Death, Love and the Emerald R...

By Lilly_Maximoff

240K 7.3K 1.4K

Director Fury recruits Lilith Avenal, a known killer and patient at a mental institution, to be an Avenger bu... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty one
Chapter forty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter forty five
Chapter forty seven
Chapter forty eight
Chapter forty nine
Chapter fifty

Chapter forty six

2.7K 86 9
By Lilly_Maximoff

-Third Person's Point of View-

It had been maybe two weeks since Lilith had been thrown into the dungeons beneath the castle and yet nothing had changed. The team were still fighting for her freedom and were slowly losing hope. With Lilith gone no one on the team had been themselves, especially Loki. With her gone he had reverted back to his old cold ways towards the other's and his family.

Lilith had slowly felt like she was going insane in that cell. Every night she either woke up screaming from the horrors of her time at hydra and her father or she wouldn't be sleeping at all. She couldn't go to sleep only to see that man and to be restrained to that operating table. It was driving her insane. When she was brought meals, she could barely eat it and it felt like the guards were taunting her.

Plates were smashed against the cell walls sending shattered pieces all across the floor along with the mush they insisted was 'food'. Her hair was messier and dark circles formed under her eyes. Every night tears dripped down her pale cheeks and her nails dug into her palm as she clenched her fists.

The only thing truly keeping her sane was Frigga. Even if Odin forbade it, she managed to cast an illusion of herself to see her. Talking to her for at least ten minutes every couple of days to update her on the other's and even brining her notes the team had wrote for her.

Reading over the many letters they had wrote for her managed to bring her a little bit of happiness. A small smile cracked on her face but even then, it wasn't enough, not when she was being haunted by nightmares.

Slumping against the wall in the corner of the room, Lilith stared through the glass to the other sleeping prisoners. Her arms limp beside her and her head tilted back as a few tears ran down her face onto the dirty shirt she wore. Her eye lids felt heavy, but she couldn't close them without being greeted by memories. The testing, the pain, the torture... everything. The things wrong with her life were the only thoughts she could think of no matter how hard Lilith tried to think of a single happy memory.

Even if it was late at night the Avengers were in the royal library searching through textbooks trying to find some kind of loophole to free Lilith. Peter swung from shelf to shelf as Vision floated beside him. They threw down books to Pietro who was zooming back and forth, giving books to the other's who were hard at work. Their reading was soon interrupted however when Frigga and Loki entered the room in a heated discussion.

"Please mother let me see her, I can cast illusions to you are the one who taught me" Loki pestered his mother who looked exhausted. "I need to speak with her, she must be so lonely mother, please let me see her."

"Loki you know the Allfather won't hesitate to send you to the dungeons if he finds out you've been speaking to her. Its for your own good" Frigga repeated herself for the sixth time that night. Loki held his mother's hands and gave her a pleading look.

"Please I beg of you and I don't bed often" Loki said desperately. "You should know by now whatever you say I'll just find a way to do what I want anyway." Frigga sighed.

"I'll let you see her; I can cast an image of her into this room from her cell but that is all! You won't go behind my back and go to the dungeons, are we clear?" Loki nodded his head. The others gathered around Frigga as she casted the illusion.

In front of them was something like a hologram of Lilith in her cell. She seemed hopeless and exhausted. Staring off into the void as she sobbed quietly, every now and then jolting awake from the minute of sleep she got. Bruce gasped at the state of her as if motherly instincts were kicking in. Lilith looked pale and sick. Smashed plates all over the cell, food untouched, split cups and books were sprawled on the ground. Hair a mess and the hem of her shirt ripped.

"You made me this" she kept repeating to herself quietly staring off at the glass. As she kept mumbling these words to herself as a guard gave Lilith her food through the hatch in the cell.

Standing up she walked over to the sickening meal and looked at it disgusted. Throwing the plate at the wall in anger she let out an ear splitting scream of pain. The plate shattering and the food beginning to rot from her pure scream of despair.

The avengers watched in shock at the scene and a few of them had teared up at the sight. Natasha looked to the ceiling and let out a shuddery breath. Bucky, Sam and Clint couldn't watch and turned away. Tony shielded Peter from the site and Bruce covered his ears to not hear her heart wrenching screams.  Vision held Wanda who was trying to stop her tears from spilling.

Thor looked to his brother who seemed numb. Once Lilith had finally stopped and her throat grew sore, she slumped back against the wall and hugged her knees to her chest rocking back and forth. Loki couldn't stand the site of the state she was in for any longer. Without another thought he left the room, storming out the door. Thor, who was holding his poor mother, went to say something to his brother, but Loki had already left.

Loki dashed off to his chambers where no one would disturb him. He sat on his bed with his head in his hands trying to think of a way to save her without getting thrown into the cell next to hers. What could he do? What was there to do? In his anger Loki picked up the glass of ale he had drunk earlier and threw it at the mirror in his room. Shattering the glass and causing a great long crack in the mirror which branched off into many more fractures in the glass, distorting his reflection.

-Tom Hiddleston-

It's literally just this ^

~ Lilly <3

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