear as I smile. "Beautiful. But it's seeing my mark on your neck that drives me insane." I flush as he tugs my waist closer to his body. My breathing quickens, and I'm at a loss for words since I assumed no one would notice, but it appears that I was mistaken.

Annika, change the subject.

"D-does that imply I get to keep the sunglasses since they make me look better?" He smirks and pulls me into his chest. I embrace him back, and the joy on my face fades as I realise it's the last time I'll hug him for a long time. But I can't think that way; I have to be positive. I have to trust he will be safe and unharmed. 

"Whatever you want, neonata."  

As I remove the sunglasses, I look longingly into his eyes, and his features soften. "What if I tell you that I don't want you to go?" He wipes away my lonely tears, and I hug him once more.

"Matteo, we have to leave," Diego says, causing me to return to my reality, and I hastily break away, embarrassed that I did all of this in front of everyone. But I'll never be afraid to humiliate myself for a worthwhile cause.

I nearly forgot. I'm looking at Diego with a wicked smile. "One of the maids stated they wanted to tell you something," I say and he gazes at me strangely. 

"I swear, if they went through my roo—" He was about to approach the main entrance when he was showered with a bucket of water from the balcony, followed by a bucket of flour. As he stood there like a white monster, I burst out laughing.

I give the two maids on the balcony with the empty buckets a thumbs up, and they give me a thumbs-up back, giggling. I immediately established friends here that are eager to assist me with anything. As I realise Matteo is watching me, my laughter fades and is replaced with a smile. My gaze meets his, and I blush, only to have Diego shout and make me jump.

"Annika!" I duck behind Matteo, biting my lower lip to keep my laughing in check. I'm certain Matteo wouldn't allow him to get too close to me.

"We are leaving" Matteo smirks and I stick out my tongue at Diego. 

"I'm not going like this." 

"Karma hits hard," I beam. I didn't even realise everyone around us was trying to control their laughter.

"You know what, fuck you Matteo and your--" Matteo throws him a piercing glare, and he soon stops talking. As he enters the mansion to change his clothes and take a shower, he mumbles to himself angrily.

"Thank you, Matteo King, for once again protecting me from your brother." I rise to my tippy toes and gently kiss his cheek. "Come back soon," I say with a smile. Diego immediately returned, dressed in a different suit, and got into the car. Before departing, Matteo tenderly kisses my forehead.

I went back inside for the rest of the day, finishing all of my paperwork and sending it through after discovering a large library in this massive estate that I had no clue existed. It offered a wide selection of books from every genre. It was extremely luxurious and lovely. I spent the entire night reading and imagining things. Who knew so many novels could contain so much love and so much anger at the same time?

My eyes flood up with tears as I complete the last book that I didn't realise was coming to an end at eight pm at night. It's odd how quickly a book can pull you in and hold you chained until you finish, and then it destroys your heart at the end, leaving you wondering how on earth you spent all day reading. But I truly hope she didn't have to die; perhaps she's still alive and this was all a mistake. 

I've only ever disliked one book in my life, and that was Jane Austin's classic Emma. There are no words to describe how irritating and infuriating her character Emma is. She is so self-obsessed and egotistical that she believes the world revolves around her. It wasn't even a narrative; it was simply her attempting to matchmake individuals she had no right to do so. I despise her and I'm not sorry.

I return to my room, putting my book back where it belongs. I take a seat in bed and reach for my phone. I decided to go check what Matteo was up to.

Me; 'Hey, have you already landed?'  

Jerk; 'Soon, gattina. I already miss your fragrance.' My cheeks flush as I smile.

Me; 'Goodnight, and please text me when you arrive.'

Jerk; 'Goodnight, bellissima'

I turn off my phone and put it on charge. Sleep gradually eludes me. I awoke early in the morning and walked downstairs without bothering to change. I was in the kitchen when I heard some commotion from outside. "Miss, it's better if you stay inside." Shaking my head, I disagree with the maid since the voice seemed familiar. I dash outside and approach the gate, where I see the guards pushing Ruby. "Stop what you're doing, let her go!" I shout. The men are staring at me from the other side of the massive fence that separates us.

I peek into the car and see a few children, including Anna, who are terrified as they hold onto each other. "Miss, we have explicit orders not to let anyone in," I was shocked and outraged.

"Matteo has set you to listen to my commands as well, and I recommend you allow them in before I notify your boss of your behaviour." He swiftly released Ruby and pushed open the gate for her. I dashed up to Ruby and hugged her as she was crying.

"Are you okay" she nods. 

"The orphanage was full, and I couldn't just leave them there, so I brought them to the only person who would assist me in looking after children until they found a secure place. I promise I never intended for this to happen." I embrace her again.

"Hey, it's okay. It's not your fault. I apologise for his manner, he should have never acted this way." I help her and the kids inside. 

"This place is really gorgeous," Ruby remarks as we walk in. I'm carrying a small boy on my hip, tickling his stomach while he giggles.

"This place is now ours for the week. Matteo and Diego had travelled out of the country for a business conference" I state 

"Well, I like you to meet everyone. This big boy is Aiden" I smiled; he was around eleven years old, with brown hair and stunning brown eyes.

"This is William, the little boy you're holding," I kiss his small cheek. He had blond hair and vivid blue eyes. He appeared to be about three years old.

"This is Luna, she's William's age." Luna hides her face in Ruby's neck, making me smile. She too was quite cute. Her beautiful golden eyes and silky brown hair. 

"And finally, Anna refused to leave and wanted to accompany me on the journey," I chuckle as I embrace her in a hug. 

"My name is Annika," I introduce myself gently. This week is going to be a lot of fun and excitement.

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