Beauty & The Beast

By drippynae

516K 17.4K 16.8K

THIS IS AN INTERSEX STORY ABOUT ARI & YOUNG MA! Ari is a hardworking hairstylist. She's loving and looking fo... More

Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2

Q & A

3K 91 227
By drippynae

You don't have to read this because it's not going to be brought up in the story it's just a way my readers asked to for the questions to be answered & the character list.

I couldn't do it as a reality reunion with everybody at once for two reasons, the first being someone would definitely end up fighting and the second being people would find out too much that they shouldn't know right now.

First we have

Ariana 'Ari' Neishelle Fletcher born on July 12 and in the book she is 24!

"Hey Ari, how are you" Nae ask

"I'm making it" Ari nod "how are you"

"Um I'm okay" Nae shrug "just trying to make these Tuesday and Thursday updates but let's go ahead and put you in the hot seat because I have some interesting questions for you"

"Oh Lord" Ari laugh

"I'll take it easy at first" Nae say "so Creed, how are things with her"

Ari shrugged "I mean Creed is a good person don't get me wrong but I don't know. I think I'm use to the niggas they live the fast life but she's so calm and actually has something going for herself"

"But in the beginning of the book you stated multiple times that you didn't want to deal with someone in the streets. You wanted someone that was not only honest to you but to themselves as well, is that not Creed" Nae ask

"Yeah but I didn't think I'll get it" Ari say "like I swore up and down if I got pregnant I'll abort it and well"

"We're going to move to baby Kason in just a second let's focus on this Creed thing" Nae say "are y'all even together"

"No" Ari roll her eyes

"Do you not want a relationship? It seems like you're always just a fuck buddy or am I wrong" Nae ask "I know the answer to these questions but the people want to know"

"Well you answer this question because I'm not too sure. I like to think I'm a good girlfriend but so far I've had sex with three people and only one real relationship and that really doesn't count because she was fucking her babymama the entire time" Ari roll her eyes in frustration

"She actually wasn't fucking her the entire time. It was only once or twice" Nae correct even though it's wrong regardless  "but maybe you shouldn't have sex with everybody you encounter, not trying to call you a hoe. You know that saying 'why buy the cow when you get the milk free' you already do wifely duties in the talking stage so, why would they commit and they really don't have to"

Ari shrugged her shoulders "Kay did"

"And Trent tried. Maybe you just have to be patient with Creed. Y'all are still in the getting to know each other phase" Nae say "but I don't know"

"Yeah you know" Ari laugh

"We have another question" Nae start "why are you and Kay not together? This is one of the most popular questions"

Ari shrugged her shoulders once again "Kay and I are not together for a few reasons. For one I'm talking to Creed, for two she doesn't want a relationship, for three she has a lot of issues that she needs to address, and then four I don't know. I like affection and look at Kay. I had to pry her to admit she told me she love me. I'm not a fan of that"

"Maybe that's new to her but when y'all were together you have to admit she prioritized you. When you asked she always showed up and you have to give her credit for that" Nae say

"Late! Kay did show up but the bitch was always late. She move on her own damn time" Ari say

Little does she know Kay tries to do right by her. She still does and they aren't even together or even working towards it. "Ariana I'm not going to lie, you kinda selfish. You expect her to stop making money just to cuddle with you, you want a broke bum? Just let me know"

"No that's not what I want but who wants somebody in the streets 24/7" Ari ask

"Oh but you knew that before you got with her" I say

"Facts but I don't know" Ari say "but I'm not even thinking about that girl because that whole situation with Br-" Nae cut her off because she was getting ahead of herself

"Yeah okay" Nae say "now you know when Kay find out you sleeping with Creed she's going to go crazy"

"How she gone find out" Ari ask "actually I don't give a fuck if she does find out because it's really no telling what the fuck she be doing. I don't owe her anything"

That's what she says now. I'm sure once her and Desiree cross paths she'll feel some type of way.  "And you know she doesn't owe you anything. So if she decides to get back with Jada or pursue someone else then that's her business"

"Yeah but she said it herself she's not worried about all that so I don't care" Ari say

"And that's day she came to the shop, did you ever finish her hair" Ari started laughing

"Yeah I did" Ari smile thinking about it. We can clearly see that they want to be together but obviously they have to communicate for that.

That's all the questions we have for her today "okay Ari thank you for joining us you have an amazing night"

"You too" Ari say and walked away

Second we have


Katorah 'Kay' 'Young' Kasanova Marrero born on April 3rd and in the book she's currently 25!

"Hey Young, how are you" Nae ask

"Good, wassup" Young ask

"Well you got some really good questions first off the people wanna know, why did you tell Ari you don't love her" Young started laughing

"Man" she start "I just don't know. It was pretty dumb but I didn't want to hype her damn head up. I ain't want her to think I was finna be Prince Charming in this bitch" she shrug "ion deserve Ari"

"Why do you think that" Nae ask

"Look at her and look at me. We literally beauty and the beast! Not even looks cause I know I'm fine as fuck" she lick her lips "it's just Ari want to go to the lobster bar, watch movies, and then have soft sex"

"What is soft sex" Nae raise her eyebrow

"You know like whispering that I love you ass shit" Young wave off

"And what's wrong with that" Nae ask

"That's her definition of a nice night. I like to eat tacos, go to the club, get pissy drunk, and fuck a bitch eyelashes off" Young say "we opposite as fuck"

Little does she know, Ari is not a fan of soft sex either

"Opposites attract. Y'all don't have to like the same things to be together. One day do something she like and the next y'all can do something you like. A relationship is full of compromises" Nae explain "like you got to the carnival with Desiree"

"What's wrong with the carnival? I felt like I did good" Young say

"You did" Nae agree

"I could've probably got my dick wet if Linda fuck ass ain't call me" Young say

"She told you to help her sister and you left the girl" Nae say

"That girl is grown as fuck. I'm not finna keep saving these hoes. Real talk" Young say

"So the stairs incident" Nae bring up

"I feel like Jada nigga hit my son or some. I hope not though. I hope he really fell down some stairs because imma go straight to hell for what I'm gone do"  Young say "and that's word to my son"

Nae decided to leave that there because she didn't want to egg that conversation on "speaking of your mother, why treat her the way you do"

"Fuck you mean? She the one financed the house without my permission or even just letting me know! I worked hard to pay that shit off" Young say

"I understand that but at the end of the day it's her house. Whatever she chooses to do with it is her business and who's to even say she's the one that financed it" Nae say

"Fuck that mean" Young ask

"On to the next, why are you so cold hearted and careless? You a little too old for that shit" Nae say

Young shrug "everybody gone leave you know that right? If ion care about them then that shit won't matter"

"Your mom hasn't left, Kayleigh hasn't left, Ari hasn't left, and more importantly Bryce hasn't leave and he's not going to leave" Nae say

"Cause they need me" Young say

"Ari does not. She was perfectly fine without you and if you was to leave she'll be fine without you" Nae say

Young smiled "I want Ari in my life. Even if she want to be with Creed bitch ass. I'll allow it until I'm ready to be committed to one woman"

"And when will that be" Nae ask "because that was a going to be my follow up"

"I'm young. Literally" she laugh "What if we was to move together and have some more kids? Imma be a family woman forever? That shit is dead"

"Having a family? Your own support system" Nae ask

"Just not yet I ain't ready" Young say "what we got going now is cool"

"So you're okay with her being with Creed" Nae ask

"As long as she don't fuck my babymama we cool" Young shrug

Guess they not cool then. Creeds fingers and tongue was all over Ari's body on the living room floor "oh ok" Nae was not about to spill in secrets to her "and Kelsey, did y'all really have something going on or was she just trying to get in Ari's head"

"I don't know who the fuck Kelsey is" Young say "that shit not ringing a bell but if it was I'm sure it was just a fuck and duck"

"So you don't know who you fuck" Nae ask

"I mean you know how it be" Young say

"No. No I don't know how it be actually" Nae say

"In a club, out of your element, a bad bitch come through imma knock her down" Young shrug "til I'm over that phase imma leave Ari where she at. She always finding some shit out and going crazy. Look at what the fuck happened with Jada"

"Jada attacked her, what do you expect" Nae ask

"Not that shit! I thought Jada was gone whoop her ass. That shit was sexy though, you gotta admit" Young laugh

"Okay" Nae decided not to admit to anything "would you get back with Jada"

"Can't get back with the bitch if I was never with her" Young say "next"

"This one kinda has two parts, who's more experienced" Nae ask

"What you mean" Young ask

"Jada or Ari" Nae ask raising her eyebrow

"Experience as in" Young ask

Nae decided to just put it on the table "who's better in bed"

"Oh shit" Young laugh placing her finger by her mouth "I really can't answer that"

"But you can" Nae say

"Jada just take dick better so Jada. Next" Young laugh dropping her hand

"I don't think the people gone like that answer very much. Okay so the second part of that is who has the best punani" Nae ask

"Easy. Ariana" Young shrug "can't tell? I be moaning like a bitch in that shit"

"Is that why you gave her a baby? Definitely trapped her" Nae say

"I didn't mean to do that shit" Young defend

"Didn't mean to but was fucking without a rubber? Sounds like you meant that" Nae say

"Nah" Young say

"Last question" Nae say "why are you such a horrible ass parent"

"Damn" Young scrunch her face up "you mean that, huh"

"Whole heartedly" Nae wasn't about to sugarcoat it for her.

"Man I don't know. Don't nobody teach you that shit" Young smack her lips "I be feeling like I do that shit"

"Well you don't" Nae say "not even a little bit"

"Like what though" Young ask "my mom and I are best friends so I treat Bryce like he mine. Never fucked with my daddy so ion know what I'm pose to be doing"

"For one he's your son. You don't always have to 'my nigga' this and 'my nigga' that. For two a hug, high-five, or even a damn fist bump needs to more present. The way you're raising him he's definitely not going to be know how to love once he's older. He's so innocent and sweet. All he does is look for your approval and you're so oblivious to it" the things Bryce say and do you can tell Kay's opinion matter "and stop letting him see you do a lot of stuff" because no child should be telling another adult to leave a situation alone because he knows how angry she'll get

"Like what" Young ask

"Hitting anybody" Nae say "especially Jada"

"I ain't ever hit Jada in front of Bryce" Young claim "maybe like a push or some shit but look at the shit the bitch do" 

"She's not your kid" Nae say

"She's my babymama though and she gone get some act right" Young say

"So would you put your hands on Ari" Nae raise her eyebrow.

"If she hit me, hell yeah" Young say "I don't beat women but if a bitch hit me imma hit her back.  Give no fucks who she is"

"I agree with that" if you're able to put hands on somebody you're able to take whatever they do back "but I believe you should treat Jada better. That girl loves you"

"That girl is a dumb ass bitch" Young say "and she got her a nigga so we don't even have to talk"

"Y'all have a son" Nae point out

"We don't have to talk to parent. We never even talked about Bryce anyway" Young shrug "just gotta pick up and drop off"

"So no more Jada and Young" Nae ask

"Hell no" Young roll her eyes "it's fuck that bitch. That King nigga gone beat her ass"

"And you're going to allow that? You don't want Creed fucking Ari but you're going to let King beat Jada" Nae ask just for clarification "both of them had a kid for you"

"But not on the same level" Young say "I don't fuck with Jada but Ari she gone be untouched til I touch her"

She's been touched all over. Recently. "My last question, how's Amazon going"

"I hate that hot ass job, long ass shifts, people telling me what to do, and the pay" Young say

"Well, what do you like about it" Nae ask

"It keeps me out of jail" Young had the option to either get a job or go to school. Considering she never finished high school she just decided to get a job.

"Are you going to ever finish school" Nae ask

"I thought that was the last question? School is a waste of time. Jada graduated and look at that bitch. Getting fucked at Magic City and beat on at home" it actually bothers Kay that Jada is making poor decisions but she wouldn't admit it because that'll just show she cares "I didn't graduate and I feel like I do pretty good for myself. Well before the prison shit"

"Well if you like it I love it. It was nice talking to you" Nae say "have a nice rest of your day"


Bryce Jahleel Marrero born on July 17th and just turned four years old

"Hey Bryce" Nae smile. He's so adorable

"Hi" Bryce wave

"Your scar is healing nicely" he put his hand in his forehead

"I fell" Bryce say

"Fell where" Nae ask

"On my bike" Bryce say

Just as the words left his mouth Nae knew everybody would be back on the Free Kay train really soon "I thought it was the stairs"

Bryce hesitated. He couldn't keep up with the lie. Who would expect a four year old to be able to hold water like that? "The bike hit the stairs" he ask

"What happened? You aren't going to get in any trouble" Nae didn't want to pressure him to talk but she wanted to know the truth

Bryce picked at his arm. A trait he gets from Kay whenever she's lying or nervous "mommy and daddy was fighting and pushed me down the stairs"

Daddy? "So on accident" Nae ask

"Yeah but mommy said mama would get mad so I just was playing. That's what I told the doctor" Bryce say "and I had got ice cream"

Jada is honestly a dick chasing a bitch. She would be a way better parent if she stop making poor decisions when it comes to relationships. Even staying with Kay for so long was a shitty decision

"Do you like your daddy" Nae pry

Bryce shrugged "sometimes"

"Why not all" Nae ask

"He be mean to mommy" as stated Jada make horrible decisions because why are you letting your som see that? She can allow whatever to happen to her but in front of her son? Ignorant

"I'm sorry Bryce" Nae apologize

"Well now I be with Granny and Ari" Bryce smile. Since Kay went and got Bryce he has not been around Jada.

"Do you like Ari" Nae ask

"Yeah" Bryce say

"Do you want to live with her" Nae ask

Bruce shook his head "I want to be with mommy"

You can't blame him. Jada has been taking care of him since birth. She's really all he knows. He doesn't know any better.

"Did you tell your mama that" Nae ask

"She be mad" Bryce say "they don't get in the bed anymore"

"Do you like your mama" Nae ask

"Yeah so much" Bryce laugh

"That's good" Nae say "well that's all. You have a good day"

"You too" Bryce run out


Creed Smith born on May 23rd and is currently twenty two in the book!

"Hey Creed how are you" Nae ask

"I'm good and you" Creed ask

Tired. "I'm good too" Nae smile "so let's get right down to business, you and Ari"

Creeds smile got wider and she looked around "what about us"

"There is not us. Not just yet" Creed say

"Well, what are you waiting for" Nae ask "she's fine. No telling how long she's going to wait around"

"You know something I don't" Creed ask

"No it's just logic" Nae shrug

"I'm just trying to wait a little until at least this school year over. I be busy. College, college basketball, and work. I just can't give her the time she want" Creed say

"Okay sounds like your intentions are pure" Nae say

"Hell yeah! You don't find too many women like Ari these days. They never have jobs, too many kids, and just straight hoes" Creed say

"Seems to be what the niggas and studs prefer" Nae say

"Not this one" Creed say

"I don't have too many questions for you but the next one would have to be are you a fighter or not? At the game you informed you don't like to fight but you tried to fight Young as soon as she walked in" Nae point out

"Young is disrespectful" Creed say

"She hasn't even done anything yet" Nae say

"Walking into my girls house like that?" Creed say

"Literally just said it's no us" Nae say

"But we chilling. Like ain't nothing official just yet" Creed say

"You and Young have no reason to beef. It wouldn't end well" Nae say

"I'm not scared of that bitch" you shouldn't be scared of her but scared of what she's willingly to do. Creed trying to be big and bad and her ass gone end up on a shirt or either an amber alert for a kissing person

"Okay" Nae was going to leave it alone and let her find out herself. "So you and Ari finally had sex, how was it"

"Amazing! Ari's body is like top fucking tier. Her shit was so wet and sweet" Creed bite her bottom lip just thinking about it

"So was it just that once" Nae ask

"Yeah but that's going to change soon" Creed say

"She's the only person you entertaining" Creed shrugged her shoulders "what does that mean"

"She's the only person I'm sleeping with" Creed say

"Oh so you wining and dining someone else" Nae ask

"No" Creed say

"Because if you don't have time for Ari then how the fuck are you gone have time for another bitch" Nae ask

"It's only Ari" Creed laugh "I text a few girls but nothing serious. Nobody can say anything about that because her and Young always in each other face"

"Well you know they are still dealing with the list of their son" Nae say "they made him together so it's nice that they are dealing with it together"

"Not nice to me" Creed say "I know they be having sleepovers and shit. I'm sure that be Young bitch ass. Nigga just don't know boundaries"

If she wants the truth it would actually be Ari. Young can not be out past a certain time which means Ari sleeps over with her. Ari isn't in the wrong though because her and Creed are not together.

"Oh okay" Nae say "well it was nice talking to you"

"You too" Creed say


Kelsey Kidd is twenty four.

"Hey Kelsey, how have you been" Nae ask

"I've been good" Kelsey say

"Since you were fired from Ari's shop, what do you do for work" Nae ask

"I still do hair just not there" Kelsey shrug

"Oh okay but the real reason I have you today is pertaining to the comment you made, so, you and Young" Nae ask

"Fucked. Like twice" Kelsey shrug

"Does your babydaddy know that" Because they've been together for a good minute. There oldest child is six

"That's so messy Nae" Kelsey say

"You the one did it" Nae shrug "I'm just trying to get all the facts"

"No he doesn't know and he's not going to find out" the same babydaddy that's sleeping with Santana? The Santana that runs his mouth? As long as Ari doesn't find out Young fucked Kelsey and she doesn't tell her friends then the secret is safe.

"Oh well tell me something then" Nae laugh "and no way is your one year old by Young"

"Hell no" Kelsey say

"Okay just checking" Nae say "that's all I have for you today. I hope you live the life you deserve"

"The life we want and deserve are never the same" Kelsey say

"Sometimes. When you live right then you deserve the best" Nae say "if you don't think you should get the life you deserve then you need to do better"

"Bye" Kelsey mad ass get up and walk away. The truth hurts.


Dominique Coleman is twenty four.

"Hey Dominique" Nae say

"Hey" Dominique say

"I'm gone get right to the point, why when Young got locked up you completely disappeared" Nae ask

"I been chilling with Tae" Dominique shrug "thinking about being with him"

"Are y'all not together" Nae ask

"Nah I'm single. I just got out a relationship with my babymama. Plus Young just got out so we finna just be running the streets" Dominique say "don't nobody want to be in a relationship right now"

"But you literally just said you thinking about being with Tae" Dominique shrugged

"Not now" Dominique say "right now we just fucking" He smiled like it was something to brag on. It's all fun and games until Tae finds someone else.

"You have a good day" Nae no longer wanted to deal with foolishness.


Dionte 'Tae' Gray is twenty four.


Jada Simmons is twenty four.


Santana is twenty four.


Miracle Mitchell is twenty three


Desiree Fox is twenty five born on July first.

In the future expect a funeral, a fallout, legal issues, hospital visits, and drama of course. I'll even throw a wedding in here to balance it a little bit

Just to clear things up Kason is actually gone guys. It's no switch at birth and Ari's mom didn't play a part in him not being here.

Also I do see y'all asking for sex scenes but I don't know about that I honestly suck at them but I will try

Do y'all want more pictures & videos in the story?

And Ari does not eat Mayo! I said that at the beginning of the story but then towards the middle I messed it up. That small detail is going to come up again so if any do you guys decide to reread it please comment so I can go and change it

Just to clear the air commenting 'I'm not gone finish this book if blah blah' bitch don't finish the book then! At the end of the day this is my Wattpad account & I'm the author of this book! If I want everybody to die on a fucking boat that's what the fuck gone happen! & I do argue back in these comments and in messages I don't know what the fuck y'all think this is. If y'all want Ari & Kay together or for them to act a certain way then write your own shit! This is not for the ones that state their opinions (because I love that) it's the ones that forget who's the author

Now let's keep it the fuck cute 😊

Also I do apologize if I respond to your comment using the wrong pronouns. That's why I keep with the babe, bae, love, and things like that don't want to offend anybody

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