Wrong turn

By flwrsdaisy

111K 2.1K 561

wrong turn. I got a wrong turn. I, Alexa Johnson, make another huge mistake in life by believing in someone a... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 28
chapter 29

chapter 27

3.3K 71 16
By flwrsdaisy

Sickick - obsessed



A week later

I am so happy for Thea that she is having a baby girl. She is so happy when she found out about it. I am so happy for her too. It really was a great weekend especially when I spend it with the people who I called 'family'. That's the only thing I wanted and I think now, It is surely getting better. Gabriel and Gabriella are also happy that I finally am able to smile and laugh. My relationship with Rebecca also getting better and even with Elijah. Elijah acts like he is my older brother. It is super nice that we are all in the good condition. 

That was last weekend's story. Now, after that fun, I still have to go and give that crazy bitch a warning to stay away from my children and stop brainwashing them. Now, I am on my way to their apartment. It is quite far than I thought. It takes almost 30 minutes to arrive there. It's fine though, as long as I can go and face that woman.

 Who does she think she is?

She is a crazy bitch who is obsessed with my ex-husband. 

The apartment doesn't have a lift and I have to take stairs to get to their place. This is so tiring. I have only been here like twice and this is my third time coming here. The place is not kids friendly at all. The ally looks like you can get robbed or killed anytime. Anyways, they deserve to be staying here since they didn't have money to buy a better place. That's is karma for them for betraying me. 

Finally, I am here. They don't even have a doorbell. I knock as loud as I can to make sure they hear it. I don't know if Jared is home or not but what I know, Hera must be here since she still didn't get the job. "Alexa? What are you doing here?" Jared here means that I cannot kick the woman's ass. 

"Where is she? I need to speak to her," I said to him. 

"You mean Hera? She is not feeling well. Can you come next time?" I scoff.

"You think I want to come here often? Look, I don't care if she is not feeling well because she needs to know what she's doing now, is not going to happen,"

"Babe who-" Hera finally here. "Jared, I thought you promised won't see this woman anymore. Hey, what are you doing here? Go away and don't disturb us, Alexa. Jared is not yours any longer. Go!" Her attitude is getting worsen and I can't stand this. 

"HEY, WOMAN! I DON'T CARE IF YOU WANT TO TAKE MY HUSBAND BUT NOW, YOU ARE REALLY CROSSING THE LINE! IF YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE MY CHILDREN, YOU ARE WRONG. I WON'T LET MY CHILDREN STAY WITH A CRAZY WOMAN LIKE YOU! YOU HEAR ME?!" I am really mad and I've been keeping this the whole weekend. Now, I am back in LA, I need to make sure she knows her place. "You are only a woman with nothing. You got no money, no dignity, nothing. So, take a look at your face in the mirror and think about it. You don't deserve to be a mom and your child will be the unluckiest child to have a crazy mom like you. Know your place," 

"Hey, you don't have any right to talk to my baby like that! Jared, look at your crazy ex-wife. I don't know what she's talking about. I feel so dizzy now," She walks inside and I want to go after her but of course, Jared is not letting that happen. 

"Move! I still have something to speak with her,"

"No, this is my house. I don't want you to step inside and as you can see, Hera is not feeling well. It's better if you go home," He said.

"Listen here, Jared Lanton. Tell your beloved girlfriend to stop brainwashing my children or else, I won't let you see them anymore. I am not kidding. If she thought she is winning all this, she's wrong because karma is waiting for you both," I said to him and leave their petty apartment. 

I know God will help me and give them the Karma they deserve. This is not enough yet. 

They deserve the worst!



"What do said to my children Hera?" I ask after Alexa left. 

"I didn't say anything. I swear to god, I didn't. She is the one who acts crazy as if we are going to kidnapped Helena and Austin,"

"Alexa would never act like that if everything is just fine, Hera. Tell me what it is about?"

"Jared, we need to move away from here. This place is not safe for the three of us," Hera changes the topic. 

"Don't change the topic, answer me,"

"Look, you need to believe me. There's nothing, I swear," I want to know what is she did until Alexa needs to come here and sound Hera. I guess I have to ask Helena and Austin later. "Jared, you already buy the house that I asked you to buy the other day right?"

"What house?"

"The luxury condominium?" Hera is forcing me to buy the house when I am currently half-half whether I can stay on the job or end up losing my job. The fact that I need to pay Alexa back and Hera's keep asking for me to buy her a brand new car too. This is all messing with my head that I cannot focus on my job. 

"Oh, that. I didn't buy it. Hera, my money is not enough to buy the house for now. I need to pay Alexa back and it already cost a lot. Can we just stay here for now? It's not that bad," I said to her. 

"NO! We need to move! It's fine, we can use my money first but what is important is that we need to get out from here. Jared, I love you and I don't want to lose you. Listen to me and let's get out of here," I look at her weirdly. She is acting like she's out of her mind now. The bags under her eyes and since last week, she acting a bit different from before. She didn't go out to go shopping like she always did. I wonder what is actually going on here. 

"Hera, we will move but tell me what actually going on?"

"Look, I need to get out from here and you need to come with me. We will always stay together, right? You chose me and now, listen to me. We. need. to. move. out... How much do you have? I still have like 10k in my account. I know that will be enough because you have lots right?"

"10K? Hera that's not enough. Your dream house is far more expensive and you expect me to buy that house when you only have that much in your account? Look, I am in dept with Alexa and I need to take out my saving to pay her or else, she will drag me to jail or probably sue me. My chief even gives me a red warning saying that I will lose my job. Stop whining like a baby and be grateful for what we have now," I said to her. She out of a sudden, crying like I just raised my voice to her. 

"Jared, I feel so dizzy now. I need to take a nap," She gets up from the sofa and walks to the room. I am getting confused and suspicious with Hera. 

Do I make a wrong decision by divorcing Alexa and decided to stay with Hera? 

I hope not.



I am now home. To be honest, I still have lots to talk to Hera but I just let it slipped since I am not going to meet her again. I won't meet her or Jared anymore. It is a good thing that I moved to another house already and Jared cannot find me anymore. "Mom, can I talk to you?" Gab walking towards me. 

"Sure, what it is?" 

"I wonder if you and dad will ... you know, getting back together?" I raised my eyebrows when he said that. I know he meant about me and Elijah getting back together since I am a free woman now but we all know that it's not going to happen. Ever. 

"I don't think so?" I answer him but it is coming out as a question.

"Why not? I mean dad is still talking and asking about you when I am at his house. He never forgets you. Not even a little bit. I know deep in his heart, he still wants to be with you again,"

"Gabriel, I know you want the best for me. The thing is, I cannot go back to your dad. He is married and they are happy together. You can see that isn't it? Besides, I am fine living alone like this raising my kids and this is all I wanted for now. I don't want to think about finding another man. I am not getting younger and all I want is to live peacefully. Now, I think I am getting there. I hope you understand, Gab,"

"Yeah I know and I understand. It's just I don't want Jared to disturb you again. If dad is here, he will protect you," He said. 

"Who needs your dad if you are here to protect me? Austin can too. Look, I hope we're not talking about this okay? If Rebecca knows, she will be sad and I don't want another drama to happen. I'm tired of all this,"

"Sure. I will stay with you no matter what," He said and hugs me. "Well, I have a date tonight, I should go and get ready," 

"Hold on. A date? You never told me about it. Gabriel," He grins.

"I will tell you everything tomorrow. Love you, mom!" He left the room. My son is finally going out on a date. He is getting bigger now. I am so happy for him. 


Chapter 27 everyone! 

It's really close to the end. Stay tuned!

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