The Red Thread of Fate (Compl...

By Fivesosisnotonfire

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Fivesosisnotonfire. 2021. Wattys 2021. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 23

42 0 0
By Fivesosisnotonfire

As I stepped into the entrance I could tell that finding the Triforce would be no easy task. It was massive and had many rooms, but I'm gonna find it if it kills me. I got a map from the chest as I entered and Fi popped out. "Master, I have information to report. I've detected three sources of sacred power within this building. This power clearly radiates from the Triforce." She told me where to start looking.


Hours and Hours later, of room shifting and collecting the three pieces of the Triforce; Courage, Wisdom and Power, the Triforce was complete. As I collected the last piece the room bathed in a golden light, sparkling as I got transported out of the building in a flash of gold light. I was suddenly on top of the Goddess statue in Skyloft and it brought a memory to mind. A fond one. It was when I won the Wing Ceremony and Zelda gave me the Sailcloth..... I know she has a big destiny but I will still do anything to bring my sister home. Safe. Suddenly the golden light flashed in my eyes as the Triforce pieces bundled together and Fi popped out beside me. "Master, I believe at this juncture that a prayer is required. The ultimate goal we have traveled so far for is now within reach. Focus now, and wish with all your might for the destruction of Demise." I knew I had to even if it meant I wouldn't ever see Ghirahim again and never got to tell him my feelings and ended our relationship before it even began.

I still had to do my duty to Skyloft and the Surface as the hero of legend. And to Zelda. I nodded at Fi and turned to the Triforce, closing my eyes and silently wishing for the destruction of Demise but before Fi or the Triforce could do anything I wish another thing close to my heart. 'Please let me see Ghirahim just once more, I have to tell him how I feel. He has to know, maybe I could even try and help him escape his master. Please.' With that the Triforce beamed and the ground started to shake, I wondered what was happening but I immediately understood when the Goddess island start to lower beneath the clouds. I could see the imprisoned had broken out again but it didn't matter as the Goddess crushed it as it landed to the ground filling the the huge pit. The light blinded me along the the darkness that was being destroyed. I slowly opened my eyes and got up from my knees when I had previously fallen down. I looked up and the Triforce was still in front of me and the area around me brightened, making the sealed grounds look much more lively like the rest of the woods.

Fi still stood beside me and spoke looking at the Sealed temple. "Master Link, I have news. I have confirmed that the Isle of the Goddess, which was formerly a part of Skyloft, has returned to the surface. Furthermore, I have detected the successful eradication of Demise. Your prayers to the Triforce have been heard." Hopefully they were heard about Ghirahim too. "In light of these factors, the seal Zelda maintained through her agelong sleep is no longer necessary. My projections indicate she will wake momentarily." Hearing that make me feel one hundred times better, I smiled widely knowing that I would finally get to see my sister again and bring her home. "I advise you to make your way to the Sealed Temple as soon as possible." Fi didn't have to tell me twice as I raced towards the temple.

As I entered the temple, the old woman and Groose were standing smiling in front of the Gate of Time. I smiled, walking forward as they turned to the doors behind the Gate of time at the back of the temple where I first met the old woman. They opened slowly showing a golden light inside and I ran to them stopping as I got to the door, seeing the crystal that Zelda was asleep in glowing as it started to crack and shatter as Zelda broke free and stood looking up at me. I smiled as she began to come down the stairs, she stumbled a little and began to lose balance. I rushed forward to catch her in my arms, gently kneeling as she spoke softly in my ear. "Good morning....Link...." I smiled, lifting her up to her feet. "Good morning sis." I hugged her before taking her back as we walked out the doors and towards the old woman and Groose. He came forward and smiled at us as Zelda greeted him, he started tearing up and Zelda and I looked at each other laughing and smiling.

Groose took hold of my shoulders and shook me like he did when he first came to the surface, smiling. "You did it! You saved her, man!" I smiled at him as he went up and hugged the old woman as well in joy. I turned to Zelda, smiling. "You alright, sis?" She smiled and nodded slinging an arm around my neck. "Never better, brother dearest." She laughed as we began to walk up to the old woman and Groose. A sudden dash of light and flurry of diamonds separated me and Zelda as we feel to opposite sides of the staircase. I was confused but felt a pit in my stomach as I heard a familiar cackle. Oh no.

White feet, and the crimson cloak came into view. Maybe the Triforce misunderstood that I wanted to see Ghirahim again so I could tell him I've fallen in love with him, not so he could possibly kidnap Zelda again. He looked over at me and I gulped, trying to convey the message in my eyes but he looked away before speaking to us. "This is all very touching, really, but I'm afraid I have to cut this emotional moment short." Ghirahim turned back to me with a soft look but menacing. I could tell he was fighting with himself about something, he looked worse than when I last saw him. "Look Skychild, I didn't want to have to do this but you leave me no choice, darling." I know I shouldn't but I could help but blush, I had to say it even if the time is not right. "Ghirahim I could-" I said getting up but he cut me off lifting Zelda into the air. "My master may have perished in this age, but in the past he lives yet! I'm taking the girl through that gate to help me revive the Demon King."

I was still crouched on the ground, my knees still weak rom the attack as I watched Ghirahim. "You've been so adorably dogged in your quest to get in my way and as much as it has delighted me, I can no longer tolerate you nipping at my heels." He gave me a stare I could pinpoint the emotion in his eyes as Zelda mumbled weakly enough for me to hear her. ".....Link...." I felt the rage at him hurting my sister that I groaned half yelling as I pushed myself to my feet. Gripping my blade, not wanting to hurt him but I couldn't let him go at the same time, Ghirahim stood there still looking like he was fighting a internal battle. "Ghirahim, please. You don't have to do this, so let my sister go, now!" He looked unimpressed. "I don't have to do this? Hmph. Yes, I do my master is the only person I obey. He knows best." He chuckled, I shook my head.

"You're wrong. Someone convinces someone else that they're incapable of love and that it does not exist doe not know best. Someone who treats you like dirt and makes you do all the work does not know best, if anything they're the worse thing for you and I don't why you would even want to revive him in the first place but I'm going to stop you!" He made an irritated noise and breathed harshly through his nose. "I'm bound to him, but I don't need to explain myself to you, boy, you've really pushed me too far. The moment I have sweated and bled for is at hand. I don't have the time to grind my heel into a worm like you anyway." I'd be lying if I said that didn't sting. He disappeared again and reappeared in front of the gate, the old woman and Groose.

I took steps towards them still feeling a little lightheaded, I fell to my knees again and Groose noticed trying to stall Ghirahim to let me get my strength back by standing in his way. Ghirahim growled at him. ".....Stand down. You're in my way, and the sight of your appalling hair makes my gorge rise." Previously, I would have laughed at a comment like that but Groose has changed for the better but to be honest his hair is still kinda strange. Ghirahim kicked down both the old woman and Groose powerfully, sending them flying to the side of the platform. Ghirahim turned back to me, looking at me with a smirk. "You've done a fine job of spoiling my plans to revive the Demon King in this age so I see no reason to dwindle. But the past.... oh the past, so full of possibilities. I shall resurrect him with the divine soul of this golden-haired girl!" With that he stepped into the gate and disappeared to the past.

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