Back To You ~ (Cazzie Fanfic)

By randomrayne

26.3K 577 581

Update: The story is finished so to speak but I will be adding 3-4 happy, fluffy epilogues so please stay tun... More

The Morning After
Survival Means Keeping a Forward Momentum
I will never get you pregnant
It's Been a Year
"I have been pretty busy"
Chin Up
That's What She Said
Clarity and Focus
Bruises Begin to Show
Almost Normal
Unsaved Number
Pressure Cooker
A brief note from moi
Is This Friendship?
Reasonable Force and Volume
I Don't Know How to Fix It
Tightly Woven Together
Safe Word
The More Things Change
Crisis Point
Go Get Your Girl
Failed Attempt
Back To You
Epilogue 1: So Bad
Epilogue 2: I'm Sorry
Epilogue 3: Honey I'm Home
Thank you to the readers

Whatever We Want it to Be

890 17 33
By randomrayne

AKA: Prom Part 2

C/W: Underage sex

Giving you an extra long, fun chapter to make up for the fact that I might not be able to update for a while. I have a bunch of chapters written but I'm not sure what order they go in yet. And there's a lot more to come after that.

Likes and Comments appreciated.


Casey held Izzie's hand tightly as they walked into the Newton Senior High School building. She had been nervous about what Izzie would think of the Newton prom, after Clayton. But now, as Casey glanced over at her, she smiled and gave Casey a flirty wink. Izzie was in full Top mode tonight and Casey didn't know what to make of it. All she knew for sure was that she didn't hate it.... not even a little bit.

When Casey had opened her front door, at the beginning of the evening, Izzie was standing on the porch in a sophisticated black suit with cropped pants and the same sky high heels she'd worn to the Clayton prom. Her high waisted pants had given way to a tight, mesh bustier. Gold jewelry dripped from her ears, neck, wrists and fingers, accentuating the soft golden glow of her skin. Her dark hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, emphasizing her high cheekbones and the curve of her jaw. Izzie held the plastic boutonniere box casually in one hand, one hip cocked. Casey swallowed audibly.

"Hi," Izzie said, with a piercing gaze, the wobble in her voice the only thing that betrayed her nerves.

"Hi," she replied, softly, smiling as she watched Izzie's eyes slowly widen, taking in her own outfit.

"I thought I was gonna be the one surprising you," Casey said weakly. "You look... amazing."

Izzie seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Her smile was breathtaking.

"I wasn't sure what you'd think."

She glanced down shyly, for a second, and then said, "You look incredible."

Her eyes were huge; open and sincere.

Casey had decided to surprise Izzie with a dress. It's not that she hated dresses, it's just that they mostly didn't feel like "her." But every now and then, when she was in the mood, dresses could be fun. Like playing dress up... or trying on a different, smaller aspect of herself.. temporarily. Just as fun as, say, a tweed suit from a thrift shop at just the right moment. Plus the thought of surprising Izzie, and seeing that cute, shocked look on her face, was too much to pass up.

She'd chosen a simple, grey satin dress with spaghetti straps. It flattered her slim figure, without being uncomfortably revealing, and fell to mid calf. She'd topped it off with a boxy blazer and combat boots that Elsa had insisted on scrubbing and shining (as best she could.) Casey had used a little product to accentuate her hair's natural waves and even purchased a small compact of a translucent glittery eyeshadow. Charisse had applied the eye shadow for her, sparingly, along with some mascara, while Casey perched on the edge of Charisse's bathroom counter. Casey had gone to Charisse's house for "hair and makeup," though it was more to hang out than to work on her own look. She'd left just as Charisse was putting on her own, gorgeous, deep blue dress, with the plan to meet up later.

Back at home Elsa had sighed and teared up after Casey slipped her dress on.

"Oh, Casey! You look so pretty!"

Casey stepped back to look at herself in the full length mirror, feeling good about what she saw. Elsa came up behind her holding both ends of a necklace in each hand like they were going to have some sort of necklace moment where they smiled at each other in the mirror as Elsa fastened it behind her neck. Casey's eyes widened in horror.

"Noooo... Mom! No jewelry!"

She batted Elsa away.

"Ok, ok," Elas conceded, setting the necklace down with resignation. "But, I do want to talk to you about something."

She sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to her. Casey remained standing.

"Are you going to tell me to use protection so I don't get pregnant? Because I haven't missed a period yet and we've been, you know..." she made a clicking sound with her mouth, "for awhile."

She winked at her mother, hoping that by shocking her she could quickly put an end to this conversation. Elsa suppressed a smile and took a deep breath.

"I wanted to let you know that... I recognize you are getting older. And, you and Izzie have been together for a while... and I know you love each other..."

Casey stared, wide eyed and uncomfortable. What fresh hell was this?

"Mom! You can't stop us from having sex! We're almost 18- we're barely even minors anymo-"

"I'm not trying to stop you from having sex!" Elsa interrupted, holding her hands up in surrender.

"I'm pretty sure that's actually impossible. What I'm saying is that I'm willing to look the other way... as long as you don't rub it in our faces."

Casey felt her eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

"So if you wanted to have Izzie sleep over... in your room..."

"Mother!" she gasped dramatically, her face spreading into a smile.

"Are you giving us permission to fu-"

"Just!" Elsa interrupted, closing her eyes again as if trying to find a way through this minefield of a conversation.

"Just please be mature and responsible about it, ok? And, as always, if you break up or need some space from Izzie she will still be welcome in Sam's room, so keep that in mind."

Casey nodded, mutely. Then Elsa had stood to look at her again and taken both of Casey's hands in hers, kissing them.

"My beautiful girl!!"

"Mommmmm!" Casey had groaned, rolling her eyes, yanking her hands back and trying unsuccessfully to hide her smile.

Now, standing at the door with Izzie's eyes drinking her in, she had to admit that she did feel beautiful. Izzie took a few steps closer, her eyes twinkling, and took Casey's hand. Casey felt just as lost in the landscape of Izzie's beautiful face as Izzie seemed to be in hers. Casey watched Izzie's eyes dance from her lips to her eyes and back again. Finally they leaned in simultaneously to share a gentle kiss, neither wanting to smudge Izzie's lipstick just yet.

Casey was just about to kiss her again when Izzie put a confident hand on her waist, kissed her on the cheek and then said, "Should we go in?" before guiding Casey into the house with a hand at the small of her back.

Caught off guard by this smooth swagger, and a sudden explosion of butterflies taking flight in her chest, Casey nodded mutely and allowed herself to be led in. Elsa was just running down the stairs as they closed the door behind them.

"Is she here? Ohh I missed it! Izzie, come here honey! You look so beautiful!"

Elsa wrapped Izzie in a careful hug, not wanting to mess up her hair or makeup. Izzie smiled an enormous smile and seemed to sink into Elsa. It was something Casey didn't entirely understand, the connection they had. Sometimes she felt a little jealous of whatever it was Izzie got from Elsa that she couldn't get from Casey. But mostly she was just glad to see her girlfriend looking so happy and at ease.

"Hello Izzie," Sam, who was visiting for the evening with the mission of "supporting Casey," said from the couch, where he sat with sketchbooks, pencils and markers piled around him.. "You look very nice. It's weird that Casey's wearing a dress."

"Hi Sam!" Izzie said, smiling radiantly. "Thank you!"

Casey's Dad came out of the sunroom holding a beer. His face was upbeat and friendly, but Casey knew him well enough to know he was putting it on with some effort. It's not that she didn't appreciate the effort... it's just that it ate at her... whatever this thing was between he and Izzie. It put distance between him and Casey where there used to be none. Izzie tensed slightly as she turned to face Doug fully, putting on her own forced smile.

"Hey there!" he nodded in Izzies direction, not quite meeting her eyes.

Izzie nodded.

"Hi!" she said politely.

"You girls look good... happy. Excited for the big night?"

They both said "yes" and "yep" in unison and then Doug wrapped one arm around Casey's shoulders and kissed her temple.

"Oh! The corsage!" Elsa said, bustling into the kitchen to retrieve it from the fridge.

"Daaddd ewwww," Casey said, wiggling out of his embrace with pretend disgust.

He smiled and backed up a bit saying "Alright, alright."

Then Casey was sliding the corsage onto Izzie's wrist while her parents looked on, smiling and taking photos. Izzie pinned the boutonnière onto Casey's lapel with ease this time and when she smiled at Casey self-assuredly Casey felt the deep throb of desire, low in her gut.

Then Charisse arrived in an exquisite full-length, midnight-blue gown, with her date and some of the track team... and some of their parents. They'd all taken even more photos outside until Casey felt her face actually getting sore from smiling and her nose getting numb in the late winter air.

"Ok, ok!!" she shouted, throwing her hands up. "I'm officially ending photo time. Time to go!"

Everyone laughed or rolled their eyes and then there was a flurry of hugs and grabbing of belongings as the kids headed out and all the parents went inside for a drink. Casey was just about to go grab her coat, after hugging Charisse for the hundredth time, when suddenly Izzie was there, handing it to her with a smile.

Casey regarded her for a moment and then uttered a bemused, "thank you" before allowing Izzie to help her slip it on.

"I just had a wild conversation with your Mom," Izzie whispered as they walked up the path, fingers interlaced.

"Oh. My. God. Me too!"

"What'd she say to you?"

"Uhhh she basically sanctioned us having hot lesbian sex under her roof tonight, which honestly was a huge turn off... until I saw what you were wearing."

Casey smirked and pulled on their joined hands sharply so that Izzie spun and crashed into her. Izzie shrieked and giggled as Casey attempted to dip her back, as if they were dancing. Under the street light Izzie's dark eyes danced and shimmered.

"But wait, does your Dad know? Is it like, a permanent thing... or just for tonight?"

"I don't know dude, I was afraid to ask too many questions."

Casey released Izzie so that they could continue walking, hand in hand. She squeezed Izzie's hand gently.

"So whaddya say? Shall we give 'parentally sanctioned sex' a try? Or is it just too gross to even consider?"

"Hmmm Let's see how the night goes," Izzie giggled, squeezing back and pulling out her mom's keys.

And when Casey reached for her door handle Izzie's hand was already there, pulling it open for her. Casey gave her a quizzical smile and got in.

"Opening my door? Such a gentleman!"

"You love it," Izzie said smoothly, shutting the door after her.

The actual prom itself had been pretty similar to Clayton's, just with less expensive decorations, minimal food and a smaller, less impressive gymnasium. Also, there was no awkward run-in with a drunken ex. They'd danced, laughing and smiling, to the fast songs... then pressed up against each other and stealing small kisses during the slow songs. They'd drunk soda and eaten chips with their friends and watched the King and Queen be crowned. Almost no one had heard back from colleges yet but they talked about where they'd applied and where they hoped to go. Izzie had gone quiet at this, listening with interest but not adding much to the conversation. But when Casey had squeezed her hand Izzie smiled warmly and leaned in to ask her to dance, taking her hand and leading her into the crowd.

Any time they weren't dancing Izzie seemed to have an arm draped around Casey or resting on her waist. Her movements were different; protective, territorial. Not in an overt, controlling way. Just... more dominant. If Casey didn't know Izzie so well she might not have even noticed the shift. But they'd been together over a year now, and friends even longer, so she knew when something was up.

Before long the DJ had announced the last slow song and they sunk into each other. Their blazers had long since been abandoned in the sweaty heat of the dance floor and the feeling of resting her own bare arms on Izzie's bare shoulders had sent a familiar warmth rushing through Casey's body. Izzie's fingers had traced along Casey's sides, over the smooth satin of her dress, and then dug lightly into Casey's hips, pulling her closer. Sparks erupted along Casey's skin where Izzie's fingers touched her and she gazed down at Izzie's exposed collarbone from under heavy eyelids.

"I like you in a dress," Izzie breathed.

Casey chuckled softly.

"Ok, what is up?"

Izzie looked up at her, innocently.

"You've been like... super dominant, all evening."

Izzie threw back her head and laughed.

"Have I?"

Casey nodded, laughing.

"I don't know! I think it's the suit. It makes me feel so powerful."

She bit her lip and gazed into the distance for a moment, thinking.

"I think... I didn't know what it would feel like to "pick you for Prom" and then when I saw you were in a dress... and I'm in pants... I dunno. It feels different. Fun. Being a same-sex couple it's like... it can be whatever we want it to be. And it can change whenever we want it to."

Casey smiled and kissed her lightly.

"Yeah... I like that," She mused, stroking Izzie's cheek. "Whatever we want it to be."

Then she bent slightly to look into Izzie's eyes and cupped her face.

"But do not expect me to wear a dress regularly... or even maybe ever again. I'm just... having a moment," Casey laughed.

"Ok, deal," Izzie giggled, kissing her sweetly.

When the last song played all the kids packed onto the dance floor and their group of friends surrounded them. As she looked at the smiling, laughing faces around her Casey felt truly care free. Life felt so packed with promise and love and adventure. Her heart felt full and bubbling over with hope and anticipation. She found herself soaking up every detail, every moment, every expression on every face around her... as if she could take a mental snapshot to have with her forever. She was young, strong and invincible and the future was a long red carpet rolled out to welcome her. And as she walked into that future she would be walking hand in hand with the girl she loved.

When it was time to go Izzie appeared with their blazers and coats, slipping her own on and then helpling Casey finish with hers. Casey just smiled and shook her head. Izzie winked. Their group had planned to build a bonfire, at a nearby lake, but they were ravenous from dancing all night, and the icy winter wind had picked up making outside infinitely less appealing. So they voted unanimously to head to an all night diner instead. The kids crowded into two booths and then gorged themselves on waffles, pancakes, eggs and bacon. Charisse laughed so hard telling stories about her and Casey growing up that she knocked over a glass of water and then everyone at the table was laughing and mopping it up with napkins.

Finally, they all said goodbye and piled back into their respective cars to head home. Izzie cranked up the heat inside her mom's car and they laughed at how much less glamorous their outfits were with winter coats zipped all the way up. The temperature had dropped and Casey could see Izzie's breath as she let out a long, contented sigh and pulled out of the parking lot. Some of Izzie's makeup had worn off and her cheeks and nose were pink from the cold. A wistful, melodic song from the radio wound its way through the car and for the hundredth time that night she wished she could freeze time. She reached over and rested her hand on the back of Izzie's neck, caressing it with her thumb, which caused Izzie to glance at her with a sweet smile.

"Hey," Casey said when Izzie had stopped at a red light.

"I love you."

Izzie touched her arm lightly and regarded her with a shy smile.

"I love you too."

When they crept into the dark, quiet Gardner residence Casey still had the vague feeling that they were doing something wrong. Izzie seemed equally uneasy as she glanced around and slipped her shoes off, setting them neatly... respectfully... by the front door.

"Thirsty?" Casey asked her, gesturing toward the kitchen.

She shook her head so they tiptoed quietly up the stairs and into Casey's room. Once the door was shut they both heaved a big sigh of relief... and then just stood there, looking around as if unsure what to do. Something about knowing they could just have sex if they wanted to, with no ramifications, had added an element of uncertainty.

Finally Casey chuckled and said, "Look, it's late. We don't have to do anything. You can even sleep in Sam's room if you want."

Izzie looked at her, wide eyed.

Casey rushed to continue, "I mean- I don't want you to, but I won't be mad. I just want-"

Izzie stilled her with a hand to her arm.

"Why don't we just... get ready for bed? And then we can, like, cuddle for a while? If we're too tired we can sleep and if not..." she trailed off with a slight smirk and an adorable shrug.

"Deal," Casey smiled.

They brushed their teeth side by side, smiling at each other in the mirror, and washed their faces quietly. Casey went into her room to give Izzie some privacy to pee and started to undress, hanging up her blazer and pulling off her socks. She was just pulling her dress off over her head when the bathroom door opened. Izzie stood in the doorway holding her blazer and drinking Casey in with her eyes.

Casey pulled the oversized t-shirt she slept in over her head and was just thinking that maybe she should give Izzie some privacy to change when she came closer and said, "Could you help me with this?" gesturing at her top and turning around.

The house was so silent that Casey felt like she could hear every movement, every swish of hair and shift of weight. The tops of Izzie's shoulder blades were visible over the back of the bustier. With reverent fingers Casey found the zipper slider and pulled it down. The zipping sound was loud in the quiet room. Then she stood back while Izzie unwrapped the stiff cloth from her body and set it to the side. The seams of the garment had left pink indentations in her skin. Casey's fingers itched to touch them. Yawning, Izzie removed her pants, sitting on the bed to pull them off. Any of Casey's uncertainty about whether she wanted to have sex fell away with Izzie's clothes, but she was determined to give her the space to just sleep, if that's what she needed right now. So she watched furtively as Izzie pulled on her tank top and pajama shorts, pretending to be occupied with pulling down the bed covers.

When they were laying side by side in her bed with the lights out, noses almost touching, the desire that had sparked in Casey at the sight of Izzie's body bloomed. Izzie's scent and body heat invaded her senses and the bloom quickly became a cascade of delicious sensation rippling through her body, leaving her feeling desperate and needy. She pressed her forehead into Izzie's, holding her breath in the silence, clasping her hands together to keep from reaching out. She wondered if Izzie could hear her heart hammering against her ribcage. Neither of them spoke. The warmth of their bodies mingled under the soft covers. Casey could only see the shadow outline of Izzie's body in the darkness. The shadow shifted as Izzie nuzzled into her, kissing her softly. There was a shushing sound of fabric rustling and then Casey felt a hand on her hip. Gently, at first, and then gripping slightly, hungrily. Casey's breath whooshed out of her and she reached out to touch Izzie's hair, wrapping one trembling hand around some of it.

"I want you so much," she whispered into the darkness, desperation tinging her voice.

Izzie didn't say anything. She just breathed out her own held breath and shifted smoothly to lie on top of Casey, one leg slotted between her thighs. Casey sighed and slipped her fingers under Izzie's shirt, tracing her back. Izzie's weight on her felt so good. As Izzie's lips found hers in the darkness Casey wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her even more tightly against her own body. The thigh wedged between Casey's legs pressed purposefully into her causing her to gasp. Within seconds she was pulling Izzie's tank top up over her head and rolling to flip her, tugging down her shorts. Izzie fumbled with Casey's shirt, struggling to find the hem.

"Take this off," she whispered breathlessly, grasping the fabric urgently, "Take it off."

Casey sat back and pulled her shirt over her head in one movement, then dove back under the warm covers. They both shimmied silently out of their panties, kicking them down, and then they were twining their legs together, kissing deeply and allowing their hands to wander. The only sound was their breathing and Casey's heart pounding in her ears. It felt like Izzie's hands were everywhere, running over her skin, never staying in one place for long. Wherever her hands touched they left a burning, tingling sensation. Their tongues danced together, mutual and rhythmic. Casey's tongue suddenly felt so sensitive that the feel of Izzie's tongue swiping against the tip of her own made her shudder.

Izzie was moving faster now, licking down Casey's body, biting gently at her neck... the side of her breast... taking Casey's nipple into her mouth and sucking. Casey was panting and whimpering. Izzie descended further, reaching a hand under Casey's thigh to push it up and to the side.

"Wait," Casey breathed, "Can you use your hand?"

The shadowy silhouette that was Izzie paused, whispered "Sure," and crawled back up Casey's body, laying down beside her.

Casey turned and wove her fingers into Izzie's hair.

"I want you up here with me," she said softly, "I want to see you."

Izzie nodded and found Casey's lips again, kissing her deeply as she slid her hand down between Casey's thighs. At the feeling of Izzie's fingers sliding into the folds of her slick, sensitive vulva Casey moaned... a high, desperate sound... and skimmed her own hand down Izzie's back, finding her ass and squeezing. Izzie groaned and found the small bundle of nerves at the top of Casey's vulva, beginning to circle it gently.

God, this never gets old, Casey thought.

She sighed and widened her legs. She loved this position, face to face, touching each other at the same time. They almost never got to do it this way, not that they had the chance to do much of anything very often. But maybe now it would be different, with Elsa's new rules. The thought was exhilarating. She hooked one hand behind Izzie's knee and pulled it up to rest on her hip. Izzie grunted and smiled into their kiss. Casey reached down to find Izzie's pussy and began to slide her own fingers through the wet heat there, till she found her girlfriend's clit. Izzie sighed out a breathy sound that turned into a moan.

Casey's arousal was building quickly, her hips already rolling in a gentle rhythm. Izzie's hips began to rock as well and she lost track of their kiss, sighing and moaning into Casey's mouth. She wrapped her top leg around Casey's waist, pulling them closer. They were so close now that their hands were bumping as they stroked each other and rocked. Casey paused to throw back the blanket, releasing some of the scorching heat from around their bodies. Soon their rhythms became erratic and difficult to maintain; with hands slipping and legs growing tired as they raced toward climax. Moisture seeped from between Casey's fingers.

"Oh shit..." Izzie choked out as Casey found a particularly sensitive spot.

"Wait," she breathed.

She shifted her weight, rolling Casey back a bit and gripping the shin of her bottom leg.

"I want... here... move your leg up," she breathed, pushing against Casey's shin, bending her leg deeply before rolling back on top of it.

She reached down to grip Casey's other thigh and pulled it up so that each of them had one leg over, one leg under the other, in a messy knot of limbs. Izzie rocked sharply and their pussies made contact. Electricity shot through Casey and her mouth fell open, realizing what Izzie was trying to do. Izzie rocked again, more slowly, and Casey gasped. It felt amazing, but was nowhere near enough.

Casey gripped Izzie's hip, pressed their bodies closer...and rocked.

"Like this?"

"Yeah... I think-"

"Wait, lean back?"

They tried again, rocking against each other at the same time.

"Ok... damn... maybe this isn't really a thing," Izzie breathed, with laughter edging her voice.

Then she groaned in frustration, letting her limbs relax, "Ughh I just really want to... feel that..."


"I dunno...maybe it's just a fake porno thing"

Casey felt the intensity of the moment slipping away.

"Wait," she said, climbing out from under Izzie, "Lie back?"

Casey reached to turn on the bedside light. Their dark-adapted eyes were blinded at first until she threw her shirt over the lamp, dimming the light considerably.

"Bend your legs," she said, pushing Izzie's thighs apart in the soft glow from the covered lamp.

She sat back on her knees for a moment, regarding their bodies as if trying to put together a puzzle. Then, moving quickly, Casey straddled one of Izzie's thighs and twisted her body, sitting down so that their vulvas were pressed up against each other, warm and wet. Izzie's dark hair was fanned out on the sheet around her head, and the unguarded, hungry expression she wore almost made Casey come right then and there. Casey rocked her hips. Their wet vulvas slid over each other. Izzie let out a shuddering breath and reached her hands down to grip Casey's thighs.

"Like that?" Casey asked breathlessly, rocking again.

Izzie nodded eagerly, furrowing her eyebrows. She sighed deeply and pressed up into Casey with her own hips. It took Casey a moment to get her bearings. She leaned forward... and then back, searching for the right angle. But before long she had settled into a slow rhythm, thrusting her hips into Izzie's and then rocking so that the soaked, swollen skin of their vulvas slid together with exquisite friction, bringing their clits into contact. They gasped in unison as Casey picked up her pace, thrusting more sharply, applying more weight as her body slid over Izzie's.

"Ohhh fuck," Izzie breathed, bringing the back of her hand to her mouth, to muffle the sound as Casey wrapped an arm around Izzies bent knee, pulling it tightly into her own body so that their clits could press together with more precision.

Looking down at her beautiful girlfriend... her best friend... naked and panting beneath her, legs spread wide, hands gripping the pillow on either side of her head... Casey was seized by the rawness of this moment, the primal nature of it. It felt so dirty. It felt so good. Her pussy felt like it was a molten pool of liquid. Pleasure radiated and cascaded outward from it, flowing through the rest of her body like liquid metal, burning her from within... flowing into Izzie's body and melding them together. She couldn't even hear Izzie any more, just her own heart racing and her own panting breath. Izzie's eyes were tightly closed and her breasts jiggled with each thrust of Casey's hips.

"Do you like this?" she heard herself asking, demanding, as she dug her fingernails into Izzie's skin, "Does it feel good? Is this what you wanted?"

Izzie's eyes shot open at that. For a moment they were huge, dark saucers piercing Casey through the low light. And whatever she saw in Casey's face made her slap her hand tightly over her mouth to stifle a loud groan as her eyes rolled back and her spine arched, then twisted, stiffly and suddenly.

"Oh fuck..." Casey moaned, increasing her pace, "ohmygod," watching Izzie come undone, whimpering rhythmically as she trembled and convulsed beneath her.

Casey's fingers dug into Izzie's legs, holding them in place, continuing to ride her girlfriend's hips as she felt herself slipping... twitching and sliding against Izzie, pulled along by her orgasm, till she followed her, tumbling over the edge. Casey rode out her orgasm as best she could, thrusting down into Izzie, trying to stay upright, biting her lip until she tasted blood... until she couldn't hold herself up anymore. Then she buckled over on top of Izzie, still trembling and whimpering. Izzie wrapped her arms around Casey and rolled her onto her side, holding her tightly as the waves of pleasure took her.

"That was so good baby," Izzie whispered into her hair, breathing hard, a tremor in her voice, "You're so amazing... that was so amazing Case. Fuck."

Eyes closed, Casey floated drowsily through the last tiny ripples of her orgasm, clinging to Izzie for stability. As her breathing slowed she felt Izzie's kisses on her forehead, eyelids, cheeks... the top of her head.

A few moments later, as Casey lay on Izzie's chest feeling sleep pull at her mind, Izzie murmured, "God... I used to think about this," she lightly skimmed her hands over Casey's bare skin, "all the time. When we were just friends? And I slept over in your bed..."

Casey squeezed Izzie lightly, burrowing further into her.

"I wanted so badly to touch you..." Izzie continued, voice slow and drowsy.

"...for you to touch me. I didn't think it would ever happen. And now..."

She sighed contentedly and kissed the top of Casey's head again.

"Is it what you hoped for?" Casey mumbled.

"Ohhh yeah," she replied, and Casey heard the smile in her voice.

"It's everything. And more."

There was a pause and then Izzie practically whispered, "I want us to be together forever."

Casey made a quiet sound of appreciation, then whispered, "I'm yours Iz. Always have been...even when I didn't know it yet... always will be."

And with a deep sigh, Casey fell asleep, wrapped in Izzie's arms, her scent, and the slow, gentle rhythm of her breathing.

They slept like that, hardly moving, until almost noon the next day, bedside light still on and sheets tangled around them.


Note: I get that scissoring is controversial. But my thinking is: they're young and athletic... they're still figuring out this whole sapphic thing so they're trying different stuff... it's their first time doing it, so just the novelty alone would be enough to... well, you know. Also some people legit love it. But comment your thoughts if you want to share.

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