Book 7: The Deathly Hallows...

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Check the First Chapter for the Summary. Number 3 in #harrypotterandthedeathlyhallows المزيد

Goodbye... Old Friend
Sins of the Savior
Carefully Placed Trust
Language Barrier
Crushed Spirit
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Mayhem at the Ministry
The Great Escape from Godric's Hollow
A Blood Price
Gringotts Breakout
Return to Castle Hogwarts
Memento Mori
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
A Journey's End

Summaries and Admissions

3.7K 53 31
بواسطة VotingChipmunk

Summary of Previous Book:

"Using the power of Alchemy, Wizarding Prodigy (Y/N) (L/N) was able to make himself a set of false eyes so that no one would believe him to still be missing any eyes. It was mainly to fool his girlfriend's, Hermione Granger's, parents, as if they had seen him without any, they might have barred Hermione from returning to Hogwarts. He went to spend a few weeks of the Summer with Hermione at her mothers home, and after spending an intimate moment with his girlfriend and lover, both she and (Y/N) went to the Burrow, where their O.W.L. results arrived, and she had received all 'O's' while he had received all 'O+'s', which had never been achieved before in the history of Wizard-kind.

They went to Diagon Alley to get fitted for new robes and see how Fred and George were doing. Harry said Malfoy was up to something in Diagon Alley and had disappeared in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and while he had no proof that Malfoy was a Death Eater and operating under Voldemort's orders, they all believed him, but knew that going to a Teacher was pointless without it.

On the train ride to Hogwarts, (Y/N), Harry, and Neville all had been invited to have lunch with a new teacher, Horace Slughorn, in Compartment C. (Y/N) had deduced over the summer when Harry told them about the new Professor that he was to be the Potion's Master, since that was what Slughorn taught years ago. That, of course, made Severus Snape the teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts. Upon arriving at Hogsmeade Station, Harry was nowhere to be found, but Luna said she'd find him.

After getting to Hogwarts, they all noticed that Dumbledore's hand was black and looked dead.

During their first Potions lesson of the year, Slughorn showed them three potions: one was Veritaserum; one was Polyjuice Potion; the last was Amortentia, an incredibly powerful love potion, and one that you could smell what attracted you the most. He also showed off a Lucky Potion known as Felix Felicis, and that it was a prize for the student who performed best in class the first day. Slughorn had then set them to do their best attempt at creating a Draught of Living Death. The only one who had managed it was (Y/N), but he had no need for the Potion, so he gave it to Harry, who had done second best in the class, but only because of a book that had instructions in it, better instructions than the Official Book. It turned out that a previous owner had written in the book about how to best go about them. Hermione was angry, incredibly angry, that Harry had done better than her.

(Y/N) and Hermione both had resolved to sleep in the Room of Requirement together, as they were no longer able to sleep without the other's presence against them.

At their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, (Y/N) was given detention for defending Harry, who was not appreciative of his help in the slightest. He was made to clean Snape's classroom with a dirty rag, without magic. After Snape left, he chose to clean with magic, and read a book for the remaining time. Snape tried to give him detention again, but (Y/N) made him carefully reconsider that course of action.

Hagrid had been noticeably avoiding them, likely upset that they hadn't taken his class to N.E.W.T. level. (Y/N) would have had Hermione done so, but she didn't, so he didn't either. When they tried to apologize, Hagrid didn't answer the door, and (Y/N) said some nasty things, leaving to go back up to the Castle. Later, when Hermione retold what Hagrid said about Aragog dying, (Y/N) felt bad about what he had said, and would apologize to Hagrid.

The Quidditch Team proved to be popular, but that was only because Harry had been made Quidditch Captain. During the tryouts, Ron and Cormac McLaggen, a favorite of Slughorn's and an obnoxious Seventh Year, both had tried out for Keeper. McLaggen had missed the Fifth Quaffle, and Ron had saved all five Quaffles. (Y/N) had secretly intervened and caused McLaggen's broom to accelerate, causing him to miss it. He didn't feel bad about it at all.

Soon, Hermione's Birthday had arrived, and (Y/N) made it something special with a record player and dancing the evening away, making it her most memorable birthday ever, even beating out her Eleventh when she found out she was a Witch.

When the first Hogsmeade trip came up, they were all excited and enjoyed the outing. They met Slughorn in Honeydukes, where Harry managed to weasel out of another Dinner. They enjoyed a Butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks, and on their way back to the Castle, Katie and her friend Leanne began to argue, and Katie was suddenly in serious pain. She was taken to the Hospital Wing and the five of them were taken to McGonagall's office, but Leanne was allowed to go see Katie. While in McGonagall's office, Harry revealed who he thought had the necklace that affected Katie so, and he said that Malfoy was the cause for it. McGonagall was not so believing and she dismissed them.

When Harry had his first lesson with Dumbledore, he told them the next day about what he'd seen in a pensieve, a young Voldemort, before he was known as such. Hermione agreed that it was important to know everything about your enemy, and had kind of wished she'd gotten to see into the pensieve as well.

At the first Quidditch Match, Harry had pretended to give Ron some Felix Felicis, and in doing so, Ron was playing great because he was under the assumption he was just Lucky. It wasn't true, though, as Harry had not actually given him anything. When Ron and Lavender had stumbled out of the Common Room during the celebration of Gryffindor's victory, Hermione had wandlessly and nonverbally used little yellow birds to attack them both for interrupting her and (Y/N)'s conversation, which amazed (Y/N). She didn't do it again throughout the whole year, and he figured she didn't even realize she had managed to do so in the first place.

In December, just before the break, during Slughorn's Christmas Party, Hermione received devastating and Heartbreaking news; her parents, and their respective partners, had been killed by Death Eaters, as the Dark Mark was above the home. (Y/N) later knew this to not be the case as it was a member of the Brotherhood of Grim pretending to be a Death Eater.

Hermione had also found out, before that even happened, that Lavender was the one who sent that letter back in Third Year that almost caused permanent damage to (Y/N)'s face. She had read Lavender's Diary and decided to write her a letter in Ron's handwriting, which transported her to the Room of Requirement, where Hermione brutalized her before killing her.

After the funeral service for her parents, Hermione tried to let them rest by not thinking of them, but even she knew that would only work for so long. They had their first Apparition lesson in January as well, where no one really performed well, except for (Y/N), but he had no need for the lessons and did it only because Hermione was too. Lavender also never reappeared, and it got parents and students and teachers alike concerned.

Ron was poisoned with a bottle of Mead that was meant for Dumbledore in Slughorn's office on his birthday. Harry acted quickly with a Bezoar and saved his life. As Ron lay in the Hospital Wing, he croaked out Hermione's name, and (Y/N) was ready to kill him. The only reason he didn't was because Hermione stopped him. (Y/N) did return when Ron was awake and informed him that he was to drop his feelings for Hermione, or he would suffer severe consequences.

Ron missed the Quidditch Match, and McLaggen played in his place. During the match, he sent a Bludger at Harry, which landed him in the Hospital Wing. (Y/N) took over and after telling McLaggen to get back to the Goalposts, he tried the same thing, but (Y/N) flung the Bludger right back at him, landing McLaggen in the Hospital Wing, and ending the match against Hufflepuff by getting the Snitch.

Later in the month, there was another murder, but this one hit (Y/N) a little bit harder than it should have. Sybill Trelawney was murdered by Death Eaters, and Hermione noticed that her death weighed heavily on him.

Harry was tasked with retrieving a memory from Slughorn, one that had been altered, but he was proving to have great difficulty. He thought the answer was going to be in his copy of Advanced Potion-Making, but Hermione said the answer wouldn't be in there. They did come to the realization that Malfoy had been going to the Room of Requirement for whatever reason, which (Y/N) had been right about, but hadn't brought up in case he had been wrong.

Hermione eventually passed her Apparition Test in April and was super excited about it; Ron almost passed, but he left behind half an eyebrow, so he was failed for the Apparition test. Harry also ended up having to take Felix Felicis to persuade Slughorn to give him the memory, which he did at Aragog's burial.

It was revealed by Dumbledore to Harry that Horcruxes were what allowed Voldemort to attain some sense of immortality and that killing his physical body would not have been wise. It'd have been like it had when Voldemort disappeared the first time. (Y/N) acknowledged this and was no longer upset about Dumbledore stopping him from killing Voldemort, but he really wished he had been told way beforehand.

A few days before the match against Ravenclaw, Harry and (Y/N) tailed Malfoy to a bathroom where Harry tested out a new, deadly spell. It was called Sectumsempra, and Malfoy almost died from the usage. Snape gave Harry detention every Saturday until the end of term, and (Y/N) gave him a broken nose.

(Y/N) played in the Match against Ravenclaw and Gryffindor won by a landslide, whereafter Ginny and Harry kissed. (Y/N) couldn't help the smile on his face despite being angry at Harry.

On a day in June when Dumbledore told Harry he had found another Horcrux, the both had left the Castle, and after a while of them being gone, (Y/N) had a bad feeling, and left the Common Room to follow Draco Malfoy. He followed him up to the Astronomy Tower and after some back and forth between Malfoy and Dumbledore, Snape entered, but just as he raised his wand to kill Dumbledore, (Y/N) beat him to it, but everyone thought it was Snape.

He knew he could never let anyone know it was truly he who killed Dumbledore, even though it was all part of Dumbledore's plan, but one thing Dumbledore failed to account for, at least far as (Y/N) was concerned, was that Snape was a Triple Agent, and was in fact not on Dumbledore's side. (Y/N) also didn't think Snape was on Voldemort's side either, truth be told, but where Snape's true allegiance lied, he knew not.

After Dumbledore was buried, (Y/N) went back to Merlin's Tower, where he went down to the Family Tree room and found a Stone Casket. Inside the Stone Casket had been a skeleton, and the hand of the skeleton had been broken. He had suddenly been attacked from behind, and Joseph Mills revealed himself to be a Bastard Child of the Ambrosius Bloodline. He stripped (Y/N) of all of his powers that Merlin's Bloodline had, including the power of being his True Heir.

(Y/N) had become afraid for the third time in his life since his adoptive parents died, one by his own hand. He went to wait for Hermione up in the Main Room of the Tower, and even though he didn't want to, he was going to have to tell her what happened, and that scared him most of all.

(Y/N)=Your Name
(L/N)=Last Name
(F/N)=Father's Name
(M/N)=Mother's Name
(W/W)=Wand Wood (Only one Wood)
(W/L)=Wand Length
(W/C)=Wand Core (Only one Core)
(W/F)=Wand Flexibility
(E/C)=Eye Color
(H/C)=Hair Color
(S/C)=Skin Color (if it ever comes up, it may not, but just in case ;) )
(P/N)=Pet's Name

As always, no copyright infringement is ever intended.

(A/N) Hello and welcome to the Final Book in my Harry Potter Fanfiction series! This has been a long time coming (at least it feels like it). I only started writing Book 1 back in March of 2021, and here in February of 2023, Book 7 is starting. I've got great things planned for this book, and I hope you all can enjoy what I've got planned. Some things per Wattpad Community Guidelines will have to be either toned back, or just hinted at, but don't worry, the point will still be made, and much blood will be spilled.

Also, did I go overboard on that Summary? Maybe, but I don't care XD Was it also all over the place? Yes, yes it was.

With that out of the way, on with the first Chapter!

(Y/N) was sitting in the chair next to the fireplace, awaiting his girlfriend's arrival, ignoring Merlin as he tried to talk to him. The Tower had never felt colder to him, never felt less safe. Joseph Mills was right, he had become heavily reliant on the power of Merlin's Bloodline.

He stood abruptly. There was something he had to test. He hurried to the roof, where the practice range was for spellcasting, and saw three dummies. They always regenerated or replaced themselves, so they were always there. He had his wand in his right hand, but he raised his empty left hand. He thought of Diffindo, and to his dismay, nothing happened. His ability to do wandless magic had been stripped from him. He raised his wand hand and thought of the spell again. To his complete relief, the spell was cast correctly, 'At least I still have nonverbal magic...' He raised his wand again and decided to voice the spell, with all of his power, "CONFRINGO!"

There was an explosion, as expected, being that it was the Blasting Curse. However, once the dust settled, the dummy was entirely gone, but the stand underneath it remained. (Y/N)'s heart sank; he truly had lost the power of Merlin's Bloodline. That wasn't to say that the power of Grindelwald wasn't there, but he'd never used it before. For all he knew, Joseph Mills had taken that from him, too.

"(Y/N)?" A voice called his name from behind. The voice was gentle and full of concern. He slowly turned and saw a recognizable head of Bushy Brown Hair; the hair he loved the feel of. The hair belonged to Hermione Granger, his girlfriend and lover in life. "(Y/N), what's wrong? Merlin said you wouldn't talk to him... will you talk to me?" She walked up to him and looked into his eyes; even though they weren't real, she still saw the broken man behind them, and that almost broke her heart to see him in that state.

"Did you get anything that was missed?" (Y/N) asked, dodging her question, which annoyed her, but she would come back around to it soon.

"No, we got everything the first time... come on," she said, gently grabbing his wrist and pulling on it, "let me go make you some tea." He didn't argue as he let himself be led back into the Tower. Hermione looked at Merlin, and the look alone told him not to ask any question yet. She set him at the table in the little dining area and started to make a pot of tea. While it was being made, she went back to sit with him, "Please... talk to me..."

"Joseph Mills... he was here in the Tower..." (Y/N) said, his voice quiet, but it still carried into the living area, "he's a bastard child of the Ambrosius Bloodline, it's why he was able to get into the Tower..." his voice cracked, "he got the drop on me... he stripped me of all of my powers that I gained from being a member of the Ambrosius Bloodline, and being Merlin's True Heir..." Tears started to fall from his eyes, admitting his failure to his girlfriend.

The look on her face was one of trying to process what was just said. Merlin, on the other hand, was shocked that someone else had been in the Tower, and he had not been aware of it.

(Y/N) suddenly raised his fist and slammed it onto the table, "GOD DAMMIT!" The kettle went off at that moment, whistling and deafening any other sound nearby.

Hermione hurried over to it and removed it from the stovetop; setting it on the counter and pouring the contents into a cup before adding a tea bag. She took the cup back to (Y/N), "Here, this should help," she said, "if it wouldn't take so long, I'd just make you a Calming Draught... but that takes forty minutes to brew..."

(Y/N), with shaking hands, lifted the cup to his lips, taking a sip of the tea, "This is good..." he said in a hoarse voice, giving her an ugly smile from where he was still sad and angry with himself, and where he was still crying. "He had Merlin's wand..."

"What?" Hermione asked, not following what he had said.

"The wand in my casket?" Merlin asked.

"Yeah... that's why he was able to use it... wh-why he was able to take my powers away..." (Y/N) said, calmer than he was moments ago, but still far from his normal state.

"Oh, (Y/N), I'm so sorry..." Hermione said.

"I'm glad you weren't here..." (Y/N) said to her, "I wouldn't have been able to protect you, Hermione..." his voice was quiet, "and that's something I never want to think about again..." 'But it's inevitable since I am quite literally just a fraction of my power...'

"It is probably for the better that I wasn't around... this Joseph Mills is a man I really don't want to meet..." she looked meaningfully at (Y/N), "Come on, let's go and shower... don't take this the wrong way, but you look like you could use one."

He glanced down at himself, "Yeah..." he cleared his throat, "I guess I do..." He took another gulp of the tea and stood up with Hermione as she led him to the bathroom.


Hermione had never seen (Y/N) in his current state ever before. He said he had something to do involving Alchemy from Dawn to Dusk, stopping periodically to eat, bathe, and sleep, but he wasn't going to let her in on what; "Not yet," he had told her when she inquired about it last week. She had already been with him nearing the end of the second week. The end of next week they'd be going to Four Privet Drive to escort Harry by Broomstick so that they can arrive at the Burrow, where he would spend his Seventeenth Birthday, and they'd enjoy Bill and Fleur's wedding there.

By the time Saturday rolled around for the official end of the second week, she walked back up to him, "(Y/N), will you now tell me what you're doing?"

He didn't say anything. His face was one of great focus. She sat down on the opposite end of his alchemy equipment, watching him work. She almost fell asleep when he seemed to finally be done. She stood up and walked around to see what he had. She glimpsed two small, spherical objects, and she gasped.

"(Y/N)? A-Are those...?" She asked without properly asking.

"I'm hoping they are," he said, reaching up to his current eyes, taking them out of his eye sockets. Hermione quickly compared the ones that he made last year to the ones he made this year, and she noticed an insanely subtle difference; the new ones had a weird pattern on the back of them, like where the Optic Nerve was supposed to connect to the eye. He picked up one of the new eyes, putting it in properly with the pupil facing outward. He didn't open his eyelids until both eyes were seated properly. She saw him hesitate in opening his eyes. He was afraid they didn't work. She placed a hand on his and he jumped a little; he wasn't expecting it. That gave her hope. He finally opened them, his vision was blurry, and he saw the hand upon his, though it was still blurry, he knew Hermione's hand never left his. He followed the arm up to who it belonged to as his vision came more and more into focus. When he finally made out the details of his girlfriend as she stood next to where he was sitting, he began to cry tears of complete joy. He embraced Hermione as he placed his left ear on her chest, shaking her and himself as he cried.

Hermione, taken slightly aback at first, calmed down and soothingly brushed her fingers through his luscious hair. She tried to calm him gently, but with how loud his sobs were, she knew he wasn't hearing her, "It's okay, (Y/N)."

"I-I n-n-never thought I'd s-see you again w-with my own eyes e-e-ever again!" He sobbed out, holding Hermione tighter, never wanting to let her go.

She found that she was having a slightly difficult time breathing, but she wasn't going to ruin this moment for him. She dealt with it, because it was him, and she would do Anything for Him. 'I've already started by killing Lavender... he's been doing Anything for me since our First Year... it's only fair that I do so in kind... even if he doesn't know about it...'

It was a little bit later when (Y/N) finally calmed down, but when he did, he lifted his head off her chest and looked up at her face; He took in every single feature of her face with both of his eyes. It was one thing to look at her with one eye, but to see with both eyes again got him emotional beyond belief.

"I was afraid I was going to go blind before I got these eyes to work."

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked, confused.

"The only reason I could see without eyes was because of my powers as Merlin's True Heir. When Joseph Mills took them away from me, it wasn't immediate, but my vision was starting to fade, and I knew if I didn't work quickly, I was going to be completely blind, and I'd have been absolutely no use to you..." his breathing was uneven, and he was trying to get it under control, but he was failing in doing so.

"Oh, (Y/N)," Hermione said and hugged his head back against her bosom. His face was kind of just squished against her chest, and when she realized it, she wished her chest was actually bigger for him. 'It'd probably be more comfortable for him if my breasts were bigger... instead he's pressed against what little breasts I have... I should let go of his head, it's probably not comfortable at all...' Hermione let go of his head, her face red with embarrassment, "S-Sorry..."

"No, don't worry about it..." he said, standing up and seeing that her shirt was covered with tear stains, "I love everything about you... because you're amazing, just the way you are."

She felt her face burning, "You're awful, that was so bad."

"How is it bad?" He asked playfully.

"Because you're bad," Hermione said with a smirk.

"I thought I was awful?" He asked again.

"Stop," Hermione said, unable to stop her laughter, "You're too much!"

"I must congratulate you," Merlin said to him, "you achieved what no one else in the field of Alchemy has. Making real, working eyes, you'll be known in every Alchemy Book as the First to make real, working eyes!"

Hermione looked from Merlin to (Y/N), "Just another thing my amazing boyfriend will be known for."

They shared a passionate, loving kiss. The Summer might have started off disastrous, but at least they both could share a small victory for (Y/N) being able to see with his own two eyes again.

(A/N) Enjoy the Double Upload, with how short Chapter 1 ended up being, I knew it would be frustrating to read so little, so here ya go :P

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Book 6 lets get started, I've gotten such great feedback about this and I'm really excited to continue it!
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Check the First Chapter for the Summary.
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it's @/emily_elizabeth_fowl 's work. summary in the prologue. happy reading :)